2 minute read
Our home from home
It has been wonderful to be back with the boarding house in full swing! This year has already provided us with so many memories that it is hard to know where to begin, or even remember where the year began...
As well as our full boarders, we have welcomed back our weekly and flexi boarders, which has meant that our weekdays have been busy and fun filled, with a pleasant vibe in the evening and plenty of opportunities for the children to reacquaint themselves with each other- clearly a major aspect of their childhoods that they have missed out on and one that we are thrilled to be able to support.
Whether out on the astro or playing pool, a quick game of table football, Jenga, Mario Kart or just Uno in the common room, the children are clearly enjoying and growing in each other’s company. To facilitate this, we have expanded and opened up a second Common Room; now providing one for games (and a little noise!), and a second for a more relaxed atmosphere for those who want it.
We have also enjoyed providing a selection of year group sleepovers throughout the year, allowing each year group the opportunity to dip their toe back into a boarding environment.
As per usual, our campouts have proved to be a success and the excitement amongst the children of a night in a tent out on the front lawn never fails to amaze me! This year we have had to move to a junior and senior campout to allow for all the year groups to fully benefit from the opportunity.
Our weekend activities have continued to be an exciting draw for many children, and we have been fortunate enough that the weather has held for the majority! Mind you, a couple of the grottier weekends weatherwise have proved the most enjoyable - West Bay in the rain provided a memorable swimming experience!
As always, family has been at the heart of the boarding house and it has been fantastic to see not only my own children enjoy reintegrating to the boarding community again, but the children themselves, whether full or flexi, quickly remember what being part of the Sherborne Prep Boarding family is all about.