Sample Report on Legislation and Ethics By Global Assignment Help

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Sample Report on Legislation and Ethics

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Table of Contents Introduction .................................................................. 3 Task 1 ........................................................................ 3 A. Explanation of legal and regulatory framework in English legal system .... 3 B. Role and responsibilities of regulatory bodies in travel and tourism industry .................................................................... 4 Task 2 ........................................................................ 5 A. Evaluation of health, safety and security legislation as Health and Safety Officer of Bell Hotel ....................................................... 5 B Analysis of Equality legislation in the English Legal System while recruitment and management of employees ................................................................... 6 Task 3 ........................................................................ 8 A. Distinction between provided legislations along with appropriate examples 8 B. Explanation of consumer protection legislation regarding package holidays 9 Task 4 ....................................................................... 10 A. Identification and analysis of instances of ethical dilemma faced by travel entities in wild life tourism ....................................... 10 B. Analysis of corporate social responsibilities of British Airways ........ 11 Conclusion ................................................................... 11 References ................................................................... 12

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INTRODUCTION In the modern era, substantive growth has been achieved by industry of travel and tourism. Organizations operating in this sector are providing contribution to the development of economy. In order to govern increasing transactions of travel and tourism industry, the UK Parliament had developed concept of legislation and ethics (Carlsen and Andersson, 2011). Purpose of these statutory aspects is to promote fairness in industry of travel and tourism. Entities operating in this industry are required to comply with norms described in these regulations else they will be liable to provide penalty charges. Present report is focused on aspect of legislation and ethics in travel and tourism industry. It will include description of legal and regulatory framework along with the suitable examples.

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Kindly Contact us at: TASK 1 A. Explanation of legal and regulatory framework in English legal system The Parliament of UK had classified legal and regulatory framework in two broad criteria i.e. civil and criminal law. Objective of this bifurcation was to manage operations of travel and tourism Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Autocad Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

industry in an effective manner and to prevent unfair transactions. Description of these aspects is as followsCivil law Civil law is developed by British legislation to resolve disputes which does not include criminal activities. Provisions described in this law are applicable for both association and individuals. Civil crime can be described as general offence in which act of individual is not in accordance with the standards. For example, noise by hospitality entities near residential area, delivery of inappropriate services or non-fulfilment of general responsibilities. In order to make claim for civil crime, individual is required to provide preponderance of evidence. In addition to this, remedy can be claimed in monetary form or in manner of equitable relief. Criminal law Provisions of criminal law is applied in those situations where individual is engaged in an act which is prohibited or restricted by law. Due to conduct of these acts, offenders are punished. Applicability of provisions of criminal law is made in severe offences such as discrimination, harassment, sexual assault, dealing in restricted conduct, industrial espionage, embezzlement of tax and cash etc. Claim for criminal conduct can be done by considering reasonable doubt (Morrison and Mahony, 2003). B. Role and responsibilities of regulatory bodies in travel and tourism industry For applicability and assurance of fair transactions, regulatory bodies have been established by the Parliament of UK separately in surface, air and sea travel sector. Description of role and responsibilities of these regulatory bodies is enumerated belowTransport

Governing body

Role and responsibilities of Governing body

Air transport

Civil Aviation Authority by Air and Road Act 1979.

 Management


controlling of traffic and airlines in air travel.  Appropriate papers




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registrations of aircraft  Direction



aircraft engineers  Ordinance of private and professional pilots.  Regulate operations of commercial organizations in


engaged designing,

production and upkeep of aircraft.  Ordinance


commissioned aerodromes Sea transport

International Carriage by Sea


International Carriage is responsible to enquire unfair tourism















party. 

They are entitled to impose restriction


acts which are not fair in accordance with travel and tourism sector. Surface transport

Association of British Travel

Association of British

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Agents (ABTA) by Air and

Travel Agents operates

Road Act 1979







travel agents and the tour operators. 

ABTA is responsible for the



due to devastation or loss or damage to cargo while the carriage by surface transport.

TASK 2 A. Evaluation of health, safety and security legislation as Health and Safety Officer of Bell Hotel As a Health and Safety Officer of Bell Hotel, Mrs. Ali has to be aware of following aspects of legislation regarding health, safety and securityOccupier’s liability Act 1984 Act of occupier’s liabilities is governed by provisions of tort law. As a Health and Safety Officer of Bell Hotel, Mrs. Ali is required to take care of operations of the entity in order to prevent possibility of injury to visitors and trespassers. For this aspect, case of British Railways Board v Herrington 1972 AC 877 can be referred. In this case, judicial person had declared that occupier is liable for the injury occurred to visitors or trespassers due to negligence of entity. Health and safety at work Act, 1974 In the provisions of Health and safety at work Act, 1974, general duties of employers have been explained so, they maintain safe and hygienic environment at work place. In accordance with the provisions of this Act, Mrs. Ali is required to provide safe environment to workers and customers. She should keep hazardous equipment out of public reach (Ball, Horner and Nield, 2009). Proper training should be provided by her to employees prior to the usage of those Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Autocad Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

equipments. Further, proper arrangements should be made for the safety of children. Qualified individuals should be recruited for the operational activities. Vicarious liability In accordance with the provisions of vicarious liability, Mrs. Ali is required to take care of actions for their subordinates to prevent omissions and negligent act at work place. If she failed to do so, then she will be vicariously liable to provide damages to injured party. In order to prevent obligation due to provisions of vicarious liability, she is required to supervise actions of subordinates in an appropriate manner. In addition to this, she should give proper guidelines regarding operational activities. Data protection Act 1998 As per the norms of Data protection Act 1998, entities operating in travel and tourism sector should not disclose information of their customers for unjust benefit. They should maintain confidentiality in maintenance of data. For this aspect, Mrs. Ali is required to assure that data of customers is handled by authorized person. In addition to this, proper arrangements should be made by her to prevent unauthorized access of data.

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Unfair contract terms 1977 According to Unfair contract terms 1977, Mrs. Ali can reduce obligations of hotel in situation of non-satisfactory performance by inserting exclusion clause. However, she is required to take care that exclusion is incorporated in an appropriate manner. Further, these terms should not be contradictory to public policy and statutory aspects (Routledge, 2004). In accordance with the case of Thompson v LMS Railway [1930] 1 KB 41, if exclusion clause is not inserted in a proper manner then it will not be considered for relief. Above described legislation is directly connected because aim of all legislations is to promote safe and sound working environment. As a Health and Safety Officer of Bell Hotel, Mrs. Ali is required to comply provisions of the described acts. B Analysis of Equality legislation in the English Legal System while recruitment and management of employees Equality legislation in the English Legal System has been developed by parliament of UK to prevent biasness on the basis of protected characteristics. By the applicability of equality legislation, protections is provided to employees from discrimination at work place. As a Health and Safety Officer of Bell Hotel, Mrs. Ali is required to consider provisions of following legislation while recruitment and management of employeesRace discrimination Act 1976 and Sex and race discrimination Act is developed by Parliament of Sex discrimination Act 1975

UK to prevent biasness on the basis of gender and region of employee. Mrs. Ali should recruit people by considering their gender. Further, equal opportunities should be provided to all employees. Purpose of Race discrimination Act to prevent favouritism on the basis of colour, nationality, race, ethnic and national origin (Vance and 2011). This Act is incorporated form of Race Relation Act 1965 and 1968.

Employment Act 2002

In the provisions of this Act, general guidelines are described to portray standard behaviour of employee. Provision of Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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Employment Act 2002 has been amended by Employment Act 2002. Mrs. Ali is required to follow guidelines described in this Act while management and recruitment of employees. Employment

protection Employment protection (consolidation) Act 1978 is combined

(consolidation) Act 1978

form of Contracts of Employment Act 1963 and Redundancy Payments Act 1965. Objective of this act is to promote fairness in employment contracts in terms of pay and behaviour. In accordance with this Act, Mrs. Ali is required to provide proper pay to their employees for their services. Further, implemented workplace policies should be justified and fair. In addition to this, terms of employment contract should not be contradictory to public policy or legislations.

Disability discrimination Act 1995 In accordance to the provisions of this Act, Mrs. Ali is required to make proper arrangements for a disable employee. For this purpose they can make their workplace flexible for them. They cannot terminate or reject qualified employee due to aspect of ability (Fernick and Boo, 2013). Fair chance should be provided by Mrs. Ali for employability. Human rights Act 1998

In the provisions of this Act, rights of individual is provided. As a Health and Safety Officer of Bell Hotel, Mrs. Ali has to respect these rights by acting in accordance with it. They cannot restrict basic human rights of employee.

As a Health and Safety Officer of Bell Hotel, Mrs. Ali is required to assured that above described legislation is complied by management of hotel. For this purpose, she is required to act with decorum and honesty without considering biasness on the basis of unfair aspects.

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TASK 3 A. Distinction between provided legislations along with appropriate examples (I) The Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 and the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contract Regulation 1999. Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 and the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contract Regulation 1999 both deals with protection provided by Common law from unfair terms. However, there are certain difference between this Act and regulation. Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 is part of primary legislation while Unfair Terms in Consumer Contract Regulation 1999 is part of secondary legislation. Terms of UTCA is applied on both B-B and B-C relationships while UTCCR is applied only on customers' relationship (Slapper and Kelly, 2011). In addition to this UCTA provide benefit in both contractual tortuous liabilities while UTCCR is restricted to contractual obligations. In order to claim liability under UCTA test of reasonableness in order to consider that whether terms are unfair or not. However, in situation of claim in UTCCR, test of fairness by considering dealing in good faith and balancing the rights and obligations of the parties is applied. (II) Sale of Goods Act 1979 and the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 P 3.1 In order to implement implied terms and to provide protection to the purchasing party provisions of Sale of Goods Act 1979 and the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 is established (Fynn, 2004). Provisions described under Sale of Goods Act 1979 is applied when only goods are sold. On the other hand, provisions of Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 is applied when goods are provided along with the services. Description of difference in section is as followsSale of Goods Act 1979

Supply of Goods and Services Act

Section 12




1982 P 3.1



purchaser, in a situation in which seller does not have the Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Autocad Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

right to sell the goods Section 13




the In this section, remedy is

purchaser, in a situation in provided




which good provided by seller delivered services is not in is not identical with provided accordance



description (Thorbjørnsen and care and skills. Supphellen, 2011). Section 14

As per this section, seller is Section 14 of Supply of Goods obliged to assure that provided and Services Act

1982 P 3.1

good are capable to satisfy the deals with aspect that service purpose of purchase.

will be carried out within a sensible time period.

Section 15


Section 15 is applicable when price is not pre-determined in delivery of services. In such situation reasonable price will be provided.

B. Explanation of consumer protection legislation regarding package holidays In order to protect right of consumers, standard guidelines are described in legislation of customer protection. Objective of these statutory provisions is to prevent unfair transactions by travel and tourism entities. For this aspect both civil and criminal liability is covered. Explanation of consumer protection legislation in context of package holidays is as followsTrade Description Act 1968 As per the provisions of this Act, entities providing package holiday is required to disclose true and material information on their brochures (Heine and Kerber, 2002). They can use trader's puff but they cannot include false information on their brochures. This aspect is covered under provisions of civil liability to prevent entities from providing misleading information to the Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Autocad Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

customers. In addition to this, they are required to use fair pricing policies for the product and services provided.

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Kindly Contact us at: Package Travel Holidays and Tour regulations 1992 In accordance with the provisions of stated Act, organisations operating in industry of travel and tourism is required to provide services as per the description given in brochure. Their should not be any material difference in actual services and description provided. In addition to this, they are required to resolve issues of tourists in an appropriate manner by providing them compensation. If tourist manager fails or denies providing compensation, then aggrieved is entitled to appoint arbitrator to resolve dispute (The Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Regulations, 2014). Aspects of Package Travel Holidays and Tour regulations 1992 is covered in both criminal and civil liabilities. Civil liability of entity is to act in a standard manner to prevent possibility of injury. In addition to this, criminal liability of tourism entity is to act in accordance with the provisions of legislation. Consumer protection Act 1987 Development of this Act was done by Parliament of UK, in order to impose product Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Autocad Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

liabilities on travel and tourism entities in situation of delivering partially or wholly ineffective services or products. In addition to this, travel and tourism entities are not entitled to exclude or reduce such obligations by insertion of exclusion clause (Warren, 2012). However, claim can be consumer on the basis of these provision prior to expiry of three years of delivery of services. Aspects of Consumer protection Act 1987 is also covered in both criminal and civil liabilities based on the nature of default of organisation.

TASK 4 A. Identification and analysis of instances of ethical dilemma faced by travel entities in wild life tourism In modern era of sustainability and ethics, travel and tourism entities are obliged to act in an ethical manner by complying legal provisions. However, ethical in behaviour is not easy to conduct because in many situations' travel entities face dilemma. In the selected scenario i.e. travel organisation there are several ethical issues due to which barriers are imposed in ethical behaviour, Description of these dilemmas is as follows1. Adverse impact on environmental factors- Due to increasing travel, natural environment of tourist places is adversely affected. Further, if actions are taken by travel entities then their cost will be increased and as a consequence profitability will be reduced (Plimpton, 2007). Due to this aspect, their competitors will take advantages of diversion of customers because of increasing prices. 2. Legal restriction- In order to protect environment and to preserve natural species, several restrictions has been imposed by regulatory body. As a consequence, several issues are faced by travel entities in promotion of wildlife promotions (International Passenger Survey, Office for National Statistics, 2011). Even if proper measures are taken by them, they are permitted to provide tour of restricted areas. 3. Encroachment of human settlement- In order to enhance convenience of operational activities, several acts are done by organisations which are unethical in nature such as forest fire to destroy waste material. In such attempts there is severe impact on environment. These dilemmas can be resolved by promoting sustainable tourism by travel entities. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Autocad Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

Further, organisation can get associated with regulatory bodied in order to preserve natural species to get permission for promotion of wildlife promotions (Moriarty and Manthorpe, 2013). B. Analysis of corporate social responsibilities of British Airways Corporate Social responsibilities can be defined as voluntary acts of corporate entities in order to contribute in social and environmental welfare (An Effective Corporate Social Responsibility Programme, 2011). In present era of sustainability, all commercial organisations are obliged to fulfil their corporate social responsibilities. Key CSR elements of British airways is enumerated below1. Efforts to achieve zero waste to landfill in the UK since 2010. 2. Improvement in reduction of carbon di oxide by considering per passenger kilometre. 3. Reduction in an average noise per flight by 50%. 4. Reduction in emission of CO2 (About British Airways, 2015). Crucial factors of CSR Strategy of British airways 1. Marketing through charity and cause events 2. Engagement in corporate community 3. Contribution of regulatory authorities to promote concept of safe environment (About British Airways, 2015).

CONCLUSION From the present study, conclusion can be drawn that UK parliament had developed concept of legislation and ethics to govern increasing transactions of travel and tourism industry. Parliament of UK had classified legal and regulatory framework in two broad criteria i.e. civil and criminal law. For further applicability and assurance of these provisions, regulatory bodies have been established by parliament of UK separately in surface, air and sea travel sector. As a Health and Safety Officer, individual required to assured that relevant legislation is complied by management of hotel. For this purpose, they are required to act with decorum and honesty without considering biasness on the basis of unfair aspects. In order to protect right of consumers, standard guidelines are described in legislation of customer protection. Objective of these statutory provisions is to prevent unfair transactions by travel and tourism entities. By considering annual report of British Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Autocad Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

Airways, it can be noticed that company is focused on their corporate social responsibilities to reduce adverse effect of their operational activities on environment.

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REFERENCES Books and journals Ball, S., Horner, S. and Nield, K., 2009. Contemporary Hospitality and Tourism Management Issues in UK. Carlsen, J. and Andersson, T., 2011. Strategic analysis of public, private and not-for-profit festival organizations. International Journal of Event and Festival Management. 2(1). pp.83 – 97. Fernick, N. L. and Boo, S. 2013. Festival tourism and the entertainment age: interdisciplinary thought on an international travel phenomenon. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 7(2), pp.169 – 174. Fynn, P. 2004. Adventure Tourism: The New Frontier. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 16(2), pp.144 – 144. Heine, K. and Kerber, W. 2002. European Corporate Laws, Regulatory Competition & Path Dependence. European Journal of Law and Economics. 13, pp. 43–71. Moriarty, J. and Manthorpe, J., 2013. Handyperson schemes and the Equality Act 2010. Housing, Care and Support. 16(3/4).pp. 114-125. Morrison, A. and Mahony, G. A., 2003. The liberation of hospitality management education. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 15(1). pp.38 – 44. Plimpton, L., 2007. Business Contracts : Turn Any Business Contract to Your Advantage. Entrepreneur Press. Routledge.Fynn, P. 2004. Adventure Tourism: The New Frontier. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 16(2), pp.144 – 144. Slapper, G., Kelly, D., 2011. The English Legal System. Taylor & Francis. Thorbjørnsen, H. and Supphellen, M. 2011. Determinants of core value behavior in service brands. Journal of Services Marke, 25(1), pp.68 – 76. Vance, M. C. and 2011. Building global competencies through experiential coursework in international travel and tourism. Journal of International Education in Business, 4(1), pp.30 – 41. Warren, J. M. C., 2012. Law and the Built Environment. Property Management. 30(2). pp.209-210. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Autocad Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

Online About British Airways, 2015. [Online]. Available through :< >[ Accessed on 18th May 2015]. An Effective Corporate Social Responsibility Programme. 2011. [Pdf.]. Available through: <>. Accessed on 18th May 2015].

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