23 minute read

Prospects of nuclear in SA’s energy mix

Although the dream of South Africa becoming an international player in the area of nuclear

energy has not yet materialised, the country still has the only nuclear-driven power station on the continent. Sadly, no new nuclear plants before 2030 have been listed as electricity generating technologies in the IRP 2019.


By Knox Msebenzi*

South Africa’s Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant (KNPP), the only nuclear power plant on the continent, opened in 1984 and has since provided electricity reliably and consistently.

In around 2007, Eskom got permission to have as much as 20 GW of new nuclear power installed. The approach adopted by government was not so much to procure nuclear power plants, but to build a capability by localising the industry in an aggressive way. This is when the Nuclear Industry Association of South Africa (NIASA) was formed.

The vision was that, like South Korea, South Africa would become a major player in the nuclear supply chain all over the world and perhaps even an exporter of the technology in its own right. This dream was on the brink of materialising with the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor (PBMR), when a political decision to terminate the programme was taken.

Nuclear power in the IRP

The Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) of 2010–2030 made provision for a reduced amount of nearly 10 GW, owing mainly to the entrance of renewable energy (RE) as a and local non-governmental and civic organisations, whose thrust was to lump nuclear technology with coal as anathema to the environment and therefore argue that nuclear technology be excluded.

new source of power, largely embraced by the international community riding the wave of climate change and other environmental considerations of sustainability.

The energy mix debate in South Africa attracted a lot interest from international

Nuclear power and renewable energy should not be seen as competitors, but as complementary. All the BRICS countries are seriously pursuing both nuclear and RE.

Anti-nuclear sentiment

The environmental argument was augmented with the

anti-fossil-fuel lobby, cost issues and the linkage to corruption labelled against nuclear. A figure of R1 trillion was quoted by the media as being the cost of nuclear. This figure was accepted by many as fact.

There has also been a narrative that equated nuclear with corruption. All in all, the debate was highly politicised, with all manner of people leading the debate as experts on energy, while in many instances the real experts were prevented by protocol from discussing the topic publicly. The anti-nuclear lobby was thus somewhat successful in waging a protracted campaign to get nuclear thrown out of the IRP, and the Draft IRP of 2018 reflected only 2.5 GW of new nuclear by 2030.

The IRP 2019 states, “In the period prior to 2030, the system requirements are largely for incremental capacity addition (modular) and flexible technology.” The 2.5 GW initially contemplated in the IRP 2018 does not appear, as government is emphasising the approach of small modular reactors, in keeping with the principle of doing it “at a scale and pace that flexibly responds to the economy and associated electricity demand.”

It also states that upfront planning with regard to additional nuclear capacity is requisite, given the greater than 10-year lead time, for timely

decision-making and implementation. In addition to this, the government has decided to extend the life of KNPP.

In view of this, nuclear does not appear in the new additional capacity up to 2030, but the policy is very clear that work must begin forthwith to realise this goal. NIASA also believes that it would be wise to have a contingency plan to add reliable baseload power should the 2.5 GW Inga Hydroelectric Scheme be either delayed or not materialise. Furthermore, as we decommission coal plants, they should be replaced by another source of reliable, dispatchable power.

Water-energy nexus

The water-energy nexus identified in the IRP 2019 offers a huge opportunity for further nuclear expansion. South Africa is endowed with uranium (and other potential nuclear fuels) and the conjunctive deployment of small modular reactors in coastal areas for electricity generation and water desalination is a low-hanging fruit. Water is a commodity that, unlike electricity, can be stored easily.

South Africa’s coastal areas currently receive power mainly from Mpumalanga. If nuclear plants were to be built in these coastal areas, any plant failures on the remaining coal-fired power stations could be mitigated by load-shedding water desalination capacity, without installing any additional transmission capacity.

We believe that if sufficient capacity were installed, it would be possible to turn certain areas in the Northern Cape and Karoo into green zones. A number of Middle Eastern countries could provide ample and appropriate case studies for South Africa to emulate.

Flexibility of supply

One of the criticisms of nuclear power plants is that they are inflexible. It is because they are designed that way. Since it makes no difference, cost wise, to run at 30% or 100% capacity, why would one want to reduce the power output? Nuclear power stations are designed to run flat out, at full power. However, the French power system, with its high proportion of nuclear in the energy mix, has some nuclear plants designed to be flexible enough to enable a load-following capability.

Benefits of a nuclear build programme

The expansion of nuclear power generation in South Africa would provide the necessary bedrock to further develop many other nuclear technologies that are not power related. Examples that come to mind are applications in medicine, agriculture and industry. In the case of medicine, the wellknown radio isotope manufacturing plant at Pelindaba is a salient example.

Nuclear technologies are also used in a variety of applications in disease control and the irradiation of fruit and vegetables to extend their shelf life. Scaling down the nuclear power programme may have an undesirable, negative knock-on effect on other nuclear technologies.

As the undisputed industrial leader on the continent, South Africa should lead the way by strengthening its civil nuclear capability. Many African countries have either embarked, or are about to embark, on some nuclear programme. It is no secret that they would be looking for assistance in doing so. This would provide business opportunities for the country to export skills and expertise. NIASA, therefore, believes the future of nuclear is very bright.

*Knox Msebenzi is the managing director of the Nuclear Industry Association of South Africa (NIASA).

Considering the consequences of Covid-19

The construction industry, like many others, was dramatically affected by South Africa’s hard lockdown, with all non-critical construction sites shut down. By Danielle Petterson

While many professionals in the built environment may have been able to work from home during the lockdown, they were likely unable to earn money for their professional services, which are usually charged on the progress of the project on-site.

Furthermore, pipeline projects still in the planning phase will be faced with massive uncertainty, which may further constrain the earning potential for all professionals, notes Larry Feinberg, executive director, Association of South African Quantity Surveyors.

However, the construction industry also has the potential to create employment opportunities to cushion the impact of the anticipated increase in unemployment in the immediate aftermath of the lockdown.

Task team established

In a bid to collectively unlock relief measures for the industry, several key industry bodies came together to form the Construction Covid-19 Rapid Response Task Team (CCRR19TT), namely: Master Builders South Africa (MBSA), Association of South African Quantity Surveyors (ASAQS), Western Cape Property Development Forum (WCPDF), South African Institute of Architects, Black Business Council in the Built Environment (BBCBE), Consulting Engineers South Africa, Association of Construction Project Managers, South African Institution of Civil Engineering, South African Black Technical and Allied Careers Organisation, South African Women in Construction, The Concrete Institute of South Africa, Cox Yeats Attorneys, and Master Builders KwaZuluNatal as the convener. Among others, the task team intends to: • explore relief measures specific to the sector • support emergency procurement for the next 12 months • engage government on 30-day payments • partner with the public and private sectors on infrastructure development.

Lockdown effects

With the construction industry already under immense pressure prior to the lockdown, Gregory Mofokeng, CEO, BBCBE, says that a significant number of companies may not survive the tough post-lockdown conditions, with many likely to opt for either voluntary liquidation or business rescue.

Deon van Zyl, chairperson, WCPDF, believes that built environment professions, such as constructors (civil and building), artisans and, most importantly, labourers, will feel the immediate impact of the lockdown the most. “An industry that normally functions on a no-work, no-pay formula is seeing its labour force really suffer,” he says.

Van Zyl expects the commercial property sector to experience follow-on consequences from the lockdown, as developers struggle to find end users and development finance comes under pressure.

The impact on SMMEs is of great concern. “Should the SMMEs be confronted with the same set of circumstances as prior to the advent of Covid-19, there will be a significant number of casualties. Sadly, this loss of capacity will also impact negatively on the sector’s ability to create the muchneeded jobs in our sector and our economy,” comments Mofokeng.

Van Zyl calls for short-term relief to be increased and the formalisation of these SMMEs into the supply chain process to ensure survival and future growth.

Suggested measures

In consultation with its members, BBCBE has put forward a number of interventions for consideration. The first is that government and private sector clients should pay invoices in the system with immediate effect to release much-needed cash flow to the sector.

BBCBE has also called for loan repayment holidays and a fast-tracked process for contractual disputes, which Mofokeng says are likely to increase as a result of the lockdown. Implementation of a specific procurement regime should be used to expedite public sector projects.

The WCPDF has called for the removal of red tape and legislative alignment across all spheres of government. “The WCPDF calls on all IMESA members in their various roles to actively participate in the breakdown of red tape and to help the public sector return to economic growth through the proactive provision of infrastructure and fast-tracking of investment-related decision-making. We call on government and the private sector to enter into a real partnership of growth-driven investment,” says Van Zyl.

A model for economic recovery

One of the first steps taken by CCRR19TT was to motivate for a phased reactivation of the construction sector during lockdown, under strict safety requirements. The task team also called for the activation of planned public infrastructure spending as announced in the medium-term expenditure framework.

“It is an undisputed fact that any country that implements counter-cyclical economic

measures has to have infrastructure investment in its toolkit. The construction industry has one of the highest multiplier effects comparatively speaking and government – in its quest to boost the economy and employment creation – has to prioritise investment in infrastructure,” says Mofokeng.

Feinberg concurs, stating that numerous studies have provided empirical evidence to support the idea that investment in infrastructure directly links to the economic growth of a nation.

“No doubt we will look back at the Covid19 crisis as a seminal moment in the country’s history. It will either be the point where structural reforms are agreed upon and implemented, and where qualified professionals are finally empowered to do what they were trained to do, or the point where final breakdown occurred,” concludes Van Zyl.

The essential role of construction ergonomics

Construction ergonomics is a subset of health and safety (H&S), although some ergonomists may argue to the contrary. This article is intended to provide a brief overview of the subject.

By Professor John Smallwood*

According to La Dou 1 , ergonomics (from the Greek ergon, ‘to work’, and nomos, ‘study of’) is literally

the study of work, or the work system, including the worker, their tools, and their workplace. He states that “it is an applied science concerned with people’s characteristics that need to be considered in designing and arranging things that they use in order that people and things will interact most effectively and safely.” Since the first study conducted by the

author in 1996, a standard research question has addressed the frequency at which 18 ergonomics problems are experienced. Climbing and descending, the use of body force, handling heavy materials, exposure to noise, bending or twisting the back, reaching away from the body, reaching overhead, handling heavy equipment, working in awkward positions, repetitive movements, and vibrating tools and equipment predominate.

The structure, roof, cladding, installation of services, and ceilings predominate in terms of the elements of buildings.

The impact of poor construction ergonomics

Poor ergonomics results in a range of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), and sprains and strains predominate in terms of workdays lost, which result in ill-health and absenteeism. Inadequate working platforms and other access marginalise productivity and quality, which contribute to delays and increased costs.

Stages of projects

Construction ergonomics issues arise during the six stages of projects, namely project initiation and briefing (S1), concept and feasibility (S2), design development (S3), tender documentation and procurement (S4), construction documentation and management (S5), and project close-out (S6).

The decision regarding the type of building, live loads and height, which are considered as early as S1, influence the choice of structural frame, which affects construction ergonomics due to the implications of reinforced concrete or structural steel frames. Therefore, construction ergonomics can be influenced more during the earlier than the later stages.

The role of clients in construction ergonomics

In terms of the Construction Regulations, clients are required to, among other things: prepare a baseline risk assessment (BRA); prepare an H&S specification based on the BRA; provide the designer with the H&S specification; and include the H&S specification in the tender documents. In theory, the tender documents’ H&S specification should schedule the residual hazards, ergonomics included, on projects – e.g. mass of heavy materials such as 390 mm x 190 mm x 190 mm two-cell concrete blocks, and 1 m long precast concrete kerbs.

Project-managing construction ergonomics

Construction project managers (CPMs) should address construction ergonomics during all six stages, commencing with the project brief and charter during project initiation and briefing (S1), through constructability reviews during concept and feasibility (S2), and design development (S3), facilitating and reviewing financial provision during tender documentation and procurement (S4), screening the H&S plan before commencement of construction (S5), and reviewing contractor interventions in the form of training, such as H&S induction and toolbox talks. CPMs’ close-out reports (S6) should flag design-originated construction ergonomics hazards.

Designing for construction ergonomics

Concept design, detail design, shape of structure, structural frame, enclosing fabric, details, specification of materials, and method of fixing, among others, all impact on construction ergonomics. Ceiling spaces, vertical ducts and the position of fittings affect access during construction and maintenance. Therefore, design hazard identification and risk assessment (HIRA) and constructability reviews are necessary to mitigate any negative impact on construction ergonomics and in the fulfilment of designers’ duties in terms of the Construction Regulations.

Should designers not be able to modify the design or make use of substitute materials, where the design necessitates the use of dangerous procedures or materials hazardous to H&S, then their ‘designer’ report that is required to be submitted to the client should schedule the residual hazards on projects. These in turn should be included in the tender documentation’s H&S specification.

Materials, plant and equipment manufacturers

Materials and equipment manufacturers should be mindful of unit size, mass, centroid, surface area, sectional area, constituents, texture and edges. Furthermore, the form of materials’ packaging affects offloading and site handling. Other interventions such as the provision of handholds can facilitate the handling of blocks.

Plant manufacturers should be conscious and mindful of unit size, mass, centroid, noise and other emissions, and potential hand-arm and whole-body vibration.

Financial provision for construction ergonomics

Quantity surveyors and cost engineers should facilitate adequate contractor financial provision for construction H&S, including ergonomics, in bills of quantities, as detailed ‘H&S Preliminaries’. Doing so will ‘level the playing field’ upon tender evaluation, engender adequate contractor financial provision for construction H&S, and facilitate the client’s duty to ‘ensure adequate financial provision’ for H&S.

The role of construction H&S agents (CHSAs) in ergonomics

CHSAs should be appointed at project initiation and briefing stage, and should address construction ergonomics during all six stages. Primary contributions should include: inputs to the project brief and charter, BRA, and H&S specifications for designers and contractors; review of the ‘designer’ report and design HIRA process; ad-hoc design HIRA; constructability reviews; review of the principal contractors’ (PCs’) financial provision for construction H&S, and selected PCs’ and subcontractors’ H&S plans; monthly H&S audits; and a project close-out report.

The construction process

Contractors can substantially influence construction ergonomics through planning, which includes budgeting resources, programming that affects the sequencing of activities, site layout, circulation routes and roads, temporary works design, vertical access, HIRA and safe work procedures (SWPs), selecting methods and plant and equipment, mechanisation, walkways and access platforms and plant, and handling and positioning of materials. Pre-tender and pre-contract planning are therefore a prerequisite.

Training, optimum coordination of activities and contributors, organising of workplaces, maintenance of plant and equipment, and housekeeping should follow planning.

For further information, please send an email to john.smallwood@mandela.ac.za or phone +27 (0)83 659 2492.

*Professor John Smallwood works in the Department of Construction Management at Nelson Mandela University.


1 La Dou, J. 1994. Occupational Health &

Plaster’s crucial ingredient

Sand is the major constituent of plaster and has a significant influence on its performance and material cost, says Bryan Perrie, managing director, The Concrete Institute (TCI).

South Africa's context, where natural sands – such as pit, river and dune sands – are almost invariably used, requires plaster sands to be free of organic matter such as roots, seeds, twigs and humus. This is essential in the case of white or pigmented plasters, Perrie advises.

Any sand being considered for plaster work should ideally comply with SANS 1090, which has requirements to limit organic impurities, clay content and other

If a sand includes lumps that are not easily broken between the fingers, it is not ideal for use in plaster

requirements. However, it has been found that sands meeting this standard do not necessarily produce satisfactory plaster. Conversely, sands that do not meet the standard may produce acceptable mixes.

If a sand includes lumps that are not easily broken between the fingers, it is not ideal for use in plaster. If such a sand must be used, then all lumps should be removed by sieving.

Crusher sands are not generally suitable for use in plaster due to their angular particle shape, although they have been successfully used in rich mixes for special applications, such as the plastering of squash court walls and pipe linings. Limestone or marble crusher sands are commonly used, with white cement, for plastering swimming pool shells.

Perrie says the use of ash as aggregate is not recommended unless it has been thoroughly tested and proven to be sound. Specialist advice should also be sought if there is any doubt about the content and type of clay in plaster sand.

“Ideally, the sand should have a continuous grading – from dust up to the

Bryan Perrie, managing director, TCI

largest particles. The fractions passing the 0.150 mm and 0.075 mm sieves (fines) are important because they significantly influence the water requirement, workability and water retentivity of the mix,” he explains.

Fines quality control

Increasing these fractions results in an increased water requirement with consequent lower strength and higher shrinkage but improves workability and water retentivity. The optimum fines content is therefore a compromise between these properties.

For plasters, a sand lacking in fines may be used with hydrated builder’s lime, mortar plasticiser or masonry cement, or it may be blended with a fine filler sand. Sand with a good grading is likely to be suitable for use with CEM l or CEM ll A cements without the addition of builder’s lime or

other products. A sand with excessive fines may be improved by washing or by blending with a suitable coarser sand. The coarser sand could be a crusher sand, provided that the resulting plaster is suitable for the application and gives acceptable results.

For conventional smooth plaster, Perrie recommends that all the sand pass through a sieve with 2.36 mm openings. For coarsely textured decorative work, the corresponding sieve size should be 4.75 mm. Oversized particles and lumps should be removed by sieving.

For good workability, the particle shape should be acceptably rounded and the surface texture smooth. The particle shape of natural sands tends to be rounded due to weathering, whereas that of crusher sands tends to be angular or flaky. Some river sands, however, contain newly weathered particles with a rough surface texture and angular particle shape. These particles are normally in the coarser fraction of the sand and should be screened out.

Assessment criteria

A sand may be assessed by doing both of the following: • comparing grading and maximum particle size and, if necessary, apparent clay content, with the recommendations given • making a mix to assess water requirement. Mix assessment may be done as follows: 1. Mix 2.5 kg of cement and 12.5 kg of

The particle shape of natural sands tends to be rounded due to weathering, whereas that of crusher sands tends to be angular or flaky


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Optimum plastering results are dependent on strict material selection, quality control and application technique

3. If 2 litres of water are needed, the sand is of good quality. If 3 litres are needed, the sand is of average quality. If 3.75 litres are needed, the quality of the sand is poor; and if more water than that is required, the quality is very poor. Perrie sums it up: “Only ‘good’ sands are suitable for use in all plaster work. ‘Average’ sands may be used for interior plaster, but ‘poor’ and ‘very poor’ sands are not recommended and should be avoided.”

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sand to a uniform colour on a nonabsorbent surface. 2. Add water slowly while mixing until the mix reaches a consistence suitable for plaster.



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AECOM siphokuhle.dlamini@aecom.com AFI Consult banie@afri-infra.com Alake Consulting Engineers lunga@alakeconsulting.com ALULA (Pty) Ltd info@alulawater.co.za AQUADAM (Pty) Ltd sales@aquadam.co.za Asla Construction (Pty) Ltd johanv@asla.co.za Aurecon Fani.Xaba@aurecongroup.com Aveng Manufacturing Infraset werner.booyens@infraset.com Averda claude.marais@averda.com Bigen Africa Group Holdings otto.scharfetter@bigenafrica.com BMK Group brian@bmkgroup.co.za Bosch Munitech info@boschmunitech.co.za Bosch Projects (Pty) Ltd mail@boschprojects.co.za BVI Consulting Engineers marketing@bviho.co.za Civilconsult Consulting Engineers mail@civilconsult.co.za Corrosion Institute of Southern Africa secretary@corrosioninstitute.org.za Development Bank of SA divb@dbsa.org.za Dlamindlovu Consulting Engineers & Project Managers info@dlami-ndlovu.co.za DPI Plastics Farhana@dpiplastics.co.za EFG Engineers eric@efgeng.co.za Elster Kent Metering Mark.Shamley@Honeywell.com ERWAT mail@erwat.co.za GIBB marketing@gibb.co.za GIGSA secretary@gigsa.org GLS Consulting nicky@gls.co.za Gorman Rupp Cordeiro@gormanrupp.co.za Gudunkomo Investments & Consulting info@gudunkomo.co.za Hatch Africa (Pty) Ltd info@hatch.co.za Herrenknecht schiewe.helene@herrenknecht.de Huber Technology cs@hubersa.com Hydro-comp Enterprises info@edams.co.za I@Consulting info@iaconsulting.co.za INGEROP mravjee@ingerop.co.za Integrity Environment info@integrityafrica.co.za IQHINA Consulting Engineers & Project Managers info@iqhina.co.za iX engineers (Pty) Ltd hans.k@ixengineers.co.za JBFE Consulting (Pty) Ltd issie@jbfe.co.za JG Afrika DennyC@jgafrika.com KABE Consulting Engineers info@kabe.co.za Kago Consulting Engineers kagocon@kago.co.za Kantey & Templer (K&T) Consulting Engineers ccherry@ctokamteys.co.za Kitso Botlhale Consulting Engineers info@kitsobce.co.za Lektratek Water general@lwt.co.za Lithon Project Consultants (Pty) Ltd info@lithon.com Makhaotse Narasimulu & Associates mmakhaotse@mna-sa.co.za Malani Padayachee & Associates (Pty) Ltd admin@mpa.co.za M & C Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd info@mcconsulting.co.za Maragela Consulting Engineers admin@maragelaconsulting.co.za

Mariswe (Pty) Ltd neshniec@mariswe.com Martin & East gbyron@martin-east.co.za Mhiduve adminpotch@mhiduve.co.za Mogoba Maphuthi & Associates (Pty) Ltd admin@mmaholdings.co.za Moedi Wa Batho Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd info@wabatho.co.za Much Asphalt bennie.greyling@muchasphalt.com Mvubu Consulting & Project Managers miranda@mvubu.net NAKO ILISO lyn.adams@nakogroup.com Nyeleti Consulting merasmus@nyeleti.co.za OdourEngineering Systems mathewc@oes.co.za Ribicon Consulting Group (Pty) Ltd info@ribicon.co.za Royal HaskoningDHV francisg@rhdv.com SABITA info@sabita.co.za SAFRIPOL mberry@safripol.com SALGA info@salga.org.za SAPPMA admin@sappma.co.za / willem@sappma.co.za SARF administrator@sarf.org.za.co.za SBS WaterSystems mava@sbstanks.co.za Sembcorp Siza Water info-sizawater@sembcorp.com Sigodi Marah Martin Management Support lansanam@sigodimarah.co.za SiVESTSA garths@sivest.co.za Sizabantu Piping Systems (Pty) Ltd gregl@sizabantupipingsystems.com SKYV Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd kamesh@skyv.co.za SMEC capetown@smec.com Sobek Engineering gen@sobek.co.za Southern African Society for Trenchless Technology director@sasst.org.za Southern Pipeline Contractors (Pty) Ltd spc@vinci-construction.com SRKConsulting jomar@srk.co.za Star Of Life Emergency Trading CC admin@staroflife.co.za Syntell julia@syntell.co.za TECROVEER (Pty) Ltd info@tecroveer.co.za TPA Consulting roger@tpa.co.za Ulozolo Engineers CC admin@ulozolo.co.za V3 Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd info@v3consulting.co.za Vetasi south-africa@vetasi.com VIP Consulting Engineers esme@vipconsulting.co.za VUKA Africa Consulting Engineers info@vukaafrica.co.za Water Institute of Southern Africa wisa@wisa.org.za Wam Technology CC support@wamsys.co.za Water Solutions Southern Africa ecoetzer@wssa.co.za Wilo South Africa marketingsa@wilo.co.za WRP ronniem@wrp.co.za WRNA washy@wrnyabeze.com WSP Group Africa ansia.meyer@wsp.com

Tracking water consumption is made easy by Water Wise

The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) aims to reduce water demand and increase supply to our growing population and economy to ensure water security by 2030. Currently, our waterstressed country faces economic water scarcity due to issues with the country’s water infrastructure, an ever-increasing demand on a limited supply and other environmental factors.

Keeping track of water usage through the Water Footprint Assessment, founded by Arjen Hoekstra, is a step in the right direction that shines light on water use patterns in different aspects of society. With a deeper understanding of water consumption patterns and water balance, water utilities and municipalities can work towards improving their existing water-supply models, as well as addressing water wastage such as non-revenue water, and excessive use and leakages, in order to reduce water losses in large distribution networks.

End-users such as homeowners also encounter leaks, which can be easily detected if households monitor their water use by taking regular water meter readings. To assist people with this, Rand Water’s environmental brand, Water Wise, has developed a Water Wise calculator, which serves as a simple tool to estimate household water use and assist people in detecting high water-use activities and even leaks. The calculator, through a question–answer system, generates a water usage chart and an estimated cost (R) of the household’s water bill in a month. This estimated value should not be used to dispute municipal bills, however, as the value generated is based on general South African water use statistics. This calculator aims to assist the end-users to be responsible in ensuring optimal use of the water they receive.

Achieving this will contribute to the bigger picture of reduced water demand, ensuring a sustainable supply of water for South Africa.

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