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Adult & Teen Visual Arts & Music PHOTOGRAPHY

Focus: Glen Echo Night Visions Workshop $140

Frank Van Riper

Workshop 1: Th, Nov 30, 7-9:30pm, Photoworks Studio

Workshop 2: W, Dec 13, 7-9:30pm, Photoworks Studio

Prowl the shadows with lighting master Frank Van Riper in neon-bathed Glen Echo Park as it offers countless photo opportunities and chances to experiment. Learn time exposure, drag-flash, flash-and-zoom. Frank supplies lighting; all you need is a camera and a tripod. Open to all levels. More info: GVR@GVRphoto.com. Minimum age 18. 1 session.

Focus: Photography - $300 Beyond Your Lens Pt I

Francesca Scott

Class: Sa, Jan 6-Feb 24; No Class Jan 13, Feb 17, 11am-1pm, Online

Using the incorporation of light, subject matter, composition and the principles of design, students will select a photographic style or theme to explore. Photographic styles and history will be introduced such as landscapes, portraits and documentary ideas. Minimum age 18. More info: focusfran@gmail.com. 6 sessions.

Focus: Bookmaking for Photographers $350

David Scherbel

Class: Th, Feb 8-29, 1-3pm, Photoworks Studio

Handmade books are a more personal and lasting way to showcase your images. Bookmaking for Photographers begins with your images and produces a completed handmade book. Sessions include selecting and sequencing images, designing and printing the pages, and assembling the finished book to take home. More info: davidscherbel@gmail.com. Minimum age 18. 4 sessions.

Focus: Advanced Digital Negatives $300 (Tri-Color Cyanotype)

Christopher Gumm

Class: Tu, Feb 20-Mar 5, 6-9:30pm, Photoworks Studio

Students will leave this course with tri-color cyanotype images. Through the use of calibration - curves can be created to adjust digital images for the variables of cyanotype. Variables include paper selection, cyanotype chemicals, UV light sources and toners. By layering variables, a large color spectrum through cyanotypes can be displayed. More info: christopher.gumm.photography@gmail.com

Minimum age 18. 3 sessions.

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