Research on Customer Requirement and Customer Service

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Customer Service

INTRODUCTION The present report also explains sources of information on customer's needs and their satisfaction level in the organization It introduces about consumer service and their environment in the hotel. It also represents the suggestions to improve Star woods services in the nation.

1.1 Assess the source of information on customer requirements and satisfaction levels •


In order to find out information for client needs and satisfaction levels, management of Star woods organize new team. This process also helps the corporation to enhance its efficiency and performance in the nation.

• Mainly, management of Star woods utilizes primary data collection method to identify need of consumers and satisfaction levels in the nation. • This approach helps hotel to determine latest trend and preferences of consumers in the UK

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1.2 Research on customers requirements and satisfaction levels for Star woods hotel Cleanliness Environment of hotel of should be clear. this process also help the management of Star woods to make hygienic food and provide reliability to give other services. Better Quality of Facilities Organization also provide effective facilities like swimming pool, pub, cafes, Spa and games of children to lure the consumers in the hotel premises.

2.1 Provide customer service and service environment •



Consumer service is higher priority for Star woods in the nation. It oblige the organisation to provide appropriate services by completing their needs. Management of corporation also gives appropriate training for better consumer services in the nation. Enterprise also considers clients problem. Managers of organisation also try to improve their services as per client comment.



They also utilizes digital equipment to manage the all data in the organization. It also aids to manage its various operations like laundry, food division and housekeeping in the hotel.

2.2 Performance in delivery of services and suggestion for improvement Performance • I have all knowledge related to hospitality organizations This thing help me to understand and manage my work in appropriate manner • I always try to make good relationships with consumers in the organization. • Proper contribution and my efforts in my team aids to satisfy clients in the hotel.

Recommendations •

• • •

Star woods should conduct training sessions in many fields for the staff members Organization has to concentrate towards for solving consumer complaints. Corporation has to follow time management strategies Star woods should also provide gaming zone Hotel should manage more parties and occasions.

CONCLUSION From the report, it is found that primary research also helps the organization to achieve information about the consumers in the UK. It can be concluded that recommendations for performance is giving appropriate advantages to improve present services of Star woods in the country.

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References • •

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