Sample Report on International Healthcare policy

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Sample Report On

International Healthcare policy

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Table of Contents INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1 TASK 1 healthcare policy formation in an international context ................................................... 1 LO 1.1 ......................................................................................................................................... 1 LO 1.2 ......................................................................................................................................... 1 LO 1.3 ......................................................................................................................................... 2 TASK 2 The social and cultural context of healthcare ................................................................... 3 LO 2.1 ......................................................................................................................................... 3 LO 2.2 ......................................................................................................................................... 3 LO 2.3 ......................................................................................................................................... 4 LO 2.4 ......................................................................................................................................... 5 TASK 3 Healthcare provisioning.................................................................................................... 5 LO 3.1 ......................................................................................................................................... 5 LO 3.2 ......................................................................................................................................... 6 LO 3.3 ......................................................................................................................................... 7 LO 3.4 ......................................................................................................................................... 7 TASK 4 Role of public health and health promotion in the provision of healthcare services ....... 8 LO 4.1 ......................................................................................................................................... 8 LO 4.2 ......................................................................................................................................... 9 LO 4.3 ......................................................................................................................................... 9 TASK 5 Contemporary issues in health and social care ............................................................... 10 LO 5.1 ....................................................................................................................................... 10 LO 5.2 ....................................................................................................................................... 10 LO 5.3 ....................................................................................................................................... 10 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 11 REFRENCES ................................................................................................................................ 12

INTRODUCTION Health care policy can be referred as the plans, decisions and actions that are carry out to attain desired healthcare goals within the nation. These policies outlines probable role of different groups. priorities and inform people (Goetzel and 2008). This report is prepared to analyze the formation of healthcare policy in an international context. In addition to this, healthcare provisioning and social and context as well as role of public health and health promotion in the provision of services is evaluated. Here in the report contemporary issues in this sector is discussed.

TASK 1 healthcare policy formation in an international context LO 1.1 National Health Services in the UK provides healthcare to all permanent residents of the nation and it is free at the point of use. It highly contribute in formation of healthcare policies. NHS provides majority of its services in England and involve in-patient care, dentistry, ophthalmology, and primary care (Rasheed, 2013). They highly contribute in formation of healthcare policy to government as the collect feedback from patients so that best policy can be develop. The private health services also conduct market research and also support government as well as WHO in order to develop effective healthcare policies. The local or national organizations and national priorities provide support and collect ideas and suggestions of stakeholders such as customers, staff, community and suppliers in order to formulate healthcare policy (Davies, 2000). Further they also provides funds in formation of policies and procedures in order to provide care to people in the nation. LO 1.2 There are various funding models that influence the formation of healthcare policy. It helps in development of effective policy and provide support to provide high quality care and services to people in the nation. The different funding models are public, private, charity, mixed funding and non-governmental organization. In public funding the money which pay to NHS is directly come from taxation (Srivastava, 2007). Government of UK collect money from people Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Top Notch Coursework Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

through taxation which is used for welfare of public through healthcare services. Further there are some private companies that provide fund for formation of effective healthcare policies and procedures in order to protect life of people. These are insurance companies that provide fund for well being of people. In addition to this, charity funding also providing support in order to increase healthcare into nation (Morath, 2004). Further Mixed funding i.e. inclusion of public and private highly influence formation of policies. Government and some private sector organizations highly contributing their efforts and funds in development of policies. These models influence the formation of healthcare policies as they provide support to provide high quality services to people into nation which is beneficial for their wellbeing (Healy, 2011).

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Kindly Contact us at: LO 1.3 Healthcare in England is provided by National Health Services (NHS) and it is free at the point of use for patients through there are fees associated with prescription, dental care, eye tests and several other aspects of personal care. It provide comprehensive services that is available for all irrespective of gender, age, race, disability, belief, religion, sexual orientation and respecting Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Top Notch Coursework Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

their human rights (Davies, 2000). They aim to the highest standard of professionalism and excellence to provide high quality, effective and focused care to patients that is safe. There are several healthcare policies that are develop in the UK in order to provide high quality services to patients. Making mental health services more effective and accessible is connected with disability in the UK. In addition to this, it is related with poor physical and problems in the areas such as education, relationships and work prospects (Franco and Tavares, 2013). NHS wants to making better access to mental health service and shorter waiting time in order to reduce mental problems into nation. They will provide ÂŁ400 million between 2011 and 2015 so that more people in the nation can access psychological therapies.

TASK 2 The social and cultural context of healthcare LO 2.1 Culture is the outline of custom, ideas and behavior that shared by society and people. Healthcare professionals and patients are highly influenced by their culture. The biasness of culture may results in different health-related perceptions and preferences (Banaszak, Levitsky and Zald, 2010). It is essential for healthcare providers to being aware about the various beliefs of people and incorporate those new awareness into their treatment planning and diagnosis. This will helps them to promote trust by demonstrating awareness of culture of patients. Healthcare organizations are required to conduct market research and to increase their knowledge about diverse culture of people (Glasby, 2012). This will helps them in development of high quality services which will provide satisfaction to patients. It will also assist them to gain trust of people and to provide better lives to them. In addition to this, culture affects perception of health, approaches to health promotion, beliefs about cause of disease, types of treatment patients prefer and illness and death. Healthcare professionals are required to incorporate culture of people into their practices which will helps them to encourage people to support organization and to receive high quality services (Morgan, 2013). LO 2.2 Society highly impact on the healthcare services provided by organization. Society involves education, life style, values, beliefs, class structure and cultural and social priorities Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Top Notch Coursework Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

which influence healthcare. Educated people are aware about the necessity of healthcare and they take care themselves (Goetzel and 2008). On the other hand people those who are not aware about importance of healthcare they does not give priority to this. In addition to this, unemployed people felt depressed and because they could not get a job. Society refers different thongs to divers people. This involve legal, political, cultural and environmental framework in which people live in (Calnan, Rowe and Entwistle, 2006). Healthcare is highly influenced by the norms, ideas, rules, information, guidelines and environment that they encounter everyday. The environment such as temperature, availability of food, air pollution etc. impact on the health of people. High class people give priority to their health and on the other hand citizens gives low importance which leads to various health issues for them. Further people wants that services should be provides as per their values, beliefs, culture and perception. Hence it can be stated that society highly influence healthcare (Habersack, Gerlich and Mandl, 2011). LO 2.3 Attitude of people towards healthcare is changing as their expectations is constantly rising. In the present era public is making more demand on healthcare professionals and looking for more engagement in decision regarding their care. In addition to this, high proportion of public wants to see the NHS protected from any sort of funding cost (Curtis, 2013). They wants that all the drugs and treatments should be provided by NHS. Further there is opposition to local variation in care and a desire for common standards. Public give less support for spending money on welfare benefits and healthcare. There are huge generational differences in attitude of population. People pressure on funding and demand for services grow in the NHS in order to maintain their current standard if it fall (Kikuzawa, Olafsdottir and Pescosolido, 2008). People have positive attitude towards healthcare professionals and organization as they have coped with increased cost in a variety of way. They are aware about health and different types of illness which helps to provide support to healthcare organizations and to enhance wellbeing into society (Desombre, 2007).

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LO 2.4 Cultural and social highly impact on the healthcare in the present era and it change the attitude of people towards these services. It change the priorities of organizations as they have to develop their policies as per cultural and social values and beliefs of public. NHS developed the policy for reduction of drugs misuse and dependence in order to provide better lives to patients (Rasheed, 2013). In England healthcare policies formulated as per values, beliefs, culture, education and class structure of people in order to gain their trust and loyalty. In the present era healthcare practices are developed as per perception, expectations and cultural values of people in order to provide satisfaction to people and to promote wellbeing into nation (Zwetsloot, and 2010).

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Kindly Contact us at: TASK 3 Healthcare provisioning LO 3.1 The healthcare policy is translated into practices into international context with the help of healthcare organizations. There are various policies and procedures can be implemented Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Top Notch Coursework Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

through hospitals at national, local and regional. In England all systems and policies can be translated into practices through NHS and its is the public sector organization (Ring, 2008). Some private firms also provide services into healthcare in order to protect lives of people. There are some hospitals that are combinations of public and private ownership that formulate policies and procedures in order to promote healthcare into nation. Organizations can conduct meetings with stakeholders and can identify their suggestions for implementation of policy as it will helps them to successfully translate the strategy (Strandberg, Eklund and Manthorpe, 2012). Further healthcare policy and procedure first can use by WTO and they will identify its effectiveness than it will executed at regional level as it is small area. After the policy will be implemented at local and national level through public, private and mixture organizations. LO 3.2 In the present era there are various organization involved in national level in different nations in order to provide healthcare services. In UK NHS provide healthcare services at national level that offer free healthcare at the point of use comes from the core principles at the funding (West, 2012). It provides majority of its healthcare into England involve long term services, in-patient care and primary care. Further they provide comprehensive range of services to their patients and shape their services around the expectations and preferences of patients in the nation as well as their families (Snelling, 2010). World Health Organization (WHO) provides services at internat5ional level and it is a specialized agency that concerned with global health of public. They provide leadership on matters critical to health and connecting in partnership when combined efforts are required. They set norms and standards as well as promote and monitor their execution (Cunningham and Geller, 2014). In addition to this, WHO provide technical support and building sustainable institutional capacity. Further they monitor the situation of health and assess the trends in health. Hence these two organizations works in national and international context in order to promote wellbeing of people and to encourage healthcare into globe (Hendrikson, 2010).

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LO 3.3 In England healthcare is mainly provided by public health services i.e. NHS that provide services to all residents of the UK. This system dominates healthcare provisions in the nation. Most of the public in nation use the services provided by NHS. It is the public sector organization that govern by government. There are two types of trust in NHS i.e. commissioning trust for negotiating with health care provider to local public and assessment of local needs (Eriksson, Axelsson and Axelsson, 2012). On the other hand provider trusts are bodies of NHS that deliver healthcare services. The majority of services is delivered in prime healthcare setting. Commissioning trusts will be involved in major capital as well as other healthcare spending projects in their nation. Recently a formal constitution has been adopted by NHS for the first time. They provide comprehensive services to all people irrespective of disability, age, gender, religion, beliefs, race and also respect human rights (Duquenoy, George and Kimppa, 2008). NHS works in partnership other firms in the interest of local communities and patients. Or4ganization provide treatment with a professional standard of care and put efforts to improve quality of healthcare. LO 3.4 There are various practical barriers to provision of healthcare in England such as accessibility in context of transport and social issue, funding problem. NHS also experiencing funds problem as they provide free services to some extent which increase their cost of treatment. In addition to this, people are least interested in investing tax that is use for healthcare services which created financial problem for NHS (Habersack, Gerlich and Mandl, 2011). Further war and natural disaster also creates barriers in practical implementation of health care policies and delivering of services. The cost of private health insurance is very high which creates problem healthcare into nation. There are also transportation issue which impact on growth of healthcare organizations into England. In addition to this, there are some safety issues in the present era that create practical barriers for healthcare into nation (Hendrikson, 2010).

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TASK 4 Role of public health and health promotion in the provision of healthcare services

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LO 4.1 In the modern era, there are various socio-political issues at international level that impact on public health at global level. Governments of different nations are highly concerned about public health and due to this they encourage development of new dugs and their testing. Effective research is done in order to produce new drugs and medicines. These are first tested on animals than after issued for public in order to promote their wellbeing (Duquenoy, George and Kimppa, 2008). The laws and regulations developed by government of different nations regarding healthcare highly impact on public health. It encourage pharmaceutical companies for development of high quality medicines which is beneficial for public. The legal bodies are high

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concerned for health of people and due to this they encourage organizations to provide better services to their patients. LO 4.2 There are various international campaigns and national policies developed by WHO which impact on demand for healthcare. These policies and procedures encourage people to take proper care. This helps to engage public into healthcare which leads to high quality services into this area. The government of nation promote healthcare among people and encourage organizations to provide high quality services to their patients (Kikuzawa, Olafsdottir and Pescosolido, 2008). There are various promotional tools are used by legal bodies in order to promote health among public such as television, social media, news paper and magazines. In the modern era, effective advertisements are formulated which shown on television in order to encourage people to take proper care. Further there is link between priorities and politics into healthcare as government give priorities to healthcare and put efforts for its development into nation. Hence it can be stated that international campaigns national policies impact on demand for healthcare (Desombre, 2007). LO 4.3 Health promotion plays an important role in determining healthcare service demand into setting of England. There are various services provided by NHS into UK in order to promote wellbeing of public and to provide better lives to them. They grants rights to their patients which are intended to be legally enforceable. Further they works across boundaries of company and in partnership with others (Rasheed, 2013). NHS effectively focused on the experience of patients and provide high quality care with excellence. Further they use the drugs and treatment that have been recommended by NICE and treat all people with respect and dignity. They promote health and develop healthcare services into England in order to provide better lives to public. NHS use diverse health care promotion techniques that assist in development of different attitudes to demand for healthcare (Zwetsloot and 2010).

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TASK 5 Contemporary issues in health and social care LO 5.1 Financial and political factors can affect business mostly. Economic condition of the country is the big issue for company. Nation has inflation, price, GDP, etc. major indicators which decides way for any organization of the country. Financial and political view of the country declares the whole way of health and social care (Cunningham and Geller, 2014). Position of the state is the big challenge for health and social care today. Nation may be in position of developing, developed, non developing etc. Social factors like life style of the people, languages of the persons etc. can decide the whole policy. Income, working condition, environment, education level, health behaviors etc. affects the organizational decision of industry (Snelling, 2010). Government of the country decide the map for any business. Rules and regulation regarding health an social industry may be very important issue today. LO 5.2 Any company which want to do business in any country of world has to analyze social factors of the country. Physical environment of the country decides health of the people. Income of the people will decide that what should be the price of the product of health and social industries. Education level decides awareness regarding health (Eriksson, Axelsson and Axelsson, 2012). Occupation of the individual also affect the business. Economy of the country play big role in health and social business. Nation has many economical factors which make impact on investment decision of company like inflation, GDP, interest rates etc. Government policies and political thinking are two major issue which fix on the investment decision for a firms. Rules regarding social and health industries decide the style of investment in any country (Curtis, 2013). LO 5.3 In international environment company has to analyze the main factors which can affect the work of the business. World policy for human will decide that whether company should Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Top Notch Coursework Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

invest in any country or not. International politics also play major role for health and social firms. Many a time international forces decide the investment plan of the industries (Ring, 2008). Associates has many national factor which may be unique for any country. culture, individual income, environment etc. are most important feature that affect the industries. Every country of the world has many different FDI rules and regulation for industries. company has to follow that in proper manor for doing work in the country (Strandberg, Eklund and Manthorpe, 2012).

CONCLUSION From the above report it can be articulated that funding models highly influence the formation of policy in England as it helps in successfully implementation of policies and procedures. In addition to this, culture of people such as values, beliefs, customs highly influence healthcare into nation. Further society such as lifestyle, education and class of public also influence the policies, procedures and functioning of organizations. Healthcare policy is translated into practices through organizations such as hospitals at national, local and regional level.

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REFRENCES Books & Journals Banaszak, J. C. Levitsky, S. R. and Zald, M. N., 2010. Social Movement and the Transformation of American Health Care. Oxford University Press. Calnan, M., Rowe, R. and Entwistle, V., 2006. Trust relations in health care: an agenda for future research. Journal of Health Organization and Management. 20(5) .pp.477 – 484. Curtis, J., 2013. The needs of people with alcohol-related brain injury (ARBI): a review of the international literature. Drugs and Alcohol Today. 13(3). pp.205 – 214. Davies, C., 2000. Changing Practice in Health and Social Care. SAGE. Desombre, T., 2007 . Healthcare Management", International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing. 1(1). pp.96 – 97. Duquenoy, P. George, C. and Kimppa, K., 2008. Ethical, Legal, and Social issues in medical informatics. IGI Global Snippet. Eriksson, A., Axelsson, B. S. and Axelsson, R., 2012. Collaboration in workplace health promotion – a case study. International Journal of Workplace Health Management. 5(3). pp.181–193. Franco, M. and Tavares, P., 2013. The influence of professional identity on the process of nurses' training: an empirical study. Leadership in Health Services. 26(2). pp.118 – 134. Glasby, J., 2012. Understanding Health and Social Care. The Policy Press. Goetzel, Z. R. and, 2008. Employer integration of health promotion and health protection programs. International Journal of Workplace Health Management. 1(2). pp.109–122. Habersack, M., Gerlich, A. I. and Mandl, M., 2011. Migrant women in Austria: difficulties with access to health care services. Ethnicity and Inequalities in Health and Social Care. 4(1). pp.6 – 15. Healy, J., 2011. Improving Health Care Safety and Quality: Reluctant Regulators. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. Hendrikson, H., 2010. Migrant Social Networks and Health Care: Exploring the Relationship between Women's Social Networks and Migrant Health Care Access in the United States. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care. 6(1) .pp.3 – 14.

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Kikuzawa, S. Olafsdottir, S. and Pescosolido, B. A., 2008. Similar Pressures, Different Contexts: Public Attitudes toward Government Intervention for Health Care in 21 Nations. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 49(4). pp. 385-399. Morath, J. M., 2004. To Do No Harm Ensuring Patient Safety in health Care Organizations. Jossey Bass Wiley.

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