Sample Report on Dynamics Of Leadership by Expert Writers

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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 3 ROLE AND PROCESS OF LEADERSHIP .................................................................................. 1 POWER AND INFLUENCE OF LEADERSHIP .......................................................................... 4 WAYS TO MOTIVATE EMPLOYEES ........................................................................................ 9 DEVELOPMENT AND EFFICIENCY OF TEAM ..................................................................... 10 ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE ................................................................................................. 11 LEADERSHIP STYLES .............................................................................................................. 13 COMPLETE PARTICIPATION .................................................................................................. 15 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................. 16 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 17

TABLE OF FIGURES Figure 1Hill's leadership model ...................................................................................................... 3 Figure 2Lewins model .................................................................................................................. 12

INTRODUCTION Leadership is the ability that is required in an organization that facilitates the proper flow of information and it also ensures proper and efficient delegation of authorities. In a management, motivation is required so that to persuade the employees to play an important role in the workplace. Leader plays an important role in an organization as it provides proper guidance to its subordinates. An efficient work environment helps in sound and stable growth (Adair, 2010). The main function of management is leadership which helps to maximize efficiency and this thereby helps in achieving objectives. Leadership and motivation are interrelated to each other as leaders are the only persons that motivate the employees so that to increase efficiency in performance level. In this present study, researcher has chosen the ‘U’ care organization which is a national charity and having regional manager in their firm. Their role is to co-ordinate a small group of full time staff and volunteers. This report presented some objective on the ground of leadership which has to be fulfilled. Keeping the objectives in mind role, process, power, personality, team development, style and many more n respect of leadership will be discussed (Adair, 2011). At last a conclusion will be drawn out which provide an essence of this report.

ROLE AND PROCESS OF LEADERSHIP It is required to motivate the employees so that to increase job satisfaction and it also encourages productivity. Both the leader and the management of U care organization play a significant role in employee motivation. A leader motivates the employees in such a way that it combines organizational goals with individual goals (Adams, 2012). The role of leaders and managers has been explained as under:  Understand the factors that motivates employees  Create a fair system  Increases the efficiency in performance

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 Builds effective communication  Helps to get high competitive advantage  Resolves the issues and conflicts  Fair means of reward system (Alvesson, 2012)  Improves the productivity of employee and this thereby helps in organizational productivity

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Leadership is not an easy task to perform, Infect he/she is the representative of group or organization. Their roles and responsibilities are so high. Roles that they follow are: leaders are liable to manage the operations of team (Adair, 2010). In a group or team leader delegate authorities to their member and work has to be done accordingly. Leader provides proper guidance, supervision and cooperation to their team members if they find any problem in any task. Last is leader deciding the fund that has been required to carry out the work means they prepare the budget?

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The above mentioned chart on leadership model displays four layers or steps in the team leadership model. Those four steps are: 

At the top layer, all members of a team perform and the organization evaluates the performance of the team and determines the effectiveness of the team.

There is an internal and external analysis of the leadership level at the second stage.

The third level determines the task, relational and environmental aspects. At this stage the leaders are required to identify the goals and structure of the organization so that to organize training



Figure 1Hill's leadership model



(Source Bowerman, 2003)

The process of

leadership is not an easy Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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task. Leadership is the art whereby a leader by his performance influences others. It is required for the leader to make number of followers so that to bring effective coordination in an organization. In a U care organization, a number of activities are there and it is the main duty of the leader to employ the employee in that place where they can put their best efforts. It is a process whereby the subordinates of an organization follow the given directions framed by their leader. Leadership is defined as the process where every individual is suppose to follow their immediate leader and leader lead the group towards the accomplishment of common objective (Finkelestein and, 2009). Management is more transactional whereas leadership is more visionary or dynamic. In the process of leadership, leader required an art which can help the individual to achieve the objectives of organization as well as individual objectives (Bowerman, 2003).

POWER AND INFLUENCE OF LEADERSHIP Leader is not an ordinary person, he have to have some special skills that differentiate them with others employees. He/she is the person who poses some special power that make them called as leader. Power and influence of leader can be seen in following points shared below: The management of U care organization would be more competitive enough if the power of regional manger follows the steps shared below: (Gitlow, 2004) Cultural challenges In an organization there various employees that follow different culture and this is the main reason that creates issues in an organization. It is required for the U care organization to follow the culture of the country so that it does not affect the interest of the society (Griffith and, 2009).

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Ethical challenges It has been seen in several cases that in order to get high appreciation for their organization and even funds, organizations generally involved in unethical practices. So regional manager have to take care that under their supervision this should not be done and should be done with full ethical means.

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Difficulty in decision making In an organization, there are various employees and it is required for the management to take opinions from its employees so that to get suitable advices (Finkelestein and et. al., 2009). Hasty decisions leads to improper functions and this thereby affects the decision making ability. Effectiveness is required so that to take correct decisions. Power and influence can be seen best out there by molding the behavior of employees towards the common aim of organization and further persuade them to become leader’s supportive role (Holt and, 2003). Gender issues Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Professional Leadership Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

A lot many issues have been seen related to the gender biasness. Equal importance should be given to all the employees so that to remove discrimination. But if the leader with ful confidence educate their employees to not to raise such issues as they are equal for this organization, then the regional manager can more effectively direct the operations and performance of their volunteer and staff (Hughes and Beatty, 2011). Improper training There are many employees in a U care organization that requires training as medical services cannot be granted without having proper knowledge (Finkelestein and, 2009). Leader can shoe their power to choose employees for training whose performance are not up to the mark because carefulness in their work may dishearten the underprivileged young people. Efficient training sessions are required so that to increase the efficiency of the employees and this can help the organization to deliver better services (Kanter, 2004). Time management Time management is the essential task that requires efficiency. It is the main issue with all the managers that they are not able to manage the activities. So in order to remove the issues, they have to make best use of their power in assessing training regards to time management (Hughes and Beatty, 2011). Moreover, along with the above discussion power of leadership can also be defined through this chart which explains the power of leadership at each level, they are as under:

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Personhood People Developer Production Permission Position

Level 1 – Position (Rights) It is the most basic level of leadership where the people have to follow the order of their immediate leader. This level drives the fellowship because of authority and position that leaders possess in their team. Without these authority he/she is not able to lead their team (Mulki and, 2011). In this level of leadership it is delegated on the ground of hierarchy bass and is applied only to lower level of an organization. Level 2 – Permission (Relationship) This level is completely opposite of former level. As in this level leader tries to make relation with people around them. Their main of building such relationship is to enhance their capability of leadership, this relationship let people to follow their leader as p their interest. This relationship helps leaders to be like by their fellow members. So the essence of this level is to build a healthy relationship with their members (Osborne and Brown, 2005). Level 3 – Production (Results) In the level of this leadership, leader always try to perform with the best of their efforts and wants to contribute outstanding in their organization. This is basically done under this level. This achievement lead the leader in their group and boost up their confidence and inoculate positivity in their behavior and relation (Mulki and, 2011). In this level whatever the challenge is given to leader, they make it happen and perform with their best. This makes the Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Professional Leadership Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

organization ore successful one and winning one. This performance is highly enjoyed by the commercial organization when the results are being achieved on time (Schein, 2010).

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Kindly Contact us at: Level 4 – People Development (Reproduction) Under this phase of leadership model, members are suppose to follow their leader due to their contribution in developing them in their carrier. Leader under this level believes to develop their fellow members to improve their working style and improve their efforts. By doing so they are actually developing their members in an organization and this makes the leader feel happy as their members are obeying their orders. These concerns for their members make the members and leader both happy and strengthen their relationship and people will follow them in future as well with full loyalty. This leadership form is seen in the world of academic (Storey, 2013). Level 5 – Pinnacle (Respect) Last but not the least, this step is defined as personhood step. In this stage people follow their leader because what he/she actually is and what he represents was totally differe4nt. In this step leader makes their own rule of doing the work and is work on the intuition to achieve single goal (Wart, 2012). Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Professional Leadership Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

WAYS TO MOTIVATE EMPLOYEES Regional managers have to deal with many personalities in their organization and every personality possesses different views and opinions (Hughes and Beatty, 2011). In that case leadership plays an influential role in motivating the workforce in an organization. In order to increase the productivity and to motivate them for common goal, it is required to know about various theories. Here are some motivational theories that will be showing the importance of motivation at workplace and help regional managers to tackle different personality (Concepts of Leadership, 2010). Maslow Maslow believed that the needs of an individual can be expressed in a hierarchical form whereby different needs can be defined. The first need in the hierarchy is the basic needs such as food, cloth and shelter. After satisfying the basic needs, the level of motivation changes and it moves towards the upper needs. Thus, by this Maslow suggest that it is required to identify the needs of employee so that to address them properly (Kotter, 2012). The five levels in need hierarchy are physiological, safety, social, esteem to self actualization needs. Herzberg The theory is based upon those facts that lead disappointment. There are several factors that demotivate the employees and the theory identifies the reasons that results in dissatisfaction (Osborne and Brown, 2005). The main factors are concerned with the job of an employee. Other elements are those that affect the work performance and motivation level. Motivation at this stage is required so that to develop the growth aspects and also bring efficiency in work performance (Leadership and Strategy, 2011).

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Cognitive theory Cognitive theory can be classified into three categories and such are equity, goal setting and expectancy theory. All the theory emphasizes on motivating employee by achieving the desired objectives (Leadership and Strategy, 2011). Power theory The theory focuses on employee empowerment in which opinions must be taken from the employees at the time of decision making and it also states that proper delegation of duties increases the opportunities of employee growth (Employee Commitment & Productivity Study, 2011).

DEVELOPMENT AND EFFICIENCY OF TEAM An organization can achieve productivity as well as effectiveness when having efficient team members. For the development of team, they have to go through five stages. Each stage is having its own importance in the development of team because they all are striving together for developing a strong team. Such stages are mentioned as under:  Forming: Under this stage the group of people comes collected to perform the work for the accomplishment of common objective. The members introduced each other formally.  Storming: At this stage, the organization combines the team members so that to build effective relationships. Coordination can be achieved at this stage (Leadership Traits, 2010).  Norming: At this stage, the team members works with coordination so that to achieve organizational goals. At this stage, team members focus on achieving team objectives.  Performing: At this stage, the team members integrate the work performance with organizational goals so that to identify the effectiveness and functioning of team members.  Transforming: The volunteers of regional managers in U care were performing so well, that they consider it as one of the most efficient team till now for the organizational development (Mumford and Gibson, 2011). Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Professional Leadership Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

At every stage motivation is also required for the team members so that to retain efficient employees and skills in the organization. A group is different than a team. Team member focuses on achieving overall objectives of an organization whereas groups are formed for the purpose of achieving individual goals. Group dynamics refers to a set of behaviors and psychological processes in a social group (Employee Commitment & Productivity Study, 2011).

ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE Change is the rule of nature and no one can resist the change. In the same way, it is applicable in organization as well where the management after a specific period of time brings the change in the process to meet the new trends of working in a competitive world. This change in an organization not only let the organization to match up with the new trend but also provides them a opportunity to get a edge over their competitor and lead them all (Murphy, 2008). But it is said that no organization can easily bring change in their organization. To cultivate this it they need to first perform a in-depth research that what change in required and where it is required and why it is required and what benefits they will get after the change. This all concepts has to be cleared from the side of management so that they can communicate this to their employees in a more specific and logical manner. Still people willed finitely result the change and this is can be very drastic in nature. So to overcome such problem, in our case regional managers have held responsible some volunteers which will be first educated about the change from the starting and will be educated about the positive implication of the change in their U care, so that in future they may not resist and can educate fresher’s in future that to how to bring the change and what are the positive side of change (Schein, 2010). Regional managers can follow the Lewins model of change which described as under:

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Figure 2Lewins model (Source: Nash and Hwang, 2012) Above shown was known as Lewins model which is widely used model in every organization. In our case a team is being hired to bring the change in U care and follows the following steps: A. Unfreeze: In this stage of Lewins model, organization or management put their efforts to educate their staff for bringing change into their organization. But it doesn’t seem to be an easy task, because people will definitely resist the change as they are molded in older style of working. For eliminate this, they have to be proper communicated that why the older style is being eliminated and why the new style is bringing. Drawbacks of earlier style also have to be communicated and the positive implications of new process are communicated. This session can possibly be done through educating and training session (Pauleen, 2003). This stage comprises of more efforts and wear and tear that’s why it is also known as the most stressful stage in the Lewins model. In that stage employee’s value, belief and attitude has to be considered and the main focus on these things only. This has to be handled so carefully that the employee’s value and belief may not get affected. These explanation describe the unfreeze factor of Lewins model.

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B. Change: Change phase in the Lewins, model is used to cultivate the change that has been decided by the organization or by the management of organization. The regional managers of U care were trying their best to bring change so as to protect their volunteers and staff and also to protect their environment (Crossman, 2010). This change is not a machine that can be bring at any time, else it is a complete re-engineer of process which is being cultivated after imparting a proper training to employees, in the same way regional managers of U care are doing so by imparting proper and effective training to their volunteers and staff. This training session let employees to educate that why these training is providing them, what benefit is going to be gain, what implication will they have. Answering to this question by the management prepare their staff mentally strong and drive them towards the change and will force them to accept the change for further benefits in future (Densten, 2002). C. Refreeze: In the state of refreeze, it is being explained that when employees or people start accepting the change and working as per the changing procedure then the organization strat the process of refreezing. But just by molding them in a refreeze state is not an end, To make this process a successful one U care have to continuously educate their employees regarding the positive aspect of change and why this change is being cultivated in our organization. Moreover leader must celebrate the success of change with their employees or subordinates so that employees feel that this change was actually beneficial for them and for organization (Eyal and Roth, 2011).

LEADERSHIP STYLES Different styles of leadership have diverse kind of impact on strategic decision of an organization and every style has their own pros and cons, some of them are discussed below: 

Autocratic Leadership Style – In an autocratic style of leadership the in-charge person has total authority and control over decision making. It is also known as authoritarian leadership as it clearly explains in the division between workers and leaders. Leaders following this leadership trait do involve in employees in any kind of decision making and leaders have full Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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confidence with the decision making responsibility for organizations operating and strategic planning (Clark, 2010).

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Participative Leadership Style – In this style a leader motivates in team members to participate in the decision making process. In this team members feel motivated and encouraged and actively participate in the decision making areas. In such kind of style, leader take the final decision but along with that they also involve their team member in taking any decision. and their motivate creativity and tend to provide in job satisfaction to the team members (Corapi, 2012).

Bureaucratic Leadership Style – These leaders work under by the book and they follow responsibilities and make sure that their team members follow procedure superficially. It is an appropriate style of leadership that is mainly preferable when employees undertake routine tasks (Nash and Hwang, 2012). During strategic decision making it is generally not much used because it is ineffective in teams and maximum of time bureaucratic leaders attain their position preferably because of their rules and not of their qualifications (Pike, 2003).

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Charismatic Leadership Style – It resembles much of transformational style of leadership as the leaders inspire enthusiasm among the team members and are very much energetic in motivating others to move ahead and achieve the ultimate goal. The leaders using this style are mostly focused on themselves and would not prefer to change anything. In organizational strategic decision making undertakes great responsibility and it leaders following charismatic leadership do not prefer in long commitment for a work (Densten, 2002).

Laissez – Faire Leadership Style – This involves in French phrase in it and it defines the way leaders facilitate their people to work on their own and this kind of leadership mostly occurs naturally and when managers do not have much of control over their people or work. In this style leaders provide in their team members complete freedom to undertake their work and frame their own deadlines. Leaders only offer team support and advice at required point of time and it can be effective if the leader from time to time motivates subordinates and it leads to high job satisfaction and enhanced performance of employees (Pauleen, 2003).

COMPLETE PARTICIPATION To make the event successful one, fund raising event calls for active participation of the members of U care organization like their staff, regional leader and other volunteer. There active participation can only lead them this event as a successful one. Basically this activities are being done for special purpose that is to help under privileged people and the funds that is being collected is also for their purpose like for their medicine, for their livelihood and for their accommodation (Crossman, 2010). Activities that are going to be held from the side of U care are raffles, street collections, social fund raising events and local corporate sponsorships. The efforts of volunteer and staff to perform these activities can be direct only by the regional managers of U care. With their guidance and support only their sub-ordinate will perform which in turn gives fruitful result to U care (Corapi, 2012). To facilitate the participation of staff members and volunteers, leader should go for following points:

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Manage motivation: Being a leader it is required for him to arrange motivation programs so that to encourage the employees for fund raising events. Creating confidence: It is essential for the leader to recognize the performances as this encourages them for participate in activities. Greater communication: Communication is required at each level as it maintains proper flow of information. With the help of effective communication, employees can able to take out the expected results of events (Feldman, 2013).

CONCLUSION From the above discussion it can be concluded that strategic leaders are mainly responsible for U care organization and can influence their staff and volunteers. These leaders establish different organizational structure, distribute resources and communicate their strategic vision (Leadership and Strategy, 2011). Strategic leaders need to work in an uncertain environment with highly complex issues that impact on firms. It is the skill that dominates in corporate leaders with more complex and increased uncertainty and an increased number of unintended outcomes.

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<>. [Accessed on 22nd Aug, 2013]. Feldman, N., 2013. Executive Leadership. [Online]. Accessed through<>. [Accessed on 22nd Aug, 2013]. Kotter, P. J. 2012. Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail [online]. Available at: <>. [Accessed 21st Aug, 2013].

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