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Ashley Freeman ’00

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Alumni News

Jean Bigelow, Alumni Liaison

It was a pleasure to meet Ashley Freeman for coffee recently to catch up on what she has been up to since her graduation in 2000. Reminiscing about her life at GNS, Ashley has fond memories of the warm, supportive small community that she enjoyed. Teachers can make a difference in a student’s life and she noted a few that stood out as outstanding teachers and mentors; Veronica Blake and Angie Girard were two that made a difference to her.


GNS is a small school and as a result, students participated widely in co-curricular activities. Ashley loved athletics, including cross-country running, soccer, rowing and field hockey. She was in the choir at one point as well.

GNS was a great place to develop and keep lifelong friendships, that have lasted to this day. Jill Newsome, Brydie McMullin, Erin Fitzpatrick and Peter Vallance are close friends who have stayed connected despite the busyness of their respective lives.

Ashley took a year off after graduating to travel and work before starting her first degree at UVic to study biology and psychology. Upon completion of her degree, she moved to Ireland for medical school at the Royal College of Surgeons. She loved being there as, in addition to her studies, she was able to take advantage of being in Europe to travel. She took part in several medical trips to such places as Jordan, South Africa and Tanzania, learning how medicine works in other parts of the world. In Jordan, Ashley worked in a cancer hospital, which while intense, piqued her continued interest in oncology.

After completing medical school in 2011, Ashley moved to Washington DC to study internal medicine for the next three years, followed by another three years at the University of North Carolina for their cancer research programme. She continued to work in oncology, pursuing an interest in cancer immunotherapy, with a specific interest in cancers of the blood. Ashley returned to Victoria in 2017 for a research program at the BC Cancer Agency and stayed for a clinical practice position. She finds the work incredibly rewarding, allowing her to develop profound patient relationships.

Meeting her husband Dale in 2019, the two welcomed baby Annie in 2020 and they are in the process of building a home on the family property, living close to her mother, Debbie Todd, an old girl of GNS, graduating in 1969. Ashley and Dale are setting up a small hobby farm on the property and Ashley is enjoying biking, especially her new e-bike which she rides back and forth to work.

Ashley is a warm-hearted person with a ready smile and a gentle nature. She is helping people who face huge health challenges while she and Dale are raising their daughter and living her best life. It was great to see that GNS played a part in giving her the skills to do what she was passionate about.

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