Sample Report on Business Event Management by Experts

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Sample On Business Event Management

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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................4 TASK 1 .........................................................................................................................................4 1Writing the report on the benefit of carrying out the identified event ......................................4 2. Listing out all the document that required for organizing the such type of events .................4 3. Identifying the resources required for the career fair ...............................................................5 4. Critically analyzing how reviews and evaluations including the methods and resources were carried out ...................................................................................................................................6 TASK 2 ............................................................................................................................................7 1. Setting up project, choosing the completion date and allocating the responsibilities .............7 2. Detailing varied leadership and time management skill required for the event ....................7 3. Assessing the documenting the significance of stakeholder analyses while framing new strategy .........................................................................................................................................8 4. Taking the corrective action for the purpose to keep the project on schedule .......................8 TASK 3


1. Choosing the appropriate size of team and documenting the each persons role .....................9 2. Document the ways of diffusing anger through team building and conflict management skill ......................................................................................................................................................9 3. Detailing the method of coordination and communication ..................................................10 4. What, when and how resources are going to use ................................................................10 TASK 4 ..........................................................................................................................................10 1. Creating the clear records of the communication .................................................................10

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2. Document where information technology (IT) can be used .................................................11 3. Producing information clearly and within the appropriate time ............................................11 CONCLUSION ..............................................................................................................................11 REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................12

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INTRODUCTION Business event is type of practice which is being used by the organization with an aim to organize specific events (Event management, 2015). It is very new concept in today's competitive scenario. In addition to this, it can also be said that event management provides the way through which specific type of event can be organized as well as created. The given report is based on the case scenario. Here an event management company is being given the task to organize the career fair for the student on HND program within LSBF. The report will showcase the way through which the identified event can be organized as well as planned. Further with this, the report will also provide information regarding different type of communication system that event Management Company can use for the purpose of organizing career fair for the HND students in LSBF in an effective way.

TASK 1 1Writing the report on the benefit of carrying out the identified event There are several benefits of carrying out an identified event such as career fair for students. By organizing such type of event student need to select an appropriate career path. Around 2 months time which is needed by the event management company for the purpose to organize the given event within LSBF. In this respect, there are several benefits of the career fair which is identified for the students. With the help of given career fair, information regarding different type of companies can be gathered by the students (James, Thomas and Jacqueline, 2014). This information can be used by the students for the purpose to place themselves in the specific company. In addition to this, with the help of such type of fair, guidance regarding the specific career path can be taken by the students. Moreover, with the help of career fairs students can save their time which is usually being invested by them with respect to search the job after complementing their diploma programs. Thus it can be said that the career fair related event plays very effective role to meet the needs of students in an appropriate way.

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2. Listing out all the document that required for organizing the such type of events There are different types of documents that are identified and are being required by the event management company for the purpose to organize the event such as career fair for the student of HND (Higher National Diploma) program. The documents are listed as below: 

Written permission from the UK local government.


Brochure which provide detailed description regarding the price and the place of organizing the given event.


Record of different companies that will be called for the career fair.

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These are being regarded as the three main documents which are being needed by the event management company for the purpose to carry out the practical implementation of the identified event such as career fair in an effective manner. For the organization it is important to take the permission regarding the career fair from the local government (Andersson and Getz, D., 2014). This is because it is through this way only the work of the event management company can be Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Artificial Intelligence Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

carried out in the smoother manner. Further with this, in order to get the permission from the director of LSBF, manager of event planner has to produce the document such as brochure. With the help of given document, manager can covey the director of LSBF about the probable price being that has to be given by them for organizing the career fair for the students. In addition to this, it is with the help of given document only the space which is being needed by them for the purpose to organize the career fair will be communicated by event manager to the director. Finally, one of the important documents which are being needed by the event management company to organize the career fair is basically the record of different companies.. It is on the basis of given document only that event Management Company will be able to direct its efforts in terms of calling different organization for the career fair (Krumeich and, 2014). 3. Identifying the resources required for the career fair There are different types of resources identified that are being required by the event management company with an aim to organize the event such as career fair for the student of HND in an effective manner. These are all enumerated as below: 

Financial resources: Event Management Company needs financial resources to carry out the practical implementation of the identified event such as career fair in an effective manner (Financial resources, 2015). Organization has to communicate about the given fair to the different organization so that they can be called in the fair. In addition to this, financial resources are also needed for the purpose to perform the marketing of career fair.


Physical resources: This resource is being needed by the company in the form of infrastructure. For example, if event management company has decided to organize the career fair within the ground of LSBF. Then in this condition it will have to make the several arrangements such as tent, fan and table facility for the different company that have participated in career fair.


Human resources: There are different type of human resources that are being needed by the company such as finance manager, marketing manager and operation manager etc. It Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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is with the help of given managers only that all the necessary arrangements regarding the career fair can be made in an effective manner (Eisen and, 2012). For example, with the help of finance manager appropriate source for obtaining the finance can be identified. In the similar way, the selection of specific marketing tool can be carried out with the help of marketing manager. Further with this, with an aim to contact with the various companies which are going to participate in the career fair the need relating to the human resources will be arises. Overall, it can be said that by arranging all these identified resources the career fair within LSBF can be organized in an effective way. 4. Critically analyzing how reviews and evaluations including the methods and resources were carried out The critical evaluation of the resources is being carried out. With the help of financial resources practical implementation of the career fair can be carried out. However, it has been critically evaluated by the Lin and Atkin, 2014 that “The event can be carried out by the enterprise if it is successful in obtaining sufficient amount of finance� (Lin and Atkin, 2014). This is because for the purpose to organize the event like career fair in big platform, the event management company has to obtain large amount of finance. In addition to this, before planning about the career fair event Management Company has directed its efforts in generating the record of different company that can be called for the career fair (Ahmad and, 2013). However, while performing the given aspect several problems is being faced by the company. This is because for the event management company it becomes difficult to call different enterprise for the career fair in LSBF as they are huge in numbers. In addition to this, the selected human resources will be proved as effective if they possess an effective skill with regard to carry out such type of events in an effective way.

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TASK 2 1. Setting up project, choosing the completion date and allocating the responsibilities In order to set up the career fair within LSBF following activities will be carried out by the event management company. These are all explained as below: 

Generating detailed budget allocation

Finding the place where career fair will be organized.

Arranging all the necessary resources

Calling different company for the job fair

Prepare marketing plans

Finally framing the job fair packet which will provide the list of company that will be presented in job fair. This packet will be distributed to the students of HND program.

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Kindly Contact us at: The plans of the career fair will be prepare within two month. The career fair will be organized on 20-may-2015 till 22-may-2015. These indicate that the career fair will be organized within LSBF for three days. In order to carry out the given event in the successful way varied

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responsibilities will be allocated by the event management company to its employees. Here financial manager has the basic responsibility to identify the appropriate source of finance with an aim to obtain funds for the career fair (Bearzotti, Salomone and Chiotti, 2012). In addition to this, operational manager has the responsibility to guide its employees about the ways of arranging the various physical resources like tents and tables etc in the venue. In the similar way, marketing manager has the responsibility to communicate about the career fair to the different colleges prevailing in the local area. Through this way large number of students can be attracted towards the fair. 2. Detailing varied leadership and time management skill required for the event Different type of leadership and time management skill identified that will be required by the manager of event management for the purpose to successfully organize the career fair within LSBF. For the given event, manager of event company has to use democratic type of leadership style. This is because by using this style suggestion from the employees that are working on the project of career fair can be gathered. Through this way different type of minute flaws can be identified by the event manager and by assessing the same varied measure with regard to same can be taken by organization. In the similar way, time management skill like prioritizing must be used by manager. By using the given technique proper plan regarding the varied activities which is being carried out by it at the time of organizing the career fair can be prepared. Moreover, through this way organization can divide the different activities on the basis of priority. For example, event management company has given first priority to the aspect such as taking the permission from the local government then it will perform firstly this task. Thus by assessing the priority to the different type of task the career fair within LSBF can be organized by event management company successfully (Ellert and, 2015). 3. Assessing the documenting the significance of stakeholder analyses while framing new strategy For any organization it is necessary with respect to analyze the needs of the stakeholders. This is because on the basis of given aspect only the selection of an effective tactic can be carried Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Artificial Intelligence Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

out by corporation. . In this respect, there is varied needs and expectation of event management company stakeholders identified. Employee always expect that they get good salary in return of their dedication (Janiesch, Matzner and MĂźller, 2012). Supplier expect timely payment of their services. Customers expect that they get good services in return of their investment. In order to meet the expectation of these all identified stakeholders organization has to carry out the selection of an effective strategy. For example, demand of the suppliers and employees can be fulfilled by event management company by using the price skimming strategy. In the similar way, with the help of product development strategy needs of customers can be met. Thus it can be said that for the enterprise it is necessary with respect to analyze their stakeholders before framing the new strategy.

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4. Taking the corrective action for the purpose to keep the project on schedule In order to organize the career fair within the given specified schedule varied corrective actions can be taken by event management company. Before organizing the career fair organization should have to given prior training to its employees regarding the ways of placing Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Artificial Intelligence Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

tables in the specific place and arranging the room for interview etc. By taking the such type of action, career fair can be organized by the organization in an effective way. In addition to this, with an aim to perform the given project within specific schedule the technique like Gantt chart can be used. By using the given technique appropriate time with regard to perform the specific activity can be set. Thus it is through this way only the career fair can be organized by company within specified schedule (Aapro and, 2014).

TASK 3 1. Choosing the appropriate size of team and documenting the each persons role With an aim to organize the event of career fair within LSBF the 3 team will be formed. Within each team number of 7 employees will work. Thus in this regard it can be said that for the career fair appropriate size of 21 employees will be selected. These all team will be formed from the different departments. For example, one team will handle the work of marketing department and in the similar way other three teams will perform the work of finance and operation. In this regard, the role of each head of the team is being discussed. With an aim to organize the career fair, marketing executive is selected because this person has the unique skill with respect to influence other individual with the help of its marketing ability. With the help of this person different companies can be influenced with respect to participate in the career fair. This person is selected because it have the thorough knowledge regarding the different marketing tools and technique (Andersson, Getz and Mykletun, 2014). In addition to this, for the given event operation executive is selected because it the skill with respect to manage all the within within limited time. By using this person proper arrangement at the time of organizing the career fair can be made. The work of event management company cannot be accomplished if it does not have sufficient amount of fund. In order to resolve the issue finance manager is selected. This is chosen because it has the good interpersonal skill. By using this skill it can convenience varied institution with respect to given them the appropriate finance.

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2. Document the ways of diffusing anger through team building and conflict management skill In order to diffuse the anger between employees different type of team building and conflict management skill identified. The anger can be resolve by manager by carrying out discussion with the employees. By performing such type of activity specific problem which is affecting the employees can be identified by the manager and as the result of it obtained conflict can be managed. In the similar way, communication between employees is being regarded as the effective skill of team building with the help of which obtained anger can be managed (Team building, 2015). This is because with the help of communication mediate way can be identified by event company. As the result of it obtained anger can be diffused and bond between the team can be strengthened. 3. Detailing the method of coordination and communication The specific task can be carried out by the employees of organization if they communicate with each other on regular basis. In this respect, different type of methods identified that can be used by event company for the purpose to perform their project of career fair in an effective way. It is of meeting, telephone and emails etc. With the help of emails and telephone calls varied resources for the career fair can be gathered. Furthermore, by organizing the meeting open communication between manager can be carried out. Through this way proper plans relating to career fair can be formed (Sharpley and Stone, 2014). As the result of it the event such as career fair can be organized in a successful way. 4. What, when and how resources are going to use In order to ensure the success of the project such as career fair resources like physical, financial and human will be used. Physical resources like tents and table will be used if the career fair will be organized in the open place or ground. In addition to this, with an aim to carry out the practical implementation of the identified plan financial resources will be used. This is used for the purpose to purchase varied items such as tents and table, for decoration and for performing marketing etc (Bucchi and Trench, 2014). Human resources is needed with an aim to perform different type of activities such as performing the decoration of venue and making all Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Artificial Intelligence Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

the fund related arrangements etc. Thus with the help of given resources the career fair can be organized in an effective way.

TASK 4 1. Creating the clear records of the communication Varied ways identified with the help of which clear record of communication both internally, externally and of team meetings can be maintained. Event management company uses the tool like email with an aim to carry out communication between employees internally. The record of such type of communication can be maintained by developing the separate folders in email. All the forwarded email must be saved by employees in the given folder only. In the similar way, by maintaining the call data of telephone record external communication can be maintained (Stacks and Salwen, 2014). By suggesting employees with respect to note down all the information that has been discussed by event manager in team meeting in the separate file record of the team meeting. 2. Document where information technology (IT) can be used Event management company can use IT with an aim to perform the marketing about the career fair. By using the IT organization can place its ads in various social networking sites Facebook and Twitter. With the help of given approach large number of student can be informed about the fair. As the result of success of the career fair can be achieved. 3. Producing information clearly and within the appropriate time In order to produce the information clearly, regularly and within given specified time varied Microsoft office tool like word, presentation and spreadsheet can be use by event management company (Garvey, 2014). By using all these identified techniques detailed description regarding the different types of activities as carried out by event management company will be framed. The output of the given information can be achieved by organization in the following way such as successfully organized the career fair for HND students.

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CONCLUSION From the given report it can be stated that the identified event can be successfully organized by the manager by preparing the proper plan about the same. In the similar way, with the help of different type of communication system the work of event management can be carried out by the company in an effective manner.

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REFERENCES Books and journal Aapro, M. and, 2014. Adverse event management in patients with advanced cancer receiving oral everolimus: focus on breast cancer. Annals of oncology. 25(4). pp.763-773. Ahmad, N. L. and, 2013. Green Event Management and Initiatives for Sustainable Business Growth. International Journal of Trade, Economics & Finance. 4(5). Andersson, T. and Getz, D., 2014. Special Issue: Advancements in event management research and practice. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism. 14(3). pp.189-348. Andersson, T. D., Getz, D. and Mykletun, R. J., 2014. Festival and event management in Nordic countries. Routledge. Bearzotti, L. A., Salomone, E. and Chiotti, O. J., 2012. An autonomous multi-agent approach to supply chain event management. International Journal of Production Economics. 135(1). pp.468-478. Bucchi, M. and Trench, B., 2014. Handbook of public communication of science and technology. Routledge. Eisen, T. and, 2012. Targeted therapies for renal cell carcinoma: review of adverse event management strategies. Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 104(2). pp.93-113. Ellert, G. and, 2015. “Expect the unexpectedâ€?: new perspectives on uncertainty management and value logics in event management. International Journal of Event and Festival Management. 6(1). Garvey, W. D., 2014. Communication: the essence of science: facilitating information exchange among librarians, scientists, engineers and students. Elsevier. James, K., Thomas, B. and Jacqueline, K., 2014. Entrepreneurial Marketing Strategies and Sustainability of Hospitality Event Management Ventures in Eldoret Town, Kenya. African Journal of Tourism and Hospitality. 1(1). Janiesch, C., Matzner, M. and MĂźller, O., 2012. Beyond process monitoring: a proof-of-concept of event-driven business activity management. Business Process Management Journal. 18(4). pp. 625-643. Jones, M. L., 2014. Sustainable event management: A practical guide. Routledge. Krumeich, J. and, 2014. Event-Driven Business Process Management: where are we now? A comprehensive synthesis and analysis of literature. Business Process Management Journal. 20(4). pp.615-633. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Artificial Intelligence Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

Online Event management. 2015. [Online]. Available through: <>. [Accessed on 20th February 2015]. Financial resources. 2015. [Online]. Available through: <>. [Accessed on 20th February 2015]. Team building. 2015. [Online]. Available through: <>. [Accessed on 20th February 2015].

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