Sample on Marketing in travel and tourism

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BYTABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................3 TASK ..............................................................................................................................................3 1.1 Discuss the core concept of marketing for travel and tourism sector ...................................3 1.2 The impact of marketing environment on functioning of Thomas Cook and tourist destinations. .................................................................................................................................6 1.3 Factors affecting consumer motivation and demand in travel and tourism sector. ..............7 1.4 Principles of market segmentation and it uses in marketing planning ..................................8 TASK 2 ............................................................................................................................................9 2.1 Importance of strategic marketing planning for Thomas Cook ............................................9 2.2 Discussing the relevance of marketing research and marketing information to manager ...10 2.3 Influence of marketing on society .......................................................................................11 TASK 3 ..........................................................................................................................................12 3.1 Discussing the issues in product, price and place elements of marketing mix ....................12 3.2 Importance of service sector mix elements in travel and tourism sector .............................14 3.3 Applying the concept of total tourism product to individual tourism business ..................15 TASK 4 ..........................................................................................................................................16 4.1 The integrated nature and role of promotion mix ...............................................................16 CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................18 REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................19

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INTRODUCTION Travel and tourism is the most growing sector of the economy. It contributes to GDP with the 10 % of total GDP. Also, it is the highest growing segment as compared to automation, health, financial service etc. Further, it also contributes in employment generation by providing 1 in 11 jobs for the world economy 9 (Economic impact of travel and tourism. 2015). Therefore, it has the highest growth opportunities with the high possibility of enhancing total revenue and foreign exchange earnings. However, all these factors have led to increase in competition for various organizations in travel and tourism sector. In this report, various aspects of marketing in travel and tourism will be studied in the context of provided case scenario. In this respect, Thomas Cook, a leading travel agency of UK is intending to provide a holiday package of summer 2016 to visit Morocco and Egypt. Therefore, the impact of marketing environment of Egypt and Morocco on the business of Thomas Cook will be studied. Further, an attractive promotion plan to draw attention of customers towards Thomas Cook summer 2016 holidays to Morocco and Egypt will be designed.

1.1 Discuss the core concept of marketing for travel and tourism sector Main rationale behind studying the core concept of marketing is that it helps in understanding the needs and preferences of customers and offering products accordingly. Further, the key core concepts of marketing are explained as follows:

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Illustration 1: Core concept of Marketing (Source:Marshall and Villiers, 2015)


Needs, wants and demands: This aspect states that needs, wants and desire vary from customer to customer. To remain competitive and successful, it is important for business enterprise to understand the needs and preferences of customers and design products accordingly. Various needs of individual are physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-actualization. Physiological needs refer to basic the needs of individual in terms of food, shelter and clothing. Thereafter, safety needs are related to job, health security etc. Considering this aspect, Thomas Cook is required to provide security to tourist while they are traveling. Whereas, social refers to need of sense of belonging, friendship and love from coworkers, friends and family. Further, esteem needs is regarded to the need of recognition, achievement and respect from others (Carney, 2005). Thereafter, selfactualization refers to the need of recognizing potential and ensuring self-growth etc. Therefore, company can design its products and services as per the needs of customers. For instance, individual requires to fulfill its social need by spending time with its close friends. Therefore, Thomas Cook can design and offer attractive travel package for its

consumers. Further, wants refer to the requirement of specific service that customer is Toll Free No. 44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help- the most trusted name in assignment writing service, and dump all your worries regarding assignments.

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willing to purchase. For instance, customers want economic travel services, than company should provide budget packages to consumers. Further, demand refers to the circumstances where individual is ready to buy a product and has purchasing power capacity (Hall and et. al., 2012). Therefore, there are customers who are willing to buy luxurious travel services with the best quality service. Therefore, company can offer high end services to such consumers. 

Marketing offer: Marketing offer regards to products and services that are offered by company as per the needs and requirements of consumers with regards to quality, quantity, price and demand (Wong and Song, 2012). Therefore, it involves different products and services offered by company to the diversified range of consumers in order to satisfy their needs and retain them in future. In this respect, Thomas Cook can design custom made travel packages by considering the needs of consumers.

Customer value and satisfaction: With this aspect, company ensures that customer gets value and satisfaction in terms of product for price paid by him/her to acquire such product or service. Further, value of services offered by Thomas Cook can be determined on the basis of customer satisfaction.

Exchange transactions and relationship: This aspect states that to acquire needed product, customer is required to pay price charged by company. Thereafter, it is important for consumer to exchange offerings for money or money; worth only. Further, Thomas Cook can charge little higher price for offering custom made tour packages to the consumers.

Markets: It refers to place where company wants to offer its services. Further, market comprises of respective consumers who are having specific needs and consenting to exchange to satisfy such needs (Singh,

2008). Thomas cook provides its valuable

services in the domestic as well as international market with the aid of globalization. Further, the potential threats and opportunities of target market must be analyzed properly before making a decision of offering services. For instance, there is rise in Toll Free No. 44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help- the most trusted name in assignment writing service, and dump all your worries regarding assignments.

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terrorism in Egypt and Morocco which is causing threat for tourist. Also, the attack on Malaysia Jet Airline by terrorist is factor that can forbid customers to take tour package of Egypt and Morocco.

Thereafter, the Paris attack the risk of terrorist attack on

Morocco are increased. In addition to this, in 2011 there was attack of famous tourist destination Marrakesh which states that it is not feasible for company to offer tour package for Morocco and Egypt. Therefore, Thomas Cook can look for other countries where tourist can feel safe and secure like, Japan, Finland, Denmark etc which are ranked as peaceful countries (Peaceful countries. 2014).




Marketer and prospects: The term marketers refer to individual or company whose main aim is to provide various goods and services to customers by persuading them to make purchase. Thereafter, prospect refers to the potentiality of marketing opportunities. Therefore, marketing depends upon the ability of marketers to influence customer’s willing to make purchase (Czinkota, and et. al., 2009).

1.2 The impact of marketing environment on functioning of Thomas Cook and tourist destinations.

Since, its inception that Thomas Cook is planning to offer new summer package to its customer for visiting beautiful and serene countries like, Egypt and Morocco. Therefore, it is Toll Free No. 44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help- the most trusted name in assignment writing service, and dump all your worries regarding assignments.

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important for company to study various factors such as macro and micro factors that impact on the functioning of organization. Micro environment: It refers to the impact of internal factors present within the organization. Key micro elements that can influence the business of Thomas Cook are explained as follows: 

Customers: They play a crucial role in the success of organization as they consume services offered by company and generate revenue (Carney, 2005). Major needs of customers are to obtain information and get ethical product along with the availability of fair services at reasonable price and with the best quality. These factors help in enhancing the satisfaction level of customers. Therefore, Thomas Cook should consider the needs of customers while offering services.

Competitors: It refers to the major rivals of company and strategy adopted by them. To ensure survival in this competitive business environment, it is important for Thomas Cook to consider marketing actions and pricing policy adopted by rivals (Mehmetoglu, and Normann, 2013). Organization should determine the extent of competition in Egypt and Morocco and the local service provider that can directly impact the functioning of company.

Macro environment: It regards to factors outside the organization that can affect the working of Thomas Cook. 

Political and legal factors: It refers to various rules, regulations and policies framed by UK government and European Union that can impact the functioning of Thomas Cook in Indian market. For instance, competition policy framed by EU puts its impact company to indulge in competitive and healthy business practices only (Bharwani and Butt, 2012).

Technology: It refers to the implication of technology, research and development on the business of Thomas Cook. Company can use upgraded and latest technology to attract new customers. For instance, organization can design attractive mobile application to inform potential customer about Summer 2016 holiday package to Egypt and Morocco.

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Further, with the use of technology, Thomas Cook can design e-brochures etc and publish same on official website. 1.3 Factors affecting consumer motivation and demand in travel and tourism sector. The behavior of customers plays an important role in purchase decision and demand of services of Thomas Cook in target market. By understanding the behavior of customer, company can induce the prospective consumers to purchase the products and services offered by organization. However, various factors motivate and affect consumer and thereby impact the demand of services of Thomas Cook. They are as follows: 

Purchasing power of consumer: It refers to ability of customers to purchase the services offered by company. Therefore, to ensure the sales of services it is important that service should be under the purchasing capacity of customer. Considering this aspect, Thomas Cook divides the customers on the basis of purchasing capacity to gain fruitful outcomes. With this aspect, company offer budget, luxurious and custom made travel packages as per the purchasing capacity on consumer (Moriarty, Jones and Rowley, 2008).

Group behavior: It refers to impact of various groups like, family, friends etc on the purchasing decisions of customers (Bluementritt, 2006). This factor plays an important role on decision of booking of tour packages by family or group of friends etc.

Personal preferences: It regards to personal likes, preferences, dislikes and values etc that play an important role on the purchase made by customer. For instance, customer wants to travel Egypt and Morocco through cruise than it can select such services offered by Thomas Cook.

Economic conditions: It refers to purchasing decision made by customer in accordance with economic condition of market (Marshall and Villiers, 2015). In this respect, increase in disposable income of UK citizen in 2014-15 with £1,500 states that individual can spend more on travel activities and more likely to take Summer 2016 tour.

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1.4 Principles of market segmentation and it uses in marketing planning Segmentation refers to division of entire market into small divisions as per their needs, preference and interest and therefore framing and employing strategies to target prospective customers. Therefore, segmentation help company to great extent to do market planning and attain the overall marketing targets. It help in identifying the target customers and developing strategies that will help in reaching the prospective customer and thereby fulfilling its unsatisfied needs.



Illustration 2: Market segmentation (Source:Pesonen, 2013)

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Types of market segmentation 

Geographic segmentation: This segmentation help company to divide market on the basis of geographic criteria and target customers accordingly. It is widely used aspect by travel and tourism organization. For instance, Thomas Cook can provide its new tour to Egypt and Morocco primarily to UK based individuals (Serre and Chevalier, 2012).

Behavioral segmentation: In this market is divided on the basis of behavior, attitude, knowledge, loyalty status of customer towards services offered by company. With this aspect, Thomas Cook can target its brand loyal customers first to take the new package.

Psychographic segmentation: With this aspect, market is divided on the basis of life style, interest and psychology etc of customers that influence them to make purchase. It also relates to factor that stimulate individuals to expend in leisure activities (Mehmetoglu and Normann, 2013). This aspect help company in reaching those customers who are ready to buy luxurious travel services. Therefore, Thomas Cook offer high end services through psychographic segmentation.

Demographic segmentation: Here, market is divided on the basis of age, gender, income, education etc. Therefore, company can reach different age groups, income lvel customers effectively. For instance, company can offer adventure tour for young individual of age 18-24 and also a walking tour to historical places for elderly people above 40-60 (Matzler and Siller, 2003).

2.1 Importance of strategic marketing planning for Thomas Cook Strategic Marketing Panning is a long term process done by the top management to achieve the company's goals by creating effective marketing strategies. Thomas cook's key marketing strategies are, to improve their sales and to expand the business globally (Czinkota, and et. al., 2009). With the help of effective strategic marketing planning, company can attract potential customers to purchase the new tour package; summer 2016. The strategic marketing Toll Free No. 44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help- the most trusted name in assignment writing service, and dump all your worries regarding assignments.

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planning will assist business enterprise in identifying the internal competencies that will help in overcoming weaknesses and attain competitive advantage in market.

2.2 Discussing the relevance of marketing research and marketing information to manager With the aid of marketing research, Thomas Cook can identify the needs and preference of customers and market how the services of company meet the requirements of consumers. The marketing information further assist manager in targeting customers effectively (Serre and Chevalier, 2012). Further, marketing research provide useful information that further assist in meeting the consumers demand for travel services. Therefore, to sustain competition and survive in long run it has become crucial for manager of Thomas Cook to indulge in marketing research. The various benefit of marketing research are as follows: 

Market research is a customer centric approach: The marketing research focuses on the unsatisfied needs and preference of customers residing in Morocco which can be satisfied by company to enhance its brand loyalty. The main aim of marketing research is to identify the needs, interest, opinions and demand of services offered by Thomas Cook among customers (Bluementritt, 2006). This further help in building sound relationship among manager and prospective customers.


Ensure Concentration on key activities: The marketing research also help in determining the loopholes of company. Therefore, manager can focus on those areas which needs improvement. Therefore, organization can make continuous modification in its activities and enhance the satisfaction level of customers.


Enhance the growth opportunities: The marketing research provide new direction to manager. In addition to this aspect, identify different areas of growth and opportunities that can be availed by company to enhance its proficiency. Further, manager can determine areas that can generate maximum revenue for the brand (Bramwell and Lane, 2000).

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Future oriented: The marketing research help in identifying the future needs of customers and growing demand of services. With this aspect, important changes can be done by Thomas Cook and ensure that company meets the long term needs of customers. Thereafter, innovation can be made by company considering upcoming needs of customers. This further provides competitive advantage to brand in market.



Determining the level of competition: Thomas Cook can research the market of Morocco and determine the influence of local service provider and rival companies in target market. Further, company can get knowledge about rivals product, target customers, marketing strategies etc (Carney, 2005). This marketing information can be used by manager in its marketing campaign and use as defensive approach to lead in market over its rivals. Therefore, organization can stay ahead of its rivals using marketing research and information.

2.3 Influence of marketing on society Thomas Cook has started targeting youth as well as budget traveler in the society by their luring offers which are, starting low cost carriers, widening the airline routes for their customers leading to hike the

online distribution of seats. Thomas Cook has started giving travel

experiences to their customers with dynamic packages and low cost air travel. For a budget holidays, Thomas Cook had begun with Direct Debit payments for customers. Some of the others services of Thomas Cook are, 24-hour hotel satisfaction in which consumers can be connected to the staff for 24 hours a day. Thomas Cook is offering competitive prices to their customers as Toll Free No. 44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help- the most trusted name in assignment writing service, and dump all your worries regarding assignments.

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compared to others competitors (Bharwani and Butt, 2012). Thomas Cook is offering trust, consistency and assured experience to their customers. The relationship between customers and travel company and good online content are the main reasons for the customers to choose the Thomas Cook. Thomas Cook is providing good customer service, fair competitive price and financial security which every customer wants. Furthermore, organization can integrate its CSR activities with its marketing activities to influence customers in positive manner. In this respect, Thomas Cook is taking effective measures to reduce Co2 emissions by improving the fuel efficiency of Global airlines. Further, organization has reduced the energy consumption by more than 30 % in its retail and office segment (Sustainability report, 2015). Thereafter, Thomas Cook raise money for charitable trust that offer benevolent services to children etc. Further, company can highlight its CSR activities in its marketing campaign and earn respect and recognition from the target society of Morocco and Tunisia.



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Illustration 3: CSR activities of Thomas Cook (Source: Sustainability report, 2015.)

3.1 Discussing the issues in product, price and place elements of marketing mix

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The marketing mix refers to blend of key elements of business, product, price, place and promotion to design influential marketing strategies and reach the target customers effectively. Thomas Cook is planning to launch its summer 2016 holiday package to Morocco and Egypt, it is important for company to pay more consideration to key elements of marketing. The marketing mix will assist organization in allocating the limited resources and plan its marketing activities in accordance with set standards. However, there are various issues that might be faced by manager regarding key elements of marketing, in target market of Morocco and Egypt. The description of which is as follows: 

Product: It refers to various item offered by Thomas cook to meet the needs of customers. Therefore, company offers intangible travel and tourism services to its potential customers. Since, company is offering the new tour package, Summer 2016 to Egypt and Morocco, it is feasible for marketing manager to consider the life cycle of product offered by company. This will further help in determining the period of prosperity where business can earn maximum revenue as well as period of decline where profits are likely to fall (Wong and Song, 2012). The new package 2016 is in introductory stage which states that company can charge more prices in beginning and earn maximum revenue. However, similar type of product can be offered by competitor of company at low cost and impact the demand of services of company.


Price: It states the amount the consumer is required to pay for the services offered by Thomas Cook. In this respect, company can modify its price as per the life-cycle of product. Further, company can use market skimming pricing policy which enable company to charge maximum price during initial launch of services. However, organization can reduce price over time (Singh, 2008). The major issue that company can face in this respect is that many of customers may not purchase the high priced tour package offered by company. Further, there are low cost service providers in Morocco and Egypt that can impact the functioning of enterprise.

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Place: It refers to area where services are offered by company. It also consider the location of office of company. Further, Thomas Cook can develop its office in central locations like, railway station, airports etc to ensure convenience to customers Thereafter, Egypt and Morocco are facing constant threat of terrorist attacks etc. This major issue faced by company as tourist are frightened to take tour packages. The tourist don't feel safe and secured in Egypt after the incidence, in which troupe of Mexican tourist were attacked and killed in Western Desert from a misunderstanding that they are militants. Further, terrorist attack on Metro jet flight in November, 2015 at Egypt is also burning topic and threatening factor that is likely to affect the demand of Summer 2016 tour package (Tourism in Egypt, 2015).


HELP@GLOBALASSIGNMENTHELP.COM 3.2 Importance of service sector mix elements in travel and tourism sector The service sector mix elements regards to assemblage of various elements of service marketing that assist Thomas Cook to communicate its brand image and message to target consumers. Further, service marketing of Thomas Cook is interactive marketing which means the company do modification in its services after determining the preference and needs of customers. Thereafter, constant improvement is done in the quality of services to maintain the brand image in different market. The service sector mix elements help organization to provide effective services (McCabe, 2010). To ensure success of marketing campaign and increase the sales of new tour package , Summer 2016 to Morocco and Egypt, company can take assistance of additional elements of service mix. Toll Free No. 44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help- the most trusted name in assignment writing service, and dump all your worries regarding assignments.

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People: Thomas Cook can give proper training and development to its employees so they provide best services to customers. The training will help in enhancing the communication skills of front line employees so they can give proper information to customers willing to avail services of company. By enhancing the skills of people company can improve the quality of its services.

Packaging: It regards to manner in which services are presented to consumers. In this respect, Thomas Cook can include all the essential services and ensure pre planning of conveyance, food and accommodation (Swarbrooke and Horner, 2012). To communicate the nature of services that company is intending to offer its customers, marketing manager can take help of e-brochures having attractive pictures of famous places of Egypt and Morocco.

Partnership: Company can enter into partnership agreements with local and renowned service providers of Egypt and Morocco like, hotels, transportation etc to provide best quality services in its tour package (Morrison, 2013) . With this aspect, company can also learn about the local culture etc and on that basis promotional coverage can be enhanced.

Programming: It refers to duration and order of marketing activities. The various marketing activities should be prearranged so they do not overlap the other marketing actions.

3.3 Applying the concept of total tourism product to individual tourism business The total tourism product refers to combination of various services offered by Thomas Cook to prospective customers to enhance their experience. Broadly, there are two types of tour package offered by company, specific and total level. With the aid of specific level services, company offer distinct service like, sight seeing only. Further, the total tourism product help company in providing entire tour experience to customer from the start of journey to the end. In this respect, company book airline tickets (both departure and return), accommodation, resorts, Toll Free No. 44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help- the most trusted name in assignment writing service, and dump all your worries regarding assignments.

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leisure activities like, Spa, theme park etc. as per the specifications of customers. Therefore, company may buy different service from reputed suppliers to offer best and qualitative services that will maximize the customers satisfaction. Total tourism product help company in providing best service at affordable cost within the comfort zone to customers. Thomas cook can use various elements of promotion mix to boost the sales of new travel package, Summer 2016. The description of these elements as follows: 

Advertising: It help in brand recognition and brand building which results into increased sales. The organization can advertise the new tour package on television, radio, newspapers and magazines etc. Thomas Cook is launching TV ads in cinemas to attract more customers. Company is using a tag line, leave it to us you are on holiday.

Public relation: Thomas Cook can use its positive relation with media to enhance its goodwill in target market of Egypt and Morocco (Adams and, 2015). In addition to this, Thomas Cook can use virtual reality which will help company in creating artificial environment of Egypt and Morocco using high definition technology or multimedia..

Personal selling: The organization can use sales personnel to communicate with target customers. It will also help in building strong relationship between management and prospective customers. Company can hire sales personnel who will explain the features of new tour package.

Sales promotion: It refers to use of promotional tools like, discounts, premiums, contest etc to boost the sales. It further stimulate the individual to purchase the services offered by company to avail additional benefits. To induce customers to book the services through mobile applications of company, management use promotional code. With this aspect, company inform customers and provide discount. Presently, Thomas Cook has initiated a new marketing campaign that focuses on using

high tech processes for generating awareness about its products and services. Further, marketing campaign is customer centric. Further, management places customers in the heart of its every activity. With the aid of integrated marketing campaign company intends to reach that customer Toll Free No. 44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help- the most trusted name in assignment writing service, and dump all your worries regarding assignments.

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segment who prefer using cellphones, tablets etc for booking the services. Thereafter, to facilitate direct marketing, Thomas Cook is emphasizing on personalisation where company will reach personally to each and every prospective customers. For this aspect, a innovative off and online marketing strategy will be designed for direct mailing which will also connect to TV marketing . Therefore, company can use this marketing campaign to reach the prospective customers interested in taking tour package for Egypt and Morocco. Therefore, Thomas Cook can reach the business customers and retail customers both (Integrated marketing campaign, n.t.d). Further, graphical changes, reduced bugs and fine processing are some of the significant changes done by company in its official website. Thomas Cook has facilitated a new function one search which will help customers to easily access the large number of services, destinations and packages. In addition to this, customer can access the more than 34 additional pages highlighting different destinations with easy search facility. Thomas Cook can provide the information about Summer 2016 tour package on its official website and attract the customers through using pictures of sceneric beauty of target places. Concluding, it can be said that company can use all the aforementioned techniques to market the Summer 2016 tour to Egypt and Morocco (Wong and Song, 2012). This will help company in in creasing brand recognition and brand building. Further, company can increase the sales of company by attracting wide range of customers via different platforms and promotional tools. 4.2 Plan and justify the integrated promotional campaign for Thomas Cook Summer 2016 package To spread awareness about the new tour package, Summer 2016 to Egypt and Morocco, Thomas Cook can use integrated promotional mix. This will help company in using both offline and online marketing networks for the promotion of new services. Therefore, Thomas Cook can advertise the new tour package through internet marketing campaign through engine optimization, social media marketing etc (Hall and et. al., 2012). Company can design e brochure and publish the same on its official sites. In addition to this advertisement can be done on Toll Free No. 44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help- the most trusted name in assignment writing service, and dump all your worries regarding assignments.

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television, radio, travel magazine newspaper, billboards etc. The company can also use social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter for promotion. Further, to boost the sales, organization can take help of sales promotion technique like, discounts, offers etc. For instance, on group booking of Summer 2016 package before March, company can offer 2% discount etc.

CONCLUSION In a nutshell, it can be concluded that marketing play is a life blood of organization that ensure the success of company in market. Thomas Cook can take help of marketing to boost the sales of tour package, Summer 2016 to Egypt and Morocco. With the help of proper marketing and promotion, Thomas Cook can design attractive and effective advertisement that will help in drawing attention of consumers towards new tour package. Therefore, business entities can enhance their customer base using effective and innovative marketing strategies and techniques. The micro and macro factors should be considered effectively by company while functioning to ensure smooth operations. The core concept of marketing help in identifying the needs of customers and designing attractive tour package accordingly.


HELP@GLOBALASSIGNMENTHELP.COM REFERENCES Journals and Books Adams, K., and, 2015. Tourism discourse and medical tourists’ motivations to travel. Tourism Review. 70(2). pp.85 - 96. Toll Free No. 44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help- the most trusted name in assignment writing service, and dump all your worries regarding assignments.

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Bharwani, S. and Butt, N., 2012. Challenges for the global hospitality industry: an HR perspective. Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes. 4 (2). pp.150 – 162. Bluementritt, T., 2006. Integrating strategic management and budgeting. Journal of Business Strategy. 27(6). pp.73 – 79. Bramwell, B. and Lane, B. 2000. Tourism Collaboration and Partnerships: Politics, Practice and Sustainability Clevedon. Channel View Publications Carney, M., 2005. Corporate governance and competitive advantage in family‐controlled firms. Entrepreneurship theory and practice. 29(3). pp. 249-265. Wong, K., and Song, H., 2012. Tourism Forecasting and Marketing. Routledge. Peaceful

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Integrated marketing campaign. n.t.d. [Online]. Available through: <> [Accessed on 12th January , 2016].

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