Sample on Managing communications, knowledge and informationCommunication

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A Sample Report On

Managing communications, knowledge and information

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Table of Contents INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................................1 TASK 1...........................................................................................................................................1 1.1Range of decisions to be taken by Apple senior management for expansion................................................................................................................................1 1.2 Information and knowledge needed to enhance effective decision taking........................................................................................................................................2 1.3 Internal and external sources of information and understanding............. 2 1.4 Recommendations for improvement.................................................................... 3 TASK 2...........................................................................................................................................3 2.1Stakeholders for this event and communicate the plan effectively.......... 3 2.2Make contact and develop relationship................................................................ 4 2.3 Involve stakeholders identified in the occasion programme.......................4 2.4 Design strategies for improvements.....................................................................4 TASK 3...........................................................................................................................................5 3.1 Existence of communication structure................................................................ 5 3.2 Methods to improve communication.................................................................... 5 3.3 Improvement will ensure greater integration of system...............................5 3.4 Personal plan for communication skills................................................................6 TASK 4...........................................................................................................................................6 4.1Approaches to anticipate the methods of information and knowledge....6 4.2 Improving the anticipate the methods of information and knowledge... 7 4.3 Implementation a strategy to improve to access to systems of information and knowledge............................................................................................. 7 CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................................. 7 REFERENCES...............................................................................................................................8 Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Best Chemical Engineering Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help, We provides 24*7 customer support to assist students.

INTRODUCTION In today's business scenario, knowledge and information are the essential elements because it helps management to make proper decisions to expand. This report discuss about the effectiveness of the information and knowledge to assess and develop strategies to increase the networking with the involvement of effective decision making

process. Through this

communication process are developed to improve systems that are related to information and knowledge. Apple Inc. has been chosen.

TASK 1 1.1Range of decisions to be taken by Apple senior management for expansion Today, Apple is the well established multinational company in field of technology. There are different range of decisions that are taken by the management for expansion (Botha, Kourie and Snyman, 2014). The decision are categorized into three level:

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Strategic decision level: The strategic decision have the long term impact as these decisions are taken by the CEO of Apple. The vision and the mission are properly communicated to deal with the various issue and compete in an effective manner and expand (Ilankovan, Ethunandan and Seah, 2015). Tactical decision level: At this level the decisions are taken by managers to maximize the amount of output with the adoption of tactical plan to promote the image of Apple in the public. This result in enhancement of the financial performance of Apple as communication plays a important role. Operational decision level: At this level the employee focuses on the short term objectives and take decisions to expand. In Apple the employees make the decisions to resolve the customers problems which is related to the product (Galegher, Kraut and Egido, 2014).

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1.2 Information and knowledge needed to enhance effective decision taking Information and knowledge are the essential aspects that is needed to take effective decision. This helps to reduce the outbound expenses and determine efficient customer services. LEVEL


MANAGEMENT Strategic level

At this level the information is related to the planning of the overall objectives and strategies. The plans are prepared by the CEO for the purpose to forecast the growth and profitability aspect for Apple in future.

Tactical level

The main purpose is to support the manager to attain information and knowledge through which Apple manage and control the various activities that are related to pricing, distribution and stocking of the product (Ilankovan, Ethunandan and Seah, 2015).

Operational level

At this level, it is ensured that particular tasks are performed in specific manner which helps in maintaining the smooth flow of the various operations at Apple with the proper evaluation of the other aspects.

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1.3 Internal and external sources of information and understanding Apple require effective sources to make the decision and provide clear information to the workforce to enhance the performance. Sources



These sources are very useful to make the decision as the


information is available in form of P&L account, balance sheet and the customer records. In Apple these sources are used to analyze the present stage to access various opportunities to grow and expand. This also help the workforce to perform their role in an effective manner.


This is the source in which the information and knowledge is


communicated by the external elements such as government websites, journals,research and many others. These sources help the workforce of Apple to clearly attain the picture of the present








modification in the offering made to the customers (Tong, Tak and Wong, 2015). 1.4 Recommendations for improvement To enhance the performance Apple can adopt the various techniques which will help to operate in an effective manner (Li and, 2014). Proper strategies should be framed to convince the customer so that they make purchase of the product ans services. Communication process can be enhanced so that the information can be provided properly to the new customers in the market of UK.

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Effective workforce should be employed so that the decisions are taken in effective manner and result in successful establishment in UK market. Apple being new in UK market can organize open customer feedback survey to gather the information related to customer requirement and meet their demands.

TASK 2 2.1Stakeholders for this event and communicate the plan effectively Stakeholders are the group of individual that helps to effectively carry out the various operation. In order to influence their behavior in relation to the product many event are conducted. Apple create partnership with the stakeholders to encourage them for the success of the business. The main objective behind this aspect is to engage them in the decision-making process to avoid conflict and enhance the working (Meihami and Meihami, 2014).

This is a Sample Report Managing communications, knowledge and information

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This help Apple to attain the shared vision for the purpose of expansion within the boundaries of UK. This also influences the behavior of the stakeholders to suggest creative solution to Apple to make the entry into the market of UK. The level of interest and uniqueness helps Apple to communicate the plan effectively into the new market. 2.2Make contact and develop relationship It is very essential to make proper contract and relationship to launch the product in the market of UK. With the help of the various elements the relationships can be developed with the customers. Telephone: Through this oral communication can be done with the customers which help Apple to develop relationship and obtain their opinion to frame different strategies to make the entry into the market (Bloom


2014). Emails: With the help of emails, the opinion of the target groups of the UK market can be drawn as it develop formal relationship with the customers which proves beneficial to launch the product. Facebook and Twitter: These are the most commonly used social media sources which will help Apple to develop relationship and make contact in order to gather the information to meet their requirements. 2.3 Involve stakeholders identified in the occasion programme In order to make sure that their interests are incorporated into the event agenda help the stakeholder to analyze the situation and acquire the proper information to make the decisions. However this help Apple to expand in UK market. The stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, employees, etc. provide the positive feedback to the take appropriate decisions (Garvey, 2014).

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This will increase the influence of the stakeholder in the working of Apple as decision would be taken with the concern of the stakeholders as they are the essential aspect for any business unit. 2.4 Design strategies for improvements Stakeholde Strategies rs Customers

The modification strategy will be beneficial for the customers. This will provide the customer with the ample amount of options and result in good shopping experience.


The expansion strategy will help them to generate more revenue by making availability of the raw material to Apple so that they can offer wide range of product to the customers (Coombs, 2014).


With the adoption of the diversification strategies they will also









environment. There working can be measured through proper analysis. Government With the expansion strategy, the government get involved into the process to enter the market of UK as policies of government differ form country to country. Apple would be complied with certain rules and regulations to make the entry (Wenger, 2014).

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TASK 3 3.1 Existence of communication structure Apple adopt the two way communication to exchange the information as it is quite effective to pass on information over the different levels. Proper channels of communications are being used to carry out the entire working within the structure of Apple.

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With the help of emails, telephone and website the information is communicated at the respective level within the organization and develop the effective work environment. Through this, the opinion of the target groups of the UK market can be drawn as it develop formal relationship with

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the customers which proves beneficial to launch the product (Botha, Kourie and Snyman, 2014).

3.2 Methods to improve communication In order to enhance the performance it is essential that the communication is improved to

a grater extend. This will benefit the entire

working of Apple and suite the process of communication which is followed by the employees. This will help Apple to promote their product into the market of UK (Garvey, 2014). With the proper redesigning of the process the communication process will be enhanced with the adoption of the e-customer feedback form methods through which Apple can obtain the information. Through structure training the employees can also be trained for the purpose to communicate effectively with the customers. 3.3 Improvement will ensure greater integration of system In the present era, technology is expanding at a grater speed and require proper adoption of the various techniques that will be implement and help to improve the system to grater extent. With the introduction of the finger print technology Apple help the customer to maintain their data base at a particular centre so that the information can be retrieved easily (Galegher, Kraut and Egido, 2014). This help the customer service department of Apple to easily access the information and deal with the problem which is being faced by the customer. This will help Apple to enhance the efficiency by dealing with the customers in an effective manner.

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3.4 Personal plan for communication skills This plan is developed to enhance the weakness and effectively attain the objectives to meet the various opportunities. Objectives Improve


Methods written


With the help of It

communication skills




coaching this skill reviewed after three to can be enhanced four months. while working at the workplace. With the help of emails to pass on the information to the



management (Garvey, 2014). Enhancing confidence to Set up the practice to do It do oral communication



communication reviewed



be four

with the employees at months. the same level. Presentation skills



proper It


workshops to display the reviewed information






the months.

content in an effective manner (Coombs, 2014).

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TASK 4 4.1Approaches to anticipate the methods of information and knowledge Proper approaches are being anticipated for the collection, formatting, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge. Through this proper evaluation is being done against the problems which are encountered while attaining the objective to make the entry into the new market of UK (Snyder and Diesing, 2015). Apple consider that the information should be relevant and updated so that proper documentation can be done to store the information for the later use. The dissemination of the information and knowledge should be done to ensure that the appropriate methods are being adopted to exchange the information over the different level.

This is a Sample Report Managing communications, knowledge and information

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4.2 Improving the anticipate the methods of information and knowledge To improve the methods to anticipated the collection, formatting, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge Apple capture the information in an appropriate manner (Bloom and, 2014). The data are maintained in an effective manner as the entire data base is recorded in the form of various resources which are beneficial to develop different strategies to enhance the growth perspective. Apple can adopt the problem- centred information to make the customer to browse form the different sources to check the information and effectively implement the various techniques to expand in the market of UK. Proper database will help Apple to retrieve the information for a longer duration of time. Through this, the opinion of the target groups of the UK market can be drawn as it develop formal relationship with the customers which proves beneficial to launch the product (Pettigrew, 2014). 4.3 Implementation a strategy to improve to access to systems of information and knowledge Apple design various strategies to improve to access to systems of information and knowledge so that the negative aspects that are related to the outside world does not affect the performance. In the age of digitalization, the technology of Apple has improved to a grater extend so that the information can be effectively used(Botha, Kourie and Snyman, 2014. ). To make the implementation more effective the proper analysis is being done to remove the barriers that are encountered while passing the information to the different levels which are present within the organization.

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CONCLUSION Form this report it can be concluded that managing information and knowledge help to communicate several aspects in an effective manner. This ensure the effective growth and expansion of Apple into the market of UK. With the adoption of the different approaches the strategies will be effectively implemented with the proper collection, formatting, storage and dissemination of information and knowledge.

REFERENCES Books and Journals Bloom, N. and, 2014. The distinct effects of information technology and communication

technology on firm organization. Management Science.

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practitioners in Hong Kong.






Studies. 5(1). pp. 19-47. Wenger, E,. 2014. Artificial intelligence and tutoring systems: computational and cognitive

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January 2016].

This is a Sample Report Managing communications, knowledge and information

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