2 minute read
Editor’s Notes
The world around us is changing, and no generation is more uniquely prepared for these changes than yours. And perhaps, no generation is more equipped to change the world for the better than yours is right now.
You are young and outspoken, digitally smart and technologically savvy. You know what you want for the world you live in, and you’re prepared to fight for it. You’re pragmatic, resilient and adaptive.
Expectations have shifted Previous generations have seen climate change as a far-off threat in the distant future. You know that they were wrong – it’s on our doorstep. You’re willing to step up and be the change you want to see in the world. After all, if you don’t do it, who will? Because you expect the same from the brands you support and the leaders you follow, you won’t hesitate to call them out when they don’t behave in an authentic and transparent way.
Your generation, Gen Z, identifies strongly with characteristics like loyalty, thoughtfulness, determination, compassion, open-mindedness and responsibility. Research has also shown you to be eager, hardworking, creative and motivated. Unlike the Millennials that came before you, your primary motivations are not positive feedback or financial rewards. Instead, your generation strives to make a difference in the lives of others, and follow through on commitments as to not let others down. Studies show that Gen Z’ers are motivated by being able to tap into their passions to advocate for something they believe in, as well as see the progress of their own work.
With your tech-savvy skills and personcentred approach, you’re perfectly positioned to step into not just the Fourth Industrial Revolution, but also the Fifth Industrial Revolution – a new phase of industry and work where technology will be redeployed with a focus on making the world a better, kinder, safer and more equitable place for all who live in it.
While previous generations were made to believe that work – or learning – can only happen in an office or classroom, the Covid-19 pandemic has changed the nature of work and learning. And of course, the Gen Z’ers were quick to adapt and embrace this new way of living!
It was just a matter of time before entrepreneurs and universities, like the University of Cape Town, would take the gap in offering online learning for high school learners. No longer a forced option, but one of choice.
It’s your future You’re in a unique position. Experts say that more than half of school students will one day work in jobs that don’t even exist yet. This means the world is your oyster, and the future is yours for the taking… and the shaping.
You can decide what you want to do, and how you want to do it. You can start working for the future you want, and the future you know you deserve. And you can start today!
I hope our Ultimate Career Guide will help steer you in your choices as you enter this new phase of your life, and open your eyes to the exciting world of possibilities – some, not yet even imagined – that lie ahead for you and your peers.