Sample PPT On Business Strategy by Global assignment Help

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Business strategy SONY ERICSSON

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Company background  Research and development in countries like India, China and Sweden.  Market leader in telecom and network infrastructure.  50:50 joint venture between Sony and Ericsson  Major competitors of company are Nokia, Motorola and Samsung.  Employs more than 7500 staff members in almost 40 countries.  Global management based in London. Toll Free No. +44-203-3555-345

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Mission and Vision of company ď‚— Mission of Sony Ericsson is to provide small and medium sized corporate business high

quality service in the communication sector. ď‚— To become leader in the market in the filed of mobile multimedia devices that involves

pc cards and phones etc. ď‚— Vision of Sony Ericsson is to become biggest popular brand of entertainment in the

world by encouraging customers to experience the joy of entertainment.

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Contd. ď‚— Sony Ericsson wants to become prime driver in all communicating world

which is also one of the ultimate objective of enterprise.

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Goals and objectives of company 

To develop innovative products in order to increase market share.

To beat its major competitors by producing differentiated products with unique features.

To provide the target market remarkable quality experience.

Different targets are developed by organization in order to decrease carbon footprint and cut carbon emission.

To become leader in the market by using different strategies like cost leadership, focus group etc.

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Core competencies of company ď‚— Core competencies help Sony Ericsson to develop unique brand image in the market.

Following are the core competencies of firm: ď‚— Working style is team based due to which all the goals are achieved on time. ď‚— Research and development activities are conducted in order to know market trends and


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Contd.  All the products are developed keeping in view needs and wants of target

market.  Main stress is on development activities and innovation.  Firm covers every segment in the market.  Differentiated product with superior quality.

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Stakeholders of the company  Stakeholders play most important role in Sony Ericsson and influenced by the decisions

taken by management. It includes:  Employees  Shareholders

 Suppliers  Government  Creditors

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Contd. ď‚— Financial institutions ď‚— Management

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Importance of stakeholder analysis  It becomes easy to examine the area of interest.  Firm can identify the relationship between various parties.  It provides firm with framework that supports management in developing

strategies and reduces risk.  Company can easily know what stakeholders expect from them and on the

basis of that need can be satisfied. Toll Free No. +44-203-3555-345

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Contd.  Helps management to know the real importance

of stakeholders.  Helps firm to achieve the quality standards.  It

is the medium to encourage interested


Organizational audit SWOT analysis Strengths 

Strong brand image

Diversity among product

Ability to produce high quality product

Weakness 

Less focus on technological advancement

Less focus on understanding customer preference. Toll Free No. +44-203-3555-345

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Contd. Opportunities 

Rapid development of mobile market

High percentage of youngsters

High purchasing power of consumers

Threats 

Due to perfect competition consumers have high bargaining power.

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Porter five forces model ď‚— Threats of new entry (low): In the electronic sector new firms can easily enter into

market due to huge amount of investment required. But government policy acts as entry barrier. ď‚— Bargaining power of Buyer (High): Bargaining power of buyer is very high as closely

related substitutes are easily present. Information technology provides consumer different options.

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Contd.  Bargaining power of supplier (Low): Sony has global brand presence and many

suppliers are present with company. Suppliers are small firms and management has power to bargain.  Threat of substitutes (low): Sony produces differentiated products and has good market

reputation.  Intensity of rivalry (high): Due to high exit cost industry rivalry is high. Product life

cycle is short and company has to conduct R&D activities. Toll Free No. +44-203-3555-345

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Pestle analysis Political

It takes into consideration the rules and regulations

developed by government that acts as hurdle and management has to change working style accordingly.


It involves inflation and interest rate. Presently the whole economy is suffering from inflation due to which purchasing power of consumers are limited and badly affects firm


Sony has good brand image in the market due to which social factors are in favor of firm. Management must try to produce revolutionary product for the consumers .

Contd. Technological advancement

Level of technological advancement is very high so Sony has to keep its technology updated. Level of innovation is high in company and advanced tools are used in all the operations.


Legal factors include rules and regulations developed by regulatory authorities that prevents Sony to achieve its targeted goals on time.


It takes

into consideration the environmental laws

developed by government and Sony has started recycling techniques for its products in order to save environment.

Issues involved in strategic planning  There are several issues involved in strategic planning which are as follows:  Leaders appointed by company are not efficient and capable to develop

strategies.  Information related to market are ignored at the time of decision making.  Inability to change

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Contd.  Lack of competitor analysis and other external factors.  Poor expertise at local level.  Lack of proper knowledge and skills

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Planning techniques  Various planning techniques are present with Sony which are:  Feasibility study  SWOT analysis  Market research

 Critical path analysis  Cost benefit analysis

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References  Delmar, F., Davidsson, P. and Gartner, B. W., 2003. Arriving at

  

the high-growth firm. Journal of Business Venturing.18(2), pp.189–216 Peng, W. M., 2002. Towards an Institution-Based View of Business Strategy. Asia Pacific Journal of Management.19(23), pp 251-267 Thompson, J. and Martin, F., 2005. Strategic Management. 5th ed. South Western cengage Learning. Williamson, D. and 2004. Strategic Management and Business Analysis, Elsevier, Butterworth Heinemann. Schwartz, P., 2003. Inevitable Surprises: Thinking Ahead in Times of Turbulence. Gotham Books.

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