3 minute read
THE KANSAS MASON - Summer 2020
How Do Masons Meet, Act & Part in a Pandemic?
By Mikel Stoops, Deputy Grand Master
The unfortunate circumstances of this year have seen many changes in our regular work and family activities. Our Masonic activities are no different. Everyone’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak is different, based on their risk factors, their personal beliefs, and even the area of the state in which they live. Some have had friends and family members become terribly ill and even die because of this virus, while others do not even know anyone impacted by it. But, we as Masons must all live our lives and govern our activities by the principles of Masonry. We must remember that Brotherly Love, Relief, and Truth are foundational principles of our Fraternity.
As Masons who practice the principle of Brotherly Love, we have committed to our Brothers that we will warn them of impending dangers, assist them to fend off such threats, and potentially even put our own lives at risk to save theirs. In implementing the principle of Relief, we must always take a Brother’s concerns seriously and do all we can to ease those concerns. As for Truth, the truth of the COVID-19 situation is something that we can debate. Even the “experts” are all over the board with their truths about this pandemic, but when Masons speak of Truth, we are not talking about these types of arguments. Masons believe that we must be true to our beliefs and true to the teachings of Masonry. To be Masons in our hearts and minds, we must think and act based on these principles.
The danger is clear; this virus can kill people. Of course, there can be a debate about its lethality, its contagion rate, the fact that other disease outbreaks were handled differently, etc. The bottom line is this, COVID-19 has been responsible for the deaths of friends and family members of Masons. Further, it has been responsible for the deaths of beloved members of our Fraternity within this jurisdiction. The SARS-CoV-2 virus is a danger that we must warn our Brothers of, and we must do all we can to fend off that danger.
There are many of our Brothers who are genuinely concerned for their personal safety and the safety of their family and friends with regard to this virus. Masons cannot merely discount those fears and concerns. You cannot exercise the principle of Relief by ignoring that which is troubling the mind of a Brother. Even if your personal belief is that this issue is all a hoax, a political stunt, or just blown out of proportion, your beliefs do not supersede the genuine fears and concerns felt by our Brothers. Masons have a duty to be sympathetic, compassionate, and always do all we can to ensure the peace of mind of our Brothers.
With the identified danger and with the fears and concerns of our Brothers in mind, we must meet, act, and part in a manner that is true to who we are as Masons. We must fend off the danger. We must show sympathy, compassion, and understanding. ALL Masonic gatherings (Blue Lodge, Appendant and Concordant Bodies, Youth Orders, and any other groups with Masonic affiliation) should follow the guidelines of the CDC as well as those of the State and local health authorities. To not do so would be in direct conflict with the foundational principles of our Fraternity. Even if following those guidelines only eases the fears and concerns of our Brothers, then we are acting as Masons should. If you think that washing your hands, maintaining distance between you and others, wearing a mask, and wearing gloves, is a higher risk to your life than the exposure of a Brother to this virus is to his life, you might want to reassess your commitment to the principles and obligations of our Fraternity.