2 minute read

Kansas Mason - Spring 2023

Leadership in Kansas Masonry... Is it Pay to Play?

Submitted by Mikel J. Stoops, Master Mason (De Soto Lodge No. 40)

First, I must offer a sincere apology to all my Brothers. Unbeknownst to me, some of my previous actions regarding auction buying and charitable contributions led some to believe that these were a prerequisite for advancing in leadership in our jurisdiction. This was never my intention, and it is just not the case. The facts are that I enjoy the thrill of an auction, and I was going to make contributions anyway. I just thought that, in some cases, it would be fun to do so via the auctions. It never entered my mind that my purchases and other cash contributions were seen as “Buying” into positions in Masonry. I simply valued the programs being supported, and Pam (my wife) and I are comfortable enough to make those contributions. If others saw it differently, I am very sorry.

I can tell you that the idea that leadership in Kansas Masonry is Pay-to-Play is appalling to me. I have never looked at the list of contributions our leaders, officers, appointees, or awardees have made. When I had a part in deciding on appointments or awards, a person’s ability or willingness to make charitable donations was never a factor. The ability or desire to make cash donations does not indicate anyone’s ability or fitness for leadership, appointment, or awards. Further, thinking that this is the case might prove the opposite.

My final advice to everyone is this. If someone from an organization within Masonry approaches you with an offer and indicates that your willingness to financially support their organization or endeavor will be a favorable indicator of your merit for a leadership position, office, appointment, or award …. RUN AWAY! Do not walk! The integrity of the organization and even of the person making such a claim is suspect at best.

Leadership in Kansas Masonry is NOT Pay-to-Play!

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