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New technology makes new tyres at Bridgestone.

Bridgestone South Africa’s investment in new technology at its plant in Brits is allowing the company to produce 19-inch tyres for the BMW X3 being assembled in Pretoria. These tyres would otherwise have to be imported.


Bridgestone’s factory is one of only four in the world that produces runflat tyres. About 850 people are employed at the plant. Rustenburg has a mixture of

Also in Brits are wire-harness manufacturer Pasdec Automotive enterprises, the biggest of which

Technologies, Bosch, and Dubigeon Body and Coach. SOS Tie & Die is are mining-related smelters. a manufacturer of precision pressings, components and press tools, Production of non-metallic based in Brits close mineral products is concentrated to Tshwane’s Rosslyn around Lichtenburg and automotive hub. Mahikeng (cement), and AVMY Steel Science Rustenburg (stone). Tough is the largest supplier Metals Toys factory and Totpak of small-quantity steel are located in Ventersdorp. in the SADC region. As one of the country’s Chassis manufacturer biggest producers of livestock, KLT Group announced hides for car seats for the in 2019 the acquisition province’s automotive industry of the Brits plant which could profitably be sourced comprises a pressing, locally. The Centre for Advanced Coil prepared for slitting. Image: AVMY Steel Science welding, assembly and e-coating facility. The KLT Group has four Manufacturing (CFAM) at NorthWest University specialises in extruder technology. plants in South Africa and employs more than 1 000 people. RCL Foods has a large pro-

A provincial Integrated Manufacturing Strategy has been cessing plant at Rustenburg. compiled. The strategy notes the North West’s strategic location near Dairybelle (Bloemhof) and to the industrial hub of Gauteng and its low input costs and easy Clover (Lichtenburg) have access to busy trade routes. These factors make the development cheese factories in the province. of the chemical processing sector a good proposition for investors. Water from the Schoonspruit

The province also has easy access to natural resources, especially Eye near Ventersdorp supplied with regard to the ingredients necessary for the manufacture of South Africa’s first bottled water. phosphate and nitrogen-based fertilisers. Nestlé has purchased the rights

In addition to Brits (automotive components and tyres), other to this water source. Nestlé’s concentrations include mining equipment and engineering soy-creamer processing plant is (Klerksdorp) and food and beverages (Potchefstroom). located in Potchefstroom. About 30% of the country’s grain and oil-seed crop pass through Senwes silos every year. Sasko operates a white-maize mill in Klerksdorp. SAB’s Rosslyn Brewery supplies the North West with most of its beer. ■

Online Resources

Automotive Industry Development Centre (AIDC): www.aidc.co.za Centre for Advanced Manufacturing: www.cfam.co.za National Department Trade, Industry & Competition: www.dtic.gov.za North West Development Corporation: www.nwdc.co.za Sector Insight AVMY Steel Science has a new owner.

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