3 minute read
EIE Group becomes CFAO Equipment
from IMIESA April 2022
by 3S Media
AECOM siphokuhle.dlamini@aecom.com AFI Consult banie@afri-infra.com Alake Consulting Engineers lunga@alakeconsulting.com ARRB Systems info@arrbsystemssa.com Asla Construction (Pty) Ltd johanv@asla.co.za BMK Group brian@bmkgroup.co.za Bosch Projects (Pty) Ltd mail@boschprojects.co.za BVI Consulting Engineers marketing@bviho.co.za CCG puhumudzo@ccgsytems.co.za / info@ccgsystems.co.za Corrosion Institute of Southern Africa secretary@corrosioninstitute.org.za Dlamindlovu Consulting Engineers & Project Managers info@dlami-ndlovu.co.za EFG Engineers eric@efgeng.co.za Elster Kent Metering Mark.Shamley@Honeywell.com EMS Solutions paul@emssolutions.co.za ERWAT mail@erwat.co.za GIBB marketing@gibb.co.za GIGSA secretary@gigsa.org GLS Consulting nicky@gls.co.za Gorman Rupp Cordeiro@gormanrupp.co.za Gudunkomo Investments & Consulting info@gudunkomo.co.za Hatch Africa (Pty) Ltd info@hatch.co.za HB Glass Filter Media info@hardybulkinglass.com Herrenknecht schiewe.helene@herrenknecht.de Huber Technology cs@hubersa.com Hydro-comp Enterprises info@edams.co.za Infrachamps Consulting info@infrachamps.co.za INFRATEC info@infratec.co.za IQHINA Consulting Engineers & Project Managers info@iqhina.co.za iX engineers (Pty) Ltd hans.k@ixengineers.co.za JBFE Consulting (Pty) Ltd issie@jbfe.co.za JG Afrika DennyC@jgafrika.com KABE Consulting Engineers info@kabe.co.za Kago Consulting Engineers kagocon@kago.co.za Kantey & Templer (K&T) Consulting Engineers ccherry@ct.kanteys.co.za Kitso Botlhale Consulting Engineers info@kitsobce.co.za KSB Pumps and Valves (Pty) Ltd salesza@ksb.com KUREMA Engineering (Pty) Ltd info@kurema.co.za Lektratek Water general@lwt.co.za Makhaotse Narasimulu & Associates mmakhaotse@mna-sa.co.za Malani Padayachee & Associates (Pty) Ltd admin@mpa.co.za Maragela Consulting Engineers admin@maragelaconsulting.co.za Mariswe (Pty) Ltd neshniec@mariswe.com Martin & East gbyron@martin-east.co.za M & C Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd info@mcconsulting.co.za Mhiduve adminpotch@mhiduve.co.za Much Asphalt bennie.greyling@muchasphalt.com Mvubu Consulting & Project Managers miranda@mvubu.net NAKO ILISO lyn.adams@nakogroup.com Nyeleti Consulting naidoot@nyeleti.co.za Odour Engineering Systems mathewc@oes.co.za Prociv Consulting & Projects Management amarunga@prociv.co.za Rainbow Reservoirs quin@rainbowres.com Re-Solve Consulting (Pty) Ltd maura@re-solve.co.za Ribicon Consulting Group (Pty) Ltd info@ribicon.co.za Royal HaskoningDHV francisg@rhdv.com SABITA info@sabita.co.za SAFRIPOL mberry@safripol.com SAGI annette@sagi.co.za SALGA info@salga.org.za SAPPMA admin@sappma.co.za / willem@sappma.co.za SARF administrator@sarf.org.za.co.za SBS Water Systems marketing@sbstanks.co.za Sembcorp Siza Water info-sizawater@sembcorp.com Silulumanzi Antoinette.Diphoko@silulumanzi.com SiVEST SA info@sivest.co.za Sizabantu Piping Systems (Pty) Ltd gregl@sizabantupipingsystems.com Sky High Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd info@shconsultong.co.za SKYV Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd kamesh@skyv.co.za Smartlock jp.alkema@smartlock.net SMEC capetown@smec.com Southern African Society for Trenchless Technology director@sasst.org.za SRK Consulting jomar@srk.co.za Star Of Life Emergency Trading CC admin@staroflife.co.za Syntell julia@syntell.co.za TECROVEER (Pty) Ltd info@tecroveer.co.za TPA Consulting roger@tpa.co.za V3 Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd info@v3consulting.co.za VIP Consulting Engineers esme@vipconsulting.co.za VNA info@vnac.co.za Water Institute of Southern Africa wisa@wisa.org.za Wam Technology CC support@wamsys.co.za Wilo South Africa marketingsa@wilo.co.za WRCON ben@wrcon.co.za WRP ronniem@wrp.co.za WSP Group Africa ansia.meyer@wsp.com Zutari Rashree.Maharaj@Zutari.com CFAO Equipment solutions for the market include Toyota Forklift products
Effective 1 April 2022, the EIE Group in South Africa will be known as CFAO Equipment. This follows the acquisition of the company from enX Group by CFAO South Africa, a leading provider of integrated mobility solutions across the automotive value chain.
Andrew Velleman, CEO of CFAO South Africa, says the venture will be beneficial for both companies, extending CFAO South Africa’s market offerings to include the supply of materials handling and warehouse equipment from reputable global manufacturers that include Toyota Forklift.
“The acquisition is an exciting opportunity to leverage the organisation’s extensive industry expertise. To be a part of CFAO South Africa will strengthen our position as the market leader in Southern Africa,” says
Vuyokazi Bangazi, national sales manager, EIE Group.
CFAO Equipment in South Africa now forms part of a larger CFAO Equipment network of 34 countries across Africa. Until now, CFAO South Africa has been operating through: • CFAO Motors South Africa: one of the most comprehensive automotive dealer networks of multibrand dealerships in the country. • Toyota Tsusho Africa: a trading and supply chain management specialist company that delivers a range of value-adding solutions for the South
African automotive manufacturing industry. • Africa Mobility Solutions: the official channel responsible for the export and import of vehicles and parts in Africa, particularly Toyota, Hino and Suzuki.
“I am proud that we are integrating the network and expertise of such a reputable industrial equipment supplier into our business. We welcome to
CFAO South Africa a workforce of more than 1 200 highly skilled members who share the same priority: to provide value to our customers and their operations,” says Velleman.
“The evolution of the company to form CFAO Equipment will have no operational impact on our loyal customers. We will continue to provide the world-class products and services to the materials handling and warehousing industry that we have become synonymous with. CFAO South Africa remains committed to transformation and is planning a new BBBEE transaction for
CFAO Equipment to retain the current transformation rating,” he continues.
“We look forward to this next step in the progression of our business and believe that this is only the beginning of a mutually rewarding relationship that will result in new levels of success,” Velleman concludes.