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CEO’s comment
In keeping with the nautical theme of WISA’s last conference in 2020 – ‘All Hands on Deck’ – we have chosen ‘Navigating the Course’ as our 2022 conference theme.
By Dr Lester Goldman, CEO, WISA
Since 2020, we have navigated a pandemic, an election and new leadership. It is now time to reflect on the current position that our sector is in and plot the course to the desired destination. The conference will reflect on the journey since 2020, discuss where we want the sector to be (across all aspects of the business – management, technology, research and innovation, infrastructure, environment, and professionalisation) and devise a plan on how we will get there.
While our last conference was strictly online, we are excited to announce that this conference will be a hybrid event. Delegates and WISA members have the choice to experience the convenience of participating and viewing the conference online or attending the in-person event and networking with their colleagues in the flesh.
The ‘Navigating the Course’ theme is forward-thinking, action-oriented and positive. The conference will have the following subthemes: • Don’t abandon ship: SDG 6 – We leave no one behind
Reaching the goals of SDG 6 in providing water and sanitation services, listening to our customers’ needs and those of vulnerable communities that are unserved. • Rocking the boat:
Rethinking sanitation
Rethinking sanitation in a circular economy – reuse, resource and energy recovery, off-grid solutions and reinventing the toilet. • Running a tight ship: Improving water efficiency and demand management
Improving water-use efficiency and demand management across all sectors of water users – mining, agriculture, industry and municipal. • Batten down the hatches: Climate change is here
Adapting to and mitigating the effects of climate change. • Learning the ropes: The Fourth
Industrial Revolution
Harnessing the technologies of the
Fourth Industrial Revolution. • Toe the line: Governance and regulation
Management and regulatory issues – Blue and Green Drop, professionalisation of the sector, addressing skills shortages, managing stakeholders (regulators, elected political decision-makers, trade unions, civil society) effectively, developing capable institutions. • Stemming the tide:
Groundwater and water quality
Addressing environmental water quality and sustainable groundwater issues. We look forward to welcoming you all at our conference from 28 to 30 September at the Sandton Convention Centre.