2 minute read
Exploring the wonders of English
We had a rather exciting project to conquer in English this year: to rethink the way that we approach reading across the whole school.
The aim was simple - to ensure that all pupils were reading regularly and for enjoyment. After much research and conversation, it was agreed that Accelerated Reader (AR) should be implemented to allow all teachers to track, monitor and support every child in their reading week in, week out.
The first stage was to transform the Library. We decided to split the room into three ‘zones’, so that all year groups were accessing books that were appropriate and relevant to their age group. Every book in the Library needed to be ‘stickered’ (oh – there were so many stickers) with their AR information labelled on the back. The beautiful BookSpace furniture was ordered in the October half-term and by the end of the Christmas holiday, we had reached the second stage; providing a stunning new space for the children to enjoy (we love the reading toadstools!) and then teaching everyone how to choose a book from their own, personalised ‘reading range’.
The final stage took place over the Lent term. Pupils (and their teachers) immersed themselves in the scheme, following the process of choosing a book, reading a book and then completing a quiz on that book. By April, the results spoke for themselves. In just
four months, every year group had increased their average reading age by at least 7 months, some by over a year! As more top tips on books are shared amongst the pupils, there is a buzz about reading across the school and it is wonderful to know that all subjects are benefitting from this project.
Whole school annual events such as Poetry by Heart and World Book Day are incredibly special at SPS and it was exciting to have all year groups get together for the 2022 celebrations, where we could share our passion for stories, characters, books and poetry – both pupils and staff alike!