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Oceans economy
A Maritime Chamber of Commerce has been established.
Scientists at Nelson Mandela University are part of a project to create a digital twin of the ocean so that accurate predictions can be made about the future. Professor Mike Roberts and his team have deployed oceanographic instruments to collect data on the ocean dynamics of the Mozambique Channel. This includes collecting information on currents, temperature, ocean productivity, habitats, fish and human populations which will help to predict what the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) will look like from now until 2100.
Prof Roberts heads the UK-SA Bilateral Research Chair in Ocean Science and Marine Food Security. This is jointly hosted by Nelson Mandela University in South Africa and the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom.

Previous research found that regime shifts in the Agulhas Bank ecosystem, possibly as result of climate change, resulted in the squid fishery collapsing in the Eastern Cape in 2001 and 2013. Over 2 400 squid fishermen lost their livelihoods, with about 35 000 family dependants being affected. His team is developing a policy brief that they aim to put on the 2023 agenda of the United Nations World Food Security Committee. This is to raise the issue of marine food security.
The Maritime Business Chamber (MBC) has been established in the Eastern Cape, with its headquarters overlooking the Port Elizabeth harbour. It aims to address the imbalances in the maritime industry by representing the interests of all local businesses. It is aligned with strategic programmes such as Operation Phakisa and the Comprehensive Maritime Transport Policy (CMTP) and creates opportunities for SMMEs.
Eastern Cape economic planners are getting advice from Egypt on how to scale up aquaculture. The North African country, which is sharing technical and funding ideas with the Eastern Cape, produces 1.6-million tons of product in its aquaculture industry whereas South Africa’ s total is currently less than 10 000 tons.
The focus of an expanded aquaculture sector is at Mbashe, Coega Special Economic Zone and the East London IDZ.
The Coega Development Corporation (CDC) has set out a 440-ha zone inside the Coega SEZ adjacent to the deepwater Port of Ngqura.
Online Resources
Maritime Business Chamber: www.maritimechamber.co.za
Ocean Sciences Campus (NMU): https://oceansciences.mandela.ac.za
South African International Maritime Institute: www.saimi.co.za
Sector Insight
The Coega SEZ is served by two ports, is on the N2 highway and close to the Chief Dawid Stuurman International Airport, an important consideration for the export of live products.
Other potential Oceans Economy sectors such as maritime repair and maintenance and oil and gas exploration have great potential. An Oceans Economy Master Plan has been created and so far, 73 co-operatives have been awarded 15-year licences by the National Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE). ■