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Sample Report On

Hospitality Provision

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Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 3 TASK 1 ........................................................................ 3 A. Analysis of scope and scale of the hospitality industry within the travel and tourism sector and examining the role of hospitality functions in the context of Thomas Cook ..................................................... 3 TASK 2 ....................................................................... 5 A. Integration in hospitality and travel and tourism business and affects of horizontal and vertical integration on hospitality organizations ........... 5 B. Evaluation of impact of integration and ways decided by Thomas Cook to respond the consequences of horizontal and vertical integration ............ 6 TASK 3 ....................................................................... 7 A. Producing project proposal for new hospitality organization and its designs based on a thorough market potential analysis ...................... 7 B. Assessment of the financial feasibility of the proposed project on the basis of the expected cash- flow analysis ................................... 8 CONCLUSION ................................................................... 9 REFERENCES ................................................................... 10

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INTRODUCTION Hospitality provisions defines various rules and regulations with the respect of providing the services to customers. It has also helped in understand the roles and responsibilities to the firm for their guests so that the expectations can be meet in more effective manner (Brotherton, 2013). The following study has related to hospitality provisions and for this, Thomas Cook has taken into the consideration. It is public limited company and offering diversified serviced to the customers. The major core values of company is offering unique services to target market and increase their satisfaction level. Organization is always focusing on providing good quality services at reasonable costs. There are various ethical considerations are taking care by Thomas Cook (Core values of Thomas cook. 2016). This thing has created good image in customer mind and complete responsibilities towards stakeholders. It has provided excellent working conditions to its employees to motivate them.

TASK 1 A. Analysis of scope and scale of the hospitality industry within the travel and tourism sector and examining the role of hospitality functions in the context of Thomas Cook Travel and tourism sector of UK has offered diversified range of services to the travellers. The related organizations of travel and tourism industry has arranged the different kinds of services such as airlines, accommodation, food, adventure events etc (Slattery, 2002). In the current scenario, the people are like to spend their holidays by visiting various places with the intention of releasing stress and enjoying the vacations. In this regards, they are looking forwards for some travel and tourism agents which may provide them holiday packages at reasonable prices. There are wide number of travel and tourism organizations present in UK that are giving the facilities to the travellers from accommodation to food etc (King McKercher and Waryszak, 2003). The people are more attracting towards the services of tourism companies and this sector is continuously growing. Hospitality industry is highly connecting to travel and tourism industry of UK. Therefore, the scale and scope of growth of hotel organizations is very high (Lashley, 2008). Many of the travel and tourism companies are making contract with the different hospitality organizations for accommodation and other supportive services. Such type of business in UK is growing very fast and Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Best Data Structure Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help, all documents are 100% unique and error free.

providing the benefits to both hospitality and tourism business. During this kind of commitment between both types of industries, it must be ensure that travellers will get the quality services and value of their money (Lashley, 2000). It is a good opportunity for travel and tourism sector to meet all the expectations level of the customers and gain their loyalty for long time. The supportive facilities of tourism business and its collaboration with hospitality shows that there are huge scope of growth of hospitality industry within travel and tourism sector.

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Kindly Contact us at: Thomas Cook is a an travel and tourism organization which has own hospitality operations across the world. It has offered the wide range of hotel services such as food, accommodation, cab facility, guide etc to the guests (Lugosi, 2008). From the research, it has been identified that the different hospitality functions is helping Thomas Cook to raise the customer satisfaction level. In a general manner, it has ever known that hotels, villas, motels, guest house etc are first receive order from the customers and than arrange then required facilities as per that. During this process, the first priorities are giving by hotel organizations is meet the needs and expectations of visitors in appropriate manner (Dewhurst, Dewhurst and Livesey, 2007). Along with this, some of the hotels are also providing room services to guests as per their orders. Therefore, the hospitality industry is playing an important role in Thomas Cook growth. With the support of different operations of hotels, company has able to deliver good services to customers at the affordable prices and raise their satisfaction level (Lashley and Morrison, 2013). In addition to this, hospitality industry has Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Best Data Structure Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help, all documents are 100% unique and error free.

increased the profitability and performance level of Thomas Cook and developed a good image in travel and tourism industry. B. Role of hospitality provisions in relations to operations of travel and tourism and stating the interrelationship between the hospitality and travel and tourism Hospitality provision has played an essential role in operation of travel and tourism. It has delivered the different types of services and facilities to visitors. At the time of purchasing holiday packages, the customers have looked all different facilities offered by hotels such as accommodation, food, clubs, bars, entertainment areas, parks for children etc (Morrison, 2002). Many of travel and tourism organizations have included these things in holiday packages and some are charging additional prices for it. Hospitality provisions such as food and beverages during the travelling is a major part of travel experience. It has affected operations of travel and tourism in either positive or negative manner (Sheringham and Daruwalla, 2007). In this context, hospitality provision has affected operations of travel and tourism sector. On the other hand, there is a strong relationship between hospitality and travel and tourism business. It has very well known that hospitality is an essential part of tourism because it gives the personal touches to services to travel and encourages the visitors to increase their spending more money at travelling (Brotherton, 2012). Both are interdependent on each other and seeking the support for growth. It has well known that hospitality is one of the best essential element to create success in Thomas Cook travel and tourism business. Company has the contract with many and different kinds of hotels, villas, restaurants etc which are offering good quality of services such as food, staying, beverages, transportation, organize the activities for relaxation etc. In the present time, people are looking for those hotels that offering better accommodation and other supportive facilities (Lashley, 2007). This thing has taken by Thomas Cook very seriously and always considered requirements and needs of the customers at first priorities. Therefore, hospitality and tourism both are promote each other by developed effective coordination. Both are also giving contribution in developing UK economy as well as developed the opportunities of employment for community.

TASK 2 A. Integration in hospitality and travel and tourism business and affects of horizontal and vertical Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Best Data Structure Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help, all documents are 100% unique and error free.

integration on hospitality organizations In previous years, businesses were focusing on gaining longer benefits from lower operating costs. For this, they were starting to produce their services in-house which were decreasing the out source conditions (Lynch, Molz and, 2011). To implement this strategy, companies were integrate their operations with other organizations and save the money. Now, this method is helping enterprises to increase their presence at international level as well as raise market share. The same thing has applied on both hospitality and travel and tourism businesses. It has been found that both are interdependent on each other and can not be separated. The benefits of integration can be understood by an example (O'Gorman, 2009). Thomas Cook has made contract with Marriott Hotel for accommodation, food and beverages and other facilities. This contract has provided the significances to both companies. With the help of this, the hotel is now increasing the sales of services and tourism organization is attracting more and more travellers by offering various holiday packages. Beside this, both are now able to show the presence at the international level. It has raised the market shares of both Marriott and Thomas Cook as well as increased profit level (Alexander, 2007). Therefore, the integration in hospitality and travel and tourism business has beneficial in terms of opportunities of growth and success.

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Vertical integration is a method where an organization may comes under agreements with another company for any purpose. The intention behind this is increase profitability and decreased operating costs. Vertical integration may be forward, lateral and backwards. Thomas Cook is adopting backward vertical integration method and the result of this is it is operating many groups such as Thomas Cook Tour Operations, Thomas Cook Cruises, Thomas Cook Travel Agents, Thomas Cook Airlines etc (Kotler, Bowen and Makens, 2006). On the other side, company has also adopted forwards vertical integration in which it has merged the business of other companies to reduce the cost of Airlines. The impact of such activity on hospitality organizations has able to made more control over the value chain. The distribution of the service became more easy. The cost of providing different services to customers has also reduced and it has leads to increased the effective utilization of resources. With the help of vertical integration, organization has taken competitive advantages and got the opportunities of deliver unique services to users (Kokemuller,2016). On the other hand, horizontal integration is essential for firms to maximize profitability by increased customer base, achieved economic of scales etc. Thomas Cook is also following horizontal integration in which it has merged with My Travel and Co-op Travel with the purpose of save costs and gain more profitability as well as developed the more opportunities for jobs. (Lashley, Lynch and Morrison, 2007) The impact of horizontal integration on hospitality organizations such as Thomas Cook Group are achieved economic of scale by selling similar services in more volume, advantages of sharing of resources, increased market power and decreased cost of international trading. But negative impact of horizontal integration over hospitality organizations operations are lack of control, decreased productivity, less authentication to take decisions etc (Farooq, 2014). Therefore, from above discussion, it has been identified that horizontal and vertical integration has made both positive and negative impact on hospitality organizations. B. Evaluation of impact of integration and ways decided by Thomas Cook to respond the consequences of horizontal and vertical integration Vertical and horizontal integration, both has to made impacts on business strategies of Thomas Cook. The affects of horizontal integration on company are increase efficiency of work, Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Best Data Structure Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help, all documents are 100% unique and error free.

meet economic of scale and scope and take advantages of international trade. The impact of this integration on organization can be understood by an example. By mergers with TUI and First Choice in 2007, the cost of travelling operations have decreased (Nickson, Warhurst and Dutton, 2005). It has leads to increase profit and the cost of operation became low. It has helped Thomas Cook to save money and increase sales of services. On the other side, the agreements with many other organizations have reduced other expenses and easy to reached untouched markets. Sharing of resources between Thomas Cook and other companies has decreased the wastage of resources. But the negative impact of horizontal integration for company is cut the benefits from existing one profit volume and distribute it into the business partners (Joseph, 2016). Along with this, in future, firm can face reduction in overall value of brand in the market place.

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On the other hand, vertical integration has also affected the business of Thomas Cook. The impacts of this integration both positive and negative. The positive impact of vertical integration is increasing investment and developed new services of travelling. With the help of this, it can be easy for customer to make the differentiation between services of Thomas Cook and its competitors. By this, company is enable to increase market share as well as business profits (Advantages And Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Best Data Structure Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help, all documents are 100% unique and error free.

Disadvantages Of Vertical Integration. 2014). Another impact of vertical integration for enterprise is highly certainty for quality of travel and tourism services. Thomas Cook has made tight control over quality of services which has delivered by its business partners. For example, while working with Marriott Hotel, Thomas Cook company can make control all the different operations. But, negative impact of vertical integration for company is unable to balance capacity (Ball, 2005). It is hard to make balance during high or low demand situations. It has created the dependency on other organizations to meet business objectives. It has leads to decreased flexibility of Thomas Cook. There are various actions have taken by Thomas Cook in the respect of minimizing the consequences of vertical and horizontal integration. First response of company in this direction is standardization of all services for all business partners in every nations. It has enable the firm to faced challenges while operating business around the world (Brotherton, 2013). Second response in direction of maintained capabilities, capacities and flexibility, Thomas Cook has opened its own hotels, villas etc. It has reduced dependency on other firm to achieve the objectives of business. In the same side, to maintain good brand image within the marketplace and take the advantages of competition, Thomas Cook has taken another action (Slattery, 2002). With the help of branding tool, firm is trying to attract more and more number of customers and gain loyalty of them. Therefore, by such types of responses, Thomas Cook has responded towards consequences of vertical and horizontal integration on business operations.

TASK 3 A. Producing project proposal for new hospitality organization and its designs based on a thorough market potential analysis Project Proposal of Summer special for new ABC hospitality organization is preparing on the basis of market potential analysis. From the research, it has been identified that there are many other travel and tourism organizations which are offering similar types of services to visitors (Airey and Tribe, 2000). There market shares have showed that customers are completely satisfying from their services and looking for same summer special offers. The other travel and tourism companies profit margins has increased. Along with this, the research has also stated that there are various places in UK which attracting visitors across the world (Lashley, Lynch and Morrison, 2007). On the basis of market potential analysis, the design of Summer Special project proposal for new ABC Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Best Data Structure Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help, all documents are 100% unique and error free.

hospitality organization is as follows. Product service concept: For Summer special offer, ABC Hotel will make all the arrangements for customers as per their needs. In this context, hotel management will prepare food and beverages according to weather conditions as well as taste and preferences of guests. Other supportive facilities such has bar, gym, pool , entertainment facility, park for children, transportation, guide etc. These will be sort as per the segment of consumers and their needs.

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Target market: Target market of ABC Hotel new Summer Special offer will medium and high income group. The segments in target market will also make so that it will easy to serve large market area within a less time (Brotherton, 2013). Therefore, organizations will understand individual needs of customers and make all the arrangements according to it. Location: The select location for Summer Special offer will be East London. From the research, it has determined that there are many places of visiting. The customers are prefer that areas for travelling. Along with this, there are many hotels and resorts which are offering the similar services to travellers at reasonable price (Slattery, 2002). Therefore, East London location will suitable for ABC Hotel in meet the business objectives as well as take the advantages of high competition. Operating model: For run the business in successful manner, it has needed for company to select a Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Best Data Structure Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help, all documents are 100% unique and error free.

operating model. In the context of ABC Hotel, the operation model will Business Operating Model (King McKercher and Waryszak, 2003). The following framework will help in define business roles and responsibilities of employees and employers within the hotel. Along with this, the process of selecting and recruitment of staff will also decide. The various pages will create on social media and a website will be developed where the customer will get the required information about hotel services and new project Summer Special offer (Lashley, 2008). The pricing strategy will formulate and develop some quality standards to make ensure that guest will get proper quality of services or not. Designing: The designing of rooms and other supportive accommodation facilities will good and pleasant. It will be attractive and hygiene so that customers will attract towards it (Lashley, 2000). The interior and exterior of hotel will be excellent so that it will give good experience to the guests and make their trip more memorable. B. Assessment of the financial feasibility of the proposed project on the basis of the expected cashflow analysis Cash flow is a statement which includes cash inflow and outflow of a company over a period of time. It has helped in showed liquidity and determined the rate of return of a project. For ABC new hospitality organization, it has fictitious that revenue of new proposed project Summer Special offers will be increase by 12% per year. The maintenance and other utilities will raise by 9%. The expected cash flow analysis for Summer Special offer project is as follows. Pre-operating year

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Owner's capital





Bank Loan










Total cash Inflow





Cash Inflow

Cash Outflow

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Purchase of fixed assets





Registration and legal charges





Infrastructure & designing





Utilities and maintenance





Promotions and advertisements





Miscellaneous expenses





Total cash outflow





Net cash flow





Opening balance





Net cash flow





Closing balance





From the above table of expected cash flow analysis, it has been found that cash inflow of ABC Hotel organization as compare to cash outflow has high which is positive sign for hotel. Cash inflow of the company has increased over every period of time. It has showed that Summer Special offer of ABC Hotel organization will be beneficial for firm to meet the business objectives and other aim.

CONCLUSION From the above research, it has been concluded that scope and scale of hospitality industry has huge in travel and tourism industry. The different kinds of hospitality operations has helped in meet various objectives of tourism business. There is a strong relationship between hospitality and travel and tourism and both has provided benefits to each other. Horizontal and vertical integration of Thomas Cook organization has delivered several advantages and disadvantages. But to resolve the consequences of integration, company has been take many steps which has effective for firm in future.

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