39 minute read

Powering the province

SPECIAL FEATURE Powering the province

The Western Cape is moving away from fossil fuels.


The City of Cape Town has set a target of generating 20% of its electricity from renewable energy and it is going to court to try to make sure that this happens.

The first medium-term budget policy statement of new Finance Minister Tito Mboweni in October 2018 was mostly designed to calm the markets after a tumultuous time in the political sphere.

As a well-respected former Reserve Bank governor, Mboweni was almost universally welcomed as a steady hand on the country’s finances. What he said about electricity was significant. Mboweni said, “Restructuring of the electricity sector is underway. This must include a long-term plan to restructure Eskom and deal with its debt obligations.” Mboweni’s predecessor, Nhlanhla Nene, had previously said that the restructuring of Eskom was “top of the agenda”.

Eskom runs electricity generation, transmission and distribution and it is a monopoly. Mboweni’s statement opens up the possibility that a longstalled plan to divide up these functions could eventually take place. In 2013 a parliamentary bill called the Independent System and Market Operator (ISMO) was passed but allowed to lapse in the same year.

Unreliable and expensive power is a massive constraint on business, and provincial and city governments in the Western Cape are champing at the bit to be allowed more freedom to participate in the sector.

When South Africa ran out of power in 2008, a programme to get private investors to build renewable energy capacity was introduced, the Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (REIPPPP). Between November 2011 and July 2016, South Africa received commitments of investments to the value of nearly R200-billion through this programme.

It had by May 2016 delivered the promise of 6 377 megawatts (MW) with an investment value of R250-billion and many of the projects are already delivering electricity to South Africa’s grid. Figures released by the South African Wind Energy Association (SAWEA) showed shareholding

for local communities reached an estimated net income of R29.2-billion over the lifespan of the projects.

But at that point, Eskom said that it would not buy power from independent producers. Only when President Zuma was replaced by President Ramaphosa did the programme get back on track.

In April 2018, newly appointed Energy Minister Jeff Rabebe restarted the REIPPPP when he signed off on projects totalling R56-billion that will add 2 300MW to the national grid. Most of South Africa’s electricity comes from coal and Eskom is building two huge coal-fired power stations.

Shortly thereafter, a new Integrated Resources Plan was released. This was a major event because the first Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) was printed in 2010 and was supposed to be updated regularly to guide the nation’s approach to electricity. Instead, the release of updated IRPs was delayed to the detriment of proper planning. In that uncertain environment, there was a strong push for expensive nuclear options.

The release of IRP 2018 brings certainty to the market. Nuclear will not be considered again until at least 2030. The South Africa Photovoltaic Industry Association (SAPVIA) welcomed what it calls the “rational” draft plan.

Provincial and city plans

The potential of renewable energy is being realised and there is a strong lobby to build a gas-to-energy plant in the province.

In September 2018 the City of Cape Town launched a resilience assessment, the first step in a larger process. The Rockefeller Foundation chose the city in 2016 as one of 100 around the world in which programmes would be tested to improve the ability of the city to withstand shocks such as severe droughts. The city wants to expand the lessons it learnt in the period of water shortage into other areas such as energy generation and energy efficiency. Former MP Gareth Morgan is Cape Town’s Director of Resilience.

The Western Cape Provincial Government is also investing in resilience. A market intelligence report covering energy, renewable energy, water and waste was created by GreenCape to map the assets and challenges in these areas.

In addition to trying to attract green investment into the province, the province is working for improved regulations related to small-scale embedded generation (SSEG).

The idea of home-owners being able to sell surplus electricity from rooftop solar systems had been restricted to the Cape metropolitan area until 2015. The application of the provincial government’s Energy Security Game Changer has expanded (via bylaws) to the whole province. There are 19 municipalities where rooftop solar PVs are connected to the electricity grid, 13 of which have nationally approved tariffs in place. Users in the 13 areas can be paid for the power they supply, provided the facility has a capacity of 1MW or less. A total of 47MW in rooftop solar PV is currently installed in the province.

Two further processes are underway. The City of Cape Town would like to buy electricity from independent producers as part of the REIPPPP process. At the moment, the sole buyer is Eskom. The city hopes that its court case to establish or deny this right will be heard early in 2019.

Finally, the City of Cape Town wants to be able to rent out its infrastructure to a power producer who can supply a user via that infrastructure. This is known as “wheeling”. A start was made with the Darling wind farm, but more work needs to be done on the legislative framework. Much of this work is being done by a unit called the

A shopping mall in Cedarberg will be powered by a Tesla battery.

Sustainability Energy Markets within the Energy Directorate. Another area of focus for this group is to investigate energy use by low-income households.

The Western Cape is lobbying hard for the National Department of Energy to allow Saldanha Bay to be a site for a gas-to-power plant. The site has existing bulk power consumers like ArcelorMittal Steel. If a gas plant is built at Saldanha, then it could be a catalyst for the use of gas in many other sectors such as manufacturing and residential.

The Cape Peninsula University of Technology’s Energy Institute is a leader in research in the field of electricity, and is also responsible for a regional publication relating to domestic use, DUE.

The South African Renewable Technology Centre (SARETEC) on the Bellville campus of CPUT offers courses such as Wind Turbine Service Technician and Solar Photovoltaic Service Technician and various short courses such as Bolting Joint Technology.

The Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies is at the University of Stellenbosch and the University of Cape Town has the Energy Research Centre. The University of the Western Cape is doing research on the possibilities of hydrogen as an energy source.

Energy news

• Construction was due to begin in 2018 on Perdekraal East Wind Farm in the Witzenberg Local Municipality. Located on 3 055ha, the facility’s 48 turbines will produce 110MW and make it the biggest wind farm in the Western

Cape. Investors include Mainstream Renewable

Power, African Rainbow Energy and Power (AREP),

Lekela Power and HI Holdings. • George Municipality will reduce the electricity consumption of its streetlights by 50% by fitting

Light Emitting Diode (LED) streetlights. The twoyear project has received grant funding from the Department of Energy (DoE) and will be carried out by the municipality with Clinkscales

Maughan-Brown Consulting Engineers. • A shopping mall has been made possible in a rural town because of innovative battery technology.

Sola Future Energy is installing a 696kWh Tesla battery that will store energy from 2 580 solar panels which in turn will make it possible to run the Cedar Mill Mall in Cedarberg. The lithium-ion battery costs as much (R8-million) as the solar panels but developer Noble Property Fund believes that the development would not have been possible without the technology. Sola

Future Energy also installed a micro-grid system on Robben Island, which previously relied heavily on a diesel generator. • Enel Green Power has ordered the biggest wind turbines to be used in South Africa so far from

Vestas Turbines. The hubs of the turbines to be placed at Soetwater and Karusa will be 82 metres above the ground.

Africa Biomass Company

Your caring family trading as world leaders in the wood chipping industry.

About us

Since 2004, Africa Biomass Company has been at the forefront of the development of biomass processing such as wood chips, biofuels and more in Southern Africa.

Under the mentorship of Johan du Preez, the co-owner of Môreson Grondverskuivers, known for service excellence in the agricultural industry since 1924, we established ourselves as market leaders of recycling agricultural wood waste over the past 10 years.

Africa Biomass Company offers a viable, costeffective solution for our customers to recycle this unwanted woody biomass into usable forms.

Towards the end of 2008, the need and demand for the chipping of orchards increased to such an extent that the strategy of hand-fed chippers was switched to that of horizontal grinders, fed by a mechanical loader.

In collaboration with Môreson Grondverskuivers, we now offer a full range of services.

Our vision

Africa Biomass Company is your caring family, founded in faith, trading as world leaders in the recycling industry. Our mission

To provide a worldwide service and infrastructure that is sustainable and above par, taking into account the unique requirements of each client, without deviating from our policy of innovative service and high ethical standards.

Our values

Company Slogan

• Human dignity • Integrity • Quality • Pro-trademark resolution • Innovation • Transparency • Individualism


Physical address: Joubert Street, Worcester 6850 Postal address: PO Box 1322, Worcester 6849 Western Cape, South Africa Tel: +27 23 342 1212 Fax: 086 515 5777 Website: www.abc.co.za

Willem van der Merwe, General Manager: 072 244 7737 Calie Rabie, Western Cape Production: 072 602 4543 Fanie Fourie, Eastern Cape Production: 073 402 0655 Riaan Carstens, Bandit Agency: 079 874 8624 Quintis Wiid, Parts and Workshop: 066 475 7039

Africa Biomass Company services and products

Contracting • Orchard • Windbreak recycling • River rehabilitation • Recycling of waste wood • Tree (orchard) replanting (Eastern Cape) • Mulch spreading • Land clearing and land preparation (Môreson)

Woodchip mulch and biomass sales • Bandit agency (Southern Africa) • Dezzi equipment (Western Cape) • Workshop and field services • Part sales • Manufacturing • Training facilities

Orchard and windbreak recycling With the use of excavators with specialised attachments and three-wheel loggers, old orchards can be removed from root to top and fed into a horizontal grinder.

The horizontal grinder processes the waste wood according to specifications discussed and agreed upon with the landowner or project manager.

Processing of waste wood into a viable product, that if applied correctly, could have a 30% increase in water conservation as well as many other advantages.

Land clearing services

Africa Biomass Company is an expert at land clearing. We have an extensive range of highly specialised wood recycling machinery that will do the job quickly and efficiently. • Tree shears which cut and stack trees of up to 550mm in diameter • Loggers to handle the timber rapidly and effectively • Well-trained teams of chainsaw operators.

Mulch and biofuel sales Woodchip according to specification, collected in mass trailers or in bags and transported to end user, where it can be used as woochip mulch or biofuel.

Wood chips best practice

It is excellent practice to apply compost and mulch in existing, as well as newly established orchards.

The best results are obtained by spreading compost in the orchards or vineyards before covering it with mulch. Wood chips can also be used as a base to produce compost.

You can buy or rent these unique, patented, designed mulch spreaders from ABC.

Massive water savings In 2017 Africa Biomass Company was involved in many projects such as the removal of invasive eucalyptus trees in the Breede River and Berg River systems.

The removal and recycling of these alien trees, old or unwanted orchards, vineyards or windbreaks can be used as mulch which are spread in new and old orchards and vineyards. This has led to a massive water saving equal to the water usage of 50 000 households for one year.

Workshop and field services With an intimate understanding of the operational challenges of wood recycling in South Africa, we established state-of-the-art facilities to service, repair and rebuild wood chipping equipment of any make and size.

This facility is manned by a remarkable team of experienced and suitably qualified engineers, technicians and artisans.

An equally remarkable team of field service technicians delivers repairs, maintenance and spares to your site to optimise uptime and efficiency.

Parts We have been widely commended as the company in South Africa stocking the largest range of industryrelated spare parts.

Optimal production and uptime require quality components when needed. Understanding the industry through experience sets us apart from other suppliers.

Delivering quality components on time is essential for running a successful operation. Our more than 2 500 line items is made up of quality components sourced worldwide to meet requirements of our customers and our own fleet.

Manufacturing Our legacy of innovation has been built on more than 80 000 hours of operational experience. This enabled us to develop and adapt machines for waste wood recycling in South Africa which truly adds value to the customer’s operation.

A wide range of wood chipping, grinding and spreading equipment is manufactured locally to specification, as required for South African conditions.

Bandit Industries, Inc

Not only has Africa Biomass Company built up a substantial fleet of Bandit wood chippers for their own use as part of our wood recycling services we provide, but also offers a whole range of Bandit wood chippers Interesting facts about ABC • 50 000 households’ worth of water saved in 2017 • 2017 Overall winner Entrepreneur of the Year

Award • Since 2004, servicing the biomass industry • Approximately 2 500 line-items in total available stock • Only SETA-certified wood chipper training facility. • 20 teams all over South Africa • Sole Bandit dealer in Africa.

to clients who want to invest in the Bandit range.

We are privileged to serve our customers as the authorised dealer for Bandit Industries in Southern Africa.

Bandit chippers are designed with quality, production and longevity in mind. Hand-fed chippers are mounted on custom-built, SABSapproved trailers. Owning a Bandit wood chipper will always put you in the front seat of reliable wood chipping operations.

In many cases, the Bandit wood chipper sets the benchmark for other brands in the wood chipping industry. We are ready to supply the right Bandit wood chipping solution with advice and aftercare to your doorstep. All existing and new customers are welcome to contact us to become the owner of Bandit equipment.

Become an owner of a Bandit chipper All existing and new customers are welcome to contact us if they want to become the owner of the top-class range of Bandit equipment. Bandit Industries have delivered successful recycling solutions to basically every corner of the planet.

A commitment to support Africa Biomass Company is fully equipped and stocked to service and repair any Bandit machine anywhere in South Africa. We own a fully-equipped parts warehouse (650m²), manufacturing department as well as field services to ensure that parts are always readily available and our own, as well as our clients’ Bandit wood chippers are not out of commission longer than they have to be.

PROFILE Superfecta Trading

Electro-mechanical specialists.

Superfecta Trading is an electro-mechanical engineering company with a national footprint and a record of successful delivery of projects in all nine provinces. The company was founded in 2002 and has extensive experience in medium- and high-voltage products and related services. In 2018, after 16 years of trading as a close corporation with the Registration Number: 2002/024381/23, Superfecta Trading 209 (Pty) Ltd was founded with its new Registration Number: 2018/231813/07.

Superfecta manufactures high-tension products under the TMA Dynamics brand and related services. TMA Dynamics products include transformers, mini-substations and switchgear. Superfecta also employs a team of mechanical experts. The company prides itself on the supply, installation and maintenance of mechanical work and boasts over 14 years of experience in the mechanical field.

Superfecta has strategically partnered with three internationally recognised companies: Thomas C. Wilson (New York), Schneider Electric (South Africa) and Jinshanmen Electrical Co. (China). The partnerships have enhanced our performance and enabled us to be the providers of the latest technology. Ownership Status

100% black-owned registered company, with 55% of the shares owned by women. Our Vision

To be the leading electro-mechanical specialist in energy solutions across Southern Africa. Superfecta aspires to excellence, innovation and transparency; three prominent features that distinguish us in the marketplace and uphold our vision. Our Mission

To enable our clients to ensure reliable energy supply through costeffective and quality manufacturing, supply, installation and maintenance of infrastructure. Superfecta strives to deliver the best solutions which are achieved with strong partnerships and joint ventures with local and international entities that share our values and objectives. We have a full complement of highly skilled engineers, technical and administrative staff. All efforts are geared towards compliance with health and safety standards. Sectors

Superfecta works in a variety of sectors, including but not limited to: • mining • provincial and local government • utilities • transport • oil and gas. Professional Services

Superfecta is a one-stop shop for all transformer and transformerrelated work and we pride ourselves on delivering a comprehensive and complete service, including the supply of transformers for: • The mining industry • Dry-type mining • Distribution transformers • Power transformers. All our transformers are SABS and IEC compliant and operate at

higher efficiencies than any other on the market. Our turnaround time is less than 60 days, which is a market-beater. What gives Superfecta a competitive edge in the industry is investment in the latest systems and technologies. The company invested millions of rands in an integrated maintenance software called Archibus. Our maintenance system goes above and beyond the management of the maintenance process and asset control by recognising that these processes are just a small part of a full life cycle. The intellectual capability of the system enables us to ensure that our customers are well taken care of by indicating when the following maintenance schedules should take place. We also provide our clients with 24/7/365 support.

Transformer oils undergo electrical stresses while the transformer is in operation. This, combined with the contamination caused by the chemical interactions with windings and other solid insulations, gradually render it ineffective. Regular purification is paramount. We periodically test for electrical and chemical properties to make sure that the oil is suitable for further use and provide the purification services needed to extend the life of your transformer oil. This can be done online or offline.

Superfecta has played a significant role in the economic development of South Africa, not only through employment, but also through infrastructure development both in rural and urban areas. We pride ourselves on having installed electricity in over 500 households in rural parts of South Africa. The company has not only done an outstanding job but raised the bar in successfully electrifying villages in the geographically challenging landscape of KwaZulu-Natal.

With a professional team of mechanical technologists, Superfecta prides itself on the supply, installation and maintenance of mechanical work. Our services include, but are not limited to: • Supply and installation of heat exchangers tubes, boiler tubes, steam pipes and primary air heater


Physical address: 23 Catalunya Raceway Industrial Park, Gosforth Park, Germiston, Johannesburg 1419 Telephone: +27 11 869 3607 Fax: +27 11 825 0086 Email: info@superfectatrading.co.za Website: www.superfectatrading.co.za • Supply and replacement of pipe works (ash, sluice lines, etc) • Replacement and new installation of steel pipe works • Supply and installation of pumps • Supply and hire of tube-testing machine, tube cleaners, vacuum leak dictator, tube cutters, expanding machine • Mechanical engineering (pipe fitting and rigging) • Steel pipe jacking and fitting, supply and install concrete jacks, jacks under roads and gas lines.

All industrial concerns require a complex system of electrical networks to function efficiently and successfully. Superfecta both installs and conducts repairs to high-tension electrical circuits.

We also oversee electrical reticulation (urban and rural), electricity meters (prepaid and smart meters) and electricity works. Clients

Superfecta is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company that fully embraces a Total Quality Management philosophy in streamlining all its business processes. Clients include Rand Water, FNB, MTN, Airports Company South Africa, Total, Transnet, Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa and Eskom. Superfecta has done work for the public works departments of three provinces, the City of Johannesburg and several other municipalities.

Nedbank’s innovation journey takes clients into the 21st century

Dr Fayzel Omar, Nedbank Provincial General Manager of the Western Cape, is confident his PhD in Business Administration will empower him with the knowledge he requires to keep abreast of the latest developments in the banking industry.

Omar is passionate about his vision for Western Cape business owners and entrepreneurs who seek a unique banking experience, and he explains how Nedbank will support and grow businesses and retail clients in the Western Cape.

In view of the vast geography of the province his teams are spread across eight regions. Each region is led by a skilled regional manager, who is supported by teams and product specialists across the integrated business channels of business banking, small-business services and retail banking. Nedbank’s decentralised Business Banking cluster has 90 business managers located across the province who specialise in commercial industries and the agricultural sector.

‘At Nedbank Business Banking we believe you need a financial partner that not only understands your circumstances and aspirations, but which also provides you with relevant solutions and a banking experience that is hassle-free. This allows you to concentrate on what’s most important to you – running your business,’ says Omar.

Since 2012 Nedbank has launched several first-to-market innovations, such as the awardwinning Nedbank App Suite™, the home loan online digital channel and Market Edge™, as well as the branch of the future concept in communities locally and nationally. 'Working with communities is entrenched in our values through community development, skills development, education and job creation, as well as environmental conservation.

'These play a vital role in building a sustainable economy and vibrant society. We believe our fast-growing presence in communities goes a long way in enabling greater financial inclusion while contributing towards economic growth,' says Omar.

To take your business to the next level or to obtain more information about Nedbank’s specialised service offering please call the Business Banking team on +27 (0)21 412 3000 or visit www.nedbank.co.za.

And the innovation journey that ensures greater value for clients just goes on. On 2 November 2017 the bank launched the Nedbank Money app, which allows clients to manage accounts, make payments and change their credit or debit card settings from their smartphone. Nedbank Money allows clients to make instant payments to anyone on their smartphone’s contact list, regardless of whether the recipient is a Nedbank client.

Nedbank has also launched a new payments app – Karri – to simplify school payments to help teachers, parents and children. Karri uses a builtfor-purpose mobile payment application to make payments to schools for events such as civvies days easy and secure.

In November 2016 Nedbank launched an interactive ATM – a first for Africa – giving clients access to live teller services by video, at any time, right from the machine. ‘This ATM also responds to the growing trend and need for business and individual clients to make large deposits and withdrawals at unconventional business hours.’


See money differently with Whole-view Business Banking™

Gerrit Henning, Nedbank Regional Manager of Retail and Business Banking: Northern Suburbs, explains how Nedbank works with communities to deliver banking solutions.

Nedbank continues to build on its clientcentred strategy aimed at delivering distinctive experiences and channels of choice for businesses in the region.

This has seen the bank simplify and enhance its product offering in line with its valuebanking philosophy based on simplicity, transparency and affordability. Innovation and technological advancements, as well as training and development of staff, have been key pillars in achieving the bank’s objectives. At the core of Nedbank’s offering in the Western Cape is a relationship-based model, with a business manager dedicated to your business as the key entry point into the bank. Henning has five years’ experience in the auditing and accounting profession and eight years’ experience with international companies. He has fulfilled various leadership roles in Nedbank, with 14 years as regional head of Business Banking. Henning is supported by two area offices, with 18 skilled business managers ready to take your business to the next level.

‘We encourage you to see money differently with Whole-view Business Banking™’ says Henning. What does this mean for you? It is an additional benefit of banking with Nedbank Business Banking and means that your business and your personal financial needs are managed in one place. ‘Because business owners and their businesses are very often financially dependent on each other, our client service teams now also offer individual banking solutions to you and your staff, because we already know and understand your needs,’ says Henning. With this in mind, Nedbank has seamless offerings for you, your employees and your household. Nedbank provides several communities, including individual and business clients, with access to products and services through its Workplace Banking offering.

To take your business to the next level please call the Business Banking team on +27 (0)21 928 2000 or visit www.nedbank.co.za.

Using our money expertise to help clients

Andre Fourie, Nedbank Regional Manager of Retail and Business Banking: Weskus and Swartland, explains how new brand values built on the bank’s expertise can benefit Nedbank clients.

Fourie’s team operates from regional offices in Breda Street in Paarl, as well as from representative offices in Vredendal, Vredenburg and Malmesbury. He says the team is ready to assist clients with professional advice, industry-specific solutions and a comprehensive range of financial products and services. His team is also supported by skilled agricultural specialists, who provide specialised advisory services to clients.

Fourie has been with Nedbank for 20 years and has worked in a number of roles, including strategic sales, structured lending and credit. He also manages 14 retail branches across his region, providing clients with unique financial solutions. ‘It forms part of our purpose at Nedbank to use our financial expertise to do good for individuals, families, businesses and society,’ says Fourie.

Nedbank’s goal to have all service offerings and business and consumer products managed under one regional structure makes it easier to deliver on its new brand proposition to see money differently.

To take your business to the next level or to obtain more information about Nedbank’s specialised service offering call Andre Fourie on +27 (0)21 928 2000, send an email to AndreFou@nedbank.co.za or visit


One-stop banking services from Nedbank Cape Central

Karen Seboa, Nedbank Regional Manager of Retail and Business Banking: Cape Central, shares how partnerships can benefit Nedbank clients.

Seboa’s team operates from its regional office at The Clock Tower in the V&A Waterfront and is ready to assist clients with professional advice, industry-specific solutions – including for the medical profession – and a comprehensive range of financial products and services for businesses and individuals in the Western Cape.

Seboa has been with Nedbank for 20 years and has worked in a number of roles, including as area manager for the retail branch network and in Retail Relationship Banking. She prides herself on building relationships and understanding the needs of clients, saying that partnership- and relationship-based banking are key drivers of how Nedbank conducts business to ensure clients benefit from its money expertise.

‘It forms part of our purpose at Nedbank to use our financial expertise to do good for individuals, families, businesses and society,’ says Seboa.

‘We look forward to continuing our relationships with our valued existing clients, and to offering our value proposition to new clients as well. At the core of our offering in Business Banking is a relationship-based model, with a business manager dedicated to your business as your key entry point to the bank.’

To take your business to the next level or to obtain more information about Nedbank’s specialised service offering call +27 (0)21 412 3000, send an email to KarenSeb@nedbank.co.za or visit www.nedbank.co.za.

Relationships and understanding client needs are key, says expert

Naziem Esack, Regional Manager of Retail and Business Banking: Winelands, explains how new brand values built on the bank’s expertise can benefit Nedbank clients.

Esack’s team operates from its offices in Stellenbosch and is ready to assist clients with professional advice, industry-specific solutions and a comprehensive range of financial products and services. In addition, his team is supported by skilled agricultural specialists, who provide specialised advisory services.

Esack, as a skilled banker, has been with Nedbank for five years and has worked in a number of roles in his 35-year career in the banking industry. He was the area manager of Nedbank Business Banking in Helderberg and Stellenbosch before he started in his current role. He heads a team of retail and business banking experts with the aim of providing clients with unique business and financial solutions.

‘At Nedbank Retail and Business Banking we believe you need a financial partner who has a deeper understanding of your business – someone who offers innovative, relevant solutions and who gives you a banking experience that is hassle-free. As money experts, we are committed to doing good, so you can concentrate on what’s most important to you – running your business,’ says Esack.

‘We encourage you to see money differently with Whole-view Business Banking™ from Nedbank, and to take advantage of our one-stop banking service at Winelands region,’ says Esack.

To take your business to the next level or to obtain more information about Nedbank’s specialised service offering call +27 (0)21 808 6700, send an email to NaziemE@nedbank.co.za or visit www.nedbank.co.za.

Adam Rabie, Executive Head of Enterprise Business, Western Region Vodacom Business is a leading telecommunication operator progressing rapidly in our digital transformation journey in terms of strategies and our value propositions to enterprise customers. Shaping a better future in the smart technology era as we embrace the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Digitisation!! Herewith a snapshot of some of our key and exciting offerings, positioning enterprise customers for the smart technology era and being competitive.

Internet of Things

Creating a smarter connected world

The Internet of Things (IoT) is big news, and it’s all around us right now. Whether it’s the smart meter at your home driving down your utility bills, or the connected car making your journeys more convenient, many of us already benefit from IoT in our daily lives – and we’re only just beginning to understand its full potential.

Making it happen

The five key elements of any IoT deployment are: • Connected devices sense their environment • Network connectivity carries IoT data • The management platform aggregates data and controls devices • Applications use IoT data in business processes • Professional services keep everything running smoothly

Why Vodacom?

IoT projects can be challenging. At Vodacom, we aim to make iteasy. Here are three simple reasons why you should partner with us:

1. Unrivalled IoT experience Vodacom has more than 1 400 dedicated IoT experts that you can rely on. We’ve been delivering IoT solutions to our customers for more than 25 years and have over 50-million IoT connections.

2. Vodafone networks you can rely on Vodacom has mobile operations in 26 countries, partners with mobile networks in 55 more, and fixed broadband operations in 17 markets. As of June 2016, Vodafone had 465-million mobile customers and 13.7-million fixed broadband customers. Our scale doesn’t just give you the confidence that we operate wherever you do business – it means we can offer the exceptional levels of service you need.

3. The solutions to simplify IoT projects We have delivered IoT applications to organisations of all sizes and across all industries, so we know how to make your IoT solution deliver maximum value to you.

We partner with the world’s leading connected device makers to offer a wide range of out-of-the-box IoT solutions that take the complexity out of IoT deployment.

But even when you need a customised solution, our team of experts will ensure your business takes advantage of best practices and methodologies for IoT implementation to ensure you achieve maximum ROI.

To find out more about how Vodacom can help you make the most out of IoT, or to book a free innovation session with one of our IoT experts, contact us at iot@vodacom.co.za, call us on 082 1960 or visit vodacom.co.za/iot

Enterprise Mobility

Enterprise Mobility

Enterprise Mobility is a productivity tool which allows a business to operate more efficiently.

Enterprise Mobility has five components:

Vodacom Virtual CIO

Vodacom Virtual CIO is an IT support service aimed at the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) segment. This is targeted at those companies that can’t afford a full-time IT technician. The service will initially be limited to the following geographical areas: Greater Johannesburg metropolitan, Greater Pretoria metropolitan, Greater Cape Town metropolitan, Bloemfontein, Durban, East London, Kimberley, Nelspruit, Polokwane and Port Elizabeth. The service offers proactive and remote monitoring services for both residential and SME customers to prevent IT issues before they occur, and remote telephonic assistance and on-site field support for SME customers at no additional cost.

Mobile Order Entry

This is Vodacom’s solution to bring the benefits of electronic commerce to very small retail outlets, many of them informal traders such as spaza shops. This service extends the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) transaction capability to the informal retailer, digitises the commerce chain and drives brand awareness. In addition, Mobile Order Entry assists in the management of product and price information, the distribution channel and ordering. The traders’ time is better used.

Vodacom Field Communication

Managing a team out in the field can be challenging due to delays in exchanging information with the central office hub. Vodacom Field Communication is a custom-built application that allows handson management of data from a distance with the receiving of immediate updated information on smart devices. Services include customised, daily checklists, task management, real-time chat and messaging, route optimisation, tracking user activity and check-in/ out via geo-tagging.

Mobile LiveTrack

LiveTrack is a GSM/GPS tracking solution that allows businesses to track their vehicles in real time.

Econz Wireless Timecard Solutions

When companies have employees who are always on the move or in the field, it’s difficult to track the time they start, when they finish, whether they are in the right place, and if the job has been completed to the customer’s satisfaction. Econz Wireless allows you to keep track of where and how your employees are spending their time, export your employees’ attendance data directly to payroll systems for easy accounting, track progress of various tasks assigned to your employees and monitor your employees’ driving behaviour. It is available for use on cellphones, smartphones and tablets.

Connect and Communicate

Connect and communicate

Two of the most important pillars of the Vodacom Ready Business offering are • CONNECT: A Ready Small and Medium Enterprise Catalogue Business is connected • Vodacom Power to you COMMUNICATE: A Ready Business places communication at the centre

The CONNECT component has three main elements: • Internet for your Office • Five kinds of connection are offered, from fibre and wireless, to satellite and digital subscriber. • Internet on the Move • Vodacom Business Data gives you the freedom to be more productive without the worry of out-of-bundle data rates. • Mobile Broadband Data allows you to stay connected with data bundles for your tablet, router or dongle.

Network Solutions

Vodacom offers four network solutions: • IPConnect Express provides connectivity over high-speed broadband. • IPConnect is a managed access solution that provides high-capacity Ethernet connectivity, over a range of managed access mediums including fibre, microwave and satellite. • Vodacom’s MPLS VPN gives you worldwide coverage and global networking power. • Vodacom Connect’s Dedicated Internet Access delivers you premium dedicated Internet services over uncontended bandwidth over fibre, microwave or satellite.

Under COMMUNICATE, Vodacom strives to assist in the creation of a Ready Business through: • Three kinds of business plans • Never miss a business call • One Net Express allows a response to every call, whether you’re in the office or on the move. • Vodacom One Net Business is a cloud-based solution seamlessly converging your mobile and fixed telephony services across any device. • VoIP (Talk) provides high-quality voice calls to any fixed and mobile network. • Push to Talk uses a mobile app to provide similar services as a two-way radio. • Roaming and international offers

When travelling overseas, roam with peace of mind with one of Vodacom’s three great-value options.

BECOME A READY BUSINESS Visit: vodacombusiness.co.za

One Net Business

A Ready Business A Ready Business capitalises on fixed and mobile convergence across any device

Vodacom One Net Business is designed to reduce the number of missed calls and missed opportunities. never misses an opportunityBe more collaborative in the workplace and reduce communication barriers. Vodacom offers greater agility, Vodacom’s One Net Business productivity and efficiency with services provide all the benefits of:

Vodacom One Net Business less complex solutions: 1. Fixed and mobile convergence: Allows • Voice, through advanced unified communications features which includes: the user to determine how fixed and mobile enterprise telephony, hunt groups, auto If you want to integrate mobile and fixed networks, calls will be answered and managed between devices. attendant, conference calling, receptionist, executive/assistant, and more Presence 2. Vodacom One Net Business is the right solution. One voicemail for your customers: Your • Instant Messaging and presence Vodacom takes care of the platform, enabling you to cellphone and landline number become one. Be available using one number on all end • Video collaboration Content focus on improving productivity with reduced monthly devices regardless of whether you’re in the office, at home, abroad or on your cellphone. • Content sharing through a single platform sharing Voice costs. Let us manage your wider telecommunication One single voicemail inbox means you’ll never miss calls from customers again. • A range of IP Phones and apps that will 3. needs through our great range of services including One provider: for all fixed and mobile enhance the fixed and mobile converged experience requirements. 4. mobile, security, email and document management. Vodacom One Net Business combines fixed and Future-proofed, Unified Communications technology in the cloud: Regular new software releases and an easy-to-use selfWhy is One Net Business better than traditional on premise telephony solutions? Through a single platform mobile telephony services into one cloud-based service portal (One Net Manager) that lets you manage your One Net Business services One package: Convergence of mobile and fixed Video Instant Unified Communications solution, reducing the directly. telephony services, single support route, fully converged user experience. collaboration Messaging 5. Direct calls: to the right department or person number of missed calls, making costs more predictable across any device. Simplicity: Configurable for each user, easy-to-understand, intuitive, always upgraded to 6. and keeping your Ready Business better connected.Always ready to answer: monitor the call availability of colleagues and direct calls as needed. the latest feature capabilities. Cost saving: Free on net closed user group calls 7. One Net Business converges your fixed and mobile Better collaboration: With diverse (fixed and mobile). services. You determine how, when and where and collaboration tools, your teams can work together more efficiently than ever - lets you manage your One Net Business services on which device you want to answer that important independent of location, time and end device. Whether in video or audio conferences, directly. customer call or message. Communications can be through desktop sharing, presence information or chat – One Net Business users cooperate 5. Direct calls: To the right department or person routed seamlessly from your desktop, tablet, fixed or simultaneously and in real time. across any device. 3 cellphone at a push of a button. 6. Always ready to answer: Monitor the call availability of colleagues and direct calls as needed. 55704-304528_Vodacom EBU - One Net Product Brochure_v2.indd 3 2017/03/09 2:36 PM A Ready Business capitalises on fixed and mobile convergence across any device 7. Better collaboration: With diverse collaboration tools, your teams can work together more efficiently than ever, independent of location, time Vodacom offers greater agility, productivity and and end device. efficiency with less complex solutions: 1. Fixed and mobile convergence: Allows the user Vodacom’s One Net Business services provide all the to determine how fixed and mobile calls will be benefits of: answered and managed between devices. • Voice, through advanced unified communications 2. One voicemail for your customers: Your cellphone features which includes: enterprise telephony, hunt and landline number become one. Be available groups, auto attendant, conference calling, recepusing one number on all end devices regardless tionist, executive/assistant, and more of whether you’re in the office, at home, abroad • Instant Messaging and presence or on your cellphone. One single voicemail inbox • Video collaboration means you’ll never miss calls from customers again. • Content sharing through a single platform 3. One provider: For all your fixed and mobile • A range of IP Phones and apps that will enhance the requirements. fixed and mobile converged experience 4. Future-proofed, Unified Communications technology in the cloud: Regular new software For more information call 082 1960 releases and an easy-to-use self-service portal that or visit vodacombusiness.co.za/onenetbusiness

Connect Solutions Internet for your Office:

Vodacom Connect Solutions

Vodacom’s Broadband Connect offers you affordable, high-speed broadband Internet access over a choice of five different access mediums: • Fibre • Satellite • Wireless Lite • DSL • Wireless Premium

Connect Fibre

Broadband Connect Fibre is stable, durable and capable of carrying massive data loads at extraordinary speeds. • Fibre is the most scalable connectivity for small business • No risk of cable theft ensures that network is secure and always available • Increased productivity, cost savings and competitive edge • Provides high-speed Internet access over scalable fibre connectivity to the small business

Wireless Premium

We provide the wireless infrastructure at your premises, install the broadband router and support the service via a support helpdesk. • Less downtime with no risk of cable theft

Wireless Lite

No fixed-line installation required – virtually same day self-install connectivity.


We use the latest technology to optimise the satellite link and to bring you cost efficiencies, especially in unserved and underserved areas. • Vodacom’s satellite successes include extensive deployment in the agricultural sector, rural clinics, schools and police stations

DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)

Our business-grade DSL has fail-over functionality so the infrastructure is always available. • Low cost of entry • Quick to deploy – provided you have an existing landline

Four network solutions

1. IPConnect Express With IPConnect Express, you are confidently connected to Vodacom’s MPLS VPN (Virtual Private Network) and Dedicated Internet Access (DIA Express) over broadband connectivity.

2. IPConnect Dedicated access offerings are better suited to applications requiring quality of service, where you need the performance of your connectivity to be guaranteed, and bolstered by a service level agreement (SLA).

3. MPLS VPN MPLS VPN is a managed network infrastructure delivered through a Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) platform. Connecting to a VPN enables greater network speeds through efficient data transmission as well as reduced latency, while the MPLS ensures that your traffic is always prioritised.

4. Dedicated Internet Access Vodacom Connect’s Dedicated Internet Access delivers you premium dedicated Internet services over uncontended bandwidth over fibre, microwave or satellite. Dedicated Internet Access is available over fibre, microwave and satellite

Cloud and Hosting

Cloud and hosting services

Become a Ready Business

As a Ready Business, information is always at your fingertips, stored securely, without virtual and physical threats, in the cloud. The cloud makes collaboration easier, decisions faster and increases productivity. Vodacom provides you with cloud and hosting solutions and expertise attuned to your business needs. All you have to do is focus on your core business and be Ready for success.

Cloud and hosted services

Benefits for your organisation of using the Vodacom cloud include reducing your capital expenditure, less office space and hardware and energy expenses. In addition, the cloud allows for: • easy scalability and upgrading • licences (only for what you use) • usage-based pricing.

There are seven major categories of cloud and hosting services offered by Vodacom: Security as a Service; Vodacom Hosted Services; Software as a Service; Platform as a Service; Desktop as a Service; Professional Services and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) makes your organisation more effective: you can save on investing in data centres, cabinet infrastructures or actual servers. It’s a worry-free solution. The IaaS services of Vodacom are: Enterprise Cloud: You can run your infrastructure without having to worry about hardware maintenance and its costs. It is an easily scalable solution. Virtualisation will reduce costs, with an increase in reliability and redundancy. Dedicated Hosting: Ideal for companies that have outgrown a Shared Hosting solution, it is the next step up. Dedicated Hosting increases security compliance and performance. Vodacom Dedicated solutions allow you to refresh your new or existing hardware by leveraging off Vodacom’s buying power. We also provide customers with secure space in a cabinet. Private Cloud: Combines the robust infrastructure of our Dedicated Hosting offering with Vodacom’s flexible Enterprise Cloud solution – the best of both worlds. You as a Vodacom Business client do not need to hire an internal IT department or outsource your IT to small firms; instead, you have access to 24/7/365 support when needed. Vodacom Business’ IaaS, SaaS and even DaaS are underpinned by a strong serviceorientated foundation.

To make the most of your business and our solutions, call 082 1960 or visit http://www.vodacombusiness.co.za/business/ solutions/hosting/microsoft-office-365

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