Milton Abbey Parent Handbook 2018-19

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Parent Handbook 2018-19

Contents From the Headmaster ............................................................................................................................. 3 The Curriculum ........................................................................................................................................ 4 School Information.................................................................................................................................. 5 Activities .............................................................................................................................................. 5 Beginning/ End of Term Arrangements................................................................................................. 5 Cars...................................................................................................................................................... 5 Communication with Pupils.................................................................................................................. 6 Contact ................................................................................................................................................ 6 Day Pupils ............................................................................................................................................ 6 Decoration ........................................................................................................................................... 6 Dress Code ........................................................................................................................................... 6 Electrical Items..................................................................................................................................... 7 Equipment/Stationery - Basic Items: .................................................................................................... 7 Laundry ................................................................................................................................................ 7 Learning to Drive.................................................................................................................................. 7 Lost Property ....................................................................................................................................... 8 Matrons ............................................................................................................................................... 8 Music Lessons ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Pocket Money ...................................................................................................................................... 8 Reports ................................................................................................................................................ 8 Request for Absence ............................................................................................................................ 8 School Buses – Exeat and Half Term ..................................................................................................... 9 Trunks .................................................................................................................................................. 9 Tuck Shop ............................................................................................................................................ 9 Uniform ............................................................................................................................................... 9 Website – Parent Portal ....................................................................................................................... 9 Website – Sports Website .................................................................................................................. 10 The Health Centre ................................................................................................................................. 11 Our Sport Programme ........................................................................................................................... 16 Riding and Polo Lessons at Milton Abbey.............................................................................................. 17 Milton Abbey School Sailing Club .......................................................................................................... 18 Page | 1

Milton Abbey School Combined Cadet Force ........................................................................................ 19 Music at Milton Abbey .......................................................................................................................... 20 ICT Information ..................................................................................................................................... 21 Acceptable Use Policy – Milton Abbey School..................................................................................... 23 Laptop policy ..................................................................................................................................... 25 Policy on Requesting Weekend Leave ................................................................................................... 26 Policy on Use of Cars by Pupils .............................................................................................................. 27 APPENDIX 1 – SCHOOLBLAZER UNIFORM SERVICE FOR MILTON ABBEY SCHOOL ................................. 28 APPENDIX 2 – BOYS UNIFORM: ............................................................................................................. 29 School Uniform for 3rd, 4th and 5th Form Boys (Lower School) ............................................................. 29 Sports Uniform (Kit) for 3rd, 4th and 5th Form Boys (Lower School) ...................................................... 30 School Uniform for 6th Form Boys ....................................................................................................... 31 Sports Uniform (Kit) for 6th Form Boys ............................................................................................... 32 APPENDIX 3 – GIRLS UNIFORM:............................................................................................................. 33 School Uniform for 3rd, 4th and 5th Form Girls (Lower School).............................................................. 33 Sports Uniform (Kit) for 3rd, 4th and 5th Form Girls (Lower School) ..................................................... 34 School Uniform for 6th Form Girls ....................................................................................................... 35 Sports Uniform (Kit) for 6th Form Girls .............................................................................................. 36 APPENDIX 4 – UNIFORM LIST ALL PUPILS: SCHOOL TWEED SHOOTING COAT ....................................... 37 APPENDIX 5 - Academic Information – 3rd Form (Year 9) Curriculum by Subject .................................. 38 APPENDIX 6 – BUS ROUTES ................................................................................................................... 42 APPENDIX 8 – PRIVATE MEDICAL INSURANCE SCHEME ......................................................................... 44

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From the Headmaster This booklet summarises information about Milton Abbey which we hope you will find useful and informative. Lower School (3rd, 4th and 5th form) – All Pupils (Day and Boarding) Term begins for all new pupils on Sunday 2 September at 15:00, which is the day before the remainder of the School start back, so that they can settle into unfamiliar surroundings and have a chance to get to know the Pilots (senior pupils) and the other new pupils in their year group. Pupils should arrive in their School uniform, as indicated on the uniform list, and go straight to their boarding house. Senior pupils will be on hand to assist with unloading and carrying trunks. Following tea with your Housemaster/Housemistress (HsM), all parents are invited to a welcome talk in the Abbey, after which parents leave and new pupils will unpack their belongings and day pupils can unpack their Sports kit into their cupboards. There will be a House BBQ that evening at 18:30 and day pupils are to be collected at 20:00. Lower Sixth – All Pupils (Day and Boarding) Term begins for new pupils on Monday 3 September at 12:00. Pupils should arrive in their School uniform, as indicated on the uniform list, and go straight to their boarding house. Senior pupils will be on hand to assist with unloading and carrying trunks. Following tea with your Housemaster/Housemistress (HsM), all parents are invited to a welcome talk in the Abbey, after which parents leave and all pupils will have lunch together followed by an afternoon of familiarisation. LIFE IN THE BOARDING HOUSE Pastoral care underpins all aspects of life at Milton Abbey and it is directed towards the happiness, success, safety and welfare of each pupil and the integrity of the House and School community. Day pupils are attached to a boarding house where they have a desk, storage and changing facilities. The Housemaster or Housemistress (HsM) has overall responsibility for all aspects of your son’s or daughter’s life at school: including the pastoral, academic, social and sporting areas. He or she is resident in the boarding house with his or her family, with the exception of Athelstan House who have an extra residential staff member. The HsM directs a team of staff, which includes two other resident members of staff – the Resident Assistant Housemaster (RAHM) and the Resident Tutor (RT) and a matron. Together, the HsM; RAHM and RT provide a staff member on duty every evening and every night in each house. Each house possesses a team of Tutors, who supplement the evening duties provided by the resident staff, and also act as academic tutors along with the resident staff. Parents, guardians and family are very welcome at the School for matches, concerts, plays, lectures and for Chapel. Sunday service normally takes place at 10:30 and you are warmly invited to join us for coffee afterwards in the Prince’s Room. Judith Fremont-Barnes will take up her position as Head from 1st September and will be contactable either through her email address or through Georgie Woolgar on 01258 881803. Judith will be living in the Head’s house within the School grounds from the middle of August. Magnus J L Bashaarat MA Headmaster Page | 3

The Curriculum For academic, social and other purposes, the School is divided into five year groups: 3rd Form, 4th Form, 5th Form, Lower Sixth and Middle Sixth – in each of which a pupil spends one year. The 3rd Form The 3rd Form is designed as a preparation for GCSE courses and pupils will experience the full range of GCSE subjects on offer. GCSE choices need to be made over the Easter holidays during the 3rd Form and all the relevant information will be sent out during the Lent Term (for more detailed information, see separate enclosure) GCSE (4th and 5th Form) Pupils will study GCSEs in English, Mathematics and Science alongside the range of subject options that they have chosen. Some BTEC courses are available at GCSE level. Pupils will sit the majority of their GCSE exams in the 5th Form although some exams will take place in the 4th Form. Initial A Level and Sixth Form choices need to be made during the Summer Term of the 5th Form. All the relevant information will be sent out during the Lent Term. The 5th Form Parents’ Meeting will give you the chance to discuss the choices before decisions are made. Changes may be made once the GCSE results are published but the timetable will be set from these initial choices. Sixth Form (Lower 6th and Middle 6th) Pupils will have access to a broad range of A Level and BTEC subjects, which can be taken in combination or choose to follow a purely A Level or BTEC pathway. Holiday Work Holiday work will be set for all exam years during the Christmas and Easter holidays. You will receive a copy of the work set in the week before the end of term. Each pupil will have a copy of work set, plus a revision planner and this is also available on the Parent Gateway accessed through the School website. Exams Public exams take place in the summer from early May onwards. Unlike other schools we do not take examination leave and teach through to the end of the exam period. We expect all pupils to attend lessons even when they have completed the exams in a given subject (except M6th). This enables us to provide the best learning environment, right up until their final examination. Tutors Each pupil has a tutor who is responsible for their academic progress. This is organised on a House basis for the first three years and then by specialist tutor in the sixth form. The pupils meet their tutor on a weekly basis. We would be delighted to share the full breakdown of subjects offered, please contact your child’s Tutor for the list. Page | 4

School Information Activities Over 20 Activities are offered twice a week to all pupils. Pupils need to sign up for two at the start of each term.

Beginning/ End of Term Arrangements At the beginning of each term, pupils are expected to be back in their boarding house by 18:00 with supper at 18:30. The Duty Housemaster will be in the building from 17:00 and the School cannot accept responsibility before this time unless prior agreement has been made with your son’s/daughter’s HsM. At the end of term, arrangements are usually as follows: Michaelmas Term ends with the School Carol Service in the Abbey followed by a reception in the Abbot’s Hall. Parents are very welcome. Lent Term ends at 12:30. The final day of the Summer Term is Speech Day. There is a service in the Abbey followed by a Prize Giving Ceremony, followed by picnics, plus cricket, golf, a concert and displays to visit around the School. For the M6th pupils and parents there is a Leavers’ Service and Leavers’ Ball in the evening. Half Terms All pupils are to return by 21:30 unless they are travelling on one of the official School buses or parents have made prior arrangements with HsMs. The Duty Housemaster will be in the building from 19:00 and the School can accept no responsibility for pupils before this time unless prior agreement has been made with your son’s/daughter’s HsM. Requests to leave early or return late can only be granted if there are particular travelling difficulties, for example long-haul flights. Requests must be made in advance and in writing to the Head. Exeats These run from Thursday or Friday lunchtime until Sunday or Monday evening (21:30 Callover), with the exception of the Summer Term. All pupils are to return by this time unless they are travelling on one of the official School buses or parents have made prior arrangements with their HsM. The Duty Housemaster will be in the building from 19:30 and the School can accept no responsibility before this time unless prior agreement has been made with your HsM.

Cars Driving to and from school is a Sixth Form privilege for day pupils only. Boarders may not drive to school in their own car. A day pupil whose parents complete the necessary request form, may be given permission by the HsM concerned and the Head, if the pupil is considered to be responsible, to drive to and from School. While the pupil is at School, the keys must be handed to House staff and the car must be left during the day in a place designated by the HsM, which is likely to be Damer Green. Page | 5

Communication with Pupils The School offers a Skype facility for all pupils at limited times, information is available in the termly diary. Pupils may also access Facebook at these times. All pupils are also offered a telephone access code and PIN number so that they can use the School telephones within each boarding house or the Health Centre. This will be given to them at the beginning of term. Mobile signal is not universal which is why we recommend an additional method of contact. .

Contact The usual first point of contact is your child’s Housemaster/mistress or Tutor. Reception is open from 08:30 – 17:00 Monday to Friday, 08:30 – 14:00 on Saturdays during term time and 09:00 – 17:00 during the School holidays. Messages can be left for members of staff or staff can be emailed using: A School Diary is published every term and all House information is contained within this.

Day Pupils All day pupils are part of a boarding house and are allocated a desk and storage space within a dormitory. Please note that day pupils do not have a bed. Day pupils are expected to be in House by 08:10 for registration and are free to go at the end of the afternoon timetable from 18:15 after prep and when the day transport buses leave. Day pupils are welcome to stay for supper and prep. However, should you prefer for your child to do their prep at home, then please follow the Shape of the Day in the calendar and they are free to be collected at the end of the academic day. Start time is the same for a Saturday morning; and collection will very much depend on whether they are playing sports at home or involved in a match that day; some sports like Sailing have a later return time.

Decoration Posters or stickers are only to go on the pin boards provided and not on ceilings, walls, windows, doors or furniture. School furniture must not be moved and no additional furniture may be brought in to school.

Dress Code Uniform - All pupils are expected to be in the correct uniform during term time and your help in supporting and maintaining the standards of dress and appearance is much appreciated. Any pupil that does not have the correct uniform by the end of week 2 of a term will have items ordered for her/him by their House Matron and the cost will be added to the bill. Hair – Dyed hair is not allowed. Boys’ hair should not fall over the face and should be collar length or above. Girls in the 5th form and below are expected to have hair neatly tied back. All boys should be clean shaven. Any pupil with hair not conforming to School regulations will have their hair cut by the School hairdresser and the cost will be added to the bill. Jewellery - in the Sixth Form, girls may wear one necklace, one bracelet and small, unobtrusive earrings. Large or pendant earrings are not allowed. In the Lower School, girls may wear studs in earlobes. Body piercing of any kind except for a pair of earrings, is strictly forbidden. It is forbidden for any pupil to carry out piercing while they are at School. Boys can only wear ear studs or earrings when not in School, i.e. after supper on a weekday, after school commitments on Saturdays and all day Sunday, except for Chapel. Page | 6

Make up – when in uniform, girls may wear clear nail varnish only and pupils below the Sixth Form must not wear make-up. Lower School girls may wear discreet concealer. Sixth Formers may only wear subtle make-up when in School uniform.

Electrical Items The school tests all portable electrical appliances brought to school including those belonging to the pupils. For the safety of all, any electrical appliance brought back to School must be electrically safe with a single British 3-pin plug, correctly fused and without a join in the wiring. All appliances should have a British Standard safety label either on the appliance itself or on its wiring. It should also be marked with the owner’s name. Any repairs that have to be made by the Maintenance staff to make an appliance safe will be charged. • Private equipment may only be used on mains electricity with permission from the Housemaster once it has been PAT tested. • If an appliance with a loading of 5 amps or less is used, the plug must have the correct rating of fuse. • Each appliance must have an individual moulded plug. • Only 1 x 2/3/4 strip-type, and 2-way, adaptors are permissible. • No modifications of any description may be made to the pendant or ceiling lights. • No equipment of any description may be used from the pendant or ceiling lights. • All wires to equipment must be without joins. • No wires may be laid under furniture or carpets, or crossing walkways.

Equipment/Stationery - Basic Items: School Laptop and bag/case which complies with the School Laptop Policy – see Page 25 Black/Blue pens – fountain pens or biros recommended Red pens for underlining Pencils, pencil sharpener & an eraser Set of colouring pencils Ruler, set square and protractor Mathematical compass Scientific calculators are now required for all Mathematics and Science exams. New pupils will need a calculator - we recommend a Casio FX-83GT Plus. Extra Recommendations: A set of highlighters A range of coloured gel pens/biros for note-taking or revision notes A pad of lined paper to keep in dorm for use in prep

Laundry Each House has its own laundry day when uniform, sports kit and personal clothing may be handed in for washing. All clothing should be clearly named. Bed linen and towels are provided and laundered by the school.

Learning to Drive If you would like your son/daughter to learn to drive whilst at School, please write to their HsM. They can plan the best time to attend lessons, take theory tests and the actual driving test. No lesson may occur during the academic teaching time, including study periods (except in exceptional circumstances), games times or other organised extra-curricular activity. Page | 7

Lost Property All lost or missing belongings should be reported to a pupil’s House Matron or the Laundry Supervisor, who will take a full description of the item. If it is found, the item will be returned having been named by the House Matron.

Matrons Each House has matron cover throughout the day and contact details can be found in the termly diary or online.

Music Lessons Parents wishing to withdraw pupils from individual music lessons need to give half a term’s notice. Visiting teachers are contracted a term in advance and make arrangements accordingly. Please note there is a hire charge for the use of musical instruments belonging to the School. Individual Music lessons are provided by peripatetic Music Teachers who will invoice parents directly for lessons.

Pocket Money Parents are asked to ensure that pupils bring a cheque for pocket money at the start of each term and this should be handed in to the Housemaster, Assistant Housemaster or Resident Tutor immediately. Additional cheques can be used to ‘top up’ pocket money during the term. We would strongly discourage pupils from having large amounts of cash. Cash is not available from the Bursary so please ensure your child has enough funds to cover any travel arrangements at Exeats and half terms. Funds can be deposited in the School account which will then be distributed to your child. Cheques should be made payable to Milton Abbey School and include your child’s name and house on the back. Bank transfers should include the pupil’s code and include ‘pocket money’ in the reference to ensure that the money is correctly allocated. It would be helpful if you could email to advise that the funds have been transferred for this purpose.

Reports Reports are emailed to parents after the end of every term. In addition, each pupil receives a half term report and twice-termly report in the Michaelmas and Lent Terms and these can be viewed on the parent portal.

Request for Absence All term dates are given in the calendar and on the website. If you require your son/daughter to be absent from School at any stage during the term please write to the Head. Please keep these requests to the absolute minimum as they have a knock on effect for all teaching. This is particularly important when requesting early leave for the end of term or start of half term.

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School Buses – Exeat and Half Term The School runs buses to and from Salisbury Station to connect with the London Waterloo trains. In addition our routes include buses to Stockbridge, Basingstoke Station and Fleet Services; a north western route to the M5; an Exeter route and east to Sussex and Kent for exeats and half-term (for routes see Appendix 4. Information is also available in the School Diary). All transport bookings must be made well in advance through the Parent Portal using the relevant form. One reasonable-sized piece of luggage is allowed, but no bicycles are allowed. The teacher in charge or driver of each bus will have a school mobile telephone with them, and the number for these is found in the diary.

Trunks Parents wishing to have trunks collected from home should make their own arrangements with couriers. Only pupils whose homes are overseas may leave their trunks at School during holidays. Any other pupils wishing to leave their trunk at School should apply in writing to the House Matron. A charge is made for trunks left at School.

Tuck Shop The School Tuck Shop is open daily at Break to the Sixth Form and on three times per week to the Lower School. The Tuck Shop provides soft drinks, hot drinks, cookies, confectionary, crisps and ice cream. All pupils have an account at the Tuck Shop which can be used via their swipe-card issued at the start of term. Tuck Shop accounts are charged to the parents’ bill at the end of each term which will include a full breakdown of tuck shop spending. A spending limit of £10 per week is applied. If you wish a different limit to be applied please inform the School Accountant by email at

Uniform Milton Abbey operates an online uniform and sportswear service with This service provides all items of uniform and sportswear and also provides a name-taping service. As the summer period is particularly busy, it is recommended that all new parents have placed their uniform orders by the end of July. Please note that the School provides all bedding, bed linen and bath towels. Pupils only need to bring a sports/swimming towel.

Website – Parent Portal All new parents will be contacted with information on how to log on to the School’s Parent Portal. The Parent Portal is an interactive view into your child’s life at the School, including School Reports, Rewards and Sanctions, Timetable, Activities, Directory of Parents and much more. Email regarding the parent portal and log-in will be sent in August by

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Website – Sports Website Your support and encouragement of our teams and athletes is always most welcome both on the touchlines and by reading our published match reports. We hope that the new sports website will make this support much easier for you and give you direct access to fixtures, team sheets, results, match reports and match photos. The website can be viewed by visiting The desktop version provides the most information however this address can also be used as an app on the home screen of most mobile phones allowing fast and easy access to team details. To add the MA sport app to a mobile phone the simply follow the following instructions: Click on link above or add website address into the browser on required phone 1. Some phones will then automatically ask if you want to add this as an app to your home screen - simply press yes 2. If you do not receive this message then simply press the add to button on the page and then add to home screen On both the website and the app you will be able to add the fixture list of the team that your son/daughter is playing for directly to your personal calendar. To add a team’s fixture list to your personal calendar please follow the instructions below: 1. Click on sports or sports and teams 2. Select required sport 3. Select required team 4. Add to calendar 5. Subscribe This page is the Fixture details page for that team. This shows match results and additional information you might need, including the team sheet, map location, the playing record versus the opponent and information about your opponent's performance during the current season. Team sheets for matches will be added by Tuesday of the week of the match. Parents and pupils can view the team sheets and match details by clicking on the team sheet icon or small blue image of head and shoulders. To view the team sheet you will need to simply add the password - MASport123 Parents are advised to double check the team sheet and match details before travel in case of any unforeseen changes to fixtures details. Results will be added as soon as possible after the match and match reports and potentially some action photos added by the end of Monday the following week. We are excited about the new website and are confident that it will make it much easier for you to find out all the relevant information about sport at Milton Abbey. Ben Lawes, Director of Sport, can be contacted by email at

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The Health Centre Introduction The purpose of the Health Centre is to promote the health and well-being of pupils, through health promotion and education, disease prevention and management, the overseeing of first aid care and by acting as a reference point for those requiring specialist help from other health care professionals. We are here to support the pupils in achieving and maintaining good health to enable them to participate fully in their education and to ensure there is as little disruption as possible to their learning. The Health Centre opened in its present location in June 2012; it’s located opposite the Abbey Green just beyond the Deputy Head’s house. The Health Centre is a converted house that comprises two surgery rooms separated by a waiting room. For those that are unwell and require closer observation and care we have the capacity to look after ten pupils at a time. Male and female pupils are nursed in separate areas and there is also a clinical isolation room if we suspect a pupil has an illness that may be contagious. All staff at the health centre are either registered nurses or paramedics with a wealth of experience in many different areas of health care. Access to the Health Centre The school endeavours to staff the Health Centre twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week during term time. Pupils are welcome to come to the Health Centre during breaks and periods of free time. Visits during lesson times should only be for injuries and illnesses that need immediate assessment and management. There may be times when the Health Centre is unattended due to meal breaks or visits to other parts of the school. However, during these times the nurse / paramedic can be contacted by radio when required. For safety of staff and pupils the Health Centre is locked at 21.00; after this time any pupil who requires medical assistance should contact their duty house staff member. The staff will then contact the Health Centre who will then arrange for the pupil to be accompanied and brought over for assessment if required. The Health Centre is unlocked at 07.15. Admission to the Health Centre If a pupil requires admission to the Health Centre, the health professional will inform house staff at the earliest opportunity. Occasionally the pupil may return to their own bed in house if it is felt appropriate and with the agreement of house staff. If your child requires overnight admission to the Health Centre then as next of kin, you will be informed by e-mail or phone call. Medical Questionnaire Prior to your child starting at Milton Abbey you will have received a medical questionnaire from the Admissions office. It is essential that we receive this questionnaire back as soon as possible please and that it is comprehensively completed. This information gives us the tools we need to be able to look after your child, keep them safe and register them (if they are a boarder) with our local GP (Family Doctor). All pupils will have a nurse medical when they begin which will record their basic observations such as height, weight, pulse. Boarders will then have a GP medical once registered with Milton Abbas surgery. This consists of a quick chat with the doctor who then listens to their chest, looks to the back of their throat and checks their spinal alignment. Page | 11

Milton Abbas Surgery We require all boarding pupils to register with our local GP practice, which is the Milton Abbas Surgery. This ensures we have the information and means to look after your child’s welfare whilst they are here in the care of the school. Once we have received the medical questionnaire, we can then begin the process of registering your child. If you are a UK resident we will not do this until two weeks prior to your child starting, to avoid unnecessary disruption of care. Previous medical records may be electronically transferred from your GP surgery but unfortunately this is not guaranteed and is dependent on the compatibility of the systems being used by both surgeries. If your child is a day pupil, they will stay registered with your family doctor and you remain responsible for meeting any health care needs barring emergencies that occur within school grounds. If your child is a day pupil but also happens to be registered at Milton Abbas Surgery then the same system applies but we are able to access their notes when seeking or documenting information. It is not possible to be registered at two GP practices at the same time. If your child requires medical attention in this country during non-term time you will need to register them as a temporary patient at your local GP surgery. All GP surgeries are obliged to provide this service. The doctors hold two consultations a week from 08.00 – 09.00 on a Monday and a Friday at the health centre. The pupil and house staff are sent an e-mail the night before, reminding them of the appointment. If there is a medical problem that requires more urgent attention we have the option of booking emergency appointments at the GP surgery itself and arranging for the pupil to be escorted there by a member of staff. We can also arrange for pupils to see a female doctor if they wish. Off Games One of the responsibilities of the health centre is to assess whether pupils are well enough to attend organised sport and games. If we believe that a pupil is unwell or physically unable to participate in these activities then we add them to an Off Games list that is then sent to all the teaching staff and matrons in the school. The pupil is then expected to attend classroom based activities instead of sport and games. First Aid Cover The Health Centre is equipped to deal with most injuries and accidents that occur on site. The school also has several staff who are first aid trained and can be called upon in an emergency. There is an advisory defibrillator kept within the main building. During the rugby season the school endeavours to provide extra external medical cover so that there is a paramedic pitch side in the event of an emergency. Medical Confidentiality We understand that as parents you wish to be kept informed of issues relating to your child’s health and wellbeing. Wherever possible we attempt to keep a good line of communication open between ourselves, you, the house parent and your child. We find that in the vast majority of cases pupils are happy to share information with their parents and guardians. There may be occasions however, when your child wishes to discuss matters with us or with a doctor without other parties being informed. In the UK, if they are considered to be Fraser competent (also known as Gillick competent) then they have a legal right to this. Fraser competency is defined as whether a child is considered mature enough to understand and make a reasonable assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of the treatment proposed in order to make their own decision. Children aged between thirteen and fourteen will often be deemed to be Fraser Competent depending on the circumstances of the situation. Therefore, please be aware that there may be times when we have deliberately not shared information or informed you of matters because that has been your child’s wish. For the same reason Milton Abbas surgery will not share information with you about your child if you were to contact them directly, as they would not have had the opportunity in most circumstances to talk to your child and obtain their written consent. Confidentiality will not be maintained if the matter is considered to be a safeguarding issue. In cases where the safety of the pupil or others is deemed to be at risk if information were not to be shared, then the right to confidentiality under these circumstances can justifiably be over-ridden. Page | 12

Medication The Health Centre has access to many over the counter (non-prescribed) medications that they can dispense to pupils as required. This includes symptom relief preparations for minor ailments, plasters and bandages. A small charge is added to the school bill every term to cover these costs. Once your child starts at Milton Abbey there will be a small period of time prior to their new pupil medical where we will be unable to order any regular prescribed medication for them. Therefore we ask that they arrive with at least a two week supply of any medication they need during this time. Any medication brought to school must be in the original container bearing the pharmacy label. This will state clearly the name of the recipient for whom it has been prescribed, plus the dose, duration and instructions for the administration of the medicine. Information regarding side effects and contraindications for taking the medicines must also be included. When your child returns home for holidays the health centre and house staff will do their very best ensure that they return with enough medication for the entire period they are away. Occasionally this may be in the form of a paper prescription called an FP10 that can be handed in to a UK pharmacist and exchanged for the medication required. Once your child turns 19 years of age they will need to start paying for their prescriptions despite still being in full time education. This can be arranged through the health centre who will arrange payment and then add the amount to the school bill. All pupils have the right to refuse medication. Staff will document any instance of refusal or medication missed for any other reason. This will be flagged to the house parent who will decide, following discussion with the health centre whether parents need to be informed. In general, pupils aged over 16 years are deemed to be responsible for the safe storage and selfadministration of their own medicines. If Parents wish for their child to self-medicate ( this includes herbal or homeopathic remedies) they can notify the Health Centre staff (either in writing or via email) giving details of the medicine they wish their child to keep at school. Permission for selfadministering will only be granted if the medication needs to be taken regularly for a specific complaint. For example, hay fever medication or antibiotics would fit these criteria, pain killers in the event of a headache would not. When self-medicating the pupil accepts responsibility for ensuring that the medicine he or she is being allowed to keep at school does not fall into someone else’s hands. The right to self-medicate can be revoked or declined by the Health Centre at any point if they believe that the care or responsibility demonstrated by the pupil has not met with the standards expected. We ask that pupils DO NOT bring their own non-prescribed medication into school to keep in their rooms to self-medicate. It is important that we know when pupils are unwell, so we can assess them at the beginning of their illness and give them the treatment they need in the knowledge that they have not taken other medication unbeknownst to us. Any unauthorised medication found by the house staff will be taken from them and handed back at the end of term. The only exception to this is throat sweets / lozenges which may be kept by pupils once they have been to the Health Centre at least once to have their sore throat assessed. Pupils over 16 who self-administer may be given a day’s worth of medication from the Health Centre to take regularly for a specific complaint. It is the Health Centre’s responsibility to ensure the pupil knows the regularity, reason and side effects of the medication given. Controlled Drugs Controlled drugs (CDs) are prescribed medicines that legally have additional safety precautions and requirements. Within the school setting some medications to assist pupils with their diagnosis of ADHD and ADD fall into this category. Before CD medication can be administered, the school needs to be in possession of a letter or report written by the prescribing consultant ( usually an adolescent psychiatrist) that details the reasons why the medication is being prescribed and requesting the GP practice to continue dispensing on a regular basis. The Health Centre must ensure the GP surgery has a copy of this letter and is aware of its receipt Page | 13

so it can be acted upon. Any change to ADHD / ADD medication usually needs to be decided upon by the consultant and not the GP. This includes dosage. Parents/Guardians will be asked to provide the school with a supply of the controlled medication their child is taking at the start of a new academic year so that there is as little delay as possible in the medication being prescribed and commenced. This medication should be clearly marked in the original packaging with the pupil’s name, pharmacy name, date of dispensing and expiry date. Medication received from home lacking these details will not be dispensed by the school for safety reasons. All CD medication is monitored and ordered by the Health Centre and then dispensed to house staff who then administer it on a daily basis. When medication is given, a record sheet is signed by the pupil and the staff member so that a clear history is logged. Pupils cannot self-medicate CD medication and are required to be seen to swallow the tablet in front of the member of staff. Counselling The school counsellor visits twice a week and sees pupils by appointment. Referrals can be made directly to the counsellor or via the health centre by the pupil themselves, a teacher or parent. However, it is important that the pupil is central to the process and that they are in full agreement, otherwise the counselling is unlikely to be successful. Any discussion that takes place between the pupil and the counsellor is treated with respect and discretion. This creates a safe environment for pupils to explore and express their feelings to hopefully resolve on-going issues. Whilst this is a free service provided by the school, if your child requires on-going counselling support then there may be a cost involved which would be discussed with you at the time. We currently have another counsellor at the school as a second treatment option but this service needs to be paid for privately. Physiotherapy We have a private physiotherapist visit the school weekly. These sessions can be paid for by adding the cost to the school bill or via family or school (AXA) insurance plans. Problems requiring physiotherapy via the NHS will need to be assessed and referred by the GP. There is a waiting list and treatment will take place at either the GP surgery or local hospital, depending on your child’s age. Emergency Department (ED) Visits Wherever possible pupils will be assessed by the health centre when ill or injured. On occasion it may be required that they then visit the ED (also called A&E) for further assessment and treatment. Whenever possible a member of staff will be made available to escort them to the hospital. The Health Centre will contact you, preferably by phone if possible to notify you and keep you informed of developments. Depending on the circumstances and the distance involved we would expect parents to rendezvous at the hospital to take over care whenever possible. Routine Hospital Care If you child has on-going NHS hospital care within your local area this should not be disrupted by your child moving areas, however we ask that any appointments are made during non-term time wherever possible. When making NHS referrals for new medical problems, the doctors at Milton Abbas can only refer locally. When necessary, the school can organise for pupils to be taken to these appointments or transport arranged for them to go on their own, depending on their age and the distance involved. If you have joined the school AXA plan or have private family insurance then the GP can make referrals to anywhere in the country if necessary. If made locally, then the school can, once again, arrange for your child to attend these appointments. If using your family health cover then we will ask you to phone your insurance and obtain an authorisation code for us. If using school AXA then we can ring up on your behalf as long as you have ticked the necessary box on the application form that enables us to do so. Dental and Optician appointments We ask that routine dental and optician appointments be made during non-term time please. We can organise emergency dentist or orthodontic appointments but we will only organise these appointments Page | 14

in circumstances where your child is in pain or having difficulty eating. The cost of emergency dental care will usually be covered by the school DenPlan scheme and that is something that we can assist you with. The NHS and Pupils from Overseas The NHS is free at the point of use for all UK residents. However, having an NHS number or even a UK Passport does not equate to automatic entitlement. You have to be resident in the country. Please be aware of the following current guidelines: •

All emergency NHS care is still free to all.

Pupils from within the EU are required to provide an EHIC card (European Health Insurance Card). For planned care such as outpatients appointments, they will also need something called an S1 or S2 certificate and this can be accessed via the internet by you, their parent /guardian from their country of origin. We will organise this with you if it becomes necessary.

Non – EU citizens – have to pay for a surcharge when they apply for a visa. This is an annual fee. As long as their visa is valid and they are here legally your child will be covered. If attending hospital for non-urgent care your child will need to take their passport with their visa stamp evident.

Some countries have a reciprocal arrangement with the UK. In these cases the passport would still need to be taken as proof that they are from the country in question.

I hope parents will find this guide useful. If you have any comments or questions about the information included please contact me as I will be delighted to assist you. David Bennetts Senior Nurse Manager health.centre@miltonabbey,co,uk Tel: 01258 881868

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Our Sport Programme Sport plays a vital role in the development of our pupils at Milton Abbey. Our aim is to simply ensure that every pupil leaves Milton Abbey with at least two or three sports in which they are fully engaged and have developed a long lasting passion. Ensuring that every pupil lives a healthy active lifestyle whilst at school and throughout adulthood benefiting from the well-publicised physical and mental benefits of regular exercise. Developing this passion and enjoyment coupled with our first class facilities and coaches enables most pupils to reach their potential within their chosen sports and some to excel. To achieve this we offer a wide range of sports to our pupils allowing them to select the sport that most interests them. All new lower school pupils have an introduction to the available sports via their timetabled core Physical Education lessons. As a deliberately small school we have the flexibility to ensure our pupils fully engage in their chosen sport and promote excellence. Sport at Milton Abbey is well supported by senior management to ensure that we have Heads of Sport (Lacrosse, Hockey, Rugby and Cricket) who deliver specialised coaching in their sport. Pupils train three times a week with an aim to compete weekly against other schools throughout the term. The sports that we offer can be seen below. Michaelmas Term Boys Rugby Girls Hockey Swimming Cycling Running Golf Sailing Badminton Football Clay Pigeon Shooting Health and Fitness

Lent Term Boys Hockey Girls Lacrosse Swimming Cycling Running Golf Badminton Football Clay Pigeon Shooting Health and Fitness

Summer Term Cricket Tennis Athletics Swimming Cycling Running Golf Sailing Clay Pigeon Shooting Health and Fitness Mixed Rounders

We also have a PGA golf pro on staff, George Scott, to take advantage of our 9 hole golf course; he is on hand to offer both group lessons for Activity sessions or one on one clinics. We have identified a core group of runners who are elite competitors and represent their counties as well as having national experience. In addition to training three times a week at School, we are organising external training coaching with the county squads throughout the year; this group is known as our Elite Running Squad. Our two mid-week training sessions with the Wimborne Endurance Squad take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays, on either the 400m track at Blandford Camp or in Wimborne. The Triathlon option within our Sports programme is becoming increasingly popular amongst our pupils, driven by Andrew Slater a professional Triathlete. This allows pupils to maintain their running training whilst honing their swimming and cycling skills. With this being the fastest growing sport in the country we are well placed to take advantage of this upturn. We have a good take up of core road cycling as well as mountain biking groups who take full advantage of our location too. You can read more on our dedicated website and keep track of your children’s successes: Page | 16

Riding and Polo Lessons at Milton Abbey Those sixth form pupils studying the Horse Management BTECs are able to stable their horses and ponies at school. We occasionally have space for horses and ponies who belong to non-Horse Management BTEC pupils. For those who wish to ride, but do not have a horse or pony at School, we have the following options: Weekly Riding Lessons This takes place at a local riding centre with transport provided by the School. Riding does not replace games sessions and lessons cost around £25.00/£30.00 each depending on whether pupils wish to have a private or group lesson. All levels are catered for and an indication of your son or daughter’s interest and any experience would be much appreciated. Polo We also have a strong link with Druids Lodge Polo Club where pupils attend weekly lessons; this is a wellsupported activity with a number of pupils leaving Milton Abbey to go on to play polo professionally. As above, all levels are catered for and an indication of your son or daughter’s interest and any experience would be much appreciated. Lessons currently cost £40.00. The School plays Arena Polo during the winter months and outside during the summer. The School Team plays local tournaments against other schools and clubs currently organised through Druids. For the very experienced players there is now an option for pupils to become involved in Club Chukkas which are played weekly. Please contact me directly for more information on costs or complete the permission form available in your Joining Papers Pack for any riding or polo activity. Lissy Carr Director of Land Based Studies Email:

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Milton Abbey School Sailing Club The Sailing Club at Milton Abbey is mainly based at the fantastic Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy, the training venue for the GB sailing team, however other venues have been used such as keel boat training in Poole. Our sailing club uses fully recognised RYA training establishments that have a variety of dinghies, keel boats and powerboats for pupils to use. Would you like your son / daughter to get involved next term? Sailing, weather permitting, takes place three times a week from the beginning of the Summer Term to the end of the Michaelmas Term. This involves an introduction to sailing, race training, powerboat courses and weekend trips to local venues in the three ‘Double handers’. Pupils are encouraged to work their way through the various RYA training courses which we offer. If a pupil has never sailed before we will take them through the basics and coach them through the RYA qualifications from level one to the advanced modules. What about those who can already sail? Pupils who can already sail will be encouraged to improve their skills and take part in more advanced qualifications. Once old enough they can develop their coaching skills by helping the instructor and potentially become a dinghy instructor themselves. When does sailing take place? Sailing takes place throughout the Michaelmas and Summer terms on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons. In addition we will run taster sessions one evening a week during the summer for those who wish to try sailing before committing to the full offer. How much does it cost and what equipment is needed? There is a cost involved to support the upkeep of equipment and necessary insurance. The annual subscription is £350 per term, this will be added to the appropriate bill for the term in which sailing was taken up. We will provide all specialist equipment for the sailors, however if your son or daughter catches the bug, I am sure that they will want to have their own wet suit, gloves, boots etc., and we can provide advice on the purchase of these items. What to do now. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact me using the details below. If you would like for your son/daughter to join the Sailing Club, please email your son/daughter’s name and House to me at giving your consent for him/her to join the MASSC and giving permission for £350 per term to be added to your school bill. Giles Vigar Head of Sailing Email:

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Milton Abbey School Combined Cadet Force Our contingent currently numbers 71 cadets. In addition to five officers we have a full time military instructor and our team has many years’ experience within the Armed Forces before joining Milton Abbey School. Membership of this uniformed organisation is designed to encourage in our young people the virtues of service, tolerance, self-discipline and team work. The CCF constantly promotes self-confidence, motivation and most especially leadership and it is a fantastic opportunity for our young people. It can also be a highly valuable experience when it comes to university and job applications. The CCF is not a recruiting agency for the Armed Forces but a development opportunity for our young people. Highlighted below are some of the experiences that our cadets have enjoyed in 2017-2018: • Recruits exercise on the Bovington Training area • Completed a field training exercise on the Screasdon Fort Training Area • Ten Tors Challenge 2018 – 35, 45 and 55 Mile teams • Participating in the Royal Marines, Army and RN Summer Camps • Field days for the Army at Blandford camp and BRNC Dartmouth for the Royal Navy section Additionally the CCF trains all of our Ten Tors Challenge Teams (selection in September for 2019) and conducts DofE training and expeditions. Over the coming weeks we will be recruiting both girls and boys. If your son/daughter will be joining the Milton Abbey CCF in September, could you please complete the cadet information, clothing and parental consent forms included in your Joining Papers Pack. Please return these forms, to myself, Capt Law RM in the CCF Office. Parades will take place on Wednesday afternoons between 15:45 – 16:00 and your son/daughter will be welcome to start on Wednesday 12th September. This first parade will commence outside the front of school at 15:45. If your son/daughter is a day pupil then please collect at 18:00. There will be a termly fee of £20, this will cover the cost of a fun trip per term for the CCF cadets and also pay for the annual CCF dinner held in January each year. Please address any questions that you may have to myself.

Capt Trev Law RM (Contingent Commander) Email: Tel: 01258 881849 Mob: 07722 466185

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Music at Milton Abbey Our aim in the Music Department is to give every pupil the opportunity to reach their potential on their chosen instrument or voice, as well as providing opportunities for discovering new instruments and styles of music. A large proportion of pupils at Milton Abbey receive tuition on an instrument and in turn make committed and valuable contributions to the School’s exciting and comprehensive extra-curricular music programme. The Abbey Choir involves the largest number of pupils and it fulfills a very important public role at major School services as well as singing weekly Sunday services during term time. All new 3rd Form pupils are voice tested at the beginning of the Michaelmas Term and suitable voices are placed in the Abbey Choir. In addition to this, the following groups hold weekly rehearsals and perform throughout the year: Chamber Choir, Girls’ Choir, Concert Band, Rock Band, and Guitar Ensemble. Alongside these activities, a number of small chamber groups meet, and pupils frequently form their own pop and rock bands. Tuition can be provided on most instruments. It is possible to start an instrument as a beginner in the 3rd Form, or pick up again an instrument which has been learned in the past. I would be very pleased to discuss with parents any pupil wishing to try out an instrument before committing to a series of lessons. Our visiting music teachers are highly experienced at working with pupils as individuals and there is no pressure for pupils to take graded music exams if they would prefer to take a different route. We are also able to provide practical musicianship and theory lessons. Tuition currently costs £22 per 30-minute lesson and in all cases the instrumental teacher will invoice for payment directly and will provide updates on pupils’ progress via email. Further details of the payment process are available in the Finance Booklet. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions regarding music at Milton Abbey. Nikki Budd Director of Music, Milton Abbey School Email:

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ICT Information Rationale Information and communication technologies such as the Internet, e-mail, School Virtual Learning Platform and mobile technologies have become an important part of education. At Milton Abbey we aim for all pupils to be safe and responsible when using any digital technologies and endeavour to ensure that we take every possible measure to ensure your child’s safety and to teach them to be responsible digital citizens with an awareness of their digital footprint. As part of your child’s education here at Milton Abbey School they will have access to a wide range of technologies which, together with a varied curriculum, will enrich their learning experience. In particular, your child will have supervised, filtered and monitored access to the Internet using such technologies.

Internet Safety As part of our ICT and e-safety curriculum your child will be educated in the safe and respectful use of technology in a planned and progressive way, to help them understand how to keep themselves safe when using the Internet and other electronic devices. As part of our commitment to their e-safety we ensure that access to the Internet during lesson times has a valuable educational purpose and is monitored at all times. Our ICT department operates a strict web filtering system which prevents access to a majority of undesirable material. However, due to the complexity of the Internet there is always a small chance that undesirable material may get through these filters and therefore your child will be educated about how to respond appropriately in such instances.

Cyberbullying With the growing use of social networking sites and increasing Internet access via mobile technologies it can often be difficult to know what your child is being exposed to. Here at Milton Abbey School we believe that your child should be educated to deal with the growing social interaction on the Internet and become a positive and responsible web user. To assist with this, your child will be educated about how to behave responsibly when online, the legal implications of cyberbullying and sexting and to be aware of their digital footprint. In addition, they will be taught to be aware of the dangers presented by making contact with strangers online. Within this document you will find an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) which all Milton Abbey pupils will be expected to read and follow. We would appreciate you taking the time to read through this, in order to reinforce the importance of following these guidelines, so that your child can make full use of the ICT provision within our school in a safe and responsible manner. These guidelines will be displayed across school and regularly referred to by staff when using digital technologies

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Please note that it is school policy that pupils’ mobile phones should not be visible, distracting or used in lessons, as they have the potential to interrupt learning. If they are seen in lessons teaching staff have the right to confiscate the device. Any exception to this, and only for explicit educational purposes, is at the discretion of the member of staff. If you should have any questions, concerns or require further guidance on safe Internet use at school, or home, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our best to assist. We would be grateful if you could sign and return the ICT Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Agreement to confirm that you have read and understood the contents of the ICT Policy and are in support of your child following the AUP.

Angela Giesens Director of Digital Learning, E-Safety Coordinator Email:

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Acceptable Use Policy – Milton Abbey School •

During lesson times I will only use ICT systems, including but not limited to the Internet, e-mail, digital video, mobile technologies, etc. for school purposes.

I will not use my mobile phone during lesson times.

I will not use the school’s wireless system for on-line gambling, pornography or illegal downloads, regardless of whether I am on a school computer, laptop or my own device.

I will not download or install software on school devices, nor will I try to alter their settings.

I will not use removable media (CDs, memory sticks etc.) on school devices, unless they are approved by the school and supplied by a teacher. I will ensure that any removable media does not contain inappropriate material.

I will only log on to the school network with my own username and password. I will not ask for anyone else’s password and if I do discover someone else’s password I will let them know, so that they can change it.

I will not reveal my passwords to anyone and if I believe that someone else knows my password I will change it.

I will only print work required for school, and I will carefully check my work before printing and not waste resources by printing more than I need.

I will not deliberately browse, download, upload or forward material that could be considered offensive or illegal. If I accidentally come across any such material I will report it immediately to a member of staff.

I will not copy and paste information from the Internet and give it to teachers as my own work. I will respect the work and ownership rights of people outside the school, as well as other pupils or staff. I will not download files which are protected by copyright (including images, music and videos) unless it is for educational purposes and all copyright ownership has been acknowledged.

When I am using the Internet to find information, I should take care to check that the information that I access is accurate, as I understand that the work of others may not be truthful and may be a deliberate attempt to mislead me.

I will not give out any personal information such as my name, phone number or address. I will not arrange to meet someone, unless this is part of a school project approved by my teacher.

Images of pupils and/ or staff will only be taken, stored and used for school purposes in line with school policy and not be distributed outside the school network without the permission of the people concerned. I understand that I should not take photographs of pupils or staff without their permission. If I have taken photos of other people without their permission, I understand that my device may be confiscated and wiped. Page | 23

I will be responsible for my behaviour when using the Internet. This includes web pages I access and the language I use to communicate. I will not use strong, aggressive or inappropriate language and I will appreciate that others may have different opinions. I will ensure that my online activity, both in school and outside school, will not cause Milton Abbey, the staff, pupils or others distress or bring them into disrepute.

I will make sure that all ICT communications with pupils, teachers or others is respectful, responsible and sensible, whether within or outside of school. I understand that the use of the school’s technology to engage in contentious conversations or cyber-bullying will lead to repercussions as laid out in the school’s E-safety Policy.

I will log off school systems when I have finished using them. If I am using a device that is not my own, or a personal device that is not secured by a password, I will not save any usernames or passwords and I will check that I have logged off.

I will support the school approach to online safety and not deliberately upload or add any images, video, sounds or text that could upset or offend any member of the school community.

I will not distribute nude photographs, including of myself, and I understand that this could constitute a crime.

I will not distribute pornography and I understand that this could constitute a crime.

I will not intentionally damage, disable or otherwise interfere with the operation of computers or other digital technologies. I will report any damage or faults I see to a teacher, regardless of how it may have happened.

I will not actively attempt to bypass the internet filtering system, including, but not limited to, the use of VPNs.

I will not attempt to access the personal wireless network of any member of staff.

I will only use my personal hand held / external devices (mobile phones / USB devices etc.) in school if I have permission. I understand that, if I do use my own devices in school, I will follow the rules set out in this agreement, in the same way as if I was using school equipment or my device may be confiscated and possibly searched. I also understand that the school holds no responsibility for personal equipment that may be damaged or lost.

I understand that the School’s email is a professional tool and therefore I will not use inappropriate language when using the School’s email system and understand that emails with inappropriate content may be forwarded to relevant staff.

I understand that all my use of the Internet, email and other related technologies is monitored and logged and can be made available to my teachers, Senior Management or my parents/guardians.

I understand that these rules are designed to keep me safe and that if they are not followed, school sanctions will be applied, and my parent/guardian may be contacted.

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Laptop policy This policy should be treated as an addition to the schools Acceptable Use Policy and the wider E-Safety Policy. Users who do not follow this policy, or refuse to sign it, will not be allowed to use a school laptop, nor will they be able to connect their own devices onto the school’s network. •

I understand that my laptop is an important tool for my education and so I will treat it with respect. I will not intentionally damage or disable the laptop. I accept that there will be consequences for this kind of damage and/or behaviour. I will report loss, damage or theft of my laptop to a member of staff as soon as possible.

I will take responsibility for keeping my laptop in a safe place when it is not in use.

If using a School laptop, I will keep it within any protective case that is provided, and I will treat it with the utmost care.

I will not download or install illegal software on my laptop. I understand that if I do download or install illegal software I may have the laptop confiscated. If I bring my own device into school I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that there is no illegal software installed on it and that any devices containing illegal material may be confiscated.

I will not use the laptop to download files which are protected by copyright (including images, music and videos).

If I use my own devices in school I understand that my device may be subject to random checks to ensure I am following this policy. If I am found to be breaking the rules I understand that I may have my device confiscated, any inappropriate content wiped and, where deemed necessary, only returned to my parents/guardians.

I will not try and connect and of my own devices to the school network through the Ethernet cabling.

I understand that if I use my own device I am responsible for adding a virus checker and ensuring that it is scanned on a regular basis.


Device options that are available/ recommended for pupils joining at the start of the academic year will be distributed by the end of June 2018. Parents are strongly advised NOT to purchase any portable device prior to receiving this information to avoid any conflicts between the device capabilities/ requirements and the School’s Digital and E-Learning Strategy.

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Policy on Requesting Weekend Leave Milton Abbey is a unique and profoundly pastoral environment, brought about by the small size of our School and complemented by our beautiful setting and surroundings. Our full boarding offer is one of the primary reasons that parents choose Milton Abbey. We are very proud of our full-boarding status and of the comprehensive academic and extra-curricular provision, including a full weekend programme. We run a wide-ranging programme of engaging and rewarding extra-curricular activities which enhance pupils’ experiences of living and learning at Milton Abbey. As part of the full-boarding experience, Milton Abbey pupils are kept busy throughout the weekend as well as during the working week. As such, we are keen to ensure that with the exception of calendared exeats and half term holidays, Sixth Form floating exeats or occasional special requests by Lower School pupils, all boarding pupils remain in school at weekends. Family emergencies and bereavements do, of course, not come under this policy. Sixth Formers can, should they wish, request to take one additional weekend at home per term which is called a ‘floating exeat’. If a Sixth Former has a special occasion which they wish to attend during the term they must use their floating exeat; additional weekend absences will not be granted. If a Sixth Former does not have a special reason for taking leave they may still request to take their floating exeat as it is a Sixth Form privilege. Floating exeats cannot be carried forward. This request must be submitted to Housemasters by noon on the Wednesday prior to the weekend requested. Pupils will only be permitted to leave once they have fulfilled their commitments on Saturdays (including sport) and must return by 21:30 on the Sunday evening. Any request to be absent for a weekend for a pupil in the Lower School must be made to the Head’s Office. Any request should be made, in writing, well in advance but at the very latest should be received by noon on the Wednesday prior to the weekend requested. If you wish to make a special request please contact the Head’s Office via email on

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Policy on Use of Cars by Pupils Driving to and from school is a Sixth Form privilege for day pupils only. Boarders may not drive to school in their own car. A day pupil whose parents complete the necessary request form may be given permission by the Housemaster/Housemistress concerned and the Head, if the pupil is considered to be responsible, to drive to and from School. While the pupil is at School, the keys must be handed to House staff and the car must be left during the day in a place designated by the Housemaster/ Housemistress, which is likely to be Damer Green. Permission can be withdrawn at any time if the rules are not adhered to. Otherwise, driving may only be under the direction of a driving instructor and authorised by the School. Please refer to the Learning to Drive section of School Information in this handbook. No pupil may be driven by anyone under 21. No pupil may possess or ride a motor bicycle or moped at School. Pupils may only drive to and from school at the start and end of the school. They should not leave school premises in their car at any other time, unless permission has been granted by the Deputy Head. The pupil may not drive after consuming alcohol, or after any late-night function such as a Social, House Dinner or Ball. Any request by a pupil or a pupil’s parent for the use of a car at Milton Abbey, or for permission to drive another pupil, must be referred to the Head. Pupils who drive to school must have a full and clean driving licence and their cars must have valid insurance, road tax and MOT. They must keep the school informed of any changes. The Permission to Drive Form contains details of the driver’s car registration number and model. A copy of the form will be returned to the driver after all the signatures have been obtained. No pupil may drive to or from school without being in possession of this form. The form should be kept in the car and must be shown to members of the teaching or site team, if requested.

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APPENDIX 1 – SCHOOLBLAZER UNIFORM SERVICE FOR MILTON ABBEY SCHOOL was founded by parents for parents to take the chore out of shopping for school uniform. Our secure online ordering service allows you to shop for all uniform and sportswear at your convenience, and we even offer to sew all of the nametags into the garments for free – so throw out the sewing box and enjoy the summer! We are committed to making your preparations for the new term as easy and pain-free as possible. If you have any questions or require help please do not hesitate to contact our Helpline on +44 (0) 333 7000 703 or email Schoolblazer at Benefits to You • 24 hour/365 days availability of all school uniform and sportswear • Our system offers a step by step process to help you get the right size. You will be asked for your child’s measurements, as this will help with sizing accuracy • Free, simple returns • Free nametag application using sewn on printed nametags • Delivery to your home or place of work within 6 working days of order. Deliveries can also be sent to Milton Abbey School and kept in the boarding house for collection • Secure credit card facilities • Complete list of uniform, including pictures of each item • Simple, easy to navigate website • Telephone helpline available Mon-Fri 9am-8pm, Sat 10am-4pm Frequently Asked Questions Q. What about sizing? A. You input your child’s sizes and our system will indicate the suggested size on the shopping pages. However, this is a suggestion only, based on the sizes you have inputted. If you require room for growth, or your child is not a standard size you can use the drop down menu to select an alternative. Q. And if it doesn’t fit ? A. Send it back to us, using our prepaid returns service via Royal Mail. Q. Do you charge for the cost of tags? A. We charge you for the cost of the nametags, but apply them for free. Q. I need an item that is showing on the website as out of stock – what shall I do? A. As an online retailer we typically hold much higher levels of stock than the high street, but in the event, place your order and we will obtain it for you as soon as possible.

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APPENDIX 2 – BOYS UNIFORM: School Uniform for 3rd, 4th and 5th Form Boys (Lower School) To purchase all uniform please visit School Tweed Shooting Jacket please visit ** ALL CLOTHES MUST BE CLEARLY NAMED WITH NAME TAPES. BOARDERS MUST INCLUDE THEIR HOUSE INITIALS. PLEASE NOTE: SCHOOLBLAZER LTD OFFERS A NAMETAPING SERVICE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. All items on the below lists are available to view on once you register your details. You will be asked for your child’s measurements, if possible please provide them. Items marked * are NOT available from Schoolblazer Ltd. Regulation school items MUST be bought from Schoolblazer Ltd. The School Tweed Shooting Coat is a Rutland Shooting Jacket available from William Powell (WP). Other shooting jackets of a similar style are permitted, as are waxed Barbour jackets (not Puffa, jeans jacket or duffle coat etc.) (see Appendix 4) Parents are asked to ensure that clothes conform to the specifics noted on the list. Please note: All bedding, bed linen and bath towels are provided by Milton Abbey School. Essentials: School Tweed Shooting Coat (1)** (Appendix 4) (This is worn over their School Uniform on a cold day) School Tweed Jacket (1) (this is worn day to day) School Grey Trousers (3) (this is worn day to day) Navy School Blazer (1) (Sunday Best) School Shirt (6) Navy blue ‘V’ neck crested Tank Top (2) House tie (1) Grey socks * (5) Plain black leather lace up or loafer style shoes Boxer Shorts/Pants (7+)* Net laundry bag with zip* 60cm x 40cm i.e. Large drawstring cotton laundry bag* – minimum size 75cm x 45cm i.e. NON-UNIFORM LIST – recommended Pyjamas (3) Wash bag (shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste etc) Dressing gown and slippers 1 winter coat – only to be worn when out of uniform Jeans/casual trousers T-shirts/tops Jumper/hoodie 1 pair wellington boots Tuck box and padlock ALL PUPILS MUST ALSO PURCHASE THE FOLLOWING: School Rucksack / bag (waterproof)* Calculator* (ie. Casio FX-83GT Plus) Page | 29

Sports Uniform (Kit) for 3rd, 4th and 5th Form Boys (Lower School) Items marked * are not available from Schoolblazer Ltd. Regulation school items must be bought from Schoolblazer Ltd. All clothes and sports equipment must be clearly named. Essentials: School Tracksuit Top (1) School Tracksuit bottoms (1) Training T-Shirt in gold (1) Training T-Shirt in black (1) Midlayer top (1) House Polo Shirt (1) School Reversible Rugby shirt (1) School Rugby Shorts (1) School PE Shorts (1) Games Socks (3) Games Bag (1) Rugby Boots (1)* (Michaelmas Term) Trainers (1)* Hockey shoes (1)* & Hockey Stick Shin Pads (1)* (hockey players only) (Lent Term) Sports Towel (1)* Gum Shield (1)* Optional: Baseball cap (1) Base Layer Top (1) Base Layer Bottoms (1) Athletics / Gym vest (1) Beanie hat (1) Water bottle (1) Male Speedo Swim Jammers (1) Swim Hat (1) House Rugby Shirt (1) (Michaelmas Term) Indoor trainers Tennis Racket (Summer Term) Running Spikes If pupils are selected for school teams they may need to purchase additional kit as advised by the PE department.

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School Uniform for 6th Form Boys To purchase all uniform please visit School Tweed Shooting Jacket please visit ** ALL CLOTHES MUST BE CLEARLY NAMED WITH NAME TAPES. BOARDERS MUST INCLUDE THEIR HOUSE INITIALS. PLEASE NOTE: SCHOOLBLAZER LTD OFFERS A NAMETAPING SERVICE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. All items on the below lists are available to view on once you register your details. You will be asked for your child’s measurements, if possible please provide them. Items marked * are NOT available from Schoolblazer Ltd. Regulation school items MUST be bought from Schoolblazer Ltd. The School Tweed Shooting Coat is a Rutland Shooting Jacket available from William Powell (WP). Other shooting jackets of a similar style are permitted, as are waxed Barbour jackets (not Puffa, jeans jacket or duffle coat etc.) (see Appendix 4) Parents are asked to ensure that clothes conform to the specifics noted on the list. Please note: All bedding, bed linen and bath towels are provided by Milton Abbey School. Essentials: School Tweed Shooting Coat (1)** (see Appendix 4) (This is worn over their School Uniform on a cold day) Tweed Sports Jacket/Blazer of own choice * (1) (this is worn day to day with the School Grey Trousers) School Grey Trousers (2) Suit * (1) Black, dark grey, navy or tweed (no bold stripes or checks) (this is worn for Sunday best / Chapel and Services at School) Plain white / pastel coloured shirts with collars* (5) Navy ‘V’ Neck Jumpers – dark colours only * (2) Plain black or brown leather or suede shoes (no boots) * Ties * (2) Grey / Black socks * (5) Boxer Shorts/Pants (7+)* Net laundry bag with zip* 60cm x 40cm i.e. Large drawstring cotton laundry bag* – minimum size 75cm x 45cm i.e. NON-UNIFORM LIST – recommended Pyjamas (3) Wash bag (shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste etc) Dressing gown and slippers jeans/casual trousers t-shirts/tops jumper/hoodie 1 pair wellington boots Tuck box and padlock

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Sports Uniform (Kit) for 6th Form Boys Items marked * are not available from Schoolblazer Ltd. Regulation school items must be bought from Schoolblazer Ltd. All clothes and sports equipment must be clearly named. Essentials: School Tracksuit Top (1) School Tracksuit bottoms (1) Training T-Shirt in gold (1) Training T-Shirt in black (1) Midlayer top (1) House Polo Shirt (1) School Reversible Rugby shirt (1) School Rugby Shorts (1) School PE Shorts (1) Games Socks (3) Games Bag (1) Rugby Boots (1)* (Michaelmas Term) Trainers (1)* Hockey shoes (1)* & Hockey Stick Shin Pads (1)* (hockey players only) (Lent Term) Sports Towel (1)* Gum Shield (1)* Optional Baseball cap (1) Base Layer Top (1) Base Layer Bottoms (1) Athletics / Gym vest (1) Beanie hat (1) Water bottle (1) Male Speedo Swim Jammers (1) Swim Hat (1) House Rugby Shirt (1) (Michaelmas Term) Indoor trainers Tennis Racket (Summer Term) Running Spikes If pupils are selected for school teams they may need to purchase additional kit as advised by the PE department.

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APPENDIX 3 – GIRLS UNIFORM: School Uniform for 3rd, 4th and 5th Form Girls (Lower School) To purchase all uniform please visit School Tweed Shooting Jacket please visit ** ALL CLOTHES MUST BE CLEARLY NAMED WITH NAME TAPES. BOARDERS MUST INCLUDE THEIR HOUSE INITIALS. PLEASE NOTE: SCHOOLBLAZER LTD OFFERS A NAMETAPING SERVICE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. All items on the below lists are available to view on once you register your details. You will be asked for your child’s measurements, if possible please provide them. Items marked * are NOT available from Schoolblazer Ltd. Regulation school items MUST be bought from Schoolblazer Ltd. The School Tweed Shooting Coat is a Rutland Shooting Jacket available from William Powell (WP). Other shooting jackets of a similar style are permitted, as are waxed Barbour jackets (not Puffa, jeans jacket or duffle coat etc.) (see Appendix 4) Parents are asked to ensure that clothes conform to the specifics noted on the list. Please note: All bedding, bed linen and bath towels are provided by Milton Abbey School. Essentials: School Tweed Shooting Coat (1)** (See Appendix 4) (this is worn over their School Uniform on a cold day) School Tweed Jacket (1) (this is worn day to day) Navy School Blazer (1) (Sunday Best) School Kilt (at least one inch below knee) (2) School Blouses (6) Navy blue ‘V’ neck crested Tank Top (2) Navy tights (5) Pants (7)* Bras (5) * Plain black leather shoes* (ballet style pumps, patent and suede are not allowed) Net laundry bag with zip* 60cm x 40cm i.e. Large drawstring cotton laundry bag* – minimum size 75cm x 45cm i.e. NON-UNIFORM LIST – recommended Pyjamas, nightdresses (3) Wash bag (shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste etc) Dressing gown and slippers jeans/casual trousers t-shirts/tops jumpers/sweatshirts 1 winter coat – only to be worn when out of uniform 1 pair wellington boots Tuck box and padlock ALL PUPILS MUST ALSO PURCHASE THE FOLLOWING: School Rucksack / bag (plain black and waterproof)* Calculator* (ie. Casio FX-83GT Plus) Page | 33

Sports Uniform (Kit) for 3rd, 4th and 5th Form Girls (Lower School) Items marked * are not available from Schoolblazer Ltd. Regulation school items must be bought from Schoolblazer Ltd. All clothes and sports equipment must be clearly named. Essentials: School Tracksuit Top (1) School Tracksuit bottoms (1) Training T-shirt gold (1) Training t-shirt black (1) House Polo Shirt (1) School Skort (1) Midlayer top (1) Games Socks (3) School Games Rucksack (1) Trainers (1)* Hockey Shoes (1)* Hockey Stick (1)* Sports Towel (1)* Tennis Racquet (1)* Shin Pads (1)* Gum Shield (1)* (either your own purchase or purchase when OPRO come into school)

Optional Baseball cap (1) Base Layer Top (1) Base Layer leggings (1) Athletics / Gym vest (1) Beanie hat (1) Speedo swimsuit Ladies running shorts Water bottle (1) Swim Hat (1) Tennis Racket (Summer Term) Running Spikes

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School Uniform for 6th Form Girls To purchase all uniform please visit School Tweed Shooting Jacket please visit ** ALL CLOTHES MUST BE CLEARLY NAMED WITH NAME TAPES. BOARDERS MUST INCLUDE THEIR HOUSE INITIALS. PLEASE NOTE: SCHOOLBLAZER LTD OFFERS A NAMETAPING SERVICE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. All items on the below lists are available to view on once you register your details. You will be asked for your child’s measurements, if possible please provide them. Items marked * are NOT available from Schoolblazer Ltd. Regulation school items MUST be bought from Schoolblazer Ltd. The School Tweed Shooting Coat is a Rutland Shooting Jacket available from William Powell (WP). Other shooting jackets of a similar style are permitted, as are waxed Barbour jackets (not Puffa, jeans jacket or duffle coat etc.) (see Appendix 4) Parents are asked to ensure that clothes conform to the specifics noted on the list. Please note: All bedding, bedlinen and bath towels are provided. Essentials: School Tweed Shooting Coat (1)** (See Appendix 4) Grey School Skirt (1” above knee) (2) Tweed Blacker/Jacket of own choice or (WP) (1) Suit (1)* - to be tailored in Black, Dark Grey or Navy. (Trousers must not be “bootleg” or “jeans” styles. Skirts must not be too tight, nor have slits or external zips, and no shorter than 2” above the knee). Plain white/pastel coloured shirts with collars (5)* Plain ‘V’ neck pullovers (dark colours only) (2)* Plain black leather shoes* • plain leather, polished • not patent or suede, no stiletto heels, not more than 2” heel height, no ballet pump style Neutral or black tights (no patterns)* Schoolblazer can provide suit if preferred (see website) Net laundry bag with zip* 60cm x 40cm i.e. Large drawstring cotton laundry bag* – minimum size 75cm x 45cm i.e. NON-UNIFORM LIST – recommended Pyjamas, nightdresses (3) Wash bag (shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste etc) Dressing gown and slippers jeans/casual trousers t-shirts/tops jumpers/sweatshirts 1 winter coat – only to be worn when out of uniform 1 pair wellington boots Tuck box and padlock

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Sports Uniform (Kit) for 6th Form Girls Essentials: School Tracksuit Top (1) School Tracksuit bottoms (1) Training T-shirt gold (1) Training t-shirt black (1) House Polo Shirt (1) School Skort (1) Midlayer top (1) Games Socks (3) School Games Rucksac (1) Trainers (1)* Hockey Shoes (1)* Hockey Stick (1)* Sports Towel (1)* Tennis Racquet (1)* Shin Pads (1)* Gum Shield (1)* (either your own purchase or purchase when OPRO come into school) Optional: Baseball cap (1) Base Layer Top (1) Base Layer leggings (1) Athletics / Gym vest (1) Beanie hat (1) Speedo swimsuit Ladies running shorts Water bottle (1) Swim Hat (1) Tennis Racket (Summer Term) Running Spikes If pupils are selected for school teams they may need to purchase additional kit as advised by the PE department.

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APPENDIX 4 – UNIFORM LIST ALL PUPILS: SCHOOL TWEED SHOOTING COAT School Tweed Shooting Coat (WP) The school coat is a Rutland Shooting Coat, supplied by William Powell, The offer code parents should use is MA15. This code should be entered at checkout stage of the order where the customer is viewing their basket. This will apply a discount of 15% off each/any of the following products: MJC913 – Men’s Rutland Shooting Coat LJC102 – Ladies Rutland Shooting Coat KJC103 – Kids Rutland Shooting Coat (up to ages 15/16) Alternatively parents can call William Powell to place an order on 01295 701 701, opening hours Monday to Saturday, 9.00am – 5.30pm. The School Tweed Shooting Coat is a Rutland Shooting Jacket available from William Powell (WP). Parents may source this coat from other outlets if they wish. Other shooting jackets of a similar style are permitted, as are waxed Barbour jackets (not Puffa, jeans jacket or duffle coat etc.)

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APPENDIX 5 - Academic Information – 3rd Form (Year 9) Curriculum by Subject A curriculum that develops a thirst for learning through enabling pupils to be independent, grow in confidence and capitalise on a range of educational experiences. Overall aim of the 3rd Form curriculum: To deliver a curriculum that prioritises the development of skills that allows pupils to build cognitive acceleration, take risks and grow in the independence of their own learning. The core idea is to develop lines of enquiry through a thematic base that forces pupils to consider the context of the learning in relation to other subjects and the world around them. This curriculum will challenge pupils to take risks, make mistakes, fail and build in their resilience to create solutions independently and collaboratively. This year will help pupils to develop the vital learning skills that they will need to be successful at GCSE study and beyond. English: This year is all about the challenges and rewards that the study of English can bring to a pupil. We work closely with the Learning Support department and ensure that pupils are fully supported in their work and that extra guidance and intervention is implemented where appropriate. We cover all the core National Curriculum topics in the Michaelmas and Lent Terms. Pupils will study a novel which their teacher will select from a wide range of texts. They will explore character, setting, context and the power of language and opinion. The novels we select for the Third Form are designed to elicit a range of emotions from the pupils and to engage them further with the written word; for the more they read, the better they become at this subject. Pupils will also write creatively and produce some non-fiction texts. They will study one of Shakespeare’s History or Comedy plays and explore a range of poetry from our own heritage and from different cultures. In the Summer Term we begin specific topics that prepare the pupils for the GCSEs in English Language and English Literature. The Third Form will begin to analyse the media and the speed at which we can access the news; as well as the impact this creates. Throughout the year, the pupils will undergo short assessments designed to mimic the GCSE assessment they will complete at the end of their Fifth Form. In short, this is a year that will challenge their preconceptions about a range of topics, encourage them to take risks in their writing, empower them to read a range of texts independently, and foster a passion for the written and spoken word. Mathematics: In the Third Form the challenge is to consolidate the pupils’ knowledge of the subject. We ensure that pupils are fully supported in their work and that extra reinforcement and help is given where appropriate. We cover all the core National Curriculum topics throughout the year. Pupils are set for their ability in this subject so that an individual pupil’s needs are best met. They are encouraged throughout to solve mathematical problems using a variety of methods and approaches; an emphasis on using the best method to solve an individual question is encouraged. The Third Form undertake calculator and non-calculator work and develop mental arithmetic skills where ever possible. An emphasis on working out the approximate answers is utilised to make each pupil more aware of the magnitude of an answer and to help guard against making errors, such as putting the decimal point in the wrong place In short, the year is spent reinforcing number concepts so that pupils are confident about the basics and can enter the full GCSE syllabus with good understanding and enthusiasm. Page | 38

Science: The Third Form begin life at Milton Abbey by studying an introductory course in Biology, Chemistry and Physics during their Science lessons. The aim of the programme is to enthuse pupils, develop their practical skills and embed key scientific concepts that feature heavily in the GCSE course. There is an emphasis on developing scientific literacy as well as skills for learning. The pupils embark upon modules that will help to specifically prepare them for their Science GCSEs. These topics focus on fundamental ideas in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Topics covered include: reproduction and evolution, photosynthesis, chemical reactions, forces and energy transfer. Each half term we follow themes which allow pupils to see how Biology, Chemistry and Physics link together, and are not just subjects to be studied in isolation. In addition to learning the substantive content of each module the pupils will develop their understanding of how scientific knowledge is obtained, how it is reported to the world and the impacts of scientific knowledge on society. These concepts are collectively termed ‘Ideas about Science’. French: Most of the pupils joining Milton Abbey in the Third Form will continue learning French at least up to GCSE. The emphasis this year will be on developing spoken and written skills through a multitude of interactive and fun activities, and improving reading and listening comprehension. The small sets encourage pupils to participate more and therefore get more out of lessons. In the classroom teachers will speak in French as much as possible and pupils will be encouraged to reply in French. The Third Form is very much a year spent consolidating knowledge in grammar and vocabulary but also broadening the cultural understanding of the country before starting the GCSE in the Fourth Form. Pupils will have to write and talk about a wide variety of topics: for example, the area where they live, what they did during the holidays and their future plans. Spanish: Being able to communicate with someone from another country is always rewarding and enriching. Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world and is becoming increasingly popular in schools. Pupils at Milton Abbey can start studying Spanish from scratch in the Third Form without prior knowledge. The first year of Spanish will be spent learning the basic vocabulary and grammar in order to communicate with others. Pupils will have to introduce themselves, describe where they live, talk about their house, talk about their school and finally describe what they like doing in their free time. Although the emphasis will be on oral communication and building up vocabulary, pupils will gradually be encouraged to write more advanced and creative pieces of work. They will develop their listening, reading, writing and oral skills through a variety of stimulating and interactive activities. Pupils often comment on how they are surprised to have learnt so much in so little time. Pupils will of course learn about exam techniques and how to perform in examinations but ultimately, learning a language should be about learning about another culture. Our teachers will enthuse the pupils about the Spanish culture and set them up for an exciting and varied GCSE course. Humanities: Humanities allows pupils to explore issues that challenge human societies and extends their understanding of the world around them, in personal, local, national and global contexts. There is a breadth of study within Humanities which helps to create a rounded person with an enquiring mind. Pupils will explore the skills required for Geography, History and Religious Studies through a range of projects which equip them with the vital skills for GCSE such as source analysis, structuring an argument and citation. Pupils will undertake challenging topics such as migration, morality and ethics, globalisation, religious conflict and civil rights. The study of Humanities is hugely important to the development of young people in an ever-changing and diverse world. Much of the teaching emphasises the need for pupils to develop and explore new Page | 39

skills, knowledge and understanding. Pupils are encouraged to appreciate the importance of structuring and laying out their written and diagrammatic work neatly and effectively and are taught to form links between different topics to develop cross-curricular skills. Humanities is a subject that goes to the very heart of human discourse, relationships and understanding, and for these reasons it is invaluable to anyone that wants to explore the nature of what it is to be human. Furthermore, in the ever-increasing multi-cultural societies that we live in, an understanding of other people and ethical systems is paramount to truly understanding those around us. Drama: In the Third Form, Drama is multi-functional due to its inclusive nature: everybody has a one hour-long session of Drama a week. The syllabus is designed to fit the needs of the pupils encouraging them to develop key skills which are transferable across a range of subjects. Therefore it allows the more confident pupils to explore a full range of performance techniques and genres; whilst, at the same time, helping the less confident pupils to become more comfortable with the idea of performing, presenting or even just speaking to an audience. The Michaelmas Term is spent getting to know the pupils’ strengths whilst introducing them to a range of different genres and acting styles. They will be required to work independently as well as in small groups and as a whole class. Pupils will learn key performing skills and develop their understanding of peer and self-assessment. The Lent Term allows the pupils to complete a devising unit which will help prepare them for the GCSE whilst at the same time exploring topical and current issues as a stimulus for their devised work. They will look at the London riots and the story of Derek Bentley to name just a few. The Summer Term will see the pupils get a taste of different play texts looking at different scripts and the performance context of each piece. They will also explore different theatre practitioners to gain a greater understanding of the history of theatre. This term will lead nicely into studying drama at GCSE. Outside of the classroom there are many opportunities to get involved with the subject from performing in the schools productions and school musical. Music: All pupils study Music as a curriculum subject in the Third Form. In the first half term we assess pupils’ musicianship with a baseline listening test and establish some key terminology for the course. This includes understanding the musical elements: rhythm, metre, harmony, tonality, texture, melody, timbre, dynamics, and form. Most lessons involve practical activities involving the key skills of listening, appraising, performing, and composing. The key works studied in Third form are ‘Music for a While’ by Henry Purcell, ‘Main Title’ from Star Wars, ‘Killer Queen’ by Queen and ‘Defying Gravity’ from the musical Wicked. From the second half term we follow the outline of the new Edexcel 9-1 GCSE specification, and this allows for an in-depth study of a variety of set works from four of Areas of Study: • Instrumental Music 1700-1820 • Vocal Music • Music for Stage and Screen • Fusions There are of course many musical opportunities outside of lessons and tuition is available on all orchestral and band instruments, in addition to singing, music theory, and practical musicianship. There are several choirs, bands and instrumental ensembles, meaning that involvement in music can continue beyond the Third Form, even if Music is not chosen as a subject for GCSE.

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Art: The aim of the course is to introduce pupils to the various disciplines, processes and techniques involved with Art and Design practice. We aim to give all pupils an enriching experience and the confidence to explore and develop their creative potential in a stimulating and lively environment. Third form pupils will have the opportunity to study both Art and Photography; using project themed learning to develop their skills and to understand how Art and Design skills link to their other subjects, and to the world around them. The Third Form is intended to be like a foundation course in preparation for GCSE so that those intending to pursue either Art or Photography at the next level have already acquired the skills and understanding that they need to progress. We recognise the importance of providing a challenging and rewarding experience for all pupils and the opportunity for all to achieve; encouraging the individual to recognise and to value their own unique creativity and how it can feed and enhance all aspects of their studies. Key to either discipline is nurturing an understanding of the importance of composition and the formal elements of Art and Design: line, tone, shape, form, pattern, texture and colour. Placing their own emerging work into an historical context is also vital to their understanding and pupils will be introduced to the work of relevant artists/photographers alongside the practical work undertaken. In Photography pupils will begin by designing simple photographic compositions; photograms, using natural and manmade forms. They will progress to learning about black and white film and digital photography and how the SLR camera works. Working in small groups they will have the opportunity to process film and produce prints in the darkroom, gaining understanding and experience of this most important side of the craft. Pupils will also be introduced to Photoshop and begin looking at the basic tools that can be used to enhance their original images. In Art, Craft and Design pupils will learn about the importance of drawing from observation; developing and building on their skills early on, so as to give them the necessary foundation for all fine art and design work. In addition pupils will explore simple printmaking practices and techniques and produce a range of 3-dimentional outcomes working in clay and other materials. Design and Technology: Design and Technology is an incredibly important and relevant subject. Logical, creative and practical, it is one of the few opportunities pupils have to apply much of what they learn in their other subjects, directly preparing them for a range of different career paths whilst equipping them with skills that will allow them to participate in our ever-changing technological world. During the Third Form pupils sample the different disciplines they can study at GCSE level by analysing, designing, planning, developing and making different products. In the Michaelmas Term the pupils go through an intense induction course to make sure they are all completely aware of health and safety requirements in our workshop and classroom facilities. This enables pupils to have full access to our curriculum and develop skills using our tools and machines. Pupils will study within our personalised curriculum but also have the freedom to develop their own ideas through design and technology activity sessions. This subject is where our designers and engineers of tomorrow will start to blossom. Digital Literacy: In addition to using digital tools within their subjects, all Third Form pupils will receive an hour of discrete Digital Literacy every week. In the first term they will learn about file management and they will explore various pieces of software; aiming to provide them with skills that will help support the use of digital technologies within other lessons. Throughout the course they will also learn about e-safety, their digital footprint and how to be a safe and responsible digital citizen. As this is a project based subject the pupils will learn how to work collaboratively in order to effectively plan, create and evaluate in order to create a tangible solution to a problem. Page | 41

APPENDIX 6 – BUS ROUTES EXEAT AND HALF TERM ROUTES Places on buses must be booked in advance through the parent portal. Details are located at the back of the termly diary which is distributed to all parents and pupils prior to the start of term. The Bus Booking Form can be found on the Parent Portal. Please complete the form and email it to Exeter Bus Route Milton Abbey Castle Cary Station Ilminster Exeter (M5 Services) Salisbury Station Express Bus Route to London Milton Abbey Salisbury Station (to meet the London Waterloo train service) North Western Route Milton Abbey Warminster Bath Old Sodbury Nailsworth Tewkesbury Strensham Ombersley M5 junction 2 Stockbridge/Basingstoke Route/Fleet Services Milton Abbey Stockbridge Basingstoke Railway Station Fleet Services, M3 Southern Route Milton Abbey Southampton Southampton Airport Portsmouth Chichester Arundel Worthing Lewes Royal Tunbridge Wells DAY BUS ROUTES Please contact the Admissions office for the two routes from Sandbanks and Weymouth/Dorchester Page | 42

APPENDIX 7 - USEFUL INFORMATION FOR PARENTS Taxi Companies Bobs Cars, Dorchester 01305 267300

Beaver Cabs, Sherborne 01935 816620

Riverside Taxis, Blandford 01258 453553

Tacon Taxis, Blandford 01258 453022 07834 983123

Local Places to Stay Hotels The Crown, Blandford – 7 miles DT11 7AJ, Tel. 01258 456626 Plumber Manor – 7 miles, DT10 2AF, Tel. 01258 472507 Summer Lodge – 27 miles, DT2 0JR, Tel. 01935 492000 Abbots Court, Winterborne Kingston– 8 miles DT11 9BH, Tel. 01929 448638 10% discount for Milton Abbey

Pubs The Hambro Arms, Milton Abbas – 1 mile, DT11 0BP, Tel. 01258 880233 The Fontmell, Fontmell Magna – 14 miles, SP7 0PA, Tel. 01747 811441 The Museum Inn, Farnham – 16 miles, DT11 8DE, Tel. 01725 516261 The King John Inn, Tollard Royal – 17 miles, SP5 5PS Tel. 01725 516207 Please note that an establishment’s inclusion does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation, and the school can accept no responsibility for the standard of accommodation or service provided.

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APPENDIX 8 – PRIVATE MEDICAL INSURANCE SCHEME The possibility of purchasing insurance is initially offered as part of the school admissions process. Thereafter, cover will automatically continue and will be invoiced each term accordingly. More information is available in the Finance Booklet. If you would like to either cancel existing insurances, purchase additional insurances or if you would like further details regarding the cover provided, please contact the School Accountant by email at or by telephone on +44 1258 881808. The school is able to arrange AXA/PPP Private Medical Insurance on behalf of your child (see separate booklet provided with your welcome pack). If you would like to include cover to begin when your child begins at the school you will need to complete the Registration Form contained within the brochure and return it to

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