1 minute read


• 68% of land area in the province is used by agriculture

• Mpumalanga’s three biggest sectors are manufacturing, mining and agriculture


Mpumalanga’s diverse and resource-rich economy makes it one of the most attractive trade and investment destinations in South East Africa.

A large, growing domestic market and excellent access, supported by worldclass infrastructure, to the East African and Indian Ocean markets through Maputo Port makes Mpumalanga an ideal investment location for export-driven manufacturing and production.

Mpumalanga is one of South Africa’s most productive and important agricultural regions and through strategic investments in the Mpumalanga International Fresh Produce Market (MIFPM) and the Nkomazi Special Economic Zone (NSEZ) the province is set to become a major force in food production and distribution.

Mpumalanga’s sophisticated and well-segmented tourism and hospitality sector in a post-Covid world is ripe for investment and expansion.

Mpumalanga’s STRATEGIC LOCATION makes it a valuable transport and logistics hub

A province in eastern South Africa, bordering the nations of Swaziland and Mozambique

• Maputo Development Corridor enhances logistics

• Preferential access to lucrative EU market

• Proximity to South Africa’s economic heartland

• Access to regional SADC market: 360-million population

• Access to deepwater Port of Maputo

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