2017 感知集合 作品集

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2016-2017 Design Portfolio 陳 冠文 Kuan-Wen Chen

我們所認知的世界是由感官知覺所構成 的,透過大腦與感官之間訊息不斷的轉 換,就是我們認識世界的過程。如果能 透過設計觸發人們的知覺、集合人們感 知的能力,並與其產生聯繫,我想那就 是一種幸福吧。

The world we knew is consisting of senses and perception, through the flying messages between human brain and perception, which are how we learn about world. If we are able to inspire people, to combine the ability of perception and make them related, it wo- uld be a pleasure and honor.


01 | 自述 Self Preface 02 | 目錄 Contents 03 | 簡介 Introduction 04 | 平面設計 Graphic Design Food Festival Taipei 2018 - Food, Drinks & Music Taiwan 50 Golden Age Playboy 2016FW Piovino Glasses Agape Glasses Mirae Toner Ceci SS2017 Year-End Party 3rd Anniversary Happy Chinese New Year Maji Guide Map Taipei Water Park Guide Map The Insurance History of Hong Kong Taiwan Quinoa - Healthy Tea Herbal Detox Tea JR.Grizzy

34 | 企業識別 Corporate Identity System Baoguo Voodoo Hair Salon Unlucky 13

02 | 03


陳 冠文 Kuan-Wen Chen 1994 / 02 / 02 來自 臺北 大稻程

Taipei,Dadaocheng 專長 平面設計

Graphic Design 畢業 復興工商 美工科 媒體傳達組

Fu-Hsin Trade and Arts School of Art and Craft of Communications Design 肄業 中國科技大學 數位多媒體系

China University of Technology of Digital Multimedia Design 經歷 零一研創 平面設計

Graphic Designer of Labb01 Research and Development Ltd



在大二升大三的期間我選擇休學,利用服兵役的期間,讓我有機會好好的靜下心來思考,重審自己對設 計的認知和想法,嘗試用不同的角度去解決問題,檢討自己仍不成熟的部分,思考對未來的規劃及追求, 從高中畢業、實習、轉學、休學、到退伍,雖然身處的環境不斷地在改變,唯一不變的是對求學的欲望 及熱情,對我來說學校只是個階段,學習卻是一輩子的事。我知道我一直以來都不是特別有天份、也不 是特別幸運的人,花了很長的時間才逐漸釐清自己的方向,所以我會更努力的朝目標邁進,也更珍惜每 一次的機會。

I dropped-out of college when I was a sophomore, and it was a great chance for me to reset my mind and what I’ve been thought about design during the time when I was fulfilling my mandatory military service. Since then I’ve tried to solve problems in a different angle, and I did some soul searching and realized I was still immature. Thinking of future plan and what I desire, from high school to internship, from transfer to dropping-out, till now I leave the armed force. Though the scene keeps changing, the only thing that never changes is my desire and enthusiasm of learning. From my opinion, attending school is just a stage, but the pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong experience. I do know I am not gifted, and I’m not that lucky one, it took so long to figure out where I’m heading for, so I will try my very best to stride forward and treasure every opportunity.

平 面 設 計 Graphic Design

06 Food Festival Taipei 2018 - Food, Drinks & Music | 10 Taiwan 50 Golden Age | 14 Playboy 2016FW 16 Piovino Glasses | 18 Agape Glasses | 20 Mirae Toner | 22 Ceci SS2017 | 24 Year-End Party 25 3rd Anniversary | 26 Happy Chinese New Year | 27 Maji Guide Map | 28 Taipei Water Park Guide Map 30 The Insurance History of Hong Kong | 31 Taiwan Quinoa - Healthy Tea | 32 Herbal Detox Tea | 33 JR.Grizzy

2018 台北美食節 - 輕食世代 | Food Festival Taipei 2018 - Food, Drinks & Music Key Visual 594mm × 840mm

06 | 07

Postcard 105mm × 148mm

Badge / Invitation Card 65mm × 95mm / 180mm × 125mm

08 | 09

Lightbox 1200mm × 1700mm

10 | 11

台灣 50 現代畫展 - 黃金年代 | Taiwan 50 Golden Age Key Visual / Poster none / 420mm × 560mm

Book Cover / Invitation Card / Poster / Key Visual 210mm × 275mm / 160mm × 190mm / 420mm × 560mm / none

12 | 13

Playboy 2016FW Key Visual 594mm × 840mm

14 | 15

Playboy 2016FW Key Visual 594mm × 840mm

Piovino Glasses Key Visual 840mm × 594mm

16 | 17

Agape Glasses Key Visual 594mm × 840mm

18 | 19

Agape Glasses Key Visual 594mm × 840mm

未來美 - 肌本保濕 | Mirae Toner Key Visual 594mm × 840mm

20 | 21

未來美 - 肌本保濕 | Mirae Toner Key Visual 840mm × 594mm

Ceci SS2017 Poster 594mm × 840mm

22 | 23

Poster Details

貳〇壹柒尾牙 - 丁酉 | Year-End Party Poster 420mm × 594mm

24 | 25

三週年 | 3rd Anniversary Poster 297mm × 420mm

雞鳴曉旦 | Happy Chinese New Year Poster 297mm × 420mm

26 | 27

集食行樂導覽圖 | Maji Guide Map Guide Map 297mm × 210mm

自來水園區導覽 | Taipei Water Park Guide Map Guide Map 580mm × 290mm

28 | 29

Icon Details

厚生利群 - 香港保險史 | The Insurance History of Hong Kong Book Cover 170mm × 230 mm

30 | 31

紅藜健康茶 | Taiwan Quinoa - Healthy Tea Packaging / Inner Packaging 135mm × 97mm × 102mm / 100mm × 90mm

好蓮降三高茶 | Herbal Detox Tea Packaging 100mm × 160mm × 65mm

32 | 33

JR.Grizzy Packaging 180mm × 125mm × 50mm

企 業 識 別 Corporate Identity System

36 Baoguo | 42 Voodoo Hair Salon | 48 Unlucky 13

包果 | Baoguo Corporate Identity System

36 | 37

150 年台灣莊園茶與軟歐包的邂逅,是包果想和你分享另一種質樸而耐磨的生活。每一口都有屬於包果的 感動滋味,讓你細細品味。享受生活中茗閒情,是你隨時可以掌握的愜意。這不只是一個悠閒的下午,而 是一種新的生活形態。 運用中文字「果」的概念延伸發想整體視覺,將果包覆在內如同品牌名稱「包果」同時巧妙的運用包果的 英文縮寫在標誌當中。

Color Palettes / Business Card / 4-Fold Brochure

38 | 39

Product Photos

Baoguo Store

40 | 41

Baoguo Store

巫毒髮藝 | Voodoo Hair Salon Corporate Identity System

42 | 43

以尊重、感恩為核心,發展出新的視覺。英文標誌以剪髮最主要的三根手指頭:拇指、食指、中指,與象 徵剪刀的 V,將文字圖像化保留時尚感,傾一邊的 V 和倒過來的 D 彼此面對面,添增親切的形象。 中文標誌以象形文中的人字為發想,雙手交於身體前,肩膀微向前傾呈現的人類呈現尊重的姿勢,並且有 感謝之意,巫當中的人彼此面對面,和倒了圓角的背部,符合感謝、鞠躬之意,配合感恩及尊重。

Logo Details

44 | 45

Variants / Color Palettes

Business Card / Paper Bag / Paper Cup

46 | 47

Signboard / Window Signage

Unlucky 13 Corporate Identity System

48 | 49 2.5 X

2.5 X

clear space 2.5 X


clear space 2.5 X


Unlucky 13 是一個以搖滾為核心的音樂品牌,主要服務項目為音樂活動承辦、音樂製作以及自有品牌服飾。 標誌由音頻訊號的上下振幅發展,意味著能夠承載、包容各種形式的音樂,並結合羅馬數字中的 XIII(13)。 而搖滾精神是具獨立思考的反思及反動,在造型上刻意的錯位及斜切角度 (13°),這種不安分的表現手法與 搖滾精神相做呼應。

Design Overview

50 | 51

陳 冠文

Kuan-Wen Chen

Mail dawendesign @ gmail.com

Mobile +886 975 054 225

Behance www.behance.net/kuanwenchen

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