Writing A Book And Making Money

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Instantly Change Your Paradigm About The Poor Writer Syndrome With This One Word While Writing A Book! Before you write another word, stop. Stop right now and take note of what I am about to share with you. Of the thousands of manuscripts I see every year, don’t make this fatal mistake that I see just about every author making today. Failure to heed this advice will definitely see you as a poor writer struggling to succeed in a market place that is crowded and subconsciously averse to listening to you. What I want you to do is to write the following down right now so that it will be processed by your subconscious mind well after you stop consciously thinking of this. The difference between a poor writer and a wealthy author is the proper understanding of this statement: “You do NOT make money with your book; you make money because of your book.” The key word that I want you to focus on right now is the conjunctive, ‘because’. Very few people will make money with their books. Yes, Mark Victor Hansen (co-author of the Chicken Soup Of The Soul series) has. Yes, Robert Kiyosaki (author of the Rich Dad Poor Dad series) has. But you probably will NOT. The real secret to wealth as an author is not with your book. It is because of your book. The real ticket to wealth is having what is known as a business backend. The only reason for having a book is not to exchange it for financial gain, but to use it as a gateway into financial gain. Your book, properly used, is simply a conduit into a world of opportunity. And here are the two fundamental mistakes that prevent well over 99% of authors today into this hidden world of wealth creation. The first mistake is not to create a specific call to action within the first couple of chapters. Only 70% of people read the first 30% of the books they engage with. That means that no more than 30% of people actually will read your entire book! Imagine that. Here is what you need to do to capitalize on this knowledge. Create a call to action where you have your readers go to a specific webpage where you compel them to enter their contact information so that build your distribution list. Entice them to do this with something so valuable that they just have to have this bonus and they have to have it now. The money is in the follow-up, and to access the kind of money that is available to you, you must be able to create an automated follow-up system to stay in contact with your readers. This means that you must have a reason to stay in contact with them. The real reason for staying in front of your readers is to earn their trust so that they do business with you over and over again. This means you must have what is often referred to as a business funnel where you have other products and services to offer your readers.

To capitalize on this, you should have these products and services perfectly matched to the ‘wants’ of your market place. The second tragedy—and it is a tragedy when you consider the extreme cost for NOT doing this—that authors make is that they do NOT have the next optimum business decision clearly demarcated for their readers to take. The few authors who realize that they must influence their readers to make another business decision with them, fail to provide one specific ‘next action’ step. Notice I state one action step, and not a multitude. The authors who do want to sell their readers into purchasing something at the back of their books fail to first ensure they get their contact information. (Remember, the money is in the follow-up, and you can’t follow-up with those who you don’t have any contact information! Makes sense, doesn’t it?) But most importantly, they fail to provide focus to their readers by influencing them on their next optimum business decision. You never want to offer more that one option at the end of your book. This is disastrous to your business. Remember, too may options (Read, more than one!) leads your readers to make NO decision. I teach my clients to write the last chapter of their book strategically to naturally lead their readers into making the decision you want them to take. I am a huge proponent of leading your target market into your most expensive program immediately. After all the stats that we have accumulated show a book as the most powerful lead generator (over a CD or DVD) by a factor of over 2:1. Remember, you do NOT make money with a book, but because of a book. Utilize this principle right now and capitalize on what very few authors realize. Stop the ‘Poor Writer Syndrome’ right now and build a business by using your book to focus your ideal clients on your business backend. By doing this effectively you will enter into a world of probabilities. Glenn Dietzel How To Easily Write Your Own 100 Page Money-Making Book In ONLY 12 Hours, Gain Instant Access To A New York Publisher And Create High End-$5,000, $10,000, $25,000 And Higher-Information Products At The Same Time! http://www.AuthorandGetRich.com

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