Role of Customer Satisfaction For the Organization Success

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Research Project Impact of customer satisfaction and loyalty on the performance of firm: A case study on Asda

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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 4 Background of the study ......................................................................................................... 4 Rationale of the study ............................................................................................................. 4 Research Purpose .................................................................................................................. 5 Aim and objectives ................................................................................................................. 6 Significance of the study ......................................................................................................... 6 LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................................................................................. 7 Customer satisfaction and loyalty ........................................................................................... 7 Customer satisfaction and loyalty model................................................................................. 8 Tools or techniques to measure customer satisfaction and customer loyalty .......................... 9 Challenges faced by Asda regarding maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty .........................10 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................11 Research strategy .....................................................................................................................11 Sampling frame .......................................................................................................................12 Data collection ........................................................................................................................12 Data analysis plan ....................................................................................................................12 Ethical issues: .......................................................................................................................12 Data analysis plan: ...................................................................................................................13 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................17 REFERENCES .........................................................................................................................19 Appendix 1: Questionnaire ........................................................................................................21 Appendix 2: Update time plan ...................................................................................................23

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LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Virtuous Circle............................................................................................................. 8 Figure 3: Theme 1.....................................................................................................................14 Figure 4: Theme 2.....................................................................................................................14 Figure 5: Theme 4.....................................................................................................................15 Figure 6: Theme 5.....................................................................................................................16

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INTRODUCTION In the modern era, customer satisfaction and loyalty have become important in many ways for most of the organizations in context of retaining customers and for increasing profit margin as well. For that, enterprises are trying to move towards increasing automation and outsourcing activities in order to provide quality of service to their customers at compatible price against other marketers that are present in the marketplace. According to University of Michigan business professor Claes, there is a direct relationship between customer satisfaction and financial success. In addition, economic success of enterprise also reflects customer satisfaction and their perceptions about goods and services that they purchase from retail companies (Asda, 2015). As per the given case concerned, Asda, retail firm of UK has been taken and rationale behind selecting this enterprise was to investigate the impact of customer satisfaction and loyalty on the performance of company. It is a British-based supermarket chain and it provides various products such as clothing, general merchandise, retails food, financial services and toys etc.

Background of the study For generating a competitive advantage and to better perform against others, most of the enterprises emphasize on the use of quality management as a strategic foundation. The goal of this research is to examine the impact of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty on performance along with profit margin of an enterprise as well as people that are associated with the firm. The study begins with critical review of literature on customer satisfaction and loyalty. After that, study concentrates on major factors that can demotivate the customers and may reduce their satisfaction level towards products and services that are offered by them to firm (Hesselink and Boselie, 2001). Primary data was collected from regular customers of company to know their perceptions and to measure their satisfaction level towards services of enterprise as well. At the end of report, investigator explores the ways through which Asda can overcome customer dissatisfaction and would increase their retention with organization. Statistical test has been applied in order to examine the impact of customer satisfaction and loyalty on firm’s performance and its profit margin as well.

Rationale of the study Rationale behind carrying out the present study was to better disclose the information about impact of customer satisfaction and loyalty on the performance and profit margin of UK based retail enterprises in an appropriate manner. In addition, report develops appropriate Avail assignment writing help from reputed online assignment help provider in UK. Get exclusive discount of up to 25% OFF on all assignment orders from Global Assignment Help.

recommendations through which firm can increase customer satisfaction and employee motivation within workplace. Moreover, the analysis give answers to questions that are related to the customer satisfaction and loyalty dimensions as well as provide some indications to change










Research Purpose The main purpose of taking Asda was that it was facing various issues within workplace due to poor customer satisfaction and delay in delivery of services as well as products within stipulated time. This research has been conducted in order to identify various issues such as, quality, delivery of products and services at specified time and behavior of staff-members at the workplace etc. By taking this organization and topic, researcher would be able to better describe the impact of customer satisfaction and loyalty along with their impact on performance and profit margin of enterprise. Asda has talented staff members but due to lack of customer solving queries and technology knowledge, they failed to meet the needs of customers in the domestic and international market in a systematic manner. This issue is important for the organization in terms of both customers and business perspective (Hart, 2007). By reducing the issues that are faced by customers, company would be able to increase customer satisfaction and retention as well as increased profit margin.. Most of the information was collected from secondary sources such as books, journals, online published articles etc.

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Aim and objectives Aim: To investigate the impact of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty on profit margin and performance of Asda in UK. Objectives:  To critically review the literature on customer satisfaction and loyalty.  To investigate the factors that can demotivate customers and may reduce their satisfaction level.  To understand the perception of customers towards services and products provided by company to them.  To identify the ways through which Asda can overcome customer dissatisfaction and may increase their retention with firm.  To develop appropriate recommendations through which firm can increase customer satisfaction and employee motivation. Research questions:  What are the concepts of customer satisfaction and loyalty?  What are the major factors that can demotivate the customers and may reduce their satisfaction level towards products and services that are offered by Asda?  What are the perceptions of customers towards services and products provided by company to them?  What are the ways through which Asda can overcome customer dissatisfaction and may increase their retention with firm?  How Asda can increase the customer satisfaction and employee motivation within workplace?

Significance of the study The present study would be beneficial for the enterprise in order to identify problems which were facing by customers during online and offline shopping. By doing this, UK based retail company would be able to overcome the issues faced by customers and will increase their satisfaction and loyalty so that they will encourage people to retain in the firm for long time period (Gustafsson, Johnson and Nilsson, 2001). On the other hand, from researcher’s and scholar’s perspective, study will be helpful in order to increase their knowledge level regarding customer satisfaction and their impact on future decisions that will be taken by the retail firm to enhance profit margin.

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LITERATURE REVIEW In recent globalized and competitive business environment, it is essential for retail enterprises to pay more attention to satisfy the customer needs in an appropriate manner. This section of report provides information about theories and studies that were done by other researchers and which are related to determine the concept of customer satisfaction and loyalty along with their impact on performance of the company as well. In addition, this section can be further classified into different sub-topics to achieve aim and objectives of the study in an appropriate manner. Schifferes explored that in economic activity, an estimated 46 million retail transactions executed daily and it is the equivalent of 20 percent of UK GDP.

Customer satisfaction and loyalty According to Blut, Frennea, Mittal and Mothersbaugh (2015) customer satisfaction can be used as a measurement tool which helps firms to measure the customer’s attitudes regarding products and services offered by the enterprise to them. By understanding client’s perceptions towards brands, enterprises can develop strategies and will plan to increase market share and profit margin as well. As per Rogers, Strutton and Doddridge (2015), customer satisfaction is considered as an abstract concept which considers detail about quality and value of product as well as other facilities like convenience, location, hours of operations, parking etc. Especially in retail sector, various other factors including atmosphere of store, enjoyable shopping environment, attentiveness and cleanliness can create a wide impact on the mind of customers during shopping. Most of the companies in UK are emphasizing on conducting market research survey regarding measuring expectations of a customer with concerning a product or service effectively. Different authors suggest that in cut throat competitive market, it is essential for the companies to provide services to their clients within stipulated time. However, without knowing views of customers, companies would be unable to meet their expectations at an appropriate time. By measuring satisfaction level of customers, retail enterprise like Asda and Tesco would be able to retain their existing customers with the firms for long duration. Customer loyalty According to Terho, Eggert, Haas, and Ulaga (2015), customer loyalty can be defined as an attitudinal and behavioral tendency in order to favor one product over all others that are present in the marketplace. It motivate customers to spend a greater share of wallet and feel comfort with the brand so that they will encourage shopping more consistently and feeling Avail assignment writing help from reputed online assignment help provider in UK. Get exclusive discount of up to 25% OFF on all assignment orders from Global Assignment Help.

positive about a shopping experience. Robinson and Marshall ( 2015) was determined the main difference between customer satisfaction and loyalty is that in customer satisfaction, enterprise emphasizes on measuring customer’s current attitudes. While on the other side, in customer loyalty, firm concentrates on predicting customer behavior and attitudes. Customer satisfaction and loyalty model In order to increase the loyalty of customers and other stakeholders in strategic management, loyalty business model is used. On the basis of recent experience of customers towards products or services, model will be prepared. Strength of the business can be identified in terms of level of satisfaction and retention of clients with the company. Buchanan and Gilles determined that there is a direct relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty. However, relationship of these two terms and customers will break when customer moves away from the company's service area and relationship strength has weakened as well (Yamin and Mavondo, 2015). In addition, unexplainable change of price and unable to meet demands of customers within specific time period are the other constraints that motivate clients to switch on other brands. Schlesinger and Hesket were developed “Expanded models” in order to define the concepts of "cycle of success" and "cycle of failure". Cycle of success can be understood in terms of employees’ ability to provide superior service to customers.

Figure 1: Virtuous Circle (Source : Pillai and Goldsmith, 2015) Through creating a corporate culture as well as selecting and providing training to employees, retail companies like Asda can lead to increased employee satisfaction through superior service delivery. It will be beneficial for the firm in terms of creating customer loyalty, improved sales levels and higher profit margins. While on the other side, when all these Avail assignment writing help from reputed online assignment help provider in UK. Get exclusive discount of up to 25% OFF on all assignment orders from Global Assignment Help.

criteria’s will not fulfill then cycle of failure will occur. It would create a negative impact on the minds of customers and organization as well. Tools or techniques to measure customer satisfaction and customer loyalty Zeithaml, Parasuraman and Berry were developed a quality management framework to measure the quality of products and services that are offered by company. In order to manage business process and managing quality in services, SERVQUAL model has been used. This framework emphasizes on various aspects including service quality, reliability, competence, access, security, understanding the customer and measuring the gap between customer’s expectation and experience. Apart from this, responsiveness, assurance, tangibles, empathy and reliability are the major key service dimensions of this model that can affect customers of retail enterprise like Asda (Kaur, 2015)..

Figure 2: SERVQUAL Model (Source : Verma and Sheth, 2015.) From the figure, it is clear that Gap 1 describes expectations of customers and Gap 2 determined the wrong service quality standards. While on the other side, Gap 3 and Gap 4

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emphasizes on the service performance group and promises to give for the products that are not delivered with actual delivery. Gap 5 clearly indicates the major difference between perception and expectation of customers. This model has several benefits such as easily track customer satisfaction; assess the expectations and perceptions of internal customers and analyzing quality of service from the customer’s perspective etc. However, some drawbacks are also associated with SERVQUAL Model such as focus on service delivery but not concentrate on service encounter and 5 gaps which were considered in model are not universals etc. (Perdikaki, Peng and Heim, 2015) Hence, it can be said that SERVQUAL and SERVPERF models would be beneficial for the firm in order to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses so that appropriate decisions can be taken within stipulated time. Challenges faced by Asda regarding maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty Locations, scale of reach and more focus on traditional technology as compared to other competitors that are present in the marketplace are creating challenges for retail firm to retain its existing customers by meeting their expectations within stipulated time. From financial perspectives, declining market shares and sales of company are the major factors that are creating problems for the firm. In addition, packaging and reducing prices of products are the elements which are creating issue for the organization. Apart from this, technology up-gradation and effective use of marketing and distribution channels are the major strengths of Tesco and Sainsbury which create challenges for Asda in terms of retaining and attracting new customers towards brand (Robinson and Marshall, 2015). Hence, based on the critical review of literature, it can be articulated that several factors such as product quality, service quality, price, shopping environment, overall customer service, price of product/service, behavior of sales staff, product availability and so on can affect the customer satisfaction and their loyalty. Apart from this, techniques used by Asda such as SERVQUAL and Expanded models would be beneficial for the company in future time period (Rodriguez, Peterson and Ajjan, 2015).

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RESEARCH METHODOLOGY RM section of the study has been done by collecting relevant and appropriate data in accordance with research aims and objectives of the study. This section provides information regarding research approach, research philosophy, data analysis tools and techniques along with data presentation techniques etc. Research strategy It can be defined as the tactics that would be required in order to conduct and complete the entire course of study. Different types of strategies are present including case study, experiment and survey (Gill and Johnson, 2002). As per the given case scenario, primary data was collected from customers by using the survey method. Questionnaires have been framed and distributed among customers of Asda to know their perceptions about services and products which are being offered by company to them. Research philosophy: In respect with the research subject along with producing knowledge and understanding related to the topic, research philosophy has been used. Positivism philosophy was most suitable in accordance to the given topic because hypothesis has been framed and the research is based on the practical outcomes. In addition, investigator handles the research activities with actual facts that are based on the customer’s perception. Research approach: It is developed in the context of research subject and establishes theory and/or models. In order to explore and analyze close relations between two variables, inductive and deductive research approaches could be used. In inductive approach, researcher provides detail information about general issues under the research subject (Beiske, 2003). While on the other side, for present case concerned, deductive approach was used in order to establish the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty as well as firm’s performance at Asda. Current study is based on both quantitative and qualitative approach. Qualitative approach was used to develop a specific theory and model which is defined by other researchers related to this same topic. While on the other side, quantitative method has been used because primary raw data which was collected from customers was of quantitative nature. Avail assignment writing help from reputed online assignment help provider in UK. Get exclusive discount of up to 25% OFF on all assignment orders from Global Assignment Help.

Sampling frame A sample size of 25 has been taken in order to present the perceptions of customers related to customer satisfaction and loyalty. Random sampling technique has been used because customers were selected randomly from the population. Due to time and cost constraints, small sample size has been taken (Mackey and Gass, 2013). Data collection In the context of generating valuable information for the study, appropriate source of data collection has been considered. Both primary and secondary data collection sources have been used in the given case scenario. Primary data was collected from customers on the basis of their interest and availability in retail store at the time of data collection (Bhattacharyya, 2009). This technique was used because it is the most appropriate method in terms of understanding views of customers towards products and services that are being by the firm to them at stipulated time. While on the other side, various books, journals and online published articles have been considered to conduct the literature review on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Data analysis plan Investigator can evaluate and analyze the data in effective and efficient manner by using several tools and techniques like qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods (Creswell, 2013). As per the given case, for analyzing the qualitative data, thematic analysis approach was applied and different themes have been prepared related to the subject. On the other hand, statistical test has been applied in order to prove hypothesis and to interpret the results in an appropriate manner. By framing hypothesis, dedicated results can be generated within stipulate time period. Ethical issues At the time of conducting research, investigator was faced several issues such as time and selection of sample size. However, by maintaining reliability and validity of data in the entire research, researcher try to overcome issues that researcher faced during the entire course of study. In addition, prior permission of authentic people, convincing customers to fill questionnaires and managing validity and confidentiality of data are some accessibility issues that affect the overall study.

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Data analysis plan Investigator can evaluate and analyze the data in effective and efficient manner through using several tools and techniques like qualitative and quantitative data analysis etc. As per the given case, for analysis qualitative data, thematic analysis approach was applied and different themes have been prepared related to the subject. On the other hand, statistical test has been applied in order to prove hypothesis and to interpret the results in an appropriate manner. By framing hypothesis, dedicated results can be generated within stipulate time.

Demographic details of customers Age

Between 18- 30 years 31-50 years More than 50 years Male


Female Less than 1 year

Customers association with Asda

2-3 years 4-5 years More than 5 years

5 13 7 18 7 9 8 6 2

Findings: Demographic profile of customers indicates that most of the male customers (18) belong to age group 31-50 years were participated in the study. In addition, mostly customers associated with the company since less than 1 year and used products and services of company.

Analysis of qualitative data For analysis of qualitative data, thematic analysis was used and different themes have been prepared. This technique was used because it is a suitable tool in order to present the information which is collected from respondents. Theme 1: Investigate the factors that can demotivate customers and reduce their satisfaction level within retail store.

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Behavior of staff-members within store


Failed to quick delivery of products and services


Waiting long time in a queue for accessing products and services


Poor technology up-gradation









Figure 3: Theme 1

Findings: Most of the customers were satisfied with the fact that waiting long time in a queue and poor technology up-gradation as compared to other competitors like Tesco and Sainsbury were major factors which can demotivate them for continuously consuming the products and services of Asda.

Theme 2: Satisfaction of customers with the services offered by Asda retail store. 14 12 10 8 13

6 4 2

7 3


0 Highly dissatisfied


0 Neutral


Highly satisfied

Figure 4: Theme 2

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Findings: On the basis of above chart, it can be said that 13 customers were satisfied with the services offer by Asda to them. But they replied that still needs of improvement is required in order to develop customer service strategy and to overcome issues that are faced by them within retail store. In addition, very less customers were highly dissatisfied with services of company. Theme 3: Perception of customers with regard to customer service strategy used by Asda to retain existing and attracting new one. Findings: When researcher asked this question from customers then they stated that they have positive perception about customer service strategy which is used by Asda for them. New initiatives regarding technology up-gradation and employee training would be beneficial for the company in near future. Theme 4: Behavior of retail store employees is satisfactory in terms of solving queries and delivery of products within stipulated time.

10 Yes No 15

Figure 5: Theme 4

Findings: From the above Pie-chart, it is clear that most of the customers were satisfied with the behavior of staff members within Asda retail store. But they recommended that organization should provide training to them in order to increase their efficiency and quick delivery of products to clients within stipulated time. Theme 5: The ways through Asda can overcome customer dissatisfaction and enhance performance of UK based Retail Company. Avail assignment writing help from reputed online assignment help provider in UK. Get exclusive discount of up to 25% OFF on all assignment orders from Global Assignment Help.

14 12 10 8 6


4 5


5 3

0 More emphasize on Appointing more stafftechnology adoption and members to solving up-gradation queries of customers within specific time

Company should focus Providing training to on use of e-commerce employee and and e-business maintaining technologies transparency within the entire process

Figure 6: Theme 5 Findings: The above chart explored that most of the customers (12) suggested that through appointing more staff members and by providing training to solve queries of clients within specific time, Asda can reduce customer dissatisfaction and may enhance performance of UK based Retail Company in an appropriate manner.

Quantitative analysis: In order to prove the hypothesis, Chi-Square test has been applied because by applying this test, relationship between two variables including customer satisfaction and loyalty and performance of company can be identified. Chi Square Test: H0 = Null hypothesis Ha = Alternate hypothesis H0= Customer satisfaction and loyalty cannot influence performance of Asda. Ha= Customer satisfaction and loyalty can influence performance of Asda. Table 1: Chi-Square table 1 S. No.


No. of responses

% of Responses


Strongly Disagree



2 3 4

Disagree Neutral Agree

5 1 10

25.0% 5.0% 50.0%

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Total responses

Strongly agree





Table 2: Chi Square table 2 Observed (O) 2 5 1 10 7

Expected (E) O-E 2 0.00 2 3.00 2 -1.00 2 8.00 2 5.00 Calculated value of Chi Square

(O-E)2 0.00 9.00 1.00 64.00 25.00

(O-E)2/E 0.00 4.50 0.50 32.00 12.50 49.50

Findings: On the basis of Chi-Square test, it can be interpreted that tabulated value of Chi Square is 9.488 which is less than calculated value 49.50. Hence, it can be said that null hypothesis is rejected and alternative hypothesis is accepted. It can be stated that through increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty as well as performance of the company (customer base, sales and profit margin) can be increased effectively.

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS On the basis of report, it can be articulated that customer satisfaction and loyalty can play a crucial role in order to retain the customers and to enhance profit margin of the company. The result of LR section interprets that Poor technology up-gradation, waiting long time in a queue for accessing products and services as well as failed to quick delivery of products and services were the major factors that demotivate customers and reduce their satisfaction level towards products and services offered by Asda. Result of Chi-Square test shows that customer satisfaction and loyalty can influence the performance of Asda. Apart from this, most of the customers were satisfied with the fact that behavior of retail store employees is satisfactory in terms of solving queries and delivery of products within stipulated time. When researcher asked questions from customers regarding ways through which performance of company can boost-up, they replied that Asda can enhance its performance through emphasizing on technology adoption and up-gradation as well as appointing more staffmembers to solve the queries of customers within specific time. In addition, company should

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provide training to their employees so that they will behave well with clients and would encourage them to retain for long time period. It will directly affect the profit and sales margin of enterprise



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REFERENCES Books and Journals Beiske, B., 2003. Research methods: Uses and Limitations of questionnaires, interviews and case studies. GRIN Verlag Bhattacharyya, D. K., 2009. Research methodology. Excel Books. Blut, M., Frennea, C., Mittal, V. and Mothersbaugh, D. L., 2015. How Procedural, Financial and Relational Switching Costs Affect Customer Satisfaction, Repurchase Intentions, and Repurchase Behavior: A Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Research in Marketing, Forthcoming. Clow, K. E. and Seshadri, S., 2015. Bias in Consumer Expectations of Services: Implications for Customer Satisfaction Measures. Springer International Publishing. pp. 391-396. Creswell, J. W., 2013. Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. 4th ed. SAGE Publications, Inc. Gill, J., and Johnson, P., 2002. Research Methods for Managers. 3rd ed. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Gunasekaran, A., Irani, Z. and Papadopoulos, T., 2015. Performance measures and metrics in outsourcing decisions: A review for research and applications. International Journal of Production Economics. 161. pp.153-166. Kaur, B., 2015. Impact of E-Commerce on E-Retail. Journal for Studies in Management and Planning. 1(1) pp. 81-87. Mackey, A. and Gass, S. M., 2013. Second language research: Methodology and design. Routledge. Perdikaki, O., Peng, D. X., and Heim, G. R., 2015. Impact of Customer Traffic and Service Process Outsourcing Levels on e�Retailer Operational Performance. Production and Operations Management. Pillai, K. G., and Goldsmith, R. E., 2015. Technology Turbulence And Customer Orientation: A New Perspective. Springer International Publishing. pp. 95-101. Pleshko, L. P., and Heiens, R. A., 2015. Customer satisfaction and loyalty in the Kuwaiti retail services market: why are satisfied buyers not always loyal buyers?. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research. 25(1). pp. 55-71. Robinson, L. and M. B., Marshall, T., 2015. Employee Satisfaction and Internal Service Performance: Some Preliminary Evidence. Springer International Publishing. pp. 347353

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Rodriguez, M., Peterson, R. M.and Ajjan, H., 2015. CRM/Social Media Technology: Impact on Customer Orientation Process and Organizational Sales Performance. In Ideas in Marketing: Finding the New and Polishing the Old . Springer International Publishing. pp. 636-638. Rogers, H. P., Strutton, D., and Doddridge, B. F. ,2015. Measuring Customer Satisfaction with Logistics Services: An Investigation of the Motor Carrier Industry. Terho, H., Eggert, A., Haas, A., and Ulaga, W., 2015. How sales strategy translates into performance: The role of salesperson customer orientation and value-based selling. Industrial Marketing Management. 45. pp. 12-21. Verma, V., Sharma, D., and Sheth, J., 2015. Does relationship marketing matter in online retailing? A meta-analytic approach. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. pp. 1-12. Yamin, S., and Mavondo, F. T., 2015. Organizational Innovation: Relationship with Functional Strategies and Organizational Performance. Springer International Publishing. pp. 296301. Online Asda,

2015. Information about company. [Online]. Available through:>. [Accessed on: 26 May 2015].


Gustafsson, A., Johnson, M. and Nilsson, L., 2001. The impact of quality practices on customer satisfaction and business results: product versus service organizations. [Pdf]. Available through: < gur/The%20impact%20of%20quality%20practices%20on%20customer%20satisfaction% 20and%20business%20results%20product%20versus%20service%20organizations%20 .pdf>. [Accessed on: 26 May 2015]. Hart, W., 2007. Beating the Market with Customer Satisfaction. [Online]. Available through: <>.[Accessed on: 26 May 2015]. Hesselink, M. and Boselie, P., 2001. Empirical evidence for the relation between customer satisfaction and business performance. [Pdf]. Available through :< file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/erimrs20010613144003.pdf>.[Accessed on: 25 May 2015].

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Appendix 1: Questionnaire In the context of present study, questionnaire was prepared and circulated to customers to know their perception about customer service strategy which is used by Asda at the workplace. Both open and close ended questions have been asked from them to attain aim and objectives of the study in an appropriate manner. 25 customers have been considered for the research by using random sampling technique. Name Age 

Between 18- 30 years

31-50 years

More than 20 years

Gender 



How long you are associated with Asda and using the products and services of company? 

Less than 1 year

2-3 years

4-5 years

More than 5 years

Are you satisfied with the services offered by Asda retail store? 

Highly dissatisfied




Highly satisfied

Do you agree with the fact that behavior of retail store employees is satisfactory in terms of solving queries and delivery of products within stipulated time? 



What are the major factors that demotivated you as a customer and reduce your satisfaction level towards products and services offered by Asda? Avail assignment writing help from reputed online assignment help provider in UK. Get exclusive discount of up to 25% OFF on all assignment orders from Global Assignment Help.

Poor technology up-gradation

Waiting long time in a queue for accessing products and services

Failed to quick delivery of products and services

Behavior of staff-members within store


Do you agree with the fact that customer satisfaction and loyalty can influence the performance of Asda? 

Strongly disagree




Strongly Agree

What is your perception about customer service strategy used by Asda to retain existing and for attracting new customers? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Please identify the ways through which Asda can overcome customer dissatisfaction and would increase firm’s performance by changing the customer service strategy? 

More emphasize on technology adoption and up-gradation

Appointing more staff-members to solving queries of customers within specific time

Company should focus on use of e-commerce and e-business technologies

Providing training to employee and maintaining transparency within the entire process

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Appendix 2: Update time plan













Identification of problem

 To select topic for the study  Evaluate the purpose and rationale behind study  Review of literature is conducted by using secondary data collection  Framed aim and objectives of the study are defined  Primary data collected from customers  Follow research approach  Define Research methodology in a proper way  Structured questionnaire are prepared  Questionnaire filled from customers  Arrange data  Apply appropriate technique  Interpreted the data  Explore finding of the research  Provide recommendation and suggestions

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 Prepare report in a presentable manner  At the end, report submit to instructor  Revising the work  Again re-submit report

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