13 minute read

The Glencoe Club & Cannabis Legalization

Derwin Parker Health & Safety Manager 403-287-4122 dparker@glencoe.org

Like the rest of the country, the Glencoe has considered what impacts the legalization of cannabis will have on the operations of the Club. We’ve recently developed a Drug and Alcohol Policy to address our increasing responsibilities in managing the workplace. W ithout a structured policy, members and employees would not have information to ensure clarity (in terms of rules and expectations) and understanding in making decisions regarding cannabis use. That, ultimately, would lead to difficulties. Instead, we’ve developed a policy.


First off, I’d like to achieve some consensus on the language. For the purpose of this article, I’ll present two considerations:

1) Medical marijuana (Medical Cannabis) refers to the use of cannabis or marijuana, including constituents of cannabis, THC and other cannabinoids, as a physician-recommended form of medicine or herbal therapy. 2) Cannabis refers to recreational use of the same products outside of a medical recommendation.

The use of the word “marijuana” appears to be waning as controversy exists as to what marijuana actually refers to. Historically, it was something of a slang term referring to the Mexican immigrants who used the cannabis plant as an intoxicant. As there is Canadian law around the phrase “medical marijuana,” I will retain the phrase to identify

68 glencoe.org the medical uses for the product as being separate from alternate uses.

I further wish to identify that a difference exists between employees/contractors and members/guests of the Club.

So, what does it all mean?

Medical marijuana We’ve been dealing with this topic for a few years and have built up some comfort around it. We appreciate there are many delivery systems and types of medical marijuana including some that do not contain THC (the impairing component of cannabis) and we default to the following position: • The Club as a shared experience: We would request that any person using medical marijuana be considerate of the larger community at the Club. Smoking medicinal marijuana, as an example, would be requested to be inline with City of Calgary Smoking and Public Consumption of Cannabis by-laws where applicable. Smell and inappropriate usage will be addressed on an individual basis.

Recreational use of cannabis I don’t want to appear flippant and say there will be no impact on the Club operations from the legalization of cannabis. That would be too easy. Yes, we’ll have concerns around impairment, smell and inappropriate use.

“The most obvious concern is impairment. The resulting behaviour might impact the safety of those involved (and others).”



Effectively, this will align with our current policies around alcohol and illicit drug use. If an individual is perceived to be impaired, we have a duty of care to ensure the safety of that individual and others. If we perceive a person to be impaired and intending to operate a vehicle, for example, we have options up to and including contacting the police.

The most common question I’ve received: “Will it be ok to have cannabis with me while I’m at the Club?” The answer is difficult. Would it be legal? Sure. Would it be appropriate considering the setting? No. It would not be appropriate to walk the halls of the Club with a bottle of liquor visible, so we’ll follow the same line of thought with cannabis.

An employee situation involving suspected impairment would be captured under “Fitness for Duty” and the short-term safety of the employee would be the priority. Follow-up would be managed according to the severity of the perceived impairment, the employment history, the nature of the job position, concerns around addictions and so on.

The Club is not intending to initiate a requirement for pre-employment testing or “drug screening” as a part of the hiring process or the ongoing employment relationship.

Looking into the future, the organization will be aware of societal trends and membership desires. Will we pour cannabis-infused beers in the Pub? Serve up hash brownies in Café 29? Should you get ready for cannabis-themed events? Stay tuned! A

• Train up to 5 days a week (Tues-Thurs 11 am - 7 pm, Fri-Sat 9 am - 5 pm) • Professional instruction and use of technology • Use of Trackman launch monitor (displays impact data, club speed and shot shape analysis) • Use of SamPutt putting analysis and training system • Use of video software during lessons and student online web portal • Use of training aids • Limited enrollment

ADD ON THE TPI FITNESS PROGRAM: • Receive a personalized fitness program that works together with your golf instruction to help you play better golf next season • Titleist Performance Institute (TPI) golf screens will be completed at the start and at the end of the program to identify and improve your physical ability as it relates to the golf swing • Access to TPI website where your individualized

exercise routine will be created from the screen results Cost $99+

For more information or to book the fitness component of the package contact Ken in the Fitness Centre directly by calling 403-287-4169 or email kclarke@glencoe.org

Ryan Anderson PGA of Canada Professional Phone: 403-240-7390 Email: randerson@glencoe.org

Natasha Sawatsky, CMP Membership Marketing Director 403-240-7395 nsawatsky@glencoe.org

Glencoe Golf A bright and beautiful extension of the Glencoe family. V ery few facilities exist like ours and I couldn’t be prouder to work here! Event planning has always been in my blood. From the ripe age of 10, I was working with my mother and the special events committee at her small platform tennis club in Niagara, serving buffets and helping to decorate. That passion has always been with me. Events and marketing almost ALWAYS go hand in hand so it has been my delight to create a roster of family-friendly events at the Club that all members may enjoy!

We’ll have our 4th Annual Drive-in at The Driving Range on September 21. This family-friendly event is on the Short Game Area of the Practice Facility. We blow up a big inflatable movie screen, line up golf cart seating and charge you the same price as a Cineplex Odeon movie ticket! We’ll have food trucks, games and of course, lots of popcorn! We welcome all Glencoe members to join us for this event. Just email me at nsawatsky@glencoe.org and we’ll get you registered!

It is my great hope that we’ll have an opportunity to welcome you to the Glencoe Golf family this year! Many membership opportunities are available and I would love to discuss them with you! If you’re interested in a tour of the Club or would like to play a round of golf, just give me a call and I’d love to take you out! A



6:30 pm BBQ/ACTIVITIES (at the Practice Facility) 8:30 pm MOVIE: Monsters Inc. 10 pm FIREWORKS!

$13.95++ Includes a BBQ, concession snacks and non-alcoholic beverages BYOB (Bring Your Own Blanket, it gets chilly when the sun sets!) Carts will be available on a first-come, first-served basis!

Deadline to RSVP: September 18, 8 am. EMAIL NATASHA: nsawatsky@glencoe.org FOR MORE INFORMATION!

2018 CORPORATE OR PRIVATE HOLIDAY PARTIES Book now! The Glencoe Golf & Country Club will once again open up dates for members to book corporate or private holiday parties in the Clubhouse. We’ll have dates available from November 1 to December 22, 2018. The beautiful scenic backdrop, holiday decor and chance to partake in outdoor activities makes the Golf Club a fun and unique venue for your next holiday party. For more details, please contact Courtney Tanaka, Catering Manager at ctanaka@glencoe.org or 403-880-3090.


Alberta has some great trails to take advantage of with spectacular vistas. Join us for the last hike of the season to Boom Lake in Banff National Park on Friday, September 7 (*backup date: Wednesday, September 19). We’ll meet at the trailhead for 10 am. Expect to be back in town for 3:30 pm. This trail begins after crossing a bridge over Boom Creek. We’ll then climb through a forest of pine, fir and spruce trees with some switchbacks. Our final approach will be to Boom Lake that is almost 1,900 m above sea level. This fall we hope to see some trees turning for the winter months! For more information and to register, please contact Julie Repp, jrepp@glencoe.org. THE GLENCOE GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB


Thanksgiving to go! Order turkey with all the fixings to enjoy in the comfort of your home, prepared by our team of Chefs at The Glencoe Golf & Country Club. To download the order form and for more details, please go to: bit.ly/ggccthanksgiving2018

Saturday, December 8 & Sunday, December 9

2 - 4 pm: Activities • 4 - 5 pm: Santa Arrives 5 pm: Dinner Buffet

Adults 13 and Up $55 ++ Kids 4 - 12 $25 ++

Kids 3 & Under Free add $25 +GST

for gift

Please make sure to include your children's names, ages and gender so they receive a gift from Santa! An additional $25+ GST

to order gifts for kids over 13 years old. Reservations start November 1* *Strict Cancellation Policy in effect

2018 Glencoe Invitational Top 10 Players (L-R): Kai Iguchi, Dylan Macqueen, Scott Kerr, Calvin Ross, Etienne Papineau (Champion), Brendan MacDougall, Jared Nicolls, Travis Fredborg, Jeevan Sihota; not pictured: Blair Bursey

Font: Hiroshige and Copperplate Gothic Bold


Étienne Papineau is our 2018 Glencoe Invitational Champion!

by Dale Goehring, Invitational Chairman C ongrats to the St-Jean-sur-Richelieu Quebec native and member of the West Virginia University Mountaineers Golf Team, Étienne Papineau! In his fourth time at this event, Étienne was one over par after 54 holes of Stroke Play in difficult weather conditions and was the only golfer to post two red numbers punctuated by a birdie on #18 after driving into the fairway bunker.

Thanks to our Turfcare team for the course conditions. The players were once again very complimentary about our Forest course.

Jared Nicholls from Ponoka, Alberta came in second place at +5, followed by a 14-year old teen sensation, Jeevan Sihota, who was leading part-way through the final round and finished at +6. Our very own Glencoe member, Brendan MacDougall, came in at +9 for the event in seventh place. A


Étienne Papineau (Champion)

2018 Horserace Champs: Matt Williams and Charles-Eric Belanger



Greg Lundmark, CCM, CCE, Chief Executive Officer The Glencoe Club/The Glencoe Golf & Country Club..... 403-287-4158 Jan Bloemraad, General Manager The Glencoe Club ...................................................................... 403-287-4128 Ash Chadha, General Manager The Glencoe Golf & Country Club ...................................... 403-240-7385 Rick Cooke, CPA, CGA, CIM, CMgr, CFO/CIO The Glencoe Club/The Glencoe Golf & Country Club .... 403-287-4142

ADMINISTRATION Janet Lipsett, Executive Administrator............................... 403-287-4130 Debra Hope, Member Services Manager ......................... 403-287-4140 Leigh Gerard, Membership Coordinator .......................... 403-287-4104 Ann Trussell, Membership Coordinator ............................. 403-287-4132 Laura Dunnigan, Controller ................................................... 403-287-4146 Suzanne Sourisack, Accounts Receivable ....................... 403-287-4135 Charlene Manty, Accounts Payable ................................... 403-287-4134 Brad Sluiter, CPHR, CPHRi, Human Resources Mgr .... 403-287-4103 Monika Zwilling, Human Resources Generalist .............. 403-287-4127

BRIDGE Luncheon Reservations, Reception ................................ 403-243-2506

CREATIVE STUDIO Wendy Dypolt, Creative Studio Supervisor ...................... 403-287-4163 Eric Skilling, Digital Design Specialist ................................ 403-287-4143 Louise Bennet, Creative Studio Coordinator ................... 403-287-4183 Jana Volfova, Graphic Designer .......................................... 403-287-4182

FOOD & BEVERAGE Grille Room Reservations .................................................. 403-243-2506 TBA, F&B Manager, The Glencoe Club................................ 403-287-4173 Jennifer Cox, F&B Manager The Glencoe Golf & Country Club........................................ 403-240-7384 Dean Kanuit, Executive Chef ............................................... 403-287-4150 Marc Badorek, F&B Service Manager................................ 403-287-4164 Jack Phouthavong, F&B Operations Manager .............. 403-287-4148 Ciara Glendon, Sales & Events Manager..............c 403-998-6066/161 Courtney Tanaka, Catering Manager..............................c 403-880-3090

GOLF Golf Shop ............................................... 403-242-4019 or403-571-0055 Brock Coates, AGS Course Superintendent ................. c 587-393-1644 Julie Repp, Administrative Assistant ................................... 403-240-7377 Natasha Sawatsky, CMP Membership & Marketing Director ..................................... 403-240-7395 Laurie MacArthur, Accounts Receivable ......................... 403-240-7379 Naina Dhokia, Accounts Payable ...................................... 403-240-7383 Judy Forshner, PGA Head Golf Professional ................. 403-240-7380 Steve Thomson, PGA Golf Shop Manager ...................... 403-240-7387 Ryan Anderson, PGA Head Teaching Professional ...... 403-240-7390 Bruce Campbell, Outdoor Services Director .................. 403-240-7392 Paul Kenno, Assistant Food & Beverage Manager......... 403-240-7384 Christophe Herblin, Executive Chef.................................. 403-240-7378


Ed Penn, IT Manager ............................................................... 403-287-4120 Byron Anderson, IT Tech ....................................................... 403-700-7358 Stéphane Bohémier, IT Tech .............................................. 587-583-6500

OPERATIONS Dennis O’Byrne, Operations Manager ............................. 403-287-4108 Derwin Parker, Health & Safety Manager ......................... 403-287-4122 Duty Managers ......................................................... 403-243-2506 (350)

RECREATION Suzette O’Byrne, Recreation Manager ............................. 403-287-4180 Christie Springs, Aquatics Director ..................................... 403-287-4114 Meghan Hilderman, Aquatics Supervisor.......................... 403-287-4137 Ken Clarke, Fitness Director .................................................. 403-287-4169 Personal Trainers ..................................................................... 403-287-4175 Fitness Service Desk .............................................................. 403-287-4176 Cindy Nelson Bonyai, Youth & Teen Director................ 403-287-4168 Summer Daycamps (seasonal) ........................................ 403-287-4155

SERVICES Main Lobby .............................................................................. 403-243-2506 Sports Office ............................................................................. 403-243-7342 Debra Hope, Member Services Manager ......................... 403-287-4140 Barbara Consul, Childcare & Preschool Director .......... 403-287-4109 Anouk Dooyeweerd, Childcare & Preschool Coord. .... 403-287-4109 Barbie Jean, Pro Shop Manager ............................................ 403-287-4115 Physiotherapy Bookings ...................................................... 403-287-4179 Wellness Centre ......................................................................... 403-287-4174 Jessica Power Cyr, Wellness & Lifestyle Director ........... 403-287-4178

SPORTS Sports Office .......................................................................... 4403-243-7342 Chris Jennings, Athletic Manager ....................................... 403-287-4112 Court Bookings ........................................................................ 403-243-7342 Program Registration ............................................................ 403-243-7342 Beth Richardson, Badminton Professional .................... 403-287-4106 Bryan Moody, Badminton Professional ............. 403-243-2506 (316) Ardy Wiranata, Badminton Professional ............. 403-243-2506 (311) John Pearson, Bowling Director ........................................... 403-287-4145 Paul Webster, Curling Director ............................................. 403-287-4123 Scott Davis, Head Skating Professional ............... 403-243-2506 (317) David Duncalf, Head Squash Professional ....................... 403-287-4181 Susie King, Associate Squash Professional ...................... 403-287-4184 Dietmar Rautenbach, Tennis Director .............................. 403-287-4110 Richard Danielson, Tennis Professional ........... 403-243-2506 (388) Gene Kelly, Tennis Professional ............................ 403-243-2506 (390) Neil Parker, Tennis Professional ............................ 403-243-2506 (378)

TheGlencoeClub GlencoeGolf @glencoeclub @glencoebowl @glencoecurl @glencoegcc @GlencoeInv @elbowparktennis @glencoegcc @glencoeclub


MARKET at The Glencoe Club

The Market will feature local artisans and local products. This is a great opportunity to shop for holiday gi�s for your friends and family while en�oying market-style food and beverage for purchase. Entrance is free for members and their guests. Guests must be accompanied by a member.


JUNE - AUGUST 2018 • Vol. 3 Issue 2


COST OF SHIPPING 4 ISSUES: $25+ Canadian addresses $50+ International addresses

Hometown Favourites Clinch Double National Titles 36



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Snap a photo of this finished form and email to: membership@glencoe.org Electronic copies are available for free to view or download from the Members’ site at glencoe.org Limited printed copies in the Club.

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