Sample On Human Resource Management In Travel and Tourism industries

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Human Resource Management In Travel and Tourism industries By

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Human resource management INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................................... 1 TASK 1 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Role and purpose of human resource management ..................................................................................... 1 1.2 Human resource plan based on an analysis of supply and demand ............................................................. 3 TASK 2 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 State of employment relation ...................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Employment law affects the management of human resources .................................................................. 6 TASK 3 .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7 3.1 Job description and person specification ..................................................................................................... 7 3.2 Compare the selection process in two different service industries .............................................................. 8 TASK 4 ........................................................................................................................................................................ 10 4.1 Contribution of training and development activities to the effective operation ........................................ 10 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................................................... 11 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................................... 13

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INTRODUCTION Human resource management is a set of functions which are designed in organization to maximize the service performance of employees. In an organization, human resource management is mainly focused on the management of the people or employees, policies and systems. To understand the concept about human resource management, Hilton Hotel Stratford is considered according to given case scenario. In US, Hilton Hotel is a market leader in service industry. This report will help to understand both the roles and purpose of human resource management. The modern and present business environment demands mainly a healthy employer relationship. This report will throw light on employee relationship which is important for the organization success. Further, this report will include employment law which affects the management of human resources. In this context, concepts about job description and selection process will be defined in this report. Sample On Human Resource Management, For Assignment Help Kindly contact At:

TASK 1 1.1 Role and purpose of human resource management Human resource management function is created to manage all human resource requirements of an organization along with improving the performance level of employees or human resources. It includes various types of processes which help to recruit, maintain, train all the human resources in order to achieve and accomplish the goals and objectives of Hilton Hotel Stratford. Main purpose of HRM is to develop, hire the capable staff members and this also reduces the requirement of external recruitment because it makes optimum utilization of existing employees within organization. The role of HRM is to not only manage and maintain the existing human resources but it also plans for unpredictable changes which will affect future staffing requirements (Importance of Human Resource Management, 2014). Basically, human resource management is a cost effective method for business to maintain and manage its employees. In Hilton Hotel, HRM helps to select and hire the right person for the right post at the right time because environment of service industry keeps on changing which is unpredictable. In order to perform the operation and practices efficiently in Hilton Hotel, HRM is mainly concerned with the Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global assignment help is one stop solution for best assignment help for colleges and universities student by experts writers at cheap price

development of skills, knowledge and performance of staff employees (Cho and et. al., 2006). Roles and purpose of human resource management are discussed below: 

Identification of employees requirements Human resource manager identifies and forecasts the requirements of staff members at Hilton Hotel. After

identification, to meet the employee's requirements, manager uses few methods like recruitment and selection which will help to select and hire the capable candidates in order to fill the vacant position in Hilton Hotel. 

Monitor employees performance Human resource manager has to monitor the performance level of all the existing employees in Hilton

Hotel. Manager also helps to increase awareness among the employees about the goals and objectives of organization. If, manager analyses that employee’s performance is not up to the mark then he tries to find the solution for this problem (Dimba, 2010). 

Access the required training needs of employees After analysis of employees performance level when the results do not match up to mark then manager has

to identify training needs which are required to improve the performance of existing employees. For this purpose, manager conducts development programs to enhance employee’s productivity. 

Motivation programs for employees Lack of motivation among employees decreases their performance level. For the solution of this problem,

manager organizes various programs and activities in order to motivate employees towards their work. Motivation programs also gives awareness about workplace legislation of Hilton Hotel (Mitchell, 2006). Sample On Human Resource Management, For Assignment Help Kindly contact At:  

Manage relation between management and employees HR manager also ensures that relationship among management, employees and customers are healthy and

positive. Manger also evaluate the reasons for the communication gaps which create problems between staff members. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global assignment help is one stop solution for best assignment help for colleges and universities student by experts writers at cheap price

Reward and appraisal for employees

According to performance level, employees are appraised and rewarded for their work. These rewards can be in form of financial or non-financial (Edwards, Sieminski and Zeldin, 2014). 

Welfare of employees For the welfare of employees, manager ensures about the environment of Hilton Hotel that it is safe for

both the employees and customers. In order to satisfy the needs of employees, proper services and facilities are given to them (Steps in Human Resource Planning, 2015). 1.2 Human resource plan based on an analysis of supply and demand

Figure 1 Organizational chart for Hilton hotel



plan is basically a continuous process which helps to identify both the current and future requirement of human resources in Hilton Hotel. This plan is an important part of strategic human resource development because it helps organization to take competitive advantage and also helps to reduce the level of employees turn over. Changes in factors of both the internal and external environment influence Hilton Hotel to make effective human resource planning. Five steps are included in the process of human resource planning which are described in below: 

Assessing the human resources Human resource manager has to focus on employee’s practices and business activities. The assessment

process of human resources mainly starts with the Hilton Hotel environmental analysis. This analysis includes both the internal and external forces of organization and in this, techniques like SWOT or PESTLE analysis are used. With the help of this analysis process, manager finds out the strength and weakness of organizations. To analyse the productivity of Hilton Hotel, HR manger has to identify the performance level of employees because their performance directly affects the productivity of company (Fleck and Kraemer, 2014). This step involves comprehensive job analysis process and also includes skills and inventory of staff members. Sample On Human Resource Management, For Assignment Help Kindly contact At: Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global assignment help is one stop solution for best assignment help for colleges and universities student by experts writers at cheap price 

Forecasting of demandThis step involves the process of identifying the estimate demand and supply of human resources in Hilton

Hotel. The process of demand forecasting analyses the future requirements for human resources in respect to both the quantity and work quality. Main purpose of this process is to meet the future HR requirements in order to achieve the desired output of Hilton Hotel. Future need of HR can be evaluated with the help of current situation of HR, plans and procedures of cited organization. 

Forecasting of supply This process is mainly concerned with the supply estimation of human resources. This process estimates

the future sources manpower which are present within the organization or outside the organization. In organization, internal sources includes job rotation, promotion, enrichment and transfer whereas external resources involves recruitment process through which fresh capable candidates are hired in Hilton Hotel (Ford, 2014). 

Matching both demand and supply This step of human resource planning is mainly concerned with bringing the future forecast of both demand

and supply of manpower. It involves the matching process in order to bring both demand and supply in the balance position, so, the condition like shortage and over staffing of employees will be solved (Gannon, Doherty and Roper, 2012). In the shortage condition, organization has to hire and in over staffing case, organization has to reduce existing employment. This step gives information about the sources and requirements of human resources. 

Action plan The action plan is the last phase of human resource planning process. This step is mainly focused on the

shortage and surplus of human resources in Hilton Hotel. Under this phase, all human resources plans are executed with the help of various human resource activities. To execute human resource plan, few activities are required such as recruitment process, selection process, placement, training, motivation, socialization and development. Action plan is followed by control and performance evaluation of man power in order to check that human resource planning is matching with policies and objectives of human resource. In future, according to the changes and conditions, the action plan should be updated in Hilton Hotel (Harness, 2009).

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TASK 2 2.1 State of employment relation Human Resource Management (HRM) is a broader subject which covers the dimensions of work to be done by the employees with respect to laws. In this regards, it includes Employee Relations (ER). It is an important area where processes and procedures of employee work are done in the jurisdiction of relationship management as well. This is required with a rationale to accomplish the certain outcomes such as employee-employer bonding, customer satisfaction, productivity, yielding etc. An effective relationship is an evidence of implementing certain ways to boost up staff members through motivation and leadership. Moreover, major advantage of positive employee relationship lies in dealing with conflicts and resolving problems that are encountered at the organization. Sample On Human Resource Management, For Assignment Help Kindly contact At: Coming to given case scenario where Hilton Hotel Stratford has been given. Working practices of this hotel is analysed on the basis of ER. In this service organization of hospitality industry, evaluation of various elements which are taken into consideration has been assessed. In a streamline of ER, an ideal relationship has been exemplified in certain ways (Harrison, 2011). Commencing with employment right where staff member must be through with contractual and statutory right. There must be essential to make an effective distinguish between these two. Furthermore, it includes the aspects such as discrimination at work, termination of contract for employment, work time regulations, imposing statutory and contractual employment right. With respect to ER at service industry, the current state has been reviewed with the shortage of effective relationships and its enforcement. Hilton Hotel Stratford is a hospitality organization where providing services and maintaining relationships with customers occupy a special role. It is because since at Hilton, there are various aspects such as dealing, influencing, motivating and providing best of facilities to the customers are in the hands of employees. In a crux, everything depends primarily on the maintenance of good employee-employer relationships (Hoque, 2013). Beside the ER crisis in the hospitality industry, there has been noticed proper state of employee relationship management at Hilton. The success of this organization is the evidence of how effectively the company norms are supporting the employment practices. For instance, regarding employment right, HR department of Hilton has been Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global assignment help is one stop solution for best assignment help for colleges and universities student by experts writers at cheap price

segregated contractual and statutory employment rights. They have been successful in enforcing the same in practice as well. There has been made close monitoring of the rights which imposed into practice. Moreover, there has been made close proximity in job terminations, work discipline, working time etc. (Lena and Tore, 2014) Various strategies can be followed for implementing good employment-employee relationship at Hilton. Staff participation is one of them where employees should be given a chance to voice their opinions. They must further be given a chance to involve in the process of decision making, staff engagement can be done by engaging them in activities in the form of event program etc. Further discounts, offers, e-mails, free coupons etc can also be given to them. In the same way, through the concept of collective bargaining, the need is to represent the interests of the employees by forming trade union. This may help the upcoming branch to assess effectively the entire surrounding including clients. In this way, the new branch may become successful in developing and maintaining good relationship with the employees (Employment Relationship, 2016). 2.2 Employment law affects the management of human resources National Minimum Wage Act, 1998

Working Time Regulation Act, 1998.

The FMLA (Family and medical leave act)

equal opportunity act

equality act

The word law refers to the framework which is about a set of guidelines that infer the implementation of activities in an organization. As a part of HR department of every enterprise, framing and implementing human resource policy are the key objectives. This is given by the United Kingdom (UK) government who is responsible for imposing and putting it into practice with the support of organization. Organization of UK needs to relate the laws of human resources to influence companies to follow in their activities. This is made by the human resource policy followed by every organization. With respect to Hotel Hilton at UK, employees act as catalysts who work to do all the activities. This is because of the fact that involvement of manpower in performance management has been of great relevance in driving productivity of the organization (Longenecker and Fink, 2013). Commencing with the employment law prevailing at UK ensures progress of staff members and safeguarding their interest. Employee laws commence from the wage and salary rate which ensure minimum amount to be provided to them. Along with this, laws also provide the time of working hour. For the same, there is National Minimum Wage Act, 1998 where employees are paid for twenty eight days with the completion of working hours not more than forty eight hours. This is stated according to the Working Time Regulation Act, 1998. The FMLA (Family and medical leave act) also highly influences the leave structure of employees. According to this act, it is very important for HR department to give appropriate leaves to their employees (Trethewy and Atkinson, 2003). Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global assignment help is one stop solution for best assignment help for colleges and universities student by experts writers at cheap price

Sample On Human Resource Management, For Assignment Help Kindly contact At: In service sector, equal opportunity act affects the HR policies as well as way of working and influences organization to give equal opportunities to every individual without any description at workplace. It is evaluated that there is a direct relationship between laws on service industries and employment relationship. According to the case scenario, hotel is opening 50 rooms at Stratford. The company is also required to follow equality act in its new branch where the employees will be protected from discrimination on the grounds of religion, sexual orientation and age. Equal access to employment opportunities must be given to them. They further have a right towards avoidance of unfair dismissal. In this context, it is important for human resource manager to follow all the employment regulations and laws in order to run the operation legally in Stratford city (Mitchell, 2006). Laws and regulations which are developed by UK government also help service industry to minimize their liability in relation to human resource operations. With the implementation of regulations, manager of Hilton will be able to solve the issues of employees in more effective manner (Rothwell, 2010). TASK 3 3.1 Job description and person specification The term job description means the detailed description of responsibilities and roles related to work of an individual. For the particular job, the term personal specification means the personal qualities, skills and capabilities of a person in order to perform and accomplish tasks in an efficient manner. Job requirement can be defined as a quality of work performance that is demanded from a person with respect to certain fixed regulations. In Hilton Hotel, there are various types of posts like receptionist, banquette manager, waiter, cleaning staff, marketing manager and chef. Job description and personal specification of banquette manger in Hilton Hotel are described below: 

Job title:- Banquette manager

Job location: Stratford City.

Working conditions:- 8 work (in different shifts)

Reporting to: Food manager, sales manager and beverage manager. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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Job summary: Both beverage and food managers are responsible for coordinating the delivery of beverages and foods for various functions which are held in Hilton Hotel. It includes details related to

functions which are held in meeting rooms and banquet by management. Position of banquette manager is concerned with the front of home activities. Personal specification:

Education: Minimum metric passed.

Language: Knowledge of English and French.

Communication: Good oral and verbal communication.

Prior experience: 2 year working experience in service industry.

Skill and duties: Candidate should be willing and able to work in flexible hours.

Characteristics: Candidate should be friendly and supportive in nature (Job Description for Banquet Manager in hotel, 2012).

The banquette manager has various types of duties and responsibilities which are stated below: 

Achieve overall success and maximum profitability by controlling the quantity and cost of services.

Achievement of beverage sales, labour costs and food sales.

Actively participation in marketing activities related to food and beverages.

Control of banquet over cutlery, linen, glassware and equipment.

Completion of delivery sheets related to various functions in an accurate and timely manner.

Help in preparing actual and forecasting the budget functions (Sargeant, 2012).

Successfully completion of weekly pay roll input and function summary sheets.

Efficiently completion of schedules in respect to weekly and monthly.

Effectively coordinate and supervise the daily activities of banquet set ups, meetings and various services.

To supervise and completion of banquet bar.

Manage and maintain the control policies of hotel bar.

Maintain all the records which are related to labour cost, inventory, food costs and so on.

Actively participate and attend weekly meetings of food and beverage.

To assist and guide in menu pricing and planning.

Maintain and develop all control procedures related to department.

Following proper procedures of requisitioning and purchasing.

Submit truthful reports to managers of sales, beverage and food.

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3.2 Compare the selection process in two different service industries Here you have to compare Hilton hotel with other organizational hotels. Choose your example within Travel and Tourism industry and not a completely different business. Keep the same policy for Hilton Hotel and tailor your answer to your chosen hotel business but don t forget that Hilton hotel will apply same policies and procedures. Process of recruitment and selection process varies from industry to industry. There is lot of difference in recruitment of managers in auto mobile and hospitality sector which is given below the paragraph. Selection process of Hospitality industry 

Screening test- Hilton establishes its training centre for the selection its employees. Hotel management takes fresher candidates after schooling in the UK. Further, corporation conducts aptitude test to measure their analytical skills for screening talented candidates. As per the result, enterprise selects its applicants for training of hotel manager.


Training- In this process, management of Hilton starts training programme for its selected employees in its centre. Further, organisation provides various knowledge and information which are necessary to become effective manager with the help of trainers. Managers of Enterprise teach various things to these applicants like dealing with customers in order to complete their needs and requirements. In addition, they also focus on communication skills, problem solving, decision making as well as coordinating skills of applicants for the further improvement in the Hilton (Trethewy and Atkinson, 2003).


Interview- In this process, organisation conducts final interview with its candidates in order to check their skills for hotel manager. Interviewers ask many question to identify the knowledge level of applicants by giving various cases on hotel management. In addition to this, they also analyse problem solving, decision making, coordinating and collaboration as well as communication skills of candidates in the interview process. On the basis of positive results of applicants, they select for the hotel manager of Hilton organisation. In the next step, interviewers decide the annual package of employees in the enterprise (Recruiting talent, 2015). Apart from that, corporation directly conducts final interviews for experienced candidates in the United Kingdom.

Selection process of Milestone hotel The given hotel has laid more emphasis on selecting candidates through Aptitude test. This is as the company is mainly dependent on college freshers for the selection of job at executive level. The test is there to check general knowledge, aptitude and logical skills (Haleem, 2014). The candidates are then allowed to be a part of group discussion if they clear the same. Here, the HR management gives a single topic which is to be discussed for the test. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global assignment help is one stop solution for best assignment help for colleges and universities student by experts writers at cheap price

This aids in analysing communication skill and confidence of applicant (Tsai and Yen, 2008). Then comes the chance for Final interview which is done by department head. After that, HR manager of corporation selects candidates for the organisation after discussing their annual packages (Selection: Meaning and Steps Involved in Selection Procedure, 2015). Sample On Human Resource Management, For Assignment Help Kindly contact At: TASK 4 4.1 Contribution of training and development activities to the effective operation Training can be defined as an organized activity for imparting infromato as well as instructions so as to improve overall performance of employee. Development can be defined as making use of scientific and technical knowledge for meeting up the specific objectives. Off the job training

On the job training Coach training

Classroom Lectures Audio-Visual

one to one training

Role Playing

Proper assessment for the development and training of employees is required to perform business practices in an effectual manner. For the implementation of training and developments programs, it is important and necessary for human resource manager to set up adequate and accurate link between induction and training programs. Without setting the adequate link, Hilton Hotel would be unable to provide effective training to their human resources and improve their level of performance as well as skills. There are various types of reasons for which organization will require to provide proper training to their human resources which can discussed below: Need of training in organization

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Human resource manager of Hilton Hotel will require to provide training to their employees for the different purposes such as: Sample On Human Resource Management, For Assignment Help Kindly contact At: 

Performance improvement- According to the given case scenario, Hilton Hotel opens 50 rooms at Stratford city. The main motive behind this is to offer variety of services and facilities to their customers in order to meet their requirement in an efficient manner. In this context to achieve the objectives of organization, HR manager has to consider important factors like weaknesses and shortcomings in hotel (Mitchell, 2006). With the help of training and development programs, it can be achieved. By providing effective training activities to employees, organization will be able to attain its objectives and satisfy customers in an effective way. Training activities will help to enhance the skills, performance, knowledge and potential of employees. Through effective training, employees will be able to attain customers in an effective manner.

 

For new employees- Activities which are related to training and development are essentially required for new employees of Hilton Hotel. Main purpose is toaware them about the culture, objectives and goals of organization and also to polish their existing skills in more efficient way. For new hired staff members, training is required to make them comfortable towards work and to increase their contribution in the success of Hilton Hotel (Edwards, Sieminski and Zeldin, 2014).

To increase satisfaction level- In an organization, to increase the satisfaction level of existing employees, HR department has to interact with the employees and other staff members. With the help of interaction, HR manager will be able to know their problems and issues which are faced by employees at the time of working. Through this, manager will be aware about the issues and will try to find the appropriate solution. If, employee’s issues are solved at the right time then they will be motivated towards their work and will try to give their best. It is important that employees must be satisfied with their work because if they are satisfied, then they will work more efficiently in order to accomplish tasks.

To increase productivity- Employees of Hilton will be able to perform their tasks efficiently and independently when they will be trained by their trainers and supervisors. This method will surely influence Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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organization to create learning culture which will be helpful for all the human resources. Training activities will develop skills and knowledge of employee, this will also increase the productivity of Hilton Hotel (Longenecker and Fink, 2013).

The motive of training and development is to enhance the

skills and performance of employees according to their job profile. In organization, the impact of training and development can be measured in the form of achieved objectives of Hilton Hotel. Level of customer satisfaction, cost

analysis, growth rate of company and performance level of employees are also the major criteria to measure the impact of training and development programs. CONCLUSION With the help of this, it can be articulated that human resource management plays an important role in organization to run business activities in an effective way. It involves methods like selection, recruitment etc. that help HR manager to manage and identify the need of human resources in organization. Through this report, it can be said that training and development activities help employees to enhance their skills, performance and satisfaction level which increase the productivity of organization. Sample On Human Resource Management, For Assignment Help Kindly contact At:

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REFERENCES Books and Journals Cho, S. and et. al., 2006. Measuring the impact of human resource management practices on hospitality firms’ performances. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 25(2). pp. 262-277. Dimba, B. A., 2010. Strategic human resource management practices: effect on performance. African Journal of Economic and Mnagement Studies. 1(2). pp.128 – 137. Edwards, R., Sieminski, S. and Zeldin, D., 2014. Adult learners, education and training. Routledge. Fleck, S. J. and Kraemer, W., 2014. Designing Resistance Training Programs, 4E. Human Kinetics.

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