Biscayne Bay 14

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The Biscayne Bay's construction sections show Vz-inch plank thickness, but Vi-inch plywood can be used. Floor-to-frame and knee-toframe fastenings can be eliminated, as can the breasthook bolt. -F(tW$ «k id j $„.. .

rttut t*f*>tttn frvrmt. ^ftt*/5 «,,? *,hia,«t buUtn.) sampeonj

TABLE OF OFFSETS. , Shttf { Uft*r Lower .


•tultml'r tilt of jock



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The Biscni/ne Bai/ Spars and Rigging



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O.ICrGiMQr LIST 31JGOUDS - Z required ', s/sz " 7 x 7 s/omliss sfie,/' Hire, nit'/h a served , spliced eye around the mast a/ [he, upper end ; /over end swaged or ip/ited around fhimblt. Lenafh abaaf /5' each. Foe.d'sTAY • I rtqvirttl , S/$j,* It 7 stainless tfet/ Mire rJifh a tervecl, Spliced eye around fhe masf a/ fhe upper end > /on/or ind sts/ic.ed around fhimble *>f>ich in farn i$ stittd fo hole, in sfemhead tv/'/A lighf lint, Lintfh about IW MAIM 5(J£-£T- I ricviret/, Vg' dacron dead. ended on ajl deck fo ifarooarel wifh stopper knef , be*ll!ni, or if lice /hreuo.ri mtfal flonae eyt. LtnaM about Zfi'. J/t> 3/J£.£.T • I reautrecl , '/«" c/acron dead- ended on fore, deck fo Starboard ', same as main sftee/. Lenqlh about Z01MA/M tJALYAZO • I required. , '/«' dacron attached /o head a? sail «i//A bowline or snaphook . Lenqfh about 4& Maulinq barf- belayed f~o deaf at forward end of cockpitJib LtALYA&O • I required, ''4 " aacron riqqed Safrte at /or mmin. ' . &OAZO PtNOANT • I reouirtd for cenferboa ' or */f" doc ran ivith lotuer end rave, fhrouqh rer Heal holt, in aft upper edai o/ cente-rboai-J and held faff oy o s/eaper- inot contained in an intersedinq athwartihip holt . Upper end rove [Hrouah a loote wooden tteape-r b/eck and k-nofled for oboo'f /&* of ctnterooord travel. Cenferboard is fte-lel in raised position by a me/a/ pin fhrouah fhe frank sides and the board near }he oft end , fhut e/iminafina. the need for a pendant cleatLACS. LIMB. FOB. MAINSAIL. L.UF? • I required, tijbt/tj tarred hemp or '//*" braided nylon rot/e. fhrauah trie sail arommefs in fhe usual '/er/h and back' manner fo enable easy raising and lowering L&C& nylon Tacit sfuff

LINE. FOZ fOOT Of MAIN rove, fhrouah sail qrommeh and c/eas of sail) attached fhreua.h holet in fhe ends of

AND JI& • '/i braided and around boom and club. with ieizina a/ the lome spars. i"

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Keel and Rudder

Table of Offtett for Iron bal/aif Kit./ (CIS. Version) t/tighh b bait, lint. r Ulijlht from i t^ff/tom ftoffom frf> Up O-l-Hf Ol-2> 4 0-1-4 btleu a->-t ' 0-t-l O-S-2' * 0.J.J • b 1 « C - i - 4 O-t-4 0 Z^ O-t-4 o-t-l • 7 -•J O-t-0 0-1-4 • 0-1 t> g O-l-l 1 0-l-t> 00-t abut





(Thii lift may tit vile1 in li&u Of frit. Casting Liff on UMCo. plan 76 -145.) 3" -f/onae, eyt, I rtquirtd ', bronze., of cltjaile-cl or tq<j<i/a (See. Note. I. ) Eyes for snie,fi and hoom crotch , 4reauir-e.d, bi-onte. , at defoi/ee1 or equiva/enf. Jib she-tf fair/tad, I re-quired, bronze , at dtfai/ed or touivolenf. (See Mote Z) Huddlr o^dqeon, £ rt,quire.d. oroni€,0* on MMCo. plan b$-b& o i L eaaivaltnr. Sow/ad , t rteuirid, oronte '/ or *%. sitt. fStt klo/t ).) Som/Oit socJitt, Z required, bromt, fop flanqe. typt, fo /if abo*/t rowlock. Mojfhiao1 sbtat/e / required .bronze, os dtfoiltd er equivoltnr.



Tvrnbuckft.. 2 required, bronzt, f/4a$i2t./ e,ifhtr jaw and ja*j or jaw and (Sit fJofe. 5.) Main ihtt/ /tad b/oci, Z rtauirid, promt, uti. Vs " bulltr block uifh lyttfrap on diet and n/ifh te.iiinq on boom. boor" crefc-h fa1 fitting, 2 required, bronte. at JtfailtJ or tqui(/ Cltel /or halyard* end ffiee/i, 4 required, bronte, oak or locijtt, abo^f 4' long. No/I- I. Sparfen fit). *f-H4 tan be lubififuled. Affach flange, eye fii/n ftiWS into treat/ frooi; attach spliced end of painter fo eye mifh COM knot far easy removal. fJa/e Z. Sftrfon F,'q. * ?-*OO can be W*///K/e</ Nofe 5. For sc<j//inq anc/ A/ee-rinoj in thalto*! tvorer ,- rrtou be uted in eifher per/ or s/arboarcl toc-k.*? Note 4. Can be eliminated by using a btfha/t in fht mat/, we// lubricated M/ifh tellaiv flo/t, f . Merrimarr Par/ **T1O-}O6 C/4-") can be

— 127-


The Biscnune Ba\i

Frame spaces, 14". Stem, oak or hackmatack, sided 1 1/2". Timbers, white oak, 3A" x 3A". Floors, oak plank, 3A" thick. Keel, oak, 1 3/$" thick, top 1" above rabbet. Lower stringers, oak, 1 W x 13Ae". Upper stringers, oak, 1 Vz" x %". Planking, Philippine mahogany, Vi" thick. Deck, Philippine mahogany, Vi" thick; forward deck canvased. Chafing strip, spruce, %" x 1 V%". Clamps, Douglas fir, 11A" x 1 1 A". Deck beams, oak or ash, %" x 11A". Bulkhead, %" plywood. Hanging knees, Vi" oak or butternut. Stern, %" oak. Flooring, spruce slats, ^/u" x 6", :/2" apart. Planking can be 1A" high-grade mahogany plywood. Chafing strip can be Douglas-fir (Oregon pine) and should be tapered in both width and thickness as it nears the bow and stern. Bulkhead can be cedar. Stem can be mahogany. Flooring can be cedar. Iron keel shown; lead keel can be substituted if reconfigured for same weight.



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