Dumpton School - The Autumn Term Review 2022

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The Autumn Ter m Review

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“True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new ”

If I had not known any better, I would have suggested that the g reat Frenc h wr iter Antoine de Saint-Expury might well have been watc hing the Autumn Ter m at Dumpton when he wrote this Despite a ter m whic h brought with it plenty of dreary rain, and towards the end, some ice-cold temperatures, the positivity of the c hildren and their enthusiasm has always shone through - whether it was throwing themselves into their lear ning, their fr iendships, their spor t, or their Chr istmas perfor mances As the following pages will show, the c hildren at Dumpton have been at their br illiant best in so many ways, in what has been a very happy ter m at Dumpton: the ‘joy of deeds well done’ indeed

As well as some more very pleasing evidence of the significant academic prog ress and ‘value added’ that Dumpton provides (average pupil scores in English and Maths at Dumpton have moved up again to the 75th percentile nationally), it has also been exciting to see our for mal approac h to c haracter education ‘The Dumpton Way’ launc hed throughout the sc hool, introducing seven vir tues for all our pupils to str ive towards: Enthusiasm, Creativity, Resilience, Empathy, Collaboration, Courage and Global Citizenship. A balance between an outstanding academic education, and an education that helps our pupils develop the c haracter qualities they will need to flour ish in their futures is a key par t of our vision for Dumpton

My ongoing thanks go to our br illiant staff team who continue to ensure they take suc h good care of the c hildren here at Dumpton, whilst at the same time believing in them and having the highest expectations for what they can accomplish They ‘set the weather’ in sc hool, and the Be Kind and Aim High ethos of the sc hool is bor n out of their hard work and dedication eac h day

I would also like to thank the Dumpton parents for their ongoing suppor t for the sc hool With the help of our fantastic new Dumpton Fr iends team, the parent community really seems to be flour ishing The Chr istmas Fayre was a real highlight of the ter m, and with many more events planned, and so muc h camarader ie and suppor t across the parent body, it feels like a very exciting time indeed to be par t of this special Dumpton community.

Contents 1 Nur ser y 2 Pre Prep 3 Prep 4 Global Citizenship 5 The Dumpton Diploma 6 Dumpton Fr iends 7 Ter m Dates 8 The Dumpton Way – Celebrating our Vir tues 9 A War m Welcome

Children enjoyed music and dance preparing for the Christmas Nativity play for parents.Video link is available to watch the play back.

Nursery children enjoyed getting more confident in the water with regular weekly swimming lessons.

N u r s e r y

Nursery children observed the natural world re-enacting parts of our topic of ‘Fairy Tales’ in character.

The children learnt traditional fairy tales. Some stories taught include Jack and the Beanstalk,The Gingerbread Man, and Cinderella all capturing the magic of literacy and story structure.


baked apple muffins with the children this term. Hopefully some may have made it home to try!

We considered dental health and people who help us this term. Children practised how to take care of our teeth.

Mr Cox taught woodcraft during Outdoor Education this Autumn.

Nursery Christmas party lunch was enjoyed by staff and children celebrating the festive period together.


Children developed maths skills together –collaboration in action!

Children enjoyed mark making and hand prints in Arts and Craft.

Children measured size and weight of home grown vegetables from the Dumpton Allotment.

Nursery learning

sorting shapes and colours.

Children explored nature and sample the tomatoes they have helped to nurture and grow

Nursery created their own 3D art to accompany a fairy tale.We used a little bridge and river for the Billy Goats Gruff tale.

We looked at how to measure ingredients and make porridge as Goldilocks and the three bears did in the fairy tale.

During Outdoor Education, Mr Cox made eggy bread on the open fire at the school campsite

Children practised independence and motor control pouring milk into cups.


had a fantastic trip to

as part of their topic .

Children enjoyed a festive search for the Christmas Elf trail around School with help of teachers and the Headmaster for clues.

Reception learnt about the festival of light, Divali and the geographical and cultural aspects of India.

inspired some beautiful paintings using watercolour and chalk.


enjoyed an active dance lesson using coordination and expression.

P r e
One of the highlights of the Autumn term was our Santa’s Grotto at the Dumpton Friends Christmas Fayre. Year 2 displayed their musical skills in a concert to parents this term. Prep Year 2 topic this term was Castles and Knights, which Mr Cox made porridge with the three bears on the open fire for snack time in the Outdoor Classroom. Year 1 visited Mrs Claus for carols and Christmas story time by the fire. 1 Kingston Lacy learning about historic buildings

P r e p

Pre Prep visited our local Wimborne library and the public commented on their impeccable behaviour.

Pre Prep collected food items for donation to local people in need this winter.

Children enjoyed music and worked hard on their Christmas play performance for parents.

Year 2 explored science this term with practicals and as part of their Castles topic.

Pre Prep Christmas play is available to watch again on video. All children remembered lines and learnt the story of the Nativity through drama this term.

Year 1 looked at properties of natural materials for science.

Our Christmas lunch was a very merry time for the children.

Congratulations to Pre Prep children receiving certificates of merit and cups at the end of term. Pre Prep children appreciated how important it is to mark Remembrance Day with a whole school service.

Our Remembrance service for the Prep School was a poignant and sombre morning as we remembered all those who fell including our Dumpton alumni.

Prep school children took part in a school public speaking competition showcasing confidence and how well they had prepared for their speech

Prep school festive lunch enjoyed in Christmas jumpers. Year 8 spent the term preparing and hosting their own successful stall area at the Dumpton Friends Christmas Fayre. Congratulations to the U10 Dumpton Boys winning the Bryanston Football Tournament this term. Our talented Prep musicians serenaded the school lunches with Christmas carols. Congratulations to the U11 Hockey Girls winning all matches and qualifying for regionals in March. Year 8 prefects helped organise and collect food donations a for our local food bank this term. House hockey competitions were enjoyed by the girls this term.

P r e p

Year 3 children amazed families in their Christmas play with fantastic costumes. Year 6 were thrilled to exchange secret santa gifts. Year 5 pupils showcased their singing skills with some solos as part of assembly this term. Our whole school carol service at the Minster was a deeply moving experience to end the term. Winner of the Football House Cup this term was Dorset. Dumpton Prep Athletes took part in the PEDSSA Cross Country Championships. Children enjoyed roasting marshmallows on the open fire as part of an Outdoor Learning class. Mrs Brown explored the process of bean to bar, making chocolate with the Prep school this term in Food Tech lessons. Year 8 presented their time in Scotland on their residential trip at the very start of term to parents in a special assembly.

Global Citizenship

Year 1 show their reverse advent calendar. The children brought in a different food item each day over November for local people in need over the festive period. They were proud of their donations.

Upc ycled uniform in hair scrunchie form. All proceeds for charity at the Dumpton Christmas Fayre.

Donations collected for local children without this Christmas with the Salvation Army from our kind Dumpton families.

Year 5 took part in hardship challenges to raise money toward providing clean toilets for deprived families and schools across the world.

The ear th is but one country and mankind its citizens.
“ “

The Dumpton Diploma

A bespoke cur r iculum for Year 7 and 8

The Dumpton Diploma blends traditional lear ning with broader c haracter education, aiming to ensure that ever y c hild is inspired to fulfil their potential here at Dumpton, as well as prepar ing them to flour ish in their future.

1 Common Entrance/Dumpton Cer tificate

2 Independent Project Qualification

3 Co-cur r icular Par ticipation

4 Dumpton Leader ship Prog ramme

5 Scotland Wilder ness Adventure

6 Dumpton Way: Character Development Por tfolio

The Dumpton Diploma includes six domains that aim to capture pupils’ all around academic and per sonal development. V V V V V V V V V V

Dumpton Fr iends

Dumpton Fr iends organised many events this Autumn Ter m and would like to thank all volunteer s, staff and families who have suppor ted our community We think Dumpton c hildren and families have all thoroughly enjoyed real var iety and these events make special memor ies to share Some pictures from the ter m below include the Dumpton Stroll, Disco Night for pupils, Wreath Making cour ses, Char ity Chr istmas collections, the Chr istmas Fayre, Santa’s Grotto and the parents Chr istmas Ball

Ter m Dates 2023/24

Spr ing Ter m 2023

Ter m Ends: Fr iday 24 Marc h

Half Ter m: Monday 13 to Fr iday 17 Febr uar y

Easter Holiday Club: Monday 27 to Fr iday 31 Marc h

Summer Ter m 2023

Monday 17 Apr il: Staff INSET

Ter m Star ts: Tuesday 18 Apr il

Ter m Ends: Fr iday 7 July

Early May Bank Holiday: Monday 1 May

Half Ter m: Monday 29 May to Fr iday 2 June

Summer Holiday Club: Monday 10 July to Fr iday 21 July

Autumn Ter m 2023

Fr iday 1 September: SMT Meetings

Monday 4 September: Staff INSET/Early Year s New Pupils ‘Meet & Greet’

Tuesday 5 September: Staff INSET/New Pupils Tea (Y1 and above)

Ter m Star ts: Wednesday 6 September

Ter m Ends: Fr iday 15 December

Half Ter m: Thur sday 19 to Fr iday 27 October

Spr ing Ter m 2024

Wednesday 3 Januar y: Staff INSET

Ter m Star ts: Thur sday 4 Januar y

Ter m Ends: Fr iday 22 Marc h

Half Ter m: Monday 12 to Fr iday 16 Febr uar y

Celebrating our vir tues C r e a t i v i t y E m p a t hy Courage G l o b a l C i t i z e n s h i p Collaboration R e s i l i e n c e E n t h u s i a s m
The Dumpton Way

A War m Welcome

This Autumn term has been fantastic and challenging hitting the ground with the children running. All the children have fully embraced learning about the past and I look forward to continuing to develop their passion in the subject

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my first term at Dumpton. Every member of staff has been so welcoming and it has been a joy to get to know all of the children.

Deans Grove House, Wimbor ne, Dor set BH21 7AF 01202 883818 www dumpton com Images by Paul West Photography This programme is sustainably pr inted by Shelleys of Sherbor ne and is 100% recyclable @dumpton sc hool
Mr Tom Tridgell as our new Head of History and Miss Alice Fisher as a Year 2 teacher.

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