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Grapes and wine

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Record harvests are being recorded.

The Orange River region produced a record grape harvest in 2016/17, going above 20-million 4.5kg equivalent cartons for the first time. Despite what were described as ideal conditions, berry sizes were smaller in the 2017/18 season and production was down by 7%. However, with new, more hardy varietals being developed and planted, the outlook for the grape industry in the Northern Cape is good.


A variety of seedless grapes dominate plantings, with Thompson Seedless, Prime, Sugraone, Grapaes and Crispy Flame Seedless among the most popular. The South African Table Grape Industry (SATI) reports that the Orange River region has 1 975 permanent employees and 16 926 seasonal employees.

If ambitious plans to create a Special Economic Zone at Upington come to fruition, the grape, raisin and wine traders of the Northern Cape could be among the beneficiaries, providing logistical support for getting their products to international markets more rapidly than is currently the case.

On a provincial level, there are plans to add 40 000 tons of grapes for wine, juice and raisins to the Northern Cape’s capacity. A draft six-year plan has been developed for the Northern Cape Vineyard Development Scheme which will be implemented by the Northern Cape Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD), the National Agricultural Marketing Council, the Land Bank, Distell, Winetech and Orange River Wine Cellars.

Almost a third of South Africa’s table grape crop is produced in the fertile Orange River region of the Northern Cape. The South African table grape industry has been investing in some new varietals which produce a better yield.

Seventy percent of the Sultana grapes grown in the Lower Orange River Region are used for vine-fruit products. There are 1 250 Sultana grape growers in the province, producing three Sultana-type grapes which rank among the best in the world: the Sultana Clone H5, a new hybrid called Merbein Seedless, which has proved resistant to splitting after rain, and the most popular type, the 143B.

The following vine-fruit products are produced in the Northern Cape: Sundried Thompson Seedless Raisins; Dipped Orange River Sultanas; Golden Sultanas; Muscat Raisins; and Monuca Raisins.

An example of successful Sultana-grape production in the province is SAD Vine Fruit (Pty) Ltd, which owns the largest dried-vine fruit processing and packaging plant in South Africa. The Upington-based firm employs more than 350 people when in full production. As much as 80% of vine fruit grown in South Africa is exported, primarily to Europe.


A Special Economic Zone could boost exports.

Diversified agri-company KLK recently purchased a half share in Carpe Diem Raisins, an exporter of high-quality raisins. The raisin factory has a production capacity of 12 000 tons and the company packages and sells about 22% of South African raisin production. All of the products in the Carpe Diem Group, including table grapes and pecan nuts, are certified organic. With about 135ha under production, the farm lies 10km east of Upington.


According to SA Wine Industry Statistics, the Orange River region has about 5% of the total hectares under wine grapes in South Africa, and just over 3% of the total number of vines. New vineyards are being planted.

Warm to hot conditions, coupled with the nutrient-rich land on the banks of the Orange River and sharply contrasting temperatures at times, combine to produce consistently excellent wines. Average annual rainfall in the area is 150mm, but the eastern part of the region from Kanoneiland to Groblershoop have been receiving more than their due in recent seasons.

The Northern Cape’s Orange River wine region accounts for 25.6% of South Africa’s Colombard vines and 10% of Chenin Blanc. The focus is on Colombard and Hanepoot grapes.

Orange River Wine Cellars (ORC) is a large co-operative with six wineries. Grapes are collected from 749 farmers. OWC has a winery at its head office in Upington and at Keimoes, Groblershoop, Kakamas and Grootdrink.

Orange River Concentrate Producers (part of the ORC group) produces about 7.5-million litres of white grape juice concentrate, a percentage of which is exported to Japan where the Itochu Corporation uses it in soft drinks and food.

ORC supplies wine to Tops at Spar which has more than 700 stores across the country and makes Tops’ private label “Carnival”. ORC has also been selling wine in China, the USA and Europe for a number of years through its Norweco division. Unique labelling aims to capture local markets, so ORC wines are called “Star Tree” in the US and “Goddess” in Denmark.

The Douglas Wine Cellar produces about 6 000 cases per year. Together with the Landzicht cellar (just over the border in the Free State), the Douglas Wine Cellars is a GWK company. The Douglas cellar crushes 7 000 tons of grapes every year and produces 5.6-million litres of wine.

Hartswater Wine Cellar is a part of the region’s other big agricultural company, Senwes. Two wine brands (Overvaal and Elements) are produced in the Hartswater irrigation area north of Kimberley.


Northern Cape Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development: www.agrinc.gov.za Orange River Wine Cellars: www.orangeriverwines.com SA Wine Industry Information & Systems: www.sawis.co.za South African Table Grape Industry: www.satgi.co.za South African Wine and Brandy Company: www.sawb.co.za

South African Table Grape Industry

South Africa: Preferred Country of Origin for the world’s best-tasting grapes.

SATI represents growers in key government and industry initiatives aimed at creating more opportunities in the sector, from ownership to accessing new markets in a sustainable way.

SATI assists growers with crucial industry information, transformation, statistics, research, technology and technical transfer as well as training and education with the aim of establishing South Africa as the Preferred Country of Origin for the world’s best-tasting grapes.

There are five major table grape-growing regions in South Africa. The difference in soil and climate enables growers to supply the markets from November to May. The early season is dominated by varieties from the Northern Provinces and the valleys of the Orange and Olifants River.

The Northern Cape has one of the biggest table grape-growing regions, known as the Orange River region, represented by the Orange River Producer Alliance (ORPA), chaired by Willie du Plessis. This table grape region, with more than 5 688 hectares of vines planted, stretches from Upington to Kakamas, Augrabies and Blouputs. The table grape industry is a key industry in the Northern Province, contributing to direct employment in the order of 1 415 permanent and 12 415 seasonal jobs. Several downstream industries are also supported. The harvesting of table grapes in this region takes place from about early November until early February.


Manager: Communications: Clayton Swart Email: clayton@satgi.co.za Chairperson ORPA: Willie du Plessis Email: willie@omdraai.co.za Physical address: 63 Main Street, Paarl 7624 Tel: +27 21 863 0366 | Fax: +27 21 863 3039 Email: info@satgi.co.za Website: www.satgi.co.za


SATI delivers service excellence to create a progressive, equitable and sustainable industry.


South Africa is the Preferred Country of Origin for table grapes and will provide every table grape producer as wide a choice as possible with profitable markets.

SATI’s key areas of intervention

• Technical market access • Research and technology transfer • Information and knowledge management • Transformation • Communication and stakeholder engagement • Human capacity and skills development • Technical support.

These interventions are aimed at assisting producers to Gain, Retain and Optimise (GRO) market access.

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