Sample Report on Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing for Business

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Sample Report On Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloud Computing for Business

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Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................3 Main body .............................................................................................................................. 3 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................7 REFERENCES ...............................................................................................................................8

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INTRODUCTION Cloud computing id a internet based computing process that provide shared computer information processing resources and data of computers or others devices demand. It is model for enabling on demand assess to shared pool of computing resources like computer network, storages, application and storages services. The advantages of the cloud computing are easy implementations allows the business to retain the same applications process of the business without a deal the technicalities. Cloud infrastructure increases the business productivity and efficiency by ensuring the applications is always accessible. Its also decreases the overhead cost. The disadvantages of the cloud computing is security issuers in the business files. The cloud computing is not the solution of the every problem of the system supplications. This applications use the high cost for application installations. Cloud applications software do not require the large capital investment but its use the heavy charge for the use for solve the application problems. The present report is based on the Apple who can use this service for better effective results(Aljabre , 2012). Main body Cloud computing is a new method which is used by the each and every company whether it is small, large or any form. This new technology which is used by the business so much because it is a new technology. This method is cost efficient with unlimited storage power with the easy way of backup and recover of files(Cusumano, 2010). It also provides the quick deployment functioning. The cloud computing is increase day by day because it helps an organisation to increase their profit and productivity because it is a new and advanced technology. The basic purpose of cloud computing helps is that it allows the cloud storage which helps the businesses in maintain more flexible data and information which can be accessed from anywhere in the world with the help of any device. This is a type of disaster in the information and a technology sector because many firms are not able to set up their business with high infrastructure due to high cost. This technology helps in removing this hurdle and increase their Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Get best Cloud Computing Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help at an affordable price to secure top grades

connectivity with economies with all over the world and to the rapidly evolving technologies available(Ercan, 2010).

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Another importance of this technology is that it helps the companies to meet the potential and move on one step ahead from their competitors. Hence, this method helps the most to the companies because it helps the most to the companies which are generally worked in the information technology industry. Their software get upgrade and their business getting expand with the help of this method. The basic importance of this method is as follow:  It provides the more storage facility than system(Gai and Li, 2012).  Easily accessible from any part of the globe.  Helps in storing data which is helpful for the company.  Provides a platform for the many small business firms to set their business at large scale. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Get best Cloud Computing Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help at an affordable price to secure top grades

 Helps in the meeting of wide range of companies at one place.  Helps in removing the barriers and restrictions which are come in the path of successful business.  Helps the companies to meet with potential and provide more absolute facility than their rivalries. So, all these are the importance of the cloud computing in business in the information technology industry. They need the most of this type of software because they have excess number of data(Han and et. al., 2011). For this concern they have to use many system and storage facilities where they can store that but cloud provide them a facility where they can store as much as data as they can. Now following are some of the reasons which shows that why cloud computing is used by the companies:  Agility: One of the main reason for using the cloud computing is its agility which defines that quick ease access of data from any location in the world. This helps to many business to access their data from any part of the world which is most important for them. For example if they want to open information for checking the data but their system is far from them then they can easily access that from any location.  Quality: Some companies have lack of IT system which enables them tom operate their business in a proper and systematic manner. Hence, cloud computing provides a quality where companies can use this method for making provision, better management, increased information usage, ease of updates etc. All such functions are going to be performed in the systematic manner after using cloud computing method(Han, 2010).  Cost: It is a cost efficient approach which helps the business most while still using the latest technology. This cost efficient approach is the main reason behind the popularity of this concept. The popularity of this method is growing day after day which helps many firms to promote their business in right direction(Hofmann and Woods, 2010).

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 The another major step of this method is that it helps in providing a collaborative working facility. Hence, the system can be easily accessible by any employee so they can check out the overall productivity. If their targets are not achieved they can work in increasing productivity manner.  It also helps in provide the ecological system of working which is helpful for the society purpose. The ecological method leads in reducing the environment pollution(Janssen and Joha, 2011). Some of the major advantages of this approach is as follow: 1. Easy implementation: Cloud hosting allows the business to retain the same applications of business without having to deal with back-end technicalities. It can be managed by the enterprise quickly and more appropriately. It helps in the quick access of the business. 2. Accessibility: Access data from anytime anywhere. It is an important fact while taking into account that it is easily accessible by the company from anytime anywhere with the help of facility of always accessible. This allows the collaboration and sharing among users at multiple locations. 3. No hardware required: Since whole work is done with the help of cloud which means that there is no physical storage centre is needed for store anything. This helps in reduce the cost because the physical set up of infrastructure is completely removed. 4. Cost per head: The cost per head is low which enables the business to use this cost at other place and in the infrastructure also. It helps them in improve other functions of the company. 5. Flexibility for growth: It provides the flexibility in growth which means that as the business grows this system also gets changed according to that. The cloud is easily scaleable which helps the companies to add or subtract resources according to their needs. Hence, as per the companies size their system will grow according to that. 6. Efficient recovery: It provides the less downtime which helps in the easy recovery of the data. It provides the more accurate and retrieval of application and data. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Get best Cloud Computing Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help at an affordable price to secure top grades

7. Unlimited storage: It provides the unlimited storage facility which reduce the headache of running out of storage space and increase the current storage preposition of the company data(Khalid, 2010).

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Kindly Mail us at: 8. Cost efficient: It is one of the cost efficient method because traditional concept needs more and more finance which is sometimes not in the range of some companies. This provide them a facility to not use the physical existence hardware for the set up. These are the major advantages of the cloud computing system in business(Schadt and et. al., 2010). It helps them in the ease of access from anywhere across the globe. Along with this it is a cost efficient technique through which its set up become easy for any small business or large enterprises. Further more there is no need of physical set up of hardware which facilitates the low amount of cost involved in storing the wide range of data. But it has some of the major drawbacks also which creates barriers in its success for using all over the world. The disadvantages of this method is as follow: Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Get best Cloud Computing Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help at an affordable price to secure top grades

 Technical issue: The major technical issue which is related with this system is that the internet connection. Sometime the internet do not get the network properly which leads in creating a mental disturbance in work. Hence, this leads in create a barrier and restriction in the success of this approach.

 Security: At the time of using this method it lead in the lack of security by the company of their data. Because they are surrendering their data in the hands of third party which is cloud service provider. This leads the company to put in the greater risk of their data. So companies have to get aware about this and use such methods which is secure with the purpose of use.

 Attacks: According to this concept company is well aware about that nothing is secure on the internet. It can get hacked easily without any safety measure. So, company have to use such system approaches which have less fear of hacking. Although cloud is a third party authenticator which shows the less security of the data and information of their private documents.  May not get the all feature:Not all cloud providers serve the same functions and features. Some clouds providers give limited versions and enables the most popular versions to be used. This leads in providing the less and less feature of securing data in the appropriate manner(Subashini and Kavitha, 2011). Hence, all these are the limitations of the cloud service which shows that with many benefits it has some limitations. These disadvantages creates barrier in the path of success of business. Further more their data are not secured properly. Also some of the cloud provider serve limited services and features which marked a question mark on relatability of this approach. Hence, while using this technique some of the questions have to be taken into consideration which leads in towards the use of cloud. These questions are as follow: 1. Since the data is not in control can it remains the data security in a proper manner? 2. Is it truly accessible at any time from any where? What happens if the cloud got failed? Is this reliable in nature? What is the guarantee of trustworthiness? Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Get best Cloud Computing Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help at an affordable price to secure top grades

3. Will the cloud service provide ensures about the top performance of cloud service? Is it money worthy or not? 4. Will it helps in moving the data seamlessly without any kind of interruption? Is it provides the best application access?(Sultan, 2010) 5. How much could it lower the cost? Is their any additional in house software which ensures about the security and backup of the data?

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These questions have to taken into account while using any cloud service. These helps in the double sure while moving towards the cloud facility. These questions aloes helps the company to make sure that is the software helpful for them or not for the long term purpose. All such things have to be assured by an organisation.

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CONCLUSION It is concluded from the above assignment that cloud is a important service which helps the business in its growths and make its operation successful. Along with this it also helps them in increase their productivity which further leads in increase their profitability of the enter prise. This method is not useful for the long term purpose of the business because it is a third party provider. But this have some of the advantages and disadvantages which are helpful in making the decision whether this method is useful or not. So, company have to taken in account some question which are helpful for making this statement more clear and absolute. It is a cost efficient method but for the security purpose it is not helpful. It can get hacked at any time and leads to shown the data in the front of general public. So, this method is beneficial but some of the drawbacks void its efficiency and reliability. These void elements are the basic barriers in the path of success of this method. So IT industries can use this technique because they have more and more data and they need some space to store that. Cloud provides this service in a minimum cost.

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REFERENCES Books and journals Aljabre, A., 2012. Cloud computing for increased business value. International Journal of Business and Social Science. 3(1). Cusumano, M., 2010. Cloud computing and SaaS as new computing platforms. Communications of the ACM. 53(4). pp.27-29. Ercan, T., 2010. Effective use of cloud computing in educational institutions. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2(2). pp.938-942. Gai, K and Li, S., 2012, November. Towards cloud computing: a literature review on cloud computing and its development trends. In Multimedia Information Networking and Security (MINES) 2012 Fourth International Conference on (pp. 142-146). IEEE. Han, J and et. al., 2011, October. Survey on NoSQL database. In Pervasive computing and applications (ICPCA) 2011 6th international conference on (pp. 363-366). IEEE. Han, Y., 2010. On the clouds: a new way of computing. information technology and libraries. 29(2). p.87. Hofmann, P and Woods, D., 2010. Cloud computing: The limits of public clouds for business applications. IEEE Internet Computing. 14(6), pp.90-93. Janssen, M and Joha, A., 2011, June. Challenges for adopting cloud-based software as a service (saas) in the public sector. In ECIS. Khalid, A., 2010, February. Cloud computing: Applying issues in small business. In Signal Acquisition and Processing 2010. ICSAP'10. International Conference on (pp. 278-281). IEEE. Schadt, E.E and et. al., 2010. Computational solutions to large-scale data management and analysis. Nature Reviews Genetics. 11(9). pp.647-657. Subashini, S and Kavitha, V., 2011. A survey on security issues in service delivery models of cloud computing. Journal of network and computer applications. 34(1). pp.1-11. Sultan, N., 2010. Cloud computing for education: A new dawn?. International Journal of Information Management. 30(2). pp.109-116. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Get best Cloud Computing Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help at an affordable price to secure top grades

Velte, A.T and et. al., 2010. Cloud computing: a practical approach (pp. 1-55). New York: McGraw-Hill.

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