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Sample Report on

Business Communications

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Assignment 1- Types and purpose of business information ........................................................... 1 Different types of business information and their purpose ......................................................... 1 Appropriateness of business information.................................................................................... 3 Assignment 2 - Corporate communications .................................................................................... 4 Complex business information ................................................................................................... 4 External corporate communication of existing products or services .......................................... 6 Effectiveness of business information and its communication ................................................... 7 Assignment 3- Legal and Ethical issues ......................................................................................... 9 Assignment 4 - Electronic and Non-electric communication ......................................................... 9 Electronic communication ........................................................................................................ 12 Non-electronic communication ................................................................................................. 13

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ASSIGNMENT 1- TYPES AND PURPOSE OF BUSINESS INFORMATION Different types of business information and their purpose Businesses have varied range of information that needs to be provided to relevant stakeholders internally and externally. The communication is said to be proper within the organization when all required information is provided to relevant parties on time. John Lewis, the organization operating as partnership form of business with headquarters in the Great Britain. The different kind of information that is to be provided by john Lewis is described underneath in detail (Bekmeier�Feuerhahn, 2010). Verbal information: The business unit many-a-times adopt verbal communication strategy in which large number of audience is addressed. The verbal communication is mostly adopted for the purpose of announcements. Written information: The written communication is form of communication that is highly adopted in present scenario. It is through mails, memos and so on the communication is established between different departments. On-screen information: The information published in the form of graphics, texts, audio and video is referred to as on-screen information. It is mostly provided with the help of televisions and other such means. Multi-media information: The information designed and published in form of multimedia is termed as multi-media information. It is through multi-media information that the business unit is able to influence large number of consumers (Dulek and Campbell, 2015). Web-based information: In present era; the world has turned up as a small economy. In present situatuion the information related to organization can be accessed through various websites. It is seen that the organization is disseminating varied range of information by different means. The different category of information is going to serve distinct purpose as described underneath in detail (Holt, 2007).

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Updating knowledge: The knowledge related to organization is updated in mind of stakeholders. It can be said that the information provided by the organization helps in ensuring the information related to market developments and other industry scenario is provided to stakeholders. Planning future developments: The organization's future developments are based on information available to different parties. The management with sufficient amount of information is said to develop appropriate expansion plans. Providing strategic direction: The strategic decisions although are taken at top management. It is essential for top management of the business unit to have access to all relevant information. It can be therefore said that the organization needs to have proper method of dissemination information. This in turn helps in supporting long term strategic decisions based on facts and figures (Brioschi, 2006.).

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Supporting stakeholders' decisions: Stakeholders need to take varied range of decisions related to the business unit. This in turn supports individual's decision making related to investment in the organization and their participation in business decision making process. It can be therefore said that the information available to stakeholders support their decision making process in long run. Competitive edge: The collection and dissemination of appropriate information in an adequate manner is said to provide competitive edge to the organization. The business unit gains competitive advantage by satisfying information needs of various stakeholders. Sales promotion: Promoting the business offering is also considered to be type of communication technique of the business unit (Hartley, P. and Bruckmann, 2008). The promotional campaigns, advertisements and so on provide information related to the organization's offerings to its customers. It can be therefore said that the dissemination of information work as a tool for sales promotion. Support to business activities: The appropriate way of communication leads to clearing doubts of all internal and external stakeholders. This in turn results in increasing participation on part of employees and management. It can be therefore said that the providing timely information helps in supporting business activities in long run. Appropriateness of business information The organization needs to provide different kinds of information to different stakeholders. It is seen that the effective communication is said to play vital role in success of the organization. The business information proves to be appropriate in different circumstances as per the requirement of different situations (Lehman and DuFrene, 2010). It is through availability of right information that the organization is able to take right decisions. The decision making within the business unit is said to be supported by different kinds of information. The information related to business profitability helps in identifying expected future investments. All kind of investors evaluate business profitability before finalizing investment decisions (Marcel, 2015). Employees tend to actively participate in the business operations and Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Dissertation help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

its strategies when information related to the business growth is provided them on timely basis. Moreover, the management needs information related to industry growth and expansion opportunities exists in market place (Ober, 2007). This in turn helps in taking appropriate long term decision for the organization's growth and development. It can be said that the organization is able to achieve success by making all valid and relevant information to relevant parties.

ASSIGNMENT 2 - CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS Complex business information Every organization has its goals that guide operations within business unit. At the establishment of business venture the clear vision and mission statement needs to be created. It is through company's vision and mission statement that its reasons for existence get clear. Moreover, through clear idea of goals the organization is able to divert activities of stakeholders in the specific direction (Dutta, 2013). John Lewis is also expected to provide clear idea of its vision, mission and goals to all its stakeholders. It is through awareness of business goals that one can make clear judgments regarding long term business strategy. It is therefore said that the business vision, mission and goals should be announced appropriately to all the relevant parties. The vision/mission statement and goals of John Lewis are described underneath in detail.

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Vision statement of John Lewis The organization is operating with partnership agreements of 84700 partners that form part of leading UK retail organization. The vision statement of company indicates that successful business venture needs to be created through power of its people. The distinct organization structure, way of operations and principles of business unit is designed to emerge as unique business within industry (Hong, Chi and Tang, 2003). The organization aims at achieving competitive advantage by way of creating unique organization structure. The business vision long-term vision is to achieve success through active participation on part of its motivated employees. Mission statement of John Lewis The business unit needs to also define its mission statement clearly for the purpose of guiding its operations in an efficient manner. It is seen that the John Lewis is established with unique ownership and organizational structure. The business unit is operating with purpose of making all its employees and members happy. Moreover, it is through contribution of all of its satisfied members the organization wants to achieve long term success. The organization claims in its mission statement that success is measured through business ability to sustain in competitive environment (Pillis, and et. al., 2015). It wants to emerge as an outstanding retailer and a live example of employee ownership. The management suggests that business strategy is based on three interdependent objectives of partners, customers and profit. Goals of John Lewis John Lewis as a partnership business has achieved huge success by occupying prominent position in market place. The pre-defined goals help in supporting business activities for long run. The business unit is said to be responsible for maximizing benefits for its trade on workers Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Dissertation help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

and communities (Lesikar, 2005). It can be said that the partnership agreement with different number of members help in facilitating creation of workshop and strategic vision for sourcing the business unit. The organization wants to achieve its long term objectives by way of motivating its members to have high participation in all is activities. It can be therefore said that the business unit emphasizes on gaining competitive advantage and achieving success through highly satisfied group of employees (McPhail, 2011). The business goal to occupy leading position through its unique organization's structure is said to help organizations to support business activities in long run. External corporate communication of existing products or services The corporate communication to external stakeholders is necessary for the purpose of creating brand image and increasing awareness. It is seen that the organization is able to easily communicate with its stakeholders (Tench, 2014). However, external stakeholders that possess high level of interests in business operations is said to demand access to varied range of business information. It is essential for the business unit to establish effective means of external communication for the purpose of satisfying its external stakeholders. It is seen that the John Lewis specially focus on demand of its customers and partners. The partners form integral part of business operations and therefore possess clear idea of business operations and its long term strategies. Customers are considered to be the key element for determining success of the business unit. It is therefore essential for the business unit to satisfy information related demand of the organization (Varey, 2000). The organization should create promotional campaigns and advertise its offerings on regular basis. The business unit should advertise its offering through means of mass media so as to increase awareness of its products and services. John Lewis creates awareness in relation to its products and services through television advertisements and commercials (Weber, Thomas and Stephens, 2015). Moreover, the business unit adopts strategy to promote its offerings through internet marketing. John Lewis makes promotion through various audio and video messages published on you tube. It is seen that the business unit is able to make clear image of its products and services Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Dissertation help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

in consumers' mind through regular marketing activities. In present era consumers are highly rational in nature and therefore demands varied category of information related to business offerings (Varey and White, 2000). It is essential for the organization to establish smooth communication with its consumers so as to influence their buying decisions. The business unit is able to clear doubts encountered by consumers through continuous promotional strategies. The organization seems to influence consumers towards the business products and services through external communication process.

Sample Report on Business Communications For Complete Assignment

Kindly Contact us at: Effectiveness of business information and its communication The business information is considered to be highly significant in nature and plays a vital role in deciding success of the business unit. Moreover, the proper communication of business information to relevant parties and on time is necessary to ensure business success in long run. The timely availability of information to stakeholders is necessary for the purpose of supporting business growth in long run. The manner in which business information proves to be effective and its communication is necessary is determined below in detail (Rosenhauer, 2009).

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Attract more amount of investment: The business unit is able to attract large amount of information through dissemination of information on timely basis. The investors and lenders are able to judge business profitability and expected growth in future through the information published. This in turn helps in supporting their decisions to make long term and short term investments in the business unit. It is therefore claimed that the availability of information to stakeholders will help the organization to attract large amount of investments for supporting business operations. High degree of employees' support: The proper communication of business information among employees is said to increase their support in the operations. It can be said that with clear idea of organization's strategies and its long-term plan; the participation on part of employees is going to increase in long run. It can be therefore said that availability of sufficient amount of information helps gaining high level of support on part of employees. Directed efforts: The efforts of business employees and members are said to be directed in one direction due to proper communication of business related information. It is essential for the business unit to disseminate information related to long term strategies and its implementation (Locker and Kaczmarek, 2013). This in turn helps in directing efforts of all business members towards achievement of long term objectives. It is necessary to have clear understanding of the organization's goals and its objectives so as to direct employees' efforts in one direction. Brand image: The business unit is able to create its brand image by way of communicating to customers through mass media channel. It can be said that the communication of business related information is necessary for the purpose of creating brand image. It is seen that the organization is able to create awareness of its offerings and positive image in consumers' mind by way of adequate communication with external stakeholders. Influencing customers: The customers are influenced to make final purchase decision through access to all the relevant business information. It can be said that the organization is able to influence customers towards its products and services by way of proper communication

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process. It is essential for business unit to revise its offerings in the form of products and services so as to motivate them for buying (Botan and Taylor, 2004). It can be therefore said that the business unit is able to increase its revenue by attracting large number of consumers towards business offerings. It is seen that the business unit is able to achieve its objectives and conducts its operations with high efficiency by way of providing information to relevant parties. The business information seems to be important for varied category of individuals. It can be said that the disseminating information and making them available on time to all its stakeholders is necessary for the purpose of imbibing proficiency into business operations (Garg, 2010).

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Kindly Contact us at: ASSIGNMENT 3- LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES Organization is facing legal and ethical issues in the workplace. Firm shared information with its stakeholders and staff members but it does not follow transparency and security during information share and it creates hurdle in successful implementation of organizational strategies in an appropriate manner (John Lewis Partnership, n.d). Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Dissertation help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

Operation issues: John Lewis UK department supply chain store is danger of slipping off its ethical trading platform. It was creating problem for firm and created negative image of customers has build in the canvas of customers and stakeholders mind. The organization has faced various other operations related issues with the globalization of manufacturing operations. In addition, it was failing to manage consistent global quality and a reliable local service and produce high-quality products that are safe is an increasing challenge for company. Ethical issues: John Lewis culture environment, ethical structure and lack of transparency in information sharing have created hurdle in accomplishment of organizational goals in stipulated time. The organization has failed to establish a trust mechanism and corporate structure in the workplace. Due to these factors, it was failing to manage better relationship among employees and co-owners. In the organization majority of decisions are taken by its trustee and chairman of partnership council but due to lack of accountability in their roles and functions firm was failed to grasp business opportunities in several key areas. Security and wrongly interpretation of information have creates ethical issues for John Lewis to maintain confidence of stakeholders in services and information provided by trustee. Besides those issues, organization has failed to reduce wastage of water which create negative image of firm in terms of environment perspectives. Enterprise has used child labors in various products development activities and it can create legal issue for the company because in UK and many other nations child labor policies are very strict and if firm will not follow these policies and not focus towards reduce use of child labor in their product development activities then government can ban on the company (Snaith, 2014). But after changes come in leadership and organization structure, organization was able to overcome ethical issues arise in workplace. Recently enterprise has joined the ethical trading initiatives activity and done partnership and strategic alliance with company's trade unions and voluntary organizations to improve life of workers are worked there. Legal issues:

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Data protection act 1998: This act was developed to control over how to personal data of an individual one was used for a particular purpose. It is responsibility of organizations, businesses or the government to follow strict rules called ‘data protection principles in order to kept data safe and secure. Firm has failed to apply this rule ineffectively that created negative image of company so it is necessary for the company to overcome such kinds of issues in the workplace to grasp business opportunity and better compete with its core competitors in a significant manner. Freedom of Information Act 2000: This act was defined for the disclosure of information held by public authorities and by using this law, an individual one can create a statutory right of access to information held by public authorities. The Computer Misuse Act 1990: In addition, UK Parliament has passed, The Computer Misuse Act 1990 to frame legislation and controls over computer crime and Internet fraud. Example: Executives of John Lewis are accountable for secure information about organizational resources and business performance to run business operations in a significant manner but they were failed to perform their roles and responsibilities in the workplace and it creates issues for company to retain its position in the market. To overcome ethical and legal issues in workplace, organization has taken initiatives and it also takes help of voluntarily organization to ensure that all disclosures and employees of firm follow transparency and accountable towards organization goals. By equally treating with its staff members without any discrimination, enterprise can build good cultural environment and boost up the confidence of their employees so that will consider themselves as an important asset of firm and contribute in success of company.

ASSIGNMENT 4 - ELECTRONIC AND NON-ELECTRIC COMMUNICATION The business communication has emerged as distinct field of study in modern era. It is seen that appropriate communication plays an important role in determining the success of business unit. The businesses in present times adopt various means of communication so as to disseminate information to all relevant stakeholders. Majorly, information is disseminated Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Dissertation help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

through electronic and non-electronic means. Various electronic and non-electric mode of communication with type of audience served is described underneath in detail (Ahmad, 2002). Methods of Electronic communication In modern era the most of businesses have adopted electronic methods to communicate the business information to its stakeholders. The mode of communication is widely acceptable in modern times. Moreover, it is through electronic communication that the businesses are able to address needs of large number of people. The various modes of electronic communication are described underneath in detail. Electronic mails: The facility of e-mails is considered to be highly valuable to support internal communication. The information related to business objectives and strategies are passed to employees through e-mails. It is the means of electronic communication that helps in satisfying information needs of employees and various other stakeholders. In present era; mails are considered to be the most efficient way of transferring messages to different parties. The business unit also applies the technologies to provide information to relevant parties on time. The organization can provide information related to new announcements to shareholders. Moreover, the consumers are made aware of new products launches, discounts and other offers through electronic mail (Bailey and Leland, 2009).

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Business websites: The organization has its websites for the purpose of publishing all relevant information to its stakeholders. The business websites help in satisfying information needs of all its stakeholders. It is through authentic website that the organization is able to publish its financial and other information on regular basis. It is the mode of satisfying information needs of both internal and external stakeholders. World Wide Web: In modern era every kind of information is available through access to World Wide Web. The organization can publish communicate to its stakeholders by connection them through internet. For example, business units can promote its offerings through social media marketing, you tube videos and so. Moreover, the announcements can be made through respective official sites (Botan and Taylor, 2004). It is seen that electronic mode of communication satisfies demand for distinct set of audience. The electronic mails, business websites and World Wide Web assist in communicating relevant information to both internal and external stakeholders. The technological development resulted in making communication highly easy in nature. It is in fraction of seconds that the messages are transferred among related stakeholders through electronic means of communication. Henceforth, it can be said that electronic means of communication supports business efforts to transfer information to related parties. Methods of Non-electronic communication The electronic means of communication are emerged in recent past. Traditionally the communication within and outside the business unit is established by way of non-electronic means. There is range of non-electronic modes available to support business communication in short run and long run. Various non-electronic means of communication that the organization adopts are discussed underneath in detail (Rosenhauer, 2009).

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Print media: One of the non-electronic modes of communication available with organization to address large number of people print media. The organization is able to make announcements through newspapers. It is also able to promote its offerings by creating advertisements in newspapers. The print media is considered to be one of the important means of establishing communicating for the business unit. It is considered to be authentic source of communication since is applicable from traditional times (Bailey and Leland, 2009). Circulars and memos: The organization can take help of circulars and memos so as to facilitate internal announcements and communications. The top management is able to communicate its strategies and targets to be achieved through circulars and memos. It can be therefore said that the business unit is able to support internal communication by way of circulars and memos. It is considered to be effective means of establishing internal communication in an effective manner to the organization. Formal letters: Formal business letters are considered to be the most effective means of communication. Traditionally, letters were transferred to the relevant parties in hard copies. It is seen that in today's world e-mails have taken up front seat and replaced the traditional means of written letters. However, some of old age people that belong to group of stakeholders still consider written letters as an authentic means of communication. The business units therefore transfer messages through formal letters to some of its shareholder and other stakeholders. Moreover, the organization uses formal letters many-a-times to close deals with suppliers, clients and partners and so on. It can be therefore said that formal letters are used as a means of nonelectronic communication within the organization (Garg, 2010). The non-electronic modes of communication majorly support business efforts to transfer messages among team members or internally within the organization. These traditional methods are sometimes suitable to satisfy information needs of old age stakeholders. The non-electronic methods of communication are still prevalent and acceptable within organization. They are considered to be beneficial for transferring messages to internal and external stakeholders.

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It is seen that the various non-electronic mode of communication are available with business unit to support its operations. It is seen that both internal and external communication are necessary for the purpose of achieving efficiency. The business unit can adopt both electronic and non-electronic means to facilitate communication.

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REFERENCES Books and Journals Ahmad, A., 2002. Data communication principles: for fixed and wireless networks. Springer. Bailey, K. and Leland, K., 2009. E-mail in an instant: 60 ways to communicate with style and impact. Career Press. Bekmeier‐Feuerhahn, S., 2010. What makes for trusting relationships in online communication?. Journal of Communication Management. 14(4). pp. 337–355. Botan, C.H. and Taylor, M., 2004. Public Relations: State of the Field. Journal of Communication. 54(4), pp. 645-661. Brioschi, E., 2006. Total business communication. Vita e Pensiero. Dulek,

R. E. and Campbell, K. S., 2015. On the Dark Side of Strategic Communication. International Journal of Business Communication. 52(1). pp.122-142.

Dutta, S., 2013. Business communication. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd. Garg, V., 2010. Wireless Communications & Networking. Morgan Kaufmann. Hartley, P. and Bruckmann, C., 2008. Business Communication. Routledge. Holt, D., 2007. Communicating the value of your libraries. The Bottom Line. 20(3). pp. 119-124. Hong, K. S., Chi, Y. P. and Tang, J. H., 2003. An integrated system theory of information security management. Information Management & Computer Security. 11(5). pp.243– 248. Lehman, C. and DuFrene, D., 2010. Business Communication. Cengage Learning. Lesikar, S., 2005. Basic Business Communication. Tata McGraw-Hill Education. Locker, K. and Kaczmarek, S., 2013. Business Communication: Building Critical Skills. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Marcel, M., 2015. What's the Best Course? Evidence From Alumni on the Value of Business Presentations Preparation. Journal of Education for Business. 90(1). pp.10-17.

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McPhail, L. T., 2011. Global Communication: Theories, Stakeholders, and Trends. John Wiley & Sons. Ober, S., 2007. Contemporary Business Communication. Cengage Learning. Pillis, D. And et. al. 2015. Student Perceptions of Hawaiian Values in Business Communication. Journal of Education for Business. 90(2). pp.120-157.

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