Newsletter 2013 12

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Lions District 2-S2

Calendar of Events Nov

15 IRS Form 990/990EZ/990N due


15 Postmark deadline for Peace Poster

entry to District Dec Dec

1 Peace Poster Deadline to State 2 - 8 Lions Eye Bank Week

Dec 4 President & Secretaries Council China Bear Restaurant Dec Jan Jan

31 Request 100% Charities paid 12 - 18 LCIF Week 13 Melvin Jones’ birthday

Jan 25 Mid-Winter Leadership Conference Lone Star Cnvntn Center - Conroe Jan 30-31 Council of Governors Kerrville, TX Feb 1 Texas Lions Camp Board Meeting Kerrville, TX Feb 5 President & Secretaries Council China Bear Restaurant Feb

15 Lions Day with the UN

District 2-S2 • December 2013


Chambers • Harris • Liberty • Montgomery • San Jacinto • Walker • Waller

Thoughts from your District Governor ... 2-S2’S NEW ROAR: “WE CAN DO IT” A lot of my time is spent thinking about membership and leadership – all the clubs on the slate of District 2-S2, and it really bothers me. Membership is getting better, we are growing. Talk about never satisfied! We have a little over 1,700 members. If everyone was to bring in 1 (one) new member that would be terrible and just a silly dream. But how about ½, or no how about ¼, no, what the heck, how about 200 members bring in 1 (one) new member. We currently have 63 clubs, one is being dropped, 2 are going on financial suspension and 2 are almost inoperable. Leadership – how many clubs are working on next years slate of officers? How many just say we’ll get old Joe to do it again for the 10th or so time, and laugh. It’s time to be accountable for your club. You can do it! Are you afraid, well don’t be because we can teach you. Come to the Mid-Winter Conference and learn what’s going on. Lions International, in a few more years, will be 100 years old. Are we going to be around for the celebration? Clubs – I started a contest for club visitations, after all we are all in the same business with the same motto, “We Serve”. Each club stands alone but we are like a family, we should help each other grow and be successful. Big clubs can help the small clubs. Visit them and show them what works best for them and give them suggestions. Small clubs can visit the active clubs and ask for help. There is no such thing as CAN’T, there is don’t want to or excuses not to. We are all busy and have other things going on, but

2 • District 2-S2 PawPrints • December 2013

you raised your hand and said “I Will”. Now back to my contest. To date, 4 clubs have turned in visitation sheets. Those sheets are on District 2-S2 website. You can print one, fill it out and email to me and cabinet secretary, Lion Minette. The club President or Vice President plus 2 or more members must make the visit. The President or Vice President gets 100 points and each member gets 25 points. The club with the most points will win. Right now Houston Cy-Fair is in first place, Houston Heights is in second place and Conroe Noon is in third place. How easy can it get? Go visit – turn in points and win the prize. If District 2-S2 is going to be #1, it’s going to take more than me, it takes all of us. January 25 – Midwinter Conference – to be held in the Conroe Convention Center; We will have a new and exciting program May 2-3 – District Convention, to be held at the Hilton Greenspoint It’s never too early to schedule your governors visit, contact our Cabinet Secretary, MINETTE CHIU. YOU CAN EMAIL HER @ lionminette88@gmail. com. Or give her a call @ 713-208-2380.


We can do it!

Thoughts from the 1st Vice District Governor ... When I was a kid, we lived in the country about 10 miles south of Liberty. There were always problems with the power company back then. The lights going out was a common occurrence during rain storms. It was even fairly common on bright, sunny days. The joke was that the lights would go off if a bird landed on the power line. So when Hurricane Alicia blew through in 1983, we knew the power was going to be off. Well, the hurricane came

Thoughts from the 2nd Vice District Governor ... Have you looked up or thought of the word “serve”. That word forms the second word of our rather simple motto. What does “We serve” mean to you? Well, the Webster dictionary defines “serve” as 1) To perform regular or continuous duties in behalf of, 2) to minister to, and the one I like 3) to wait on a table. I don’t know of any Lion that does not like to eat – but first they have to serve. The point I am trying to convey is that “serve” is a verb that demands action. “We serve”. We

and went and we had some minor damages but we were spared from any significant damages. However we were without power for about 20 days. For the first few days, living without power was kind of fun. It was almost like a camping trip. However without air conditioning, the novelty wore off quickly. While we had a generator, a few oscillating fans were a poor replacement for a kid used to central air conditioning. Also, since we were out in the country we had a water well instead of city water. So we needed to worry about the pump and keeping the water level in the water tank high enough for water to flow through the pipes if we wanted running water.

Needless to say, it was a source of celebration that afternoon when the electricity came back on. In the grand scheme of things, not having electricity for a few weeks was a minor inconvenience but at the time it seemed like such a terrible thing.

act. Whether it is providing eye glasses, food baskets, wheelchair ramps, or any other action, we as Lions “perform regular or continuous duties in behalf of others”. Our acts of service may be done locally – Houston, Huntsville, Crosby, etc or as a member of Lions Club International in far away places as Belize, the Philippines, or Japan. Have you heard – LCIF has send $500,000 to the Philippines to assist in recovery efforts there after the typhoon? If your club would also like to help the efforts see the announcement in

the PawPrints at another location for contact information. As we go into the holiday season, I hope that all of you have a safe and happy season. God Bless!

We had food and clean water, we had a roof over our heads, we were healthy and we had our family. We had it great, we just didn’t have electricity. After watching the news of the devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan, I wish the accommodations I had during Hurricane Alicia was available to all of those displaced by this typhoon. Money is one way to help those people and that is something that Lions International and members around the world are already doing. LCIF is reporting that over $500,000 has already been designated for the See CHRIS, Page 10

Noah Speer 2nd Vice District Governor

December 2013 • District 2-S2 PawPrints • 3

Providing Disaster Relief for Typhoon Haiyan Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) has surpassed US$1 million for disaster relief efforts in the Philippines following Typhoon Haiyan (locally known as Typhoon Yolanda). There are 12,600 Lions members in the Philippines in 380 Lions Clubs throughout the country, including four in the capital city of Cebu of the hardest-hit province and one in the hardest-hit town of Tacloban City. Lions Clubs throughout the country are working tirelessly to provide relief aid and food to tens of thousands of people affected by this horrific typhoon, collecting and distributing life-saving supplies. Below is just a sample of some initial reports and photos of their actions. Be sure to visit the LCI blog for a comprehensive collection of Lions social media posts, both from the Philippines and from around the world.

Generous Donations Support Lions and LCIF’s Immediate Relief Efforts In the day following the disaster, Lions Clubs International Foundation mobilized US$500,000 in initial disaster relief support for the Philippines, including US$130,000 in grants and funding commitments of more than US$600,000 made by Lions in neighboring countries of Asia. Since then, generous Lions and friends all over the world are responding with designated funds being sent to LCIF to help the Lions clubs in the Philippines deliver relief aid to the typhoon’s victims. Combined thus far, LCIF has been able to mobilize US$1 million for the Philippines. To support LCIF’s ongoing and future relief efforts in the Philippines, individuals, Lions clubs worldwide, and others can contribute to the LCIF Disaster Relief Fund by check, wire transfer or online. All donations support Philippines relief, in both the short- and long-term. Not only will 100 percent of donations be used for relief efforts, but Lions Clubs International and the Philippines Lions Relief Team will stretch your support even more through their completely all-volunteer relief efforts. Help is needed now and for the long-term rebuilding of the typhoon-ravaged areas. Thank you for your support. - See more at:

4 • District 2-S2 PawPrints • December 2013

LCIF’s Initial Steps in the Philippines • 575 relief tent shelters are on their way, including 300 from the Lions of Sweden and their partner the Swedish Red Cross that will be put up by Save the Children, and 275 of the same tents from LCIF’s stocks. • An initial amount of 56 water purification systems from LCIF, and the Lions of the British Isles and Ireland, are on their way by air; more will be sent in the days ahead. The Lions of Germany are sending up to 100 more. LCIF staff is regularly in touch with the Philippines Relief Team to coordinate these initial efforts and to begin planning for the long-term.

Meeting Long-Term Needs Although longer-term needs are not yet determined, the provisional plans of the relief team and LCIF include: • Establishment of a relief aid coordination center and depot in Cebu to channel ongoing and further relief supplies in the central area of the country. • Establishment of tent villages for hundreds of families in the hardest-hit areas. • Ongoing supply of potable water in affected areas. • Critical relief supplies and medicines to evacuation and re-settlement centers, and to the region’s hospitals and health centers. Lions Clubs and LCIF are committed to rebuilding homes, providing support to the disabled, helping vulnerable children and youth, and supporting schools, families, and the elderly population with their recovery needs, working closely with the local government and the international relief community. Our relief efforts will be ongoing for months and the rebuilding will take years. Lions Clubs International Foundation will provide support as long as there are needs, like we have done in Haiti, Japan, New Zealand, Oklahoma and the east coast of the USA for Hurricane Sandy. Last updated November 19, 2013 - See more at:

December 2013 • District 2-S2 PawPrints • 5

TO ALL DISTRICT 2-S2 LIONS CLUB: Due to the recent devastation in the Phillipines, I would like to encourage each club to make an effort to collect canned goods and clothes to send to these very needy people. We have a large Filipino population in our area and they are working hard to help those affected in their homeland. Our Filipino clubs are willing to take donations of canned goods and clothes and they will prepare them for shipment. You can bring items to the next P&S meeting. The Filipino community is having a fundraising on November 24, 2013 from 2-8 pm at the Arabia Shrine Center. Houston Fil-Am Lions, Royal Oaks, Millennium, Beltway and Midwest Lions are joining in this effort. Contact any of these Lions Clubs for more information. Remember, we are all a family and will support those in need. Best Regards, DG Eddie Risha Ed. Note: Cash contributions can be made through LCIF and designated for Philippines disaster relief.

Report from Environmental Chair – Stedman Douglas The environmental committee continues to impact youths in a number of schools. We continue our recycling projects and create awareness in the community through recycling project, brochures and posters. We have not yet identify a project in which all district 2S2 members can be a part of however we are presently in dialogue with the NRCS and the Texas Master Naturalist to implement one.

The Committee encourages each member to continue to find ways to preserve the environment. Be reminded that the earth and its environment is our home and if we misuse it, abuse it we will lose it. Thanks for your continued effort to make your home a better home.

Relax Your Mind I shall take you to bed and have my way with you. I will make you ache, shake and sweat until you moan and groan. I will make you beg for mercy, beg for me to stop. I will exhaust you to the point that you will be relieved when I'm finished with you. And, when I am finished, you will be weak for days. All my love, The Flu (Now, get your mind out of the gutter and go get your flu shot.)

6 • District 2-S2 PawPrints • December 2013

5th HMLC Annual Golf Tournament

Saturday, December 7, 2013 Gleannloch Pines, 19393 Champions Forest Dr., Spring, TX 77379, Tel. 281-225-1200

A tournament benefitting HMLC community projects

Houston Millennium Lions Club (HMLC), in existence since 2000, conducts several service community projects. The cornerstone of HMLC’s service projects is the Annual Lions Share Health Fair, which provides FREE medical services to indigent families in our community. Services include FREE medical check-up, dental, vision, and cancer screening, and mammography exams. HMLC also resumed its Free Flu Shot Clinic this year and continues to hold Senior Cheers by giving Christmas gifts to senior citizens in a Senior Center. HMLC continuously supports the Lions Charities like the Texas Lions Camp, which provides remarkable opportunities to diabetic, visually impaired and mentally challenged youth; the Light House of Houston; Lions Eye Bank, and Lions Humanitarian Relief Fund and more. In addition, HMLC supports the Sight First Program, a major task by Lions Club International the goal of which is to prevent blindness worldwide. This year, proceeds of the 5th Annual Golf Tournament will again fund the Texas Lions Camp and all other HMLC’s charity programs. All donations are tax-deductible and payable to Partnership for Community Foundation, “a charitable and tax-exempt organization under Sec.501C(3) founded by HMLC.

Tournament Format Four Person Scramble



If entering individually, we’ll match you with a team.

NAME: __________________________________

Entry Deadline November 30, 2013

ADDRESS: _______________________________

Entry Fee $90.00

ZIP CODE: _______________________________

Includes green fees, cart, range balls & refreshments.

Sponsorship Levels

Hole Sponsor - -$ Silver - - - - - - - -$ Gold - - - - - - - - $ Platinum - - - - - $

100 (sign will be provided) 500 (Free entry of 2 players) 1000 (Free entry of 4 players) 2000 (Free entry of 8 players)

Schedule of Events

7:30 AM Registration Continental Breakfast 9:00 AM Shotgun start Luncheon and Awards Ceremony after Play

Contests and Prizes

CASH Award for each division (Men & st nd rd Women) for 1 , 2 & 3 Finishers, and Raffle Drawing prizes.

COMPANY: _______________________________ CITY, STATE: _____________________________ PHONE: _________________________________ EMAIL: __________________________________

Please list name of players: 1. _____________________________________ 2.






Please select options:

○ PLATINUM SPONSOR ($2000) ○ GOLD SPONSOR ($1000) ○ SILVER SPONSOR ($500) ○ HOLE SPONSOR ($100) ○ DONATION $ _________

District 2S2

For Reservations, please contact any of the following persons: Suzette Kirchner (281-844-3758), Nelson Ventura (281-907-3700),

Chona Sano (832-860-1732),

Archie Zalun (832-541-1744),

Marivic Puno,

2013-14 Directory Corrections Page 37 Correct phone and email Talal Kayyal 281-900-1451 Page 37 Correct Phone Number Terry landers 281-726-0334 Page 50 – Bellaire Lions Club Correct mailing address – Secretary and Treasurer Robert Butler P. O. Box 1925 Bellaire, TX 77402-1925 Page 51 – Brookshire Pattisson Lions Club Correct President Pat Doucette 20711 Mistang Falls Dr. Katy, TX 77450 H: 832-865-0866 W: 281-391-6137

Page 56 – Cut and Shoot Family Lions Club Correct Secretary Annie Rasmueson 501 Woodridge Dr. Conroe, TX 77306 C: 281-881-4516 Page 60 – Hempstead Lions Club Remove email Address for Membership Chair Page 74 – Houston Millennium Lions Club Correct membership Chairman Archie Zalub 8222 Worthington Dr. Houston, TX 77083 H: 281-277-1188 CL 832-541-144 Page 79 – Houston Space City Lions Club Correct mailing Address – President George Malone

3415 Bedford Forrest Ct. Missouri City, TX 77459 Page 79 – Houston Space City Lions Club Correct Mailing Address - Secretary Mattie Adelaia 10330 Sgeglow Dr. Houston, TX 77089-5115 C: 832-483-1907 NO work phone Page 87 – Huntsville Lions Club Correct spelling of Presidents Name Liesa Hackett Page 88 – Katy Lions Club Correct President Kari Harper 21402 Park Willow Katy, TX 77450 H: 281-676-8384 Send additional corrections to PDG Ronald Landers:

December 2013 • District 2-S2 PawPrints • 7

2014 Lions Eye Bank of Texas Bowl-A-Thon Saturday, February 22, 2014 ~ Palace Bowling Lanes With the help of our corporate sponsors and numerous bowlers, our 2013 Bowl-A-Thon was a success. Last year, raised over $3,000.00 for our beneficiary, the Lions Eye Bank of Texas. Through fundraisers such as this, the Lions of District 2-S2 are able to support the Lions Eye Bank in its mission to provide educational and community outreach programs along with providing corneas at no charge to indigent patients in need of a transplant The 2014 Bowl-A-Thon will be held Saturday, February 22, at Palace Bowling Lanes. It is our goal to surpass the success of past years, a goal which cannot be met without the generosity of our sponsors. By signing on as a Strike Level Sponsor, Spare Level sponsor, or Pin Level sponsor, you can ensure the continued success of this fundraiser. The deadline for sponsorship is Friday, February 7, 2014. EVENT SPONSORSHIPS Strike Level Sponsor ~ $300 Strike Level sponsor will receive recognition in all printed materials entry of (1) one 4-person bowling teams top placement on the back of the event t-shirt signage on a bowling lane at the event

Spare Level Sponsor ~ $200

Spare Level sponsor will receive recognition in all printed materials entry of (1) one 4-person bowling team recognition on the back of the event t-shirt

Pin Level Sponsor ~ $100

Pin Level sponsors will receive signage on a bowling lane during the event

□Strike Level Sponsor ($300)

□Spare Level Sponsor ($200) □Pin Level Sponsor ($100)

Name:__________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________ Phone:_______________________________Fax:_______________________ Email:_________________________________________________________ Return sponsorship form with payment to: Lions Eye Bank of Texas ATTN: Darleane Warren, 6565 Fannin, NC 205, Houston, Texas 77030

8 • District 2-S2 PawPrints • December 2013

Lions District 2-S2 Hall of Fame Nomination form

Minimum standards to qualify for the Lions District 2-S2 Hall of Fame are: • An active member with at least five (5) years of service. • Outstanding and dedicated service to Lionism beyond the call of duty. • Service to the community, district, state and international Lionism. • Special achievements in, or contributions to, humanitarian service for those less fortunate. • Solicitation in any way for this recognition will automatically eliminate the candidate for that year.

The following profile may be used to submit information to the Hall of Fame Committee, but this form is not intended to limit what information may be submitted.

Nominations may be made by any Lion who is in good standing in the District.

All nominations should be submitted to the committee in written form and must be received by the chairperson at the below address no later than December 31. PDG Harry Goetzman 18143 Hwy 75N Willis, TX 77378


Name of Nominee: Lions Club(s): Office(s) Held: Service to Club: Service to District: Service to State: Service to International: Service to Community: Awards & Honors received from the community, non Lions organizations and / or Lions: Other Achievements: Submitted by: Club:


December 2013 • District 2-S2 PawPrints • 9

Presidents and Secretaries Council Meeting China Bear Restaurant 15000 I-45 North (Exit Airtex both ways - on northbound feeder road) Cost for the buffet is $13.00 per person, including tax and gratuity. Buffet-style Chinese, American, and Mexican food. Desserts galore and more than one ice-cream machine. Come early to eat - meeting starts at 7:00 pm Speaker will be Corporal Christopher Zieg with Harris County Constable Pct 4 TOPIC: Home and Personal Safety During the Holicdays PSC President - Ken Harrison PSC Secretary - Lynn Harrison

CHRIS Continued from Page 3

Philippines relief effort. If you or your club would like to donate, you can do see at If you would like to donate tangible items to the relief, several clubs in our district are spearheading efforts to ship clothing and canned goods to the area. Information on how to get these items to these clubs is available in the newsletter. Thank you for being a Lion. Because you are a Lion, LCIF has

money to disburse during disasters such as this one. That is an amazing thing and hopefully something you can take pride in. Chris Moorman 1st Vice District Governor

10 • District 2-S2 PawPrints • December 2013

District and State Dues Invoices for District, State, and Texas Lions Camp dues are sent to club Treasurers two times a year. These invoices are based upon the number of members shown on the club’s MMR as of June 30 and December 31 of each year. It is important for the club MMR to be accurately reported each month, particularly in June and December of each year. Any drops after June 30 or December 31 are NOT pro-rated by the District and State and the clubs are expected to pay the dues based upon membership as recorded by Lions Clubs International on these dates. Any dues not paid within 60 days means the club is NOT in good standing and club members are ineligible to hold office until payment is resolved. A sign in DG Eddie’s office at his used car lot states, “The quickest way to get back on your feet is to miss a payment!” Nuff said.


Houston Founder Lions 2nd Annual Christmas Fundraiser Dinner

Sunday, December 8, 2013 Place: Fogo De Chao

8250 Westheimer Rd 77063

Time: 6:30 pm-9:30 pm Price: $60

Fare includes unlimited chilled salads, fresh vegetables, hot side dishes, imported cheeses and cured meats, fire roasted entrees meats including beef, chicken, pork, lamb. Unlimited Caramelized bananas, garlic mashed potatoes, crispy polenta, and Brazilian cheese bread served to your table.

Proceeds from this event benefit the Texas Lions Camp. RSVP - 832-554-6675 by 12/04/13

December 2013 • District 2-S2 PawPrints • 11

PAST DISTRICT GOVERNORS DISTRICT 2-S2 Distinguished Achievement Award Application PURPOSE

The purpose of the Past District Governors District 2-S2 Association Distinguished Achievement Award is to “bestow honor upon those Lions in District 2-S2 who have shown outstanding leadership and service achievement to their Club, Community and District.”


Minimum qualifications for the Past District Governors District 2-S2 Distinguished Achievement Award are:

(a) An active member with at least seven (7) years of service. This award is for living Lions only, unless the honoree passes away after being nominated. (b) Outstanding leadership and dedicated service to Club. Community and/or District. (c) Special achievements in, or contributions to, humanitarian service for those less fortunate. (d) At the time of the presentation of the award, must NOT be a District Governor or Past District Governor of any Lions Clubs International District.


The completed application form(s), will be provided to the Chairman of the District Governor’s Honorary Committee. Said application may be made by any Lion in the District that is in good standing. The application(s) are required to be received by February 15th of each year and will be valid for that year only. If an applicant is not selected for that year, a new application must be submitted again to be considered for this award. There is no requirement to induct someone each and every year.

PAST DISTRICT GOVERNORS DISTRICT 2-S2 DISTINGUISHED ACHIEVEMENT AWARD APPLICATION (Please Print/Type name as it is to appear on the Certificate) Year Joined Lions Club:

Applicant: Lions Club(s): Offices Held: Service to Club and/or District:

Service to Community: Awards & Honors received from the community, non-Lions organizations and/or Lions:

Other achievements: Submitted by: Lions Club: Date: SEND TO : PDG IRV WISHNOW, 5235 BRAESVALLEY DR., HOUSTON, TX 77096

12 • District 2-S2 PawPrints • December 2013

In Memory

Passings Since Last District Convention

Houston Beltway Lettie C. Acupan Nito P. Acupan

Houston Southwest

The Conroe Noon Lions Club Recycling Center is open:

Lee Roy Lemons

Houston Spring Branch Clarence W. “Bill” Sullivan Julius E. Yellott Evelyn M. Landers Winston Keith Lawther Ed Nye

Monday Tuesday

2 PM - 5 PM 9 AM - 3 PM

Volunteers to help clean, bag, and categorize used eye glasses are always welcome.


Henry Nettles

Houston Hobby Robert L. Kuchera

1106 Wilson Rd. Conroe, TX 77304


Jerry Thomas

(936) 760-1666

Click to learn more. Engage Our Youth

A Lion’s “dash” makes an impact around the world.

Working with the youth in our communities is rewarding to the clubs and the membership ... and further enhances the lives of the young people. DG Eddie Risha says, “You can do it!” • • • • • •

Peace Poster Contest Opportunities for Youth Contests LEO Clubs Youth Exchange Program Youth Camps Lions Quest

December 2013 • District 2-S2 PawPrints • 13

CONROE NOON SUPPORTS YOUTH CONTESTS “We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.” Franklin D. Roosevelt Conroe Noon Lions Club held a Drug Awareness, Diabetic Essay, and Outstanding Youth Contest at Conroe High School; giving over 700 senior high school students the opportunity to shine! A total of 42 students made application for the Youth Contests and through preliminary judging by each committee, three finalists from each contest were presented to the club membership for voting on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. The Conroe Noon Lions Club will provide the 9 finalists a total of $12,000 in scholarship funds. The 1st place winner will represent Conroe Noon at the District Youth Contests with the opportunity to win additional scholarship money at District. Lions Club International mandates that clubs support and enhance the lives of our youth and Conroe Noon believes projects like the Youth Contests will empower our youth and brighten the future for all.

14 • District 2-S2 PawPrints • December 2013

Alexis Meyer, a senior from Conroe High, presents her Diabetic Essay to 130 members of the Conroe Noon Lions Club in attendance on November 8, 2013.

AWARDS PER CONTEST 1st Place—$1,000 Scholarship 2nd Place - $500 Scholarship DIABETIC AWARENESS ESSAY “Control Your Diabetes For Life” “Control Your Diabetes for Life.” Taking action now to manage your diabetes can help you to feel good today and stay healthy in the future. Contestants will research the causes, treatments, side effects and prevention strategies of Type II diabetes and develop an action plan that will help educate and promote the understanding, prevention and treatment of the disease with a particular focus on prevention.

DRUG AWARENESS SPEECH “PARADISE LOST” “Paradise Lost.” Explore the dramatic and negative effects of abuse of drugs/alcohol in today’s society. What are the effects and consequences that face addicts? How does it affect them now and in the future and how can the life examples of those who have “Lost Paradise,” or have been dramatically affected by addiction, be used to educate the public and your peers, hopefully preventing an individual from suffering “Lost Paradise.”

OUTSTANDING YOUTH “VOLUNTEERISM & ITS IMPORTANCE” Contestants are evaluated on high school grade point average, a personal biographical information statement, three letters of recommendation, performance of community service, a 750-word essay “Volunteerism & Its Importance”, leadership experience/participation and a personal interview.

This contest is open to all high school seniors. Each contestant must be sponsored by a Lions Club in District 2-S2. There is a non-refundable fee of $100 per entry. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring Lions Club to provide meal and transportation for its representatives to the district contest. Entries must be received by the District no later than December 20, 2013. Contest will be held on January 4, 2014 (time and venue TBA) . For entry forms and complete contest rules, please contact Lion Minette Chiu (District Chairperson) at 713.208.2380 or email or visit For complete contest rules, information, and application forms, please visit the Lions 2S2 website: First place winners will have the chance to represent District 2-S2 at the MD-2 State Youth Contest on January 31-February 1, 2014 in Kerrville, TX

December 2013 • District 2-S2 PawPrints • 15


A club may submit an ad for their project or need for FREE. Submit your written information to the newsletter editor by the 10th of the month.

Conroe Noon Lions Club

Liberty Lions Club

District Governor Eddie Risha

Huntsville Lions Club

Conroe Noon Lions Club

Elect Lion Mark Roth 2nd Vice District Governor Houston Heights Lions Club

Your Club or Candidate Ad Here 16 • District 2-S2 PawPrints • December 2013


A club may submit an ad for their project or need for FREE. Submit your written information to the newsletter editor by the 10th of the month.

Conroe Custom Woodcraft “Remodeling by Skilled Craftsmen” Rick Reynolds (936) 494-3813 Office (936) 494-3813 Fax (281) 686-0882 Cell

Consulting & Brokerage

Business Development Director & Consultant Commercial & Residential Broker

Your Business…is our Business

Direct: 713 894.9892

1800 Bering Dr., Ste 940 Voice: 281 921.1818 Houston Texas 77057 Fax: 281 921.1919 Email:


TEXAS SENATE December 2013 • District 2-S2 PawPrints • 17


A club may submit an ad for their project or need for FREE. Submit your written information to the newsletter editor by the 10th of the month.





Montgomery County Commissioner Pct. 4 V OTE J IM C LARK . COM

Political ad paid for by Jim Clark Campaign - Billy Bob Lee Treasurer


Candidate for Montgomery County Commissioner Pct. 4

1-877-551-5508 Campaign Headquarters P.O. Box 680 Conroe, TX 77305


H e l p i n g

Y o u

g r o w

Relax on your own place

H e l p i n g

Y o u

g r o w

Casey eakin

Michael Biesiada

New Waverly Branch 125 State Hwy 150 West, Suite B-1 New Waverly, Texas 77358

New Waverly Branch 125 State Hwy 150 West, Suite B-1 New Waverly, Texas 77358

Relax on your own place

Regional President

Loan Officer

offers LoAns for:  farms and ranches

 rural Homes  recreational Properties  Timber Properties

18 • District 2-S2 PawPrints • December 2013 (936) 344-9400

offers LoAns for:  farms and ranches

 rural Homes  recreational Properties  Timber Properties (936) 344-9400


A club may submit an ad for their project or need for FREE. Submit your written information to the newsletter editor by the 10th of the month.

David Scott

Kwik Kopy Printing & Parcel Plus 1010 Spring Cypress Road Spring, Texas 77373 Phone: 281.353.7977 Fax: 281.353.6741 Toll-Free: 1-866-897-5945 E-mail:

Seek a Lion when you need to do business!

Honor the Texas flag; I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Where Lions Meet Be Present Lord. To Weld Our Hearts in One Accord. To Do Thy Will, Lord Make Us Strong. To Aid the Weak and Right the Wrong.

December 2013 • District 2-S2 PawPrints • 19

District Officers Eddie Risha - Conroe Noon

District 2-S2 Membership

District Governor

Chris Moorman - Liberty 1st Vice District Governor

As of October 31, 2013

Noah Speer - Huntsville 2nd Vice District Governor

1698 Total

Paul Eads - Houston Heights Immediate Past District Governor

(48 Students)

Minette Chiu - Houston Royal Oaks Cabinet Secretary

Glen Starr - Conroe Noon Cabinet Treasurer

Lions Weekly Checklist

Rick Reynolds - Cut and Shoot Family

2013-2014 Net -30

Had fun and fellowship.

North Region Chair

Talal Kayyal - Houston Founder West Region Chair

Ron Chene - Tomball

Asked someone to join my club this week.

South Region Chair

Albert Baker - Crosby East Region Chair

Performed community service.

Brian Blalock - Huntsville Zone L-1 Chair

What is the secret to getting new members? Just Ask!

Max Martensen - Panorama Zone L-2 Chair

Developed leadership skills in self and others.

Karl Johnson - Conroe Noon Zone L-3 Chair

Chuck Martin - Houston Cy-Fair Zone I-1 Chair

Planned a new or continuing project.

Arlita Pang - Houston Millenium

Just Ask!

Zone I-2 Chair

Donald Landers - Houston Spring Branch

Reached out to the youth.

Zone I-3 Chair

John Peterson - Houston Cy-Fair

New Member Recruiting Guide for Clubs

Zone O-1 Chair

Promoted good government and good citizenship.

Steve Hand - Houston Sports Zone O-2 Chair

Syd Waldman - Bellaire Zone N-1 Chair

George Malone - Houston Space City Zone N-2 Chair

Mike Penry - Cleveland Zone S-1 Chair

Ed Stuckey - Cut and Shoot Family Zone S-2 Chair

Chris Moorman - Liberty Zone S-3 Chair

James “Bud” Casey - Houston Cy-Fair Ron Chene - Tomball Texas Lions Camp Elected Directors

PawPrints of District 2-S2

PawPrints is the official publication of Lions District 2-S2, which encompasses Chambers, Harris, Liberty, Montgomery, San Jacinto, Walker, and Waller counties in Lions Multiple District 2, Texas. As of publication date, District 2-S2 has 63 Lions Clubs serving their communities throughout the District. All ads and hard-copy subscriptions run August - June each Lions year. Hard-copy (B&W only) subscriptions available for $50 per year. Business card ad (3 ½ x 2) is $100 per year, quarter page ad $200 per year, half page ad is $300 per year, full page ad is $400 per year. Ad for club project FREE for one month. Make checks payable to Lions District 2-S2 and send to District Treasurer.

Download the new member recruiting guide! We can do it!

Donald Landers - Houston Spring Branch Betty Ezell - Houston Spring Branch PawPrints is distributed to members by e-mail to the e-mail Lions Eye Bank of Texas Elected Trustees

Andrew Trevino - Houston Heights George Shackelford - Tomball Lighthouse of Houston Elected Directors

Pat Mann - Baytown Winnie Mae Eads - Houston Heights Betty Williamson - Dayton Noon Humanitarian Relief Fund Elected Directors

address on record with Lions Clubs International. PawPrints is also available on the District website at or you can sign-up for our e-mail distribution list from the website. For Lions Club members in District 2-S2, please ensure your club Secretary has the correct e-mail address on file with LCI. Lion Terry Landers • PawPrints Editor • PDG Glen Starr • Newsletter Co-Chair •

Any views or opinions presented herein are expressed by the individual contributor and considered to be his/her personal view or opinion, and NOT the view or opinion of Lions District 2-S2.

20 • District 2-S2 PawPrints • December 2013

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