West Coast of Calvert Island with a Few Sites Near Cape Caution

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Photo by Geoffrey Mumford


West Coast of Calvert Island with a few sites near Cape Caution —a field guide for paddlers Why? This is chapter three of an effort started in 2011 to fill in some gaps in the Wild Coast series of guides by John Kimantas. The 2011 effort resulted in a guide for the west coast of Banks Island, and in 2012 we produced a guide for west coasts of Aristazabal, Price and Athlone Islands. These two earlier efforts are available at Issuu.com/glennlewis at no cost. Like the two earlier guides, sites covered by The Wild Coast: Volume 2 are not included except by reference. Who? In 2013 we had ten paddlers, mainly from the Nanaimo Paddlers. We started in Bella Bella near the end of July and finished in Port Hardy mid August. We had remarkably good weather and calm seas for all but the last day or two and the water was noted to seem warmer than usual. Nice for swimming and for making fog. All members of our group contributed to the survey effort with most of the photos taken by Geoff Mumford, Karina Younk and Glenn Lewis. Most of the post trip organization of information was done by Reale Emond and Glenn Lewis and the manuscript was published on Issuu.com by Ursula Vaira. Overview of the Surveyed Area From the northwest corner of Calvert Island to the south end of Burnett Bay is a little more than 50 nm, going more or less directly. The entire distance, except for some of the south shore of Calvert Island, is entirely exposed to the open Pacific. The area is well known for its large sand beaches that seldom get visited other than by the ever present wolves. Many of the beaches have little shelter from swell, and our goal was to find places which allowed for landing without surf when conditions were suitable for paddlers of ordinary ability. Except for the Hakai Beach Institute located in Pruth Bay at the north end of Calvert Island the entire survey area is uninhabited. When crossing from Calvert Island to the mainland, paddlers might see a few sports fishers from Rivers Inlet, but this year even they were not in evidence. There is a considerable amount of marine traffic using Fitzhugh Sound and the coast south of Calvert. Paddlers will want to be aware of this situation and possibly keep in contact with Vessel Traffic Services during exposed crossings. Coming home mounted on the bow bulb of a cruise ship would take some of the fun out of paddling in the area. The area is generally flat near the coast but Fitzhugh Sound, Rivers Inlet, and Smith Sound can cause strong inflow/outflow winds and currents which can contribute to the challenges of rounding Cape Caution. The southwest shore of Calvert Island is also prone to very choppy conditions, and the NW wind seems to access most of that area unimpeded. Whether this situation is because of the low elevation of most of the western half of Calvert Island, because of inflows into Rivers Inlet in the afternoon or the relatively shallow water closer to shore, we don’t know. One solution is to paddle half a kilometre off shore of the islands, another is to paddle inside of the islands, rocks and reefs. 2

The area was easy to paddle during our trip, but the lack of cover from the open ocean means that sometimes paddlers would need a much larger stock of discretion rather than valour. There is a small cabin near the north end of Burnett Bay which appears to be well used by kayakers and a couple of camps abandoned by the late Bill Davidson. Obvious evidence of past First Nations use is harder to discern than in the areas where beaches were more amenable to being shaped for harvesting purposes. Weather The area is entirely within the Central Coast from McInnes Island to Pine Island weather reporting district. Timing of the events in the forecast is made easier by referencing the West Sea Otter, East Delwood, South Moresby, and South Hecate buoys. Also to the west are the remote stations on Sartine Island and Cape St. James. The area includes lighthouses on Egg Island and Pine Island. Radio reception for weather forecasts is good, mainly from the repeater on Calvert Island and then from the repeater at Port Hardy as one moves south. Afternoon inflow winds are to be expected in Smith Sound during times of good weather, and the afternoon northwesterly, again during good weather, will limit some paddlers from being out much after lunch. We think that a prudent paddler will leave a few extra days to be beached for weather as the entire area is essentially without any cover from southeast wind. Currents, Tides and Boomers The west coast of Calvert is not subject to strong tidal currents and most of Calvert’s shore is not overly shallow. Things change however once clear of Cape Calvert. A substantial amount of water flows south out of Fitzhugh Sound and Rivers Inlet, and this needs to be taken into account if you are crossing from Calvert on an ebb and there is much swell. At some point the two will meet. Several years ago we got picked up at Safety Cove by the Queen of Chilliwack on a day when seas were more than four metres in the open ocean. We were told by the crew that the ferry might be waiting for a while to avoid the unrest that can occur near the south entrance to Fitzhugh Sound when seas are significant from the southwest. Also once along the shore of the mainland south of Cranston Pt. expect fairly strong currents. We were surprised by the amount of current in Smith Sound both flooding and ebbing. We had a very quick paddle from Extended Pt. to Dsulish Bay on such a flood. The ebb out of Smith Sound becomes more of an issue at the south entrance to the Sound. The worst area seems to be around Neck Ness and the outer rocks and reefs that provide some protection for Hoop Bay. This is the area that seems to be principally responsible for giving Cape Caution its reputation as a place to be respected more than others. A few years ago we paddled outside of Hoop Bay around Neck Ness in light wind and relatively low offshore swell and with an ebb we had seas about 3.5 metres with quite a lot of chop and disorganization. This year we had almost flat water (.7-metre swells at West Sea Otter), no wind, and we were in the area just after low slack. Inside of Hoop Bay was calm and the swells at Neck Ness were only about 2.5 metres with the usual disorganization that this shore seems to cause. A solution for Neck Ness might be to paddle offshore a ways, and the inside route through Hoop Bay has much to recommend it if seas are calm enough to allow safe entry from the south. As for Cape Caution itself, our experience is that it is unremarkable so far as sea state is concerned. Paddle the area early in the morning during neaps and on the flood if you can to avoid the worst of the unrest and if something is causing the swells to build from off shore, be prepared to wait for quieter conditions. Any significant wind is likely to make matters worse in the area near to Neck Ness. 3

Access Of the three areas we have covered in these guides, this area is by far the easiest to get to. Burnett Bay is only about 25 nm from Port Hardy, albeit a crossing of Queen Charlotte Strait is required. As this guide was being prepared for publication, B.C. Ferries announced an intention to stop the Queen of Chilliwack service to the central coast. This is most unfortunate for paddlers as it presumably means an end to the wet launch and pick up service that has been very popular among those accessing the south central coast in a kayak or canoe. It may mean additional, read faster, service to Bella Bella if the Prince Rupert ferry starts to stop there more often. Our choice this year was to launch from Bella Bella (beside the ferry slip) and enjoy the paddle south to Calvert Island. If you choose this route take into account currents that affect the northern channels and crossing Hakai Pass. We concluded that given the amount of camping activity at Burnett Bay, paddling over from Vancouver Island to enjoy that area was a common choice for the southern part of our survey area. Choices for crossing include via the Deserters/Walker Groups from Bell Island or paddle farther west from Port Hardy and cross from Nigei Island via the Storm Islands to Burnett Bay. There are a couple of beaches on the Storm Islands that front Indian Reservation lands which can give paddlers a chance to stretch their legs. The Indian Reservation lands are apparently not part of the Duke of Edinburgh Ecological Reserve which restricts access to land. Charts Most of the area is covered by fairly recent charts (and surveys) that are of a 1-40K scale. You will need 3934, 3935 and 3550 for the area we surveyed. In addition the area from about Bolivar Island to Charley Island on the west coast of Calvert is not shown on a newer better-scale chart. For this area you will need the older 3727 which is a 1-73K and based on NAD27 survey information. Additionally you may need the charts to get you from the mainland back to Port Hardy and from wherever you start to the north end of Calvert Island. Communication and Assistance VHF radio reception in the whole area is good with the usual exception of a few small pocket beaches. There is a lifeboat station at Bella Bella, and by the time one gets to Burnett Bay, civilization is almost right next door. There is a lot of heavy marine traffic in the area, including several cruise ships per day in the summer and frequent airplane sightings for both local travellers and the logging industry. Pleasure craft and fishing boats are fairly common, and around the entrance to Rivers Inlet one can expect guests of the lodges that operate in the area. While the chances of fairly speedy assistance are better in this area than farther north, we remain of the view that paddlers should be able to get themselves safely ashore and be able to call for help if they want to avoid a poor outcome in an emergency. Wildlife We were pleased this year to sight sea otters along the west coast of Calvert Island, in Smith Sound and in the Burnett Bay area. To us, it appears that the group that established itself some years ago in Queens Sound is now connected in a fairly continuous way with the Vancouver Island sea otters. The return of these animals, so important for the reestablishment of kelp beds, is a very good news story indeed. Wolves are the main large predator and we had them everywhere along the way. At several of our campsites wolves gave us a thorough inspection overnight while we slept. The wolves at Burnett Bay were more comfortable with people than those we encountered in more 4

northerly and remote areas. One sorted through some things left out at night and carried a smelly water bootie a short distance. At Red Sand beach in Smith Sound, we noted some very, very large bear tracks which we took to belong to a grizzly, and farther south at Burnett Bay bear tracks were also in evidence. As expected we saw no tracks from cougars. This year we encountered a grey whale feeding in Hoop Bay, which is farther north than we have come across greys before. Leave No Trace With the exception of the small cabin at the north end of Burnett Bay and two abandoned Kayak Bill camps, and some headland trails along the northwest shore of Calvert Island, the area is without human development. Evidence of logging is common in Smith Sound but otherwise the coast is so wind blown that loggers have not felt the urge to ply their trade in the area. Most sites, except for Burnett Bay, are seldom visited and show little signs of use. Please leave the landscape the way you find it. Fishing We rely quite a lot on eating fish. The west coast of Calvert was typical of the coast and delivered rock fish, ling cod and the occasional salmon as required. Along the mainland shore and in Smith Sound, things were not so easy. We were able to catch enough for our needs in Smith Sound, but it required a lot of effort, and from Hoop Bay to the south end of Burnett Bay the fishing was abysmal. DFO closes most of the coast to shellfish harvesting apparently because they do not have a testing program for PSP. If you choose to harvest and eat shellfish, show caution. First Nations and Conservancies Most of the shore that we surveyed is now protected as part of four conservancies which are co-managed by the Provincial Government and the relevant First Nation. Only the area from a little south of Cranston Pt. to Extended Pt. is unprotected in this way. The west coast of Calvert from the Surf Islets south to approximately Herbert Point (51°29') is part of the Hakai Luxvbalis Conservancy which is co-managed with the Heiltsuk First Nation. The remainder of the southern shore of Calvert Island (indeed most of the rest of the island) is part of the Calvert Island Conservancy which is co-managed with the Wuikinuxv First Nation. The beaches proximate to Cranston Pt. are part of a small conservancy that is not well described on the B.C. Parks website. The shore south of Smith Sound is part of the Ugwiwey Cape Caution-Blunden Bay Conservancy (comprised of two blocks) which is managed with the Gwa'sala-'Nakwaxda'xw First Nation. The creation of these conservancies seems likely to ensure that the coast will be available for paddlers into the foreseeable future. The Survey Prior to our departure we had identified thirty possible beaches which might be suitable for landing and camping. We did not include the sites described by John Kimantas in The Wild Coast: Volume 2, and those sites are amongst the most useful in the area and should be considered. Unlike our experience farther north where a large majority of sites we checked were of no use, this year’s effort produced 20 locations. As most of the beaches under consideration were large and sandy, the principal criterion was the suitability for landing without much surf and without rocks.



Headland trails join the large mainly sand beaches from North Beach (immediately east of the Surf Islets) with the large bay which has a southern limit at approximately 51°38’N. Most of the beach along this stretch is suitable for camping, but the opportunities for a landing protected from surf are fewer.

Calvert Island

West Beach 51°39.5'N 128°8.7'W—1 The large southwest-facing sand beach which is the first large bay about .8 nm south of the Surf Islets is the most easily accessible for power boaters via a trail from Pruth Bay. This means that of all the beaches described below this one is where you are most likely to have company. Landing in the north corner of the beach will be possible in most swell conditions. Our preferred choice when in this area is to opt for North Beach or the beach a little to the south which is described below. There is no creek but the folks at the Hakai Institute provided us with some drinking water.

51°38.7'N 128°9'W—2 The small north-facing beach is well protected by off lying rocks and kelp and has good camping opportunities on sand. Much of the beach has cobble between about 2-3 metres of water, but there is a fairly clear area down to lower tides about 1/3 of the way up from the west end of the beach. There is no water. This beach is connected to beaches to the north and south by headland trails.


51°38.55'N 128°9.06'W—3 This good-sized sand beach is our choice along this stretch. The beach lies to the east of island ‘55’ and is well protected by offshore-lying rocks, reefs and kelp. The north entrance to the half moon bay is also protected by kelp, making for a nearly surfless landing about a third of the beach south from the most northerly corner. We have visited this beach on an earlier trip and found the water in the creek shown on the chart to be plentiful and of good quality. This year, record lack of rainfall meant this creek, and most of the rest of them we had hoped to rely on, were without water.

51°38.35'N 128°9.25'W—4 A small south-facing sand pocket in the northwest corner of the large open beach entered along about 51°38.2' is a choice. At lower tides it is nearly as surfless as one might expect from looking at the chart. However at higher tides the surf has access to the beach from the west, and a few years ago this confluence of events resulted in the unhorsing of two of us while trying to land. The big beach to the east of this pocket is accessible by headland trail from the recommended beach a little to the north of this site. The south corners of the large beach have good camping opportunities but they are exposed to surf.


51°37.8'N 128°8.92'W—5 A small WSW-facing beach entered at approximately 51°37.7'N is a nice little pocket which on our day (low swell) was without surf on landing. This little beach is unusually steep for a sand beach and is without a water source. Camping opportunities are on sand at the top of the beach. A very private and pretty place.

51°37.4'N 128°8.63'W—6 A very protected pocket entered along 51°37.4' N. The way into this beach is to stay close to the north shore of the entrance until past the rock shown on the chart and then pick your way through further rocks until you are in a little bay with a nice beach. The rocks and kelp absorb virtually all of the energy from the swell. We were there on a calm day and entry was relatively easy, but we expect that with swell much in excess of a metre the entry could be quite exciting. Good camping on a sand beach but there is no creek.

51°36.6'N 128°8.58'W—7 This good-sized west-facing beach is our choice south of the beach behind island ‘55’ and the last reliable opportunity to land without surf until the beach northeast of Blackney Island. The entrance to this bay is narrow and shallow with the result that most of the energy dissipates before it gets into the bay and then the large beach further spreads what is left. The best camping and all tide areas are in the northeast part of the beach. There is likely to be water during normal years but the small stream was dry when we were there.


The bays north of Dublin Point that have not been referred to are generally rocky and poor for landing.

Three-Mile Beach 51°34.5'N 128°7.24'W—8 This largest of the beaches on Calvert Island is approximately 1.5 nm in length and not obviously three miles from anywhere. We planned our trip to maximize the chance to land in one corner or the other of Bolivar Island when it is tomboloed to the shore, which happens at tides lower than about 1.5 metres. On our day, the swell was from the WNW and was reported at about 0.7 metres at the weather buoys. There was no wind and when we arrived the tombolo was in place. We thought we had a perfect day but it didn’t matter. The north corner of Bolivar Island provided no protection and the shallow water seemed to ‘square up’ the surf into the south corner of Bolivar Island, making it worse than the north corner. We understand that at times Bolivar Island can create a sheltered corner for landing, and we think that this might happen when swell is from the south of west. The option for us to crash ashore in surf was positively vetoed by our group. Whether landing in the creek mouth/estuary at high tides is a decent choice was dependent on us getting ashore to have a look. Someone else might know whether this is an option.


East of Blackney Island 51°30'N 128°5.5'W—9 The beach east of the north end of Blackney Island is likely a stop for everyone venturing past this way, and it is both a very nice place and good for landing. Entrance to the beach from the south can be affected by the reef that extends from the north end of Blackney Island to the south end of the beach on Calvert, but the large amount of kelp in the area will probably reduce any difficulty except in very rough conditions. Entry from the west north of Blackney Island is how most will approach the beach if coming from the north. The shape of the beach and the rocks and reefs that protect it mean that in the very northwest corner of the beach, immediately south of the big rock, there is likely to be little if any surf. The beach gets more difficult to land on as one moves east and south along its length. The NW corner has excellent camping on sand which is protected from the afternoon northwesterlies. There is no creek at this beach but there is a good source of water, even in our dry year, about a 45-minute walk along the beach to the north (creek shown on chart) and a less reliable smaller water source about a 10-minute walk south of the south end of the beach.

Note that for sites 9, 10 & 11 positions on the chart will be approximately .2' farther west due to the older survey information. 11

51°28.22'N 128°2.5'W—10 About 1 nm west of Stafford Point there is a south-facing bay to the north of Jennie Island. There is a side bay on the east side of this bay and in the southeast part of that side bay is a small pocket sand beach which can provide a very protected place to land. We did not land to check out camping possibilities, but from the water there appear to be options higher up on the beach among the driftwood and logs. The chart provides little detail of this area and we recommend having a look at the Google satellite images.

Chic Chic Bay 51°28.7'N 128°0.18'W—11 The large creek that flows into the inner part of Chic Chic Bay is the most reliable source of good water we found along the southern shore of Calvert Island. Even in this year of low rainfall, the flow was substantial enough to provide pools for bathing in what is relatively warm water. The landing along the south side of the creek mouth is difficult at all but very high tides on large cobble/small boulders; there is a more open area which may have been a canoe run in the past. Along the south shore is a small patch of sand sufficient for a few tents that should survive most summer tides. From the number of tracks we observed this small beach appears to be a favourite haunt of the local wolf population. At lower tides landing and launching to access the camping area would be quite difficult. The site is protected from most weather, but the shallow inner bay means surge can be an issue.


51°26.89'N 127°57.1'W—12 The bay and beach ENE of the Charley Islands is our choice between Blackney Island and Grief Bay. The beach is very protected from surf and was almost without surge the day we were there. The landing is generally on sand with a few rocks at lower tides. There is extensive camping on sand but no creek. The chart and satellite images indicate that there should be water in the bay about 1/2 nm a little to the west of north from this location.

51°26.4'N 127°56.9'W—13 The bay and beach NE of O’Neil Islet is a very well protected sandy pocket with spots for a couple of tents among driftwood and logs that should survive most summer highs.

The beach at Grief Bay is one of the best and most protected in the area as well as being ideally suited as a starting point for the crossing of Fitzhugh Sound. It is described in The Wild Coast 2. 13


Mainland Sites Cranston Point 51°22.06'N 127°46.6'W—14 The bay south of Cranston Point entered along 51°22' is a good choice for those who don’t want to paddle around to the larger and probably more popular site in Open Bight. Parts of the beach are covered with rock and cobble, but there is a clear strip about 1/4 of the way along toward the north from the southeast corner of the beach that is clear to lower tides. There is a short trail through to Open Bight. There is room at the top of the sand beach for many tents. We saw no source of water at this site.

51°21.16'N 127°46.98'W—15 The southwest-facing bay south of Kelp Head entered along 51°21' is a very shallow sand bay that is completely protected from surf once you are through the congested entrance. We felt that paddlers should have about 2 metres of water at the time of their coming and going to ease the passage through the entrance and avoid a very long carry on the flat inner beach. We found no source of water. We visited this place on quite a calm day, and one can easily imagine that with a couple of metres of swell the entrance would be quite difficult. The best route in appeared to be quite tight to the NW shore of the island that guards the entrance. We agree with John Kimantas’ assessment of Extended Point, as landing is very dependent on tide levels. This situation apparently wasn’t enough to deter Kayak Bill, as the remains of one of his camps is in one of the small pockets east of Tie Island.


Table Island 51°16.16'N 127°48.78'W—16 Approaching from the east, paddling between Ann Island and Table Island and south of Ann Island, is a beach that is protected by a small islet and rocks and reef. This beach has established sites in the upland for a couple of tents and a large area that could be used for additional camping. This small pocket is a bit rough at lower tides but the bay is so calm that any difficulties are easily overcome.

Hoop Bay 51°13.18'N 127°46.30'W—17 There are two quite large beaches along the eastern shore of Hoop Bay and the clear choice for paddlers is the more northerly of the two. The main part of this sand beach is approximately 200 metres in length along the more northerly part of the east shore of this small bay. The protection from the off lying rocks is nearly complete with only a low surge the day we were there. The beach is clear to lower tides and at tides below half there is easy access to the creek that flows into the bay a little to the south of the main beach. There is extensive opportunity to camp on sand above summer highs with a bit of renovation to the driftwood. The beach a little to the south of this site is rocky at other than higher tides and it is not so well protected. 16

Indian Cove 51°11.24'N 127°46.83'W—18 A favourite of ours as there is a short headland trail through to Blunden Bay that allows for extensive beach walking. The entrance to Indian Cove can be a bit bumpy, even during relatively calm days as this is the area that seems to have garnered Cape Caution some of its reputation. There is a small islet in the centre of the entrance and once past that things calm down substantially. Our experience is that the south side of this islet is easier to manage than the north side. At tides above about half there is also a ‘back door’ behind the larger islet which forms the south shore of the cove. This route is normally a lot quieter than the front entrance. There is no creek at Indian Cove and no reliable water source in the north (accessible on foot) part of Blunden Bay. The beach that would give access to the creek that enters the bay north of Indian Cove (east of Neck Ness) looked to us to be completely made up of boulders, but we didn’t give it a close inspection.


The south section of Blunden Bay is exposed and we did not see a place to land without presence of surf. Wilkie Point is a site listed in The Wild Coast: Volume 2 and it is similar in many respects to Indian Cove, but the entrance is generally a little calmer making it a safer choice when much swell is coming from offshore.

Burnett Bay This two-mile-long sand beach is one of the finest of this type on our coast. Predictably, expect substantial surf except at the north and south ends where there is good protection at some tides.

North Burnett Bay 51°8.04'N 127°41.36'W—19 There are some small islets which at lower tides provide very good protection for landing at the north end of the beach. The photo shows these islets. The larger of the islets is tomboloed to the smaller islet/rock to its northeast at tides below 2.5 metres. In this circumstance landing behind islets to the southeast of the largest islet is virtually without surf on relatively calm days and likely without surf on most days paddlers would be out. Between 2.5 and 3.3 metres of tide the tombolo between the islets floods and it is still not difficult to land but some turbulence is getting in from the northwest. At tides above 3.3 metres the tombolo between the inner rock/islet and the shore floods and the protection of the islets is substantially diminished. This end of the beach boasts a small cabin and there is nearby water.


South Burnett Bay 51°6.33'N 127°40.56'W—20 This appeared to be the most popular camping spot in the area. Three sites showed evidence of use. There are two small pockets east of Bremner Point but west of the river outlet. The most westerly is a small pocket that is very protected for landing at about half tide and there is room for a couple of tents above summer highs. The more easterly of these two pockets is obviously well used and has 5 wellcleared upland sites (pass under the arch). This beach is more accessible at tides above half. Both of these beaches are accessible without surf at tides below half on calm days but expect a long carry. When we were there, there were the remnants a well-established camp on the north shore of the river mouth. It was not clear to us exactly how one gets to this side of the river in a small boat as at lower tides the beaches are prone to surf. A note in the log books in the cabin at the north end of the beach suggest entry into the river mouth is possible at high tides in a small boat. If you choose to try this approach, the main channel is right beside the dome-shaped rock at the southwest entrance to the river, but be aware that when we were there at higher tide the entrance was very rough and not a straightforward affair at all.

Entrance to River

We concluded that most people probably camp at the south end of the beach unless they prefer the cabin at the north end.


This guide was prepared and researched by Reale Emond, Glenn Lewis, Geoff Mumford, and Karina Younk. Photo credits to Glenn Lewis, Geoffrey Mumford & Karina Younk. We are indebted to the work of John Kimantas and especially to his book The Wild Coast Volume 2 (Whitecap Books, 2006).

It is the third of three guides that cover the outer coast from the north end of Banks Island to approximately Cape Caution. All three guides are available at Issuu.com/glennlewis. The surveys and guides were done over three years between 2011 and 2013. Our principal goal was to make the coast more available to paddlers of average paddling ability with west-coast experience. Most of the people involved in the project were over sixty with many over 70. We hope we have shown that with reasonable skills interpreting weather and water conditions, it is not necessary to be a powerful, highly skilled paddler to be safely in the survey area. We were pleased to find good camping sites reasonably spaced throughout the area despite a reputation among some paddlers that they did not exist. Our second goal was more of a hope. We think that if people come to our outer central and north coast to enjoy its splendour they will be moved to act as stewards and advocates for an area that is seldom on many people’s radar but in our view is a unique national treasure that is under great threat from a largely uncaring industrial society. Those wanting to download one or more of the guides in pdf format can find them at http://www.coastandkayak.com/PDFs/West_Coast_of_Calvert_Island_with_a_Few_Sites_ Near_Cape_Caution.pdf Paddlers who have new information, who wish to report a change of site conditions or who just want to ask a question about the covered areas contact us a wcfieldguides@gmail.com. Be patient, this is not a business. Ferry information in the guides is dated so check schedules. Also BC ferries says they will have a place to launch kayaks at the Klemtu terminal some time in 2015 (it wasn’t there in July 2015). 20

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