Tips to Improve your learning experience

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A Sample On

Learning Experience

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .....................................................................................................................................3 TASk 1 .............................................................................................................................................3 1.1 Researching and evaluating suitable organizations that can provide industry experience .. 3 1.2 Negotiate with work and academic supervisors a proposal for the work experience .......... 4 1.3 Business constraints on the work experience ....................................................................... 5 TASK 2 ............................................................................................................................................5 2.1 Prioritizing the tasks and responsibilities included in work experience .............................. 5 2.2 Plan for work experience ..................................................................................................... 6 2.3 Various benefits of proposed activities to the business and learner .................................... 7 TASK 3 ............................................................................................................................................7 3.1Fulfil specified requirement of placement conforming to all related codes of practices ....... 7 3.2 Systematic record of work challenges .................................................................................. 8 3.3 Revising the initial plan ........................................................................................................ 8 3.4 Suggestions for improvement .............................................................................................. 9 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................9

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INTRODUCTION Learning is a constant procedure that helps an individual in intensifying knowledge as well as personal and professional competencies for performing different tasks. With the aid of learning process, an individual can attain new or upgrade present knowledge, conduct, abilities that help in performing the assigned task successfully within an organization (Cox, 2005). Thereafter, learning can be enhanced by adopting greater formal approach towards work based activities. Further, an individual can acquire learning by performing practical tasks within an organization. In this report, different aspects of work based learning will be studied. In order to facilitate the study, Marriott, a luxury chain of hotel functioning in hospitality industry has been selected. In the present report, evaluation of various organizations that provide industry experience will be done. Thereafter, a plan for work based experience will be designed. Further, analysis of quality of own performance will also be done.

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1.1 Researching and evaluating suitable organizations that can provide industry experience Being a graduate from management school, I can seek various reputed companies that can provide best industry experience and ensure my professional development. By working in a reputed organization,

work based learning can be assured that results into overall

development. Therefore, I can look forward for finding various suitable organizations that can provide me best industry experience and assure my career development (Mols and et. Al., 2009). Since, hospitality and tourist is the fastest growing segment and highest employment generating sector, so it is feasible for me to apply for job in leading hospitality company, Marriott. Marriott International: It is a luxury chain of hotel which provides hospitality services in different parts of globe. The company is known for offering its high end services in above more than 80 countries. It aims at attaining excellence in everything what it does such as grasping change, assuring work with proper honesty and integrity etc. It is a leading organization generating employment for more than 2,00,000 employees. Availability of competent human inventory is the strength of organization (Døskeland and Hvide, 2011). To retain employees, various effective steps are taken by management like providing healthy work environment, training and development opportunities, performance evaluation and appraisal etc. In addition to this, positive culture is assured within the organization to enhance the satisfaction level of employee and reflect their positive attitude towards customers. For this aspect, employees are allowed to share their problems, suggestions and expectations within the company. Further, employees can participate in business decision making process (Riach and Loretto, 2009). Thereafter, flat organization structure prevails within Marriott which facilitates low level of hierarchy between management and employees. Due to this, level of communication between management and employees is very high. Thereafter, various departments in Marriott are food and beverage, marketing, finance as well as human resource department. Further, I can apply for the vacant post of marketing manager of Marriott International.

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1.2 Negotiate with work and academic supervisors a proposal for the work experience Since, it has been identified that Marriott International is a suitable organization that can provide best professional experience. Therefore, I can apply for the vacant job position. Due to this, I can identify various methods that will help me in meeting my objectives and help in contacting with organization. Explanation of which is as follows: 

Company’s portal: To negotiate on the proposal of work experience, I can take assistance of official website of Marriott. Official website of company contains information about vacant job position, job description as well as roles and responsibilities (Roberts, 2009). Therefore, I can match my skills, knowledge with the organization’s need and can decide for which post I should apply.

Recruitment agency: Since, Marriott is a leading hotel performing its functions in different countries, it performs its recruitment functions with the help of outsourcing agencies. These agencies help in identifying the availability of competent candidates who match with the professional standards required to work effectively within hospitality industry (Savery, 2015). However, it is important for me to get enrolled with different recruitment agency. Academic supervisor will also help me in enhancing my knowledge so that I can match

with the industry norms. It will help me in enhancing various skills that are important for me to get job in Marriott. These are as follows: 

Self-learning skills: These skills will help me in identifying my learning needs and taking effective steps in improving my weaknesses. Along with this, it also helps me in enhancing my capabilities (Kim and Phalak, 2012). Therefore, I can read various books, journals and theories.

Time management: Academic supervisors will help me in learning how to manage tasks and set work priorities. These skills are important for me for being successful in cited company.

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Analytical skills: These skills will help me in looking at positive and negative aspects of every situation and take decisions according to the prevailing situation. Moreover, with these skills, different problems can be solved easily by an individual.

1.3 Business constraints on the work experience Business constraints refer to those restricting factors that have direct impact on the work ability of an individual and hamper its performance in organization. However, with the aid of work based experience, impact of business constraints can be reduced. 

Proper training and development: Training need of new employee should be identified and by considering this, training and development should be provided to him. With the aid of proper training, individual can perform assigned task effectively without any hindrance (Zhao and Rosson, 2009). However, lack of training and development in case of existing and new employee will act as a business constraint.

Customer satisfaction: Lack of training among employees can not only affect the performance of individual but it will have direct impact on the overall productivity of organization (Núñez and, 2010). For instant, if new employee is not skilled to identify the needs of customers, than it will result into dissatisfaction among consumers.

Limited staffing: Lack of proper human inventory can act as a business constraint and impacts the performance of Marriott. Due to intense work load in Marriott during peak seasons, many employees leave the job (Kuyken and, 2010). This further affects the performance of organization and market reputation.

2.1 Prioritizing the tasks and responsibilities included in work experience In order to assure effective performance within the organization and perform the assigned task within the provided time frame, it is important for individual to set priorities. With this aspect, individual can meet the deadlines and give its best output. Considering this aspect, priorities can be set by marketing manager of Marriott on following basis: 

Specific hourly: The work can be prioritized by manager on hourly basis. There fore particular task should be completed in the hour to prove its capability within enterprise.

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Daily: Here, the task can be categorized on daily basis by the manager. For instance, offering services to the guest, supervision of work performed by employees etc (Boud, Cohen and Sampson, 2014).

Monthly routine: The manager can divide and prioritize the task that should be performed on a monthly basis. For instant, performance evaluation, providing training or motivation etc.

Non routine task: These tasks are not performed on a routine basis but are executed as per the needs of organization. For example, preparing shift schedules on employees, manpower planning etc (Busby, 2005). Further, with the help of prioritization, manager of Marriott can schedule the work of all

the employee as per their priorities, importance and urgency. To facilitate prioritization of task, manager can prepare work chart or schedule where activities will be arranged as per the weekly or monthly basis.

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2.2 Plan for work experience Following plan will help individual in building work experience and ensuring the personal and professional development of an individual within appropriate time frame. 

Scheduling of task: It is the first step of planning which will assist manger in scheduling the task that will help in attaining the goals and objectives within the provided time frame (Cohen and Sampson, 2014). Therefore, work chart can be prepared for monthly activities while, for daily activities checklist can be prepared.

Input from the supervisors: With this aspect, manager takes input from supervisor on the scheduled activities. For this aspect, manager obtains positive and negative feedback, view points of supervisors. Considering the negative feedback, manager can motivate itself to work hard in future to attain positive remarks (Kuyken and, 2010). Thereafter, changes can be made in work schedule after consulting the perspective of supervisors. Also, supervisor will explain the allocation of different activities as per, daily, weekly or monthly basis.

Proposed dates for review: This step help manager in reviewing the scheduling of work so that the critical evaluation of various task can be done. It also help in identifying the deadlines that are not met effectively or those activities that best performed prior to the due date (Kuyken and, 2010). Therefore, manager can self evaluate its gained skills and existing loopholes.

2.3 Various benefits of proposed activities to the business and learner The proposed activities of building work based experience have several benefits to Marriott and learner. Benefit to business 

Increase in productivity: The work based learning of an individual will help Marriott in several manners. It will induce worker to perform beyond its potential therefore, it will result into increase in productivity of organization.

Determining the cost saving method: Considering, scheduling of tasks, manager will

direct its efforts towards finding various activities that will help in determining various Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment help provides best Finance Assignment Help written by the expert writers, All document are 100% unique.

ways that will save both time and cost (Núñez and, 2010). With the aid of cost saving methods activities can be planned according to the budget. Benefit to learner 

Improving the time management skills: The advantage of developing plan as per the scheduling of task will assist individual in completing work on time and increasing its efficiency.

Realizing the significance of team: To ensure the implementation of planned activities, it is important for organizational members to ensure proper planning, coordination, cooperation etc (Zhao and Rosson, 2009). This will further help members in realizing the importance of team.

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3.1Fulfil specified requirement of placement conforming to all related codes of practices To ensure smooth functioning without legal actions from government, it is important for management of Marriott to fulfill the specified requirement of placement conforming all relevant codes of practice. Therefore, it is important for human resource department to fulfill the regulations related with placement like, anti discrimination, equality, minimum wage act etc. As Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment help provides best Finance Assignment Help written by the expert writers, All document are 100% unique.

per the anti discrimination act, the organization should not do discriminate among its employees on the basis of gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs, nationality etc (Cox, 2005). Further, equal opportunities should be provided to all the competent individuals to apply for the job within the company. Thereafter, as per the equality act, all the individuals within Marriott should be treated equally. Further, equal opportunities should be provided to candidates to apply for the vacant job positions. Therefore, while the placement committee of company should ensure that there is no discrimination on the basis of gender, physical disabilities and sexual orientation etc (Savery, 2015). Further, the equal pay should be provided to employees performing same kind of work, having same knowledge etc. Likewise, equal training and development opportunities should be provided to employees. Thereafter, new protocols can be designed by company to protect the interest of its present as well as prospective employee. In this respect, experienced employee should be free to interact with new employee so they can educate him regarding on the job training, work environment etc. 3.2 Systematic record of work challenges The systematic record of various activities will help individual in meeting the work challenges. Following records can be prepared in this respect: 

Log book: It is organized way that help employee in recording various activities learned while working. Therefore, individual can maintain a record of their daily and routine activities. Thereafter, individual can record the problems faced by him and actions taken during such situation (Kim and Phalak, 2012). This will facilitate in solving the problem in future.


Spreadsheet: It is a computer program that help in keeping the records of processed data. The spreadsheet help manager in keeping the up to date information of employee, its performance, its date of joining-leaving etc. Further, it help in keeping the record of loyal customers of Marriott (Joyes and Hartnell-Young, 2010).

3.3 Revising the initial plan The initial plan framed for Marriott was more focused on time management skills of prospective learner. However, it was a short plan lasting for duration of four months. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment help provides best Finance Assignment Help written by the expert writers, All document are 100% unique.

Subsequently, after the completion of the allocated time frame, manager can impart knowledge to new learner on various aspect like, leadership, analytical, technical, self learning skills etc. With the help of leadership skills individual can guide other to attain organizational goals. Thereafter, analytical skills will help individual in solving various work based problems (Busby, 2005). With the aid of technical skills, individual can perform technical task effectively and reduce the overall cost of operations. Further, with the aid of self learning skills continuous improvement can be made by individual in its skills and learning. 3.4 Suggestions for improvement To assure work based learning and give best performance as manager It is important for individual to make constant improvement.

For this aspect, learning can be enhanced by

individual by selecting the proper style of learning. Therefore, VARK theory can be adopted by individual. It help individual in improving its, visual, auditory, reading and kinesthetic skills for learning. Considering the visual skills, individual can improve its learning through presentation etc. Thereafter, through auditory skills, individual can enhance its learning through seminars, group discussion etc (Watton, Collings and Moon, 2001). Further, with the help of reading skills, individual can increase its learning by reading vast amount of literature, books and journals. Thereafter, kinesthetic skills enable individual to learn new things using practical knowledge by experimenting new things etc. Therefore, through these learning style, individual can ensure its overall development.

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4.1 Monitor progress against original proposal Monitoring activity would support the individual in reviewing and observing their original performance with the planned proposal so that they can easily amend their skills and abilities that are lacking within the organization (Watton, Collings and Moon, 2001). While, monitoring the progress against the original proposal I have identified that I have gained time management skills within 3 month because I have focused on managing my time through applying different strategies and methods. Furthermore, through monitoring the progress against the original proposal I have also identified that there are different technical as well managerial skills that I need to amend so that I can easily perform my work within the organization. 4.2 Evaluate the quality of own performance While, working as marketing manager within the Marriott International I have evaluated the quality of own performance with the different ways that further support in enhancing the skills so that they can easily render quality service to their customers. There are several methods that support the marketing manager in evaluating their own performance that is through

Evaluating own performance against original proposal- The foremost method for evaluating the quality of own performance include measuring own performance against the standard proposal to find out the quality gap within the individual performance. With the help of original proposal an individual can easily compare and monitor their performance and amend the skills according the requirement (Linehan, 2008).


Comment/ feedback from the supervisor- Another method for evaluating the individual performance include taking comment or feedback from the supervisor or the high authority personnel. As, higher authority will provide effective review for the individual performance that result in improving their services within the Marriott International.

4.3 The learning which has taken place during the work experience using suitable reflection During the work experience in Marriott International individual has gain certain knowledge and learning that support the individual in gaining different skills such asToll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment help provides best Finance Assignment Help written by the expert writers, All document are 100% unique.

Interpersonal skills: While rendering services within the Marriott International it support the individual in communicating with the different employees that overall support them in amending their interpersonal skills. For instance; While formulating the marketing strategies for the Marriott International manager communicates with the other team members and lower authority. Thus, it support the individual in developing interpersonal skills at the workplace (Hughes, Moore and Bailey, 2000).

Developing team work: However, learning during the work experience within the Marriott International it also support the individual in developing the skills related with the building the team. However, it support the individual in future to effectively handle the different culture individual so that they can easily achieve the objectives of the future organization.

4.4 Recommendations on how the experience could have been enhanced In order to enhance the learning and experience of an individual at the Marriott International there are different recommendation and advices that support the individual in amending their experience. The certain recommendations are

Different location- For enhancing the experience of individual they might shift their job in the different location. As, through shifting in the different location they can easily enhance their learning and experience by managing different background and culture employees. Thus, it support the individual in increasing their experience and gaining learning so that in future they may easily render services in the other hospitality organization (Harry, Holzer and Lerman, 2014).

Support from the supervisor- Another recommendation for improving the work based experience include taking support from supervisor or other personnel that support them in gaining adequate knowledge. For instance; with the proper support from the supervisor they may gain new information and knowledge that would support them in taking effective decision for the organization while if there is less support from the supervisor then they will not result in enabling proper guidelines to the individual that result in not enhancing their experience.

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CONCLUSION From the above report can be concluded that work based learning is very important for the growth and development of every individual. Along with this it can be concluded that, person are required to carry out learning on regular intervals. This enhances the overall opportunities for growth and development. From he above report it can be concluded people are also required to priorities all their task and activities

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REFERENCES Books & Journals Boud, D., Cohen, R. and Sampson, J., 2014. Peer learning in higher education: Learning from and with each other. Routledge. Busby, G., 2005. Work experience and industrial links. An international handbook of tourism education. pp. 93-107. Cox, E., 2005. Adult learners learning from experience: Using a reflective practice model to support workâ€? based learning. Reflective Practice. 6(4). pp.459-472. Døskeland, T.M. and Hvide, H.K., 2011. Do individual investors have asymmetric information based on work experience?. The Journal of Finance. 66(3). pp.1011-1041. Joyes, G., Gray, L. and Hartnell-Young, E., 2010. Effective practice with e-portfolios: How can the UK experience inform implementation?. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 26(1). Kim, Y.A. and Phalak, R., 2012. A trust prediction framework in rating-based experience sharing social networks without a web of trust. Information Sciences. 191, pp.128-145. Hughes, L. K., Moore, T. D. and Bailey, R. T., 2000. Work-Based Learning and Academic Skills. [Pdf]. Available through: <>. [Accessed on 22nd January 2016].

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