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Editor’s comment
Time to take RESPONSIBILITY Gone are the days of big mining companies exploiting minerals without acknowledging the potential damage to the environment and surrounding host communities.
Over the years, the mining industry has harmful to not only the environment, but surrounding developed a bad reputation of not taking communities as well. responsibility for the damage caused to There is no doubt that responsible mining is the environment by mining activities. The often challenging, as addressing environmental nature of mining means it has a significant impact on and social issues can be costly. Credit must be air quality, water and energy consumption – all of given to those companies that are committed to which are linked to the environment. being responsible miners, regardless of the cost Unlike before, we are today seeing an implications and additional challenges. Communities industry that acknowledges the environmental and environmentalists must also be given credit for impacts caused by its activities. In so doing, identifying irresponsible mining practices and holding the industry is also taking responsibility for miners accountable. the environmental harm it causes. Where possible, many mine operations Rehabilitation objectives are working towards reducing the Environmentalists and mining companies have carbon footprint, water usage as well as had their fair share of toe-to-toe stand-offs when energy consumption. it comes to addressing environmental issues in the In addition, mine companies know that industry. Disagreements concerning such issues are mining has an impact on surrounding and host to be expected; however, they should not result in a communities. Therefore, they have stalemate. Open, honest and constructive discussions a responsibility to ensure are necessary between all stakeholders – even if the that communities are parties hold different views on various issues. not on the receiving Collaboration also comes into play as stakeholders end of companies’ need to work together to ensure that miners operate environmental responsibly. There is no single solution to address recklessness. environmental and social issues at all mine operations Unfortunately, because of the dynamics involved. To adequately address there are still the issues requires collaboration and constructive cases where mine discussions where challenges for both parties are companies are guilty identified, and possible solutions are presented. of and get away with Responsible mining will not only be beneficial for irresponsible mining mines and communities, but also for future generations practices that are once the life of mine comes to an end.
EDITOR Dineo Phoshoko HEAD OF DESIGN Beren Bauermeister CHIEF SUB-EDITOR Tristan Snijders CONTRIBUTORS Spencer Eckstein, Hector Forster, Ben Kilbey, Toboko Molete, Hermanus Prinsloo, François Ribeiro dos Santos, Mmaphefo Thwala,Tali Tshikhovhokhovho, Marlo van Rensburg, Dustin van Helsdingen, Mongezi Veti, Christine Vivier, Philip Warwick PRODUCTION & CLIENT LIAISON MANAGER AntoisLeigh Nepgen GROUP SALES MANAGER Chilomia Van Wijk PRODUCTION COORDINATOR Jacqueline Modise DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Nomsa Masina DISTRIBUTION COORDINATOR Asha Pursotham BOOKKEEPER Tonya Hebenton SUBSCRIPTIONS subs@3smedia.co.za ADVERTISING SALES Amanda De Beer Tel: +27 (0)72 600 9323 / +27 (0)87 802 5466 Email: amanda.debeer@3smedia.co.za
PUBLISHER Jacques Breytenbach 3S Media 46 Milkyway Avenue, Frankenwald, 2090 PO Box 92026, Norwood 2117 Tel: +27 (0)11 233 2600 www.3smedia.co.za Novus Holdings is a Level 2 Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) Contributor, with 125% recognised procurement recognition. View our BBBEE scorecard here: https://novus.holdings/sustainability/transformation ISSN 1999-8872 Inside Mining. © Copyright 2020. All rights reserved. All material herein Inside Mining is copyright protected and may not be reproduced either in whole or in part without the prior written permission of the publisher. The views of the authors do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher.