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A Sample Report On Heritage and Cultural Tourism

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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................... 3 TASK 1 ................................................................................................................................................ 3 1.1 Growth and development of heritage and cultural industry in UK ........................................... 3 1.2 Potential conflicts in the conservation of heritage and cultural resources in Lhasa, Tibet ....... 4 TASK 2 ................................................................................................................................................ 6 2.1. Purpose of heritage and cultural attractions within the travel and tourism sector ................... 6 TASK 3 ................................................................................................................................................ 7 3.1 Impact of different types of ownership on the management of heritage and cultural sites ....... 7 3.2 Analysing roles and responsibilities of organizations in the heritage and cultural industry ..... 8 TASK 4 ................................................................................................................................................ 9 4.1 Methods and media used for interpretation within the heritage and cultural industry .............. 9 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................. 10 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................. 10

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INTRODUCTION Tourism is considered as a activity that directly relates with the travelling experience of guest while they visit to various destinations in the world. It can be said that tourism activities reflects cultural and heritage aspects of specific region. Moreover, it has been spotted that the heritage and cultural tourism plays a vital role in effective development of United Kingdom economy as well s travel and tourism sector (Abankina, 2013). However, it also involves tourism in rural areas which showcase the traditions of varied cultural communities such as festivals, rituals and their values and lifestyle etc. In this respect, it is necessary for governing authorities to focus on effective development of heritage and cultural tourism activities within nation as it provides enhanced level of opportunities for tourism and travel sector. In the current study, learning will focus various factors that can provide better growth to heritage and cultural tourism within UK. It is one of the critical tasks to interpret various issues that a nation faces in context of heritage and cultural resources. In this regard, Lhasa, Tibet is considered as a destination. In order to access the importance and purpose of museum in heritage and cultural tourism, the learning will focus on aspects of British and Natural History Museum. Furthermore, it will also focus on various roles and responsibilities which authorities needs to consider for effectively developing heritage and cultural tourism.

TASK 1 1.1 Growth and development of heritage and cultural industry in UK As per the structured study, it has been spotted that the tourism sector plays a key role in developing UK economic system. In other aspect, it can be said that the growth and development of heritage and cultural aspects in UK also boosts the opportunity for travel and tourism sector in UK. With an assistance of heritage and cultural tourism activities, the government of UK can easily flourish the economic and social aspects in an effective manner (Ashworth, 2013). It is also beneficial in attracting more and more customers towards destinations in UK and to increase opportunities for this sector. In past some years, the tour and travel agents have also expanded their business to support the work culture of tourism sector. These kinds of developments in destinations with concern of heritage and cultural aspects are beneficial for developing tourism sector (Barney, 2010). Moreover, it has also been spotted that the United Kingdom government is focusing on Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Best Java Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help, all documents are 100% unique and error free.

continuous development of various destinations that can boost heritage and cultural aspects in order to attract more and more visitors. In support of this, it has also been identified that government is also expecting hike in GDP rate of UK by these kinds of developments (Dahles, 2013). Travel and tourism sector of UK also provides job opportunities to various citizens in UK so that development of heritage and cultural tourism can be taken into account in an appropriate manner. Further, it can be said that the UNESCO has made various types of efforts in developing heritage and cultural aspects effectively within UK. UNESCO is considered as one of the specialised authority that has various efforts in promoting heritage and cultural destinations (Hudson, 2010). Authority is also participating in heritage and cultural development with an assistance of various programs such as Education, Natural Sciences, Social and Human Sciences, Culture and Communication. Other than this, it can also be said that the government of UK is also focusing on effective enforcement of heritage and cultural aspects within UK in order to amend economic circumstances. However, effective development of heritage and cultural aspects within nation is also beneficial for improving overall tourism activities (Vargas-Hernåndez, 2012). Now day’s service users of travel and tourism sector are focusing on activities that provide detailed exploration in context of monuments, natural heritage, historic buildings and museums. This also indicates that it is necessary for travel and tourism organisations to focus on operations that provide better protection to heritage destinations. Moreover, it is also essential for government of UK to focus on activities that can promote heritage and cultural aspects and create awareness among the visitors (Allen, 2010). It will also boost the effectiveness of development actions and provide assistance in accomplishment of goals. Local authorities also need to provide assistance or to travel and tourism sector in order to protect heritage and cultural destinations as it will generate better profit for travel and tourism sector. Improvement in profit margin ratio of tourism sector is also advantageous for effective development in UK economic system (Walter De Gruyter.Grimwade, 2000).

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Illustration 1: Stone age museum It has also increased the GDP of United Kingdom by 12 %. Other than this, travel and tourism sector of UK is also providing almost twenty million jobs to UK citizens. It has also been spotted that, the 1.01 billion pounds to United Kingdom economic system has been contributed by cultural and heritage tourism. In Addition to this, it has also been spotted that the traveller are now a days more focused towards Museum Stone Age. It means the London Tourism sector is having various opportunities that can boost can provide diverse monetary and non monetary benefits. Moreover, it has been identified the London Museum is also focused towards reservation of prehistoric resources such as 3D stone age, Bronze age and Iron age objects. This also indicates that the current trends of tourism sector are in favour of heritage and cultural tourism. Number of service users are focusing on activities that provide detailed exploration in context of monuments, natural heritage, historic buildings and museums. Other than this, it has also been spotted that the travellers are also more attracted towards various destinations in the world that provide great exposure to heritage and cultural aspects. In this regard, it can be said that the seven wonders of world are also most attractive destinations in current trend.

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1.2 Potential conflicts in the conservation of heritage and cultural resources in Lhasa, Tibet It has been spotted that the development of heritage and cultural resources is one of the critical aspect and governance of Tibet can face various issues in this context. In this respect, it is necessary for governing authority to focus on activities which can provide protection to heritage and cultural resources as it will boost opportunities for travel and tourism sector in effective manner. Moreover, it is also one of the key issues for tourism and travel sector to determine new destination that covers heritage and cultural aspects (Samuel2006). In this respect, local authorities must focus on development of various standards that can conserve heritage and cultural aspects in Lhasa, Tibet. Further, it can also be said that the development of heritage and cultural tourism can face issues in context of diverse factors such as environment, seasonality and capital.

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It has been spotted that the development of heritage and cultural tourism requires high ratio of investment so it is necessary for governing authority of Tibet to ensure that they have properly allocated the capital so that development activities cannot be influenced (Uzama, 2009). In this respect, it has also been identified that the existing heritage and cultural destinations also requires high ratio of maintenance cost so it is hard for the government of Tibet to have high investment ratio in this context. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Best Java Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help, all documents are 100% unique and error free.

For example, heritage site in Tibet requires skilled employees so that heritage destination can be maintained in a proper manner but these kinds of activities also demands high investment in order to fulfil salary aspects. But economic system is not so positive so it may be hard for the government of Tibet to arrange high ratio of investment (Mehmetoglu, 2013). Other than this, environmental issue is also one of the critical aspects which impact the overall development of heritage and cultural aspects within Tibet. Tibet also consists of various flora and fauna but the changes in environmental aspects also negatively affect the tourist destinations. It also has negative influence on the perception of travellers which is not advantageous for travel and tourism sector. In the support of above statement, it can be said that properly conserving the heritage and cultural sites is one of the key issues for Tibetan government. It is necessary for tourism sector and government authorities to work in a collective manner so that better protection can be provided to high altitude treks, fabulous monasteries and unique intangible culture. Tourism and travel sector also faces various issues in development of tourism due to improper accommodation services in Tibet (Pesonen, 2013). In this respect, it is necessary for government of Tibet to focus on effective development of luxury hotels in Lhasa so that guest can attain better convenience and comfort factor. Development plan must consist of luxury hotels but high ratio of investment will be again a major issue for growth and development activities. In this respect, government can focus on strategic alliances with diverse nations or international hotel groups in order to overcome the conflict (Serre, 2012). Moreover, non profit organisation assistance can also be one of the key factors which can facilitate government to overcome issues. It has also been spotted that the heritage and cultural destinations cannot be preserved without any assistance of local citizens. Most of the time, heritage and cultural destinations are harmed due to negligence of local community towards locations. In this respect, it is also necessary for government to focus on various campaigns which can reduce negative impact on tourism activities and create better awareness among citizens regarding conservation of heritage and cultural aspects (Crysta, 2011). Here, it is crucial for the local communities to develop and manage their activities so that culture and heritage of the place can be conserved. For example, the government of Tibet is investing amount on developing luxury hotel so it is necessary for project manager and other members that hotel must be developed in such manner that it will reflect the heritage and culture of Tibet (Kim, 2012). It will indicate that the government is Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Best Java Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help, all documents are 100% unique and error free.

focusing on protecting natural heritage and culture that exist within the country. It will also facilitate the government in overcoming various issues. Moreover, it has also been witnessed

that the political factors can also influence the

development of heritage and cultural tourism activities. It has been identified that some time local political parties or organisations protest against development of new sites near heritage and cultural destination as it may impact the aspects of location (Michael, 2014). In this respect, it is necessary for government of Tibet to set some standards that can ensure about heritage and cultural aspects in effective manner. In other words, it can be stated that the protest and opposition from political factors is also key issue for the governance and it may influence the development activities of heritage and cultural tourism. Other than this, development of big hotel chain in Tibet may also face issues due to protest of local hotel organisations. For example, the government has signed an agreement with international hotel chain to develop heritage theme based hotel but local hotel organisations are protecting against this development as it will impact their business (Lane, 2007). In this circumstances it is necessary for government of Tibet to focus on various alternative ways in order to avoid the conflicts and conserve the natural and world heritage of Lhasa in effective manner. Improved level of focus on these kinds of activities is also beneficial for effective development of tourism activities and attract more and more customers towards destination.

TASK 2 2.1. Purpose of heritage and cultural attractions within the travel and tourism sector In the support of this, it can be said that the heritage and cultural tourism development mainly focuses on conservation of museums and other heritage sites. It is necessary for tourism sector and government authorities to focus on effective development of museums and other heritage sites so that diversified needs of customers can be accomplished in effective manner. In addition to this, a visit to British Museum and Natural History Museum is advantageous for effective observation and analysis of individual needs that belongs from different age groups (Samuel 2006). Key purpose behind heritage and cultural tourism activities is to create awareness among service users regarding ancient and historic sculptures. It also helps in providing better information about heritage and cultural aspects to upcoming generation so that they can understand their past in optimistic manner. These kinds of activities are Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Best Java Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help, all documents are 100% unique and error free.

mostly famous among students, scientists, families and media (Ruggles, 2008). In other aspect, it can be said that the development of British Museum and Natural History Museum is essential as it provides better conservation to various aspects that relates with nation such as science, art, history, etc. Visit to these kinds of destinations is an great opportunity for people in order to acquire better knowledge regarding cultural and heritage aspects.

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Other than this, number of domestic and international tourist visit British Museum and Natural History Museum as it is considered as finest attraction in UK. In the support of this, it can be said that travellers from different nations are more attracted towards United Kingdom historical aspects so visits to British Museum and Natural History Museum helps them to meet their needs in effective manner. Moreover, British Museum and Natural History Museum consist of various diagrams, pictures, etc that attracts more and more visitors from diverse nations (Ottenbacher, 2009). This clearly indicates that, the Heritage and Culture attractions play a key role in meeting the requirements of diverse tourism industry customers. British Museum and Natural History Museum also preserve various magnificent and unique collections that also attracts more and more customers towards destinations. It provides enhanced level of understanding regarding historical and cultural values which is beneficial for advancement in experience of travellers (Cultural Research and Intangible Heritage. 2009). These kinds of developments or heritage and culture attractions indicates that by providing better values in Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Best Java Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help, all documents are 100% unique and error free.

context of heritage and cultural values the travel and tourism sector can easily accomplish diverse needs and demands of service users. Other than this, it has also been identified that the number of specialised groups also visit British Museum and Natural History Museum so that better information regarding historical aspects can be attained in proper as it also facilitates in meeting their needs. It also helps them to understand key factors and accomplish research in better way by considering cultural needs. In the support of this, it has been spotted that the key attraction in British Museum are artwork of Rosetta Stone and Isabella Brant (Christou, 2005). It is a museum that covers wide range of collection in context of artefacts that also attracts visitors in diverse manner. On the other side, Natural History Museum covers various research and teaching collections in context of botany, mineralogy and zoology.

TASK 3 3.1 Impact of different types of ownership on the management of heritage and cultural sites In order to have effective development of heritage and cultural tourism destination it is necessary for governance and tourism sector to understand the influence of different kinds of ownership on the management of heritage and cultural sites. In the support of this, it can be said that the ownership is classified as private or collective right provided in order to accomplish diverse roles and duties over the property. Moreover, British Museum and Natural History Museum are property under British territory and it is one of key responsibility of UK governance to maintain heritage and cultural aspects at destinations (McManus, 2014). It has also been spotted that the museums plays a significant role in effective development of heritage and cultural sites so that more and more customers can be attracted towards destinations. Both domestic and cultural tourism are attracted towards these kinds of attractions. It has been spotted that the UK governance is having an great level of involvement in operations and development of heritage and cultural sites. Without any assistance of UK governance the board members of British Museum and Natural History Museum can not take any kind of operational decisions. In the support of this, it can be said diverse private organisations are focusing on various operational activities of British Museum and Natural History Museum by taking part in decision making process (Harvey, 2001). In this respect, it can be said that these kinds of activities by private organisations influences the work culture and management activities of heritage and cultural Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Best Java Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help, all documents are 100% unique and error free.

sites. This clearly indicates that the government and private ownership has great influence on the operational activities of British Museum and Natural History Museum. In order to have effective management of activities at British Museum and Natural History Museum the government of UK has also elected director for each organisation who is accountable to perform activities as per the guidelines of UK government. It means director has great liability in respect of all activities and practices that are taken into account within heritage and cultural sites (McManus, 2014). It is also necessary for director and members of board to present an annual report to governance of UK so that proper strategic decisions can be made for effective development of heritage and cultural tourism. Furthermore, it has also been identified that the number of voluntary ownership are also present in destinations in order to amend the effectiveness of destinations.

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For example, various non profit organisations has efforts to ensure that the heritage and cultural aspects at British Museum and Natural History Museum are preserved in appropriate manner. In the support of this, it can be said that these kinds of specialised conservation groups focuses on activities that protect various sites in order to have effective development of heritage and cultural sites. Moreover, number of government authorities has also been established in order to manage and protect the heritage and cultural sites such as ICOMOS (Christou, 2005). These kinds of authorities focuses in effective planning and strategic designs in respect of campaign or advertisements. As per the above statements it can be said that the private, government and collective ownerships impacts the operations of British Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Best Java Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help, all documents are 100% unique and error free.

Museum and Natural History Museum in diverse manner. 3.2 Analysing roles and responsibilities of organizations in the heritage and cultural industry Heritage and cultural tourism activities can be developed by effective accomplishment of diverse roles and responsibilities so it is necessary for tourism sector to understand diverse roles and responsibilities in effective manner. LAWHF is an authority that plays a key role in conservative activities in order to protect UK heritage and cultural industry. It is one of key responsibility of authority to have establishment of various innovative methods that can attract more and more visitors from all over the world towards tourism activities at British Museum and Natural History Museum (Ottenbacher, 2009). LAWHF is a local body that helps in maintaining the heritage sites so that tourists can be attracted. It has been spotted these kinds of authorities plays a key role in effective maintenance of heritage and cultural sites in order to attract more and more services users. Other than this, it is also necessary for travel and tourism organisations to focus on various activities that can promote heritage sites at global level and generate enhanced income for effective development of UK economic system. In the support of this, it can be said that the private and government authorities are not only accountable to effective management and protection of British Museum and Natural History Museum but they are also responsible for overall development of destination (Ruggles, 2008). Moreover, it is also one of responsibility of authorities to have effective application of diverse strategies in order to develop tourism activities and provide enhanced level of conservation to heritage and cultural aspects of destination. It is also necessary for government to take various initiatives that can create better awareness among people in context of British Museum and Natural History Museum so that they can feel attracted towards destination. Furthermore, historical house association is governing body that plays a key role in diverse activities that can protect historical places. It also focuses on activities that can create awareness among travellers regarding heritage and cultural aspects which is advantageous for attracting more and more service users. The key motive of association is to balance and develop destinations which have some historical importance and amend the tourism sector working (Samuel 2006). Moreover, the governing body also efforts in context of guidelines or directions in order to conserve diverse heritage and cultural sites. It also renders a support to government authorities by offering suggestions and advises.

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TASK 4 4.1 Methods and media used for interpretation within the heritage and cultural industry In order to have effective development of heritage and cultural tourism activities it is necessary for travel and tourism sector to have use of various methods and media channels that can enhance its effectiveness. In other aspect, it can be said that the proper evaluation of diversified method and media is essential for better promotion of British museum and Natural History museum. Government authorities must focus on mediums that can render significant information and knowledge to public regarding heritage and cultural aspects available at British museum and Natural History museum. In this, it is necessary for management of British museum and Natural History museum to identify the key needs of visitors (Lane, 2007). In this respect, the management and members can focus on feedback method so that proper information about visitors experience can be gathered in appropriate manner. In the support of above statement, it can be said that the management of British museum and Natural History museum use various methods to influence the perception of travellers in positive manner. Classification of methods can be as audio, videotape, websites and visitors appoint guides. These kinds of factors assist museums to render significant information regarding diverse factors that relates with the British museum and Natural History museum. These methods are also considered as a part of promotional activity which plays key role in attracting more and more service users (Ruggles, 2008). Moreover, advertising with an assistance of books and brochure are also significant methods to communicate with visitors. Museums in London is using television as a source of medium through which they are making people aware of the rich culture and tradition of these tourist sites. Other than this, in order to attract more and more visitors to the British museum and Natural History museum the authorities also focus on various sensory techniques. In this respect, it can be said that the audio-visual displays can be installed within premises to render significant information. With an assistance of technology various effects and artifacts displays can be installed as it will also attract more and more visitors. Use of advanced technology such as social media transmission assist in attracting service users (Abankina, 2013). For example, the various articles and pictures can be posted on social site in order to attract families and art lovers. Significant information can also be posted on the online portals in order to influence perception of travellers positively. In the support of this, it can also be said that the various personal and non personal mediums are also effective to attract customers Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Best Java Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help, all documents are 100% unique and error free.

towards several factors that are present in the British museum and Natural History museum.

CONCLUSION As per the above study, it can be concluded that the heritage and cultural factors plays a key role in effective development of travel and tourism sector. It has been been spotted that the development of heritage and cultural tourism requires high ratio of investment so it is necessary for governing authority of Tibet to ensure that they have proper allocation of capital so that development activities can not be influenced. There are number of methods and mediums that can be used by governance of UK to meet responsibilities and accomplish effective development of heritage and cultural tourism objectives.

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