Music video planning

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London Streets





Can be used for the homeless person part of the song’s music video. If it is night time the scene would be more dramatic but could be harder to film.

Yes it’s easy to get there and we might need permission depending on where we film. The times to avoid are rush hour because there would be too many people to film.

Used for the alcoholic person scenes when they are at home and drinking or when they get over their problem.

We will have to travel there and we need to get permission for the person who’s house it is. There are no times to avoid and there are no health and safety risks.

It matches our idea for an alcoholic person. Drinking in public and early in the morning emphasises their drinking problem. This could be used to show her coming out of the off licence with alcohol and her walking past after she has stopped drinking it.

It is easy to travel to the pub and we will need to get permissions, as we are under-­‐age. We would have to film in the morning because there would be less people at those times. It is easy to travel to the off licence and we might need permissions from the owner to film. Also we would have to wait for the off licence to be empty because it would be hard for us to film if people keep walking in front of the shop.

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