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Editor’s comment
Editor Kirsten Kelly kirsten.kelly@3smedia.co.za Managing Editor Alastair Currie Head of Design Beren Bauermeister Designer Janine Schacherl Chief Sub-editor Tristan Snijders Contributors Mercin Baloyi, George Diliyannis, Lester Goldman, Antony Jennings, Sbusiso Khuboni, Dan Naidoo, Anthony Turton, Ntokozo Zwane Production & Client Liaison Manager Antois-Leigh Nepgen Production Coordinator Jacqueline Modise Distribution Manager Nomsa Masina Distribution Coordinator Asha Pursotham Group Sales Manager Chilomia Van Wijk Bookkeeper Tonya Hebenton Advertising Sales Hanlie Fintelman c +27 (0)67 756 3132 Hanlie.Fintelman@3smedia.co.za
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BRANCHES Central Branch (Free State, Northern Cape, North West) Chairperson: Dr Leana Esterhuizen Company: Central University of Technology Tel: +27 (0)51 507 3850 Email: lesterhu@cut.ac.za
Eastern Cape: Branch Contact: Dan Abrahams Company: Aurecon Tel: +27 (0)41 503 3929 Cell: +27 (0) 81 289 1624 Email: Dan.Abraham@aurecongroup.com
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Namibia Please contact the WISA Head Office on admin@wisa.org.za for more information
EDITOR’S COMMENT Dedicated department is good news
Given the enormity of South Africa’s water challenges and the fact that water management goes beyond human settlements, the decoupling of the Department of Water and Sanitation from Human Settlements is a step in the right direction.
This is not the first time that the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) has been merged with and separated from ministries. Following the election of President Zuma in 2009, the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry was divided, with the forestry portfolio being transferred to the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. The DWS was the established in 2014 with Nomvula Mokonyane taking the helm as minister before she was replaced by Gugile Nkwinti in 2018.
Following President Ramaphosa’s ascendance to the main seat at the Union Buildings, the president again merged departments – appointing Minister Lindiwe Sisulu, and Deputy Ministers Pam Tshwete and David Mahlobo to the Department of Human Settlements, Water and Sanitation.
President Rampahosa explained this decision last month when announcing a cabinet reshuffle. “At the beginning of this administration, we had brought these two portfolios together on the understanding that the provision of water is closely tied to the development of human settlements. Water is a far broader issue that impacts not only on human settlements, but also on agriculture, industry, mining and environmental management. We have therefore decided that water and sanitation should be a separate ministry, which will enable a dedicated focus on ensuring that all South Africans have access to a secure and sustainable supply of this precious resource.
“Water security is fundamental to the lives and health of our people, to the stability of our society, and to the growth and sustainability of our economy,” added Ramaphosa. WASA congratulates Minister Senzo Mchunu on his appointment at the helm of the DWS. Let’s hope this new appointment will not slow down any progress the department is making.
Water demand management While water governance and management play an integral part in overcoming the water crisis, there will be very limited progress without a change in behaviour from the public. In this issue, on page 30, Professor Syden Mishi from Nelson Mandela University talks to WASA about creating and sustaining social norms for water conservation.
Two water analysts from GreenCape mention positive movements that will facilitate better interaction between the public and private sector, as well as identify investment opportunities in the municipal water market (page 12).
There is also an article by Anthony Turton about solving the water shortage problem in the face of a collapsing fiscus on page 21.
Lastly, it is great to note that #SurplusWater2025 is growing! See the stats below and join the movement.
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