Sample Report on Environmental Risk Assessment by Global Assignment Help

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A Sample On

Environmental Risk Assessment

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Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................. 3 THE METHODS USED BY UNIVAR TO ASSESS SIGNIFICANCE ............................. 3 UNCERTAINTY ................................................................... 5 3.1. Data sources ........................................................... 5 3.2. Identification of Uncertainties ........................................ 6 MITIGATION MEASURES ........................................................... 7 Conclusion .................................................................... 9 References ................................................................... 10

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Index of Tables Table 1: Statement showing mitigation of environmental risk ................... 9

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Illustration Index Illustration 1: Risk assessment method by EUSES .............................................................................. 7 Illustration 2: Data sources of Univar for environmental risk assessment .......................................... 8

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INTRODUCTION Assessment of environment risk plays vital risk in process of decision making in order to reduce adverse effect of commercial operations on environment. Environmental risk assessment can be defined as procedure of forecasting of risk caused by the chemical substances on the environment (Bashkin, 2006). Present project report is focused on the evaluation of environmental hazards along with their significance in Univar. For this purpose different methods will be explained that can be used for assessment of environment risk. In addition to this, uncertainties associated with the data will be described along with the mitigation methods being used to manage the risks. Selected hazard for present project is chemical spillage.

THE METHODS USED BY UNIVAR TO ASSESS SIGNIFICANCE Univar is focused on their social responsibilities thus they are using efficient tools for the environmental risk assessment. Techniques for assessment of risk is used to determine likelihood and consequences of hazards. Chemical risk assessment can be defined as scientific procedure used to identifying and quantifying the likely adverse impacts on health of human or ecosystems due to revelation to a chemical substance or to its mixture or to a chemically dangerous procedure or by other similar situation (Ryan, 2008). In addition to this, risk itself is the possibility of negative impact happening in defined circumstances in a defined group. For the better assessment of risk, Univar uses tools suggested by the regulatory authority i.e. EUSES (The European Union System for the Evaluation of Substances). EUSES can be defined as computerized program used for the purpose of used for the conduct for the procedure of risk assessment. This tool was developed for the purpose quantitative assessment of risks occurred due to existing or new chemical substances in ecosystems. For this purpose, data set is prepared by this tool which comprises list of existing or new chemical substances. For this evaluation, following information is inserted by Univar in this tool1. Production quantity of Tonnage substance in EU 2. Quantity of Tonnage substance used in EU 3. Weight of Molecular 4. Vapour pressure Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Top Supply Chain Management Assignment help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

5. Log octanol-water partition coefficient 6. Water solubility 7. Aquatic toxicity 8. Biodegradability

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Description of method for utilizing this tool is as followsExposure assessment Initially estimation of doses or concentrations is made by Univar by which environmental exposure will be affected. For this purpose, following tools will be used by entity1. Emission module- This module is based on the identified properties such as use and functions of chemical substances (Wang, Yang and Wang, 2007). With this information, default emission factors is selected from data bases for several stages of life cycle. 2. Distribution module- In this module, all necessary models are considered which are required for the estimation regarding distribution of chemical substance in ecosystem. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Top Supply Chain Management Assignment help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

3. Exposure module- This module is entirely based on the estimations made in distribution module regarding environmental concentrations. By considering these estimations, calculation is made by this module in order to determine level of exposure.

Assessment of effects In this step hazards are identified by assessing adverse effects caused by the chemical substance. For this purpose, their inherent capacity to cause adverse impact in environment is also considered. After the identification of hazard, assessment of dose-response is done (Poyarkov, and Vargo, 2000). In this aspect relationship is estimated between level of exposure caused by chemical substance and severity of its effect. Characterization of risk Risk by chemical substance is characterized by considering estimated relationship between level of exposure caused by chemical substance and severity of its effect. This the final step of this method in which outcome will be represented through quantitative comparison of various substances in ratio form i.e. PEC (Predicted Environmental Concentration)/PNEC (Predicted NoEffect Concentration for environmental compartments). Generic name of this ratio is RCR (Risk Characterization Ratio).

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I llustration 1: Risk assessment method by EUSES (Source: Mason-Whitehead, 2008)

By using this method, Univar is able to determine significance of risk assessment procedure. With the quantitative outcome, management of organization is able to prioritize the risk by considering severity of chemical substances (Oughton and Kashparov, 2009).

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UNCERTAINTY 3.1. Data sources Data for the assessment of risk is collected through standardized or default values chemical substances. Primary sources of data is used by Univar for the analysis of risk through existing chemical substances. Further, assessment of new chemical substances is done by secondary sources i.e. study of other researchers, online media and articles. Data collected by Univar is supported by certain assumptions. Data of default value represents the worst case scenario and to resolve this

Illustr aspect site specific data is required in order to replace default values. ation 2: Data sources of Univar for environmental risk assessment 3.2. Identification of Uncertainties Process of estimation of risk requires identification of several events which presents jeopardy and associated risk with it. Along with this, communication is required to done of order of magnitude of adverse impacts related with these events, and estimated risk. Described procedure is Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Top Supply Chain Management Assignment help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

not implement in an organization. It is because, for completion of assessment of environment risk appropriate data is required. Only in some situations, extended statistical data is available for the purpose to develop understanding the severity of the hazard along with its frequency. However, nature of environmental data is vague, qualitative and imprecise (Eduljee, 2000). In addition to this, data for newly emerging contaminants is not certain and completely reliable. Uncertainties can be defined as inappropriate knowledge in context of true value of a parameter. Mainly uncertainties in procedure of risk assessment have two origins i.e. randomness and incomplete data. Description of these origins is as follows1. Randomness- Uncertainty of randomness arises due to variability in core phenomena. Due to this aspect, stochastic risk arises. Another reason of randomness is fact that components affecting the system cannot be studies or modeled in systematic manner (Dias and Edwards, 2003). 2. Incomplete information- In this aspect complete information is not available regarding value of parameters.

MITIGATION MEASURES Awareness and planning For the accommodation of above described risks following tools or theories can be implemented by Univar

Probability theory- This theory is mainly applied for stochastic uncertainties. In this approach, probability distributions can be used by Univar in order to describe random variabilities in parameters. However, in probability theory functions of membership is used for characterization of vagueness in human thoughts. It is traditional approach for risk assessment. In this approach, it has been assumed that all the uncertainties in risk assessment is due to randomness. Further, then probability distributions are used for one or more than one variable in process of risk equation for the purpose of quantification uncertainty and variabilities in the outcome (How to measure uncertainties in environmental risk assessment, 2015). Output of this assessment is combination of input probability distributions. Monte-Carlo analysis (MCA) is most preferred technique in probabilistic techniques for the purpose of quantification of variabilities. In this method computerized Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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simulation is used in risk equations. Mainly, this approach is used to address uncertainties of parameter that relies on available statistical information. In this method assumption is made that model parameters are random variables which can be represented through PDFs (probability-density functions). In this approach X is considered as random variable in which probability is taken that X should be less than or equal to the defined variables (Bashkin, 2006). Representation of this approach in form of equation is as followsF (x) = P (X less than or equal to x) However, if variable is continuous (in this X can be any value in the defined range) than equation in this approach will be as followsf (x) = dF(x)/ dx

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Fuzzy logic- System of Fuzzy logic is an alternative approach to traditional theory of probability. This logic represents vital change in approach and outcome of random model parameters or environmental data. According to the Leeuwen, data considered for environmental risk assessment is always incomplete and imperfect by which proper outcome is not attained (Leeuwen and Vermeire, 2007). As a consequence, applicability of approach of Monte-Carlo analysis (MCA) in environment risk can result in following shortcomingsâ—Ś Initially, in analysis of risk by Monte-Carlo analysis (MCA) precisely specified Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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distribution of input parameters is required. ◦ Further, by default researcher has to assumed that environmental data is independent and does not get affected by other aspects. This assumption is completely hypothetical because this aspect cannot be possible. Thus, to resolve this aspect membership functions are used by Fuzzy logic instead of PDFs for the expression of possibility of an outcome. This method is most certain in comparison to probabilistic approach (Guidance for Data Usability in Risk Assessment, 2015). By using above described methods mitigation measures that can be applied by Univar in environmental risk assessment is as followsTable 1: Statement showing mitigation of environmental risk Environmental field Nuclear waste

Method used Probability theory

Application in risk mitigation Risk



underground disposal of nuclear waste in order to reduce adverse impact on environment. Polluted site


Awareness will be created in


society by providing knowledge of adverse impact of pollution on human health.

Polluted site

Fuzzy logic

Evaluation of risks will be done which




Further, appropriate steps will be taken to reduce negative impact on human health Hazardous waste facilities

Fuzzy reasoning




expression will be applied by making people aware of ‘‘safe Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Top Supply Chain Management Assignment help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

distance’’ regarding hazardousfacility sitting (Linkov and Ramadan, 2004). Ecotoxic substances releases

Fuzzy logic





methodologies will be applied to assess risk of release of ecotoxic substances in chemical plants.

CONCLUSION From the above study, conclusion can be drawn that assessment of environmental risk is essential for entities in order to reduce negative impact of human activities on environment. For this purpose several methods can be used by applying relevant data. Uncertainties in data can be resolved by using probabilistic theory and Fuzzy logics.

Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Top Supply Chain Management Assignment help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

REFERENCES Books and journals Bashkin, V., 2006. Modern biogeochemistry. Dordrecht: Springer. Dias, G., and Edwards, G., 2003. Differentiating Natural and Anthropogenic Sources of Metals to the Environment. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 9(4), pp.699-721. Eduljee, G., 2000. Trends in risk assessment and risk management. Science of The Total Environment, 249(1-3), pp.13-23. Leeuwen, C. and Vermeire, T., 2007. Risk assessment of chemicals. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer. Linkov, I. and Ramadan, A., 2004. Comparative risk assessment and environmental decision making. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Mason-Whitehead, E., 2008. Key concepts in risk assessment and environmental decision making. Los Angeles: SAGE. Oughton, D. and Kashparov, V., 2009. Radioactive particles in the environment. Dordrecht: Springer. Poyarkov, V. and Vargo, G. 2000. The Chornobyl accident. Columbus, OH: Battelle Press. Ryan, L., 2008. Combining data from multiple sources, with applications to environmental risk assessment. Statist. Med., 27(5), pp.698-710. Wang, W., Ye, B., Yang, L., Li, Y. and Wang, Y. 2007. Risk assessment on disinfection by-products of drinking water of different water sources and disinfection processes. Environment International, 33(2), pp.219-225.

Online How to measure uncertainties in environmental risk assessment. 2015. [online] Available through: <>. [Accessed on 11th May 2015]. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Top Supply Chain Management Assignment help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

Guidance for Data Useability in Risk Assessment. 2015. [online] Available through: <>. [Accessed on 11th May 2015].

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