Sample Report on Managing Human Capital and Entrepreneurship by Global Assignment Help

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Sample on Managing Human Capital and Entrepreneurship

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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................3 Task 1: The background statement, company and competitive market of BA ..............................3 Task 2: The weaknesses in current business model for better business future ................................4 Task 3: The justified correction plan for key elements in business model ......................................7 Task 4: The consequential changes in organization structure, operational processes, information technologies and human capital resourcing .....................................................................................9 Task 5: The proposed change agenda for BA


CONCLUSION ..............................................................................................................................13 REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................15

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INTRODUCTION The business model of an organization is a blue print of business partners, main activities of business, resources, costing structure, customers and business value proposition, client's segments and relationship, distribution channel along with earning cycle of its business. In this report, a leading airline firm, British Airways (BA) is considered which is considered for its business model. The different business strategies of BA are discussed for all the positive and negative aspects of its business environment and culture. There is proposal for strategic changes in existing operational, resource and structural procedures of BA. Along with these changes, human capital management is understood and discussed for betterment through proposed strategic plan (Dijkman, Rosa, and Reijers, 2012). This report will mention the business summary and competitive market analysis of BA along with internal business observation. The whole report is focused to strategic development of BA with implementation and control over proposed changes in existing system.

Task 1: The background statement, company and competitive market of BA The competitive market positioning of BA is defined as strategies for surviving in highly competition of airline industry in UK. BA is focused to plan and implement consistent growth through products and services. This discussion is done to understand competitive market and business environment of an association, British Airways which is a private limited airline company as followings. 

Vision statement: The vision of British airlines is to become the world’s most responsible airline, accreditation of carbon offsetting quality assurance and we have developed guiding principles that describe what we are doing to achieve this goal (Eckerson, 2010).


Mission statement: The mission of BA is to use technology to enhance customer engagement and create a sustainable and profitable future for the business, benefiting customers, colleagues and shareholders. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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Long and short term objectives: To become the world’s leading global premium airline, take actions to make cost more efficient and focusing on outstanding customer service, strongly stand up from the current downturn and increase the lead in London by making competitive cost and defining the standard for loyal investment culture (Henneberg, Naude and Mouzas, 2010).

Key stakeholders: Stake holders are the person with an interest to an organization. For British Airways, stakeholders are its customers, employees, environmental factors, suppliers, competitor, media, government, financial institutions and communities linked to BA. BA has some stakeholders which have planned and developed efficient business strategies through which they can serve a better quality and serviceability to its customers (Bhatnagar, 2007).

Challenges faced to meet the expectation of stakeholders of BA: British Airways has faced challenges like reduced revenues due to recession in 2009-10, structural changes of the organization, changes in working practices, fare charges to customers, supplier management, carbon offsetting, with reduction in climate varying secretion to accomplish the industry unified position on climate alteration in aviation with a cap on net discharge by 2020 and incise with 50% by 2050 (Northcraft and, 2011). The organization has some operational task like employee retention through job satisfaction, employee’s welfare respect to fulfill their basic needs, meet the expectation of equity shareholders, dealing with suppliers, stay stringent in competition, being adequate to the society beliefs, to be interactive with media and generate revenues for business expansion as well as the supplying the customer demand. All this objectives are faces by company to enhance the growth rate and operating in a well mannered business environment.

Task 2: The weaknesses in current business model for better business future The strategic business model of BA has emerged different outcomes either positive and negative for all the stakeholders of business. This business model is having multiple business Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Top Notch Android Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

operations and practices which are falling loop wholes because of several reasons. The current business model has been evaluated and analyzed and it is concluded as following points.

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It is understood that the strategic planning of BA is not implementing according to the requirements of stakeholders (Gupta, 2006).

Competitors are affecting market share of BA due to inadequate competitor analysis and market review.

The pollution control system of BA is lacking in carbon offsetting which is an effort of reducing carbon caused by its airlines.

Customer's baggage maintenance and handling is lacking because of improper management of airlines and courier services.

The employees strikes, retrenchments and lockout has influenced the schedules of airlines and other services (Blyton and Turnbull, 2004). Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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Branding value and assets are minimizing due to disputes and conflicts in employeremployee relationship. On the basis of critical evaluation of above mentioned weaknesses in business model of

BA, there are some suggestions to BA for better business future. These suggestions are cited along with the causes and issues in BA to overcome them. 

It is suggested that every business strategy and practice should be implement according to the standards procedural parameters and objective. The cause of improper implication of business strategies are practiced should be planned and execute as per the business principles and ethical policies in BA. The business model of BA is followed for implementing all the activities related to input, process and output model. It is understood that the business plan of existing system should be critically evaluated for future utilization (Kamin, 2012). The top management of BA is responsible for strategic decision making and middle level management is responsible for taking care of all the operational implementations.

BA has effective marketing planning and implementation strategy through which it can analyze all the research information of market and competitors. There are multiple business operations which are focused to meet the expectations of customers, employees and other stakeholders of BA. The competitors can be evaluated for there business strategies and actions for serving customers in market. It is observed that through better research and development of marketing activities, BA will be able to identify the future trends and business rivalry for strategic planning (Snow and Yanovitch, 2009).

There are some key issues related to the pollution control program of BA. They have operated carbon offsetting plans and other corporate social responsibility activities are can increase the control over pollution of air, water, noise etc. It is observed that different business practices should be focused towards managing the air pollution through effective fuel consumption and management of air traffic. There are number of business

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operations which can be include plantations, waste management, service management etc. for controlling pollution. 

It is observed that courier services from BA is lacking at point of luggage management and posting mails and postage from one place to another. There are multiple business functions which are associated to control the delivery traffic of curious and other things from airline services of BA (Kotler and Keller, 2012). This firm should manage the scheduling of its courier services through effective planning and control over receiving and dispatch system in BA. This system will emphasis on automation of accounting, customers relationship management and producing effective handling of customers good and packages.


The staffing management can increase potential of any airline company. The serviceability of consumers is always crucial for BA. There are issues related to lockout, retrenchment and strikes of employees in BA which can be managed through effective human resource practices and operational management. The increase in compensations, allowances and training programs will raise profitability and productivity of employees (Mchaluk, 2008). It is suggested to follow ethical instructions and guidelines of top and middle management through which lower level employees can be managed for effective human resource management along with troubleshooting employees problems.


Branding is achieved through consistent profitability and productivity of business values as products and services. It is suggested to polish the image and equity of products and services of BA through quality services and controlled business operations. There are multiple business practices which can gain the brand assets through effective customers relationship management and online business services to customers (Cameron and Green, 2009). There satisfaction of employees will help in increasing productivity and profitability of airline services from BA. The consistent growth is necessary for development of BA in all the aspects through

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So own whole these suggestions are cited for the identified issues and problems in BA through which different services can support in business decision making. BA will be able to manage different activities through implementation of mentioned suggestions.

Task 3: The justified correction plan for key elements in business model It is understood that the stakeholders are required to be considered for management of BA to the right directions. The business model of BA is having some weak practices as mentioned above. It is well understood that different management aspects of of BA are facing issues through the business model which needs to be cured for better outcomes. Here, the discussion is done to understand a corrective strategy through which BA can manage its conflicts, disputes and the other issues related the business operations. An organization Stakeholders has some roles towards the organization and similarly the association has some duties to be done (Paton and McCalman, 2008). Here, the discussion is made that how BA is handling their roles and responsibilities towards its Stakeholders. British Airways is driven with the vision to become world’s most responsible airline and striving to achieve their goals towards it. It can be most programmed airways service provider in UK. Other operations are freight and mail carriage in domestic or international region. British Airways is running flights to 300 destinations operating with franchise partners and around 33 million passengers are traveling with companies earning of 8.67 billion pounds. It has become largest employment provider after its privatization in 1987 and number of employees working with organization is around 42500. BA can be successful pioneering the airlines market with adaptation of green technology and healthy environmental strategies. The organization has contribution in green house gas emission and improvement in the ways of people travel. Passengers are having facilities of printing own boarding pass while BA airports are becoming busy among other airlines (Senior and Swailes, 2010). The method of consumption and distribution of goods and products of a country is known as the economy system. The product or goods can be the raw material or the finish goods used as a resource to other production companies. The characteristics for economic systems are government policies, flexibility to Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Top Notch Android Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

choose the resource, ownership and price grit and acquisition of profit. The economic system can affect the resource allocation in several ways like government interest to provide resources, like land, raw material, workforce, capital etc. All the financial practices can be managed through effective monitoring of business accounts and records of transactions.

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This corrective plan will include separate calculation and management of business practices through which BA can improve its financial management. For changing trends and operations in business world, it is necessary to properly budget financial assets along with capital investment. All the cost structure should be well designed and managed so products and services can be manged accordingly. There is sure profit in case of effective control and monitoring over cost structure and financial budget for product and services to customers (Friesner, 2014). This strategic plan will help in retaining the return on investment through effective analysis of economy for income and expenses of firm. In this corrective action plan for improving the existing business system will support the operational objectives to be achieved within the deadlines along with quality. The improved Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Top Notch Android Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

quality and services of BA's products and services will increase market value along with capital raise through brand value. In this plan, the customers are the key resource for business development band future growth of business in BA. There are multiple business practices which can help and support in improving customers value proposition. It will focus on customers segmentation, target marketing and new product development strategies for BA. It is understood that segmentation includes various analysis and measures of customers behaviors and demands. A segment can be designed through matching the similar demands of group of customers and their same expectations (Privacy policy of BA, 2015). The customers value propositions can be implemented through effective marketing strategies of this corrective plan. For better implementation of all the planned activities the continuous monitoring and control is required to be focused. It will take various tools and technologies in use like new product development methods, total quality management, information technology resources and other operational planning tools as scheduling techniques, CPM/PERT, network diagrams etc. Through modification of value proposition method, BA can achieve suitable information management system which can support in management of all the available resources. Products and services of BA can be controlled and monitored for better outcomes as per business objectives. It is proved from management of operations and production of services that BA can control its courier services, in-flight services along with traveling facilities to customers as per expectations. This corrective plan is justified through attainment of all the key objectives which are designed for improving business model elements infected from mentioned issues. The whole program will reduce the disputes and inadequate quality management along with financial health of BA. For better serviceability of customers, BA should consider all mentioned improvements in existing system.

Task 4: The consequential changes in organization structure, operational processes, information technologies and human capital resourcing With the change in time, BA is required to change its operational management system along with strategic improvements. Through these changes, it is achieved that different aspects of business requires suitable changes according to varying demand of stakeholders. BA is a Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Top Notch Android Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

leading airline firm in UK which has planned and operated in many countries and locations. It has required to change the the organizational structure, operational processes, information technologies and human capital resourcing. Here, the discussion is done for better understanding of changes and improvements in above mentioned aspects. 

Organization structure: BA is having multiple locations and branches throughout the glob. It is observed that various business functions are required to be implemented according to needs and satisfaction of customers and employees. The organization structure is a format to assign the job roles and responsibilities to individuals or the group. In BA, the organization structure is suitable for top level business management but it should be planned and implemented with better combination to remaining three level as lower and middle level. A set procedure is required for managing the hierarchical order of business operations and functions. There should be good balance between employee interest and assigned job for better output. It is observed that with the change and development in current management practices for organizational structure, the perfect combination of employability skills and ability needs to be entertained for business management in BA. It is concluded that different projects and roles required different team structures. The organizational structure is required to implement changes of different range of products and services as per customers expectations (Resistance to Change in an Organization's Structure & Culture, 2015). Special the in-flight services should be management according to varying market demands and changing taste of customers which can be attained through effective organizational structure.


Operational processes: It is concluded that on the basis of different functions and operations in business, BA has achieved that leading landmark in airline business. There are some strategic decisions which can be taken on behalf of operational roles and responsibilities of BA. Every functional department is having some duties and practices which are inherited from strategic planning of BA which is designed by top management (Kamin, 2012). For better control over lower level management, the Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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middle level managers and leaders is required to implement improvements in customers services, products offerings and executing business roles as per objectives and goals. The key changes can be implemented in operations management of BA must include management of quality in airline, courier and tourism services to target customers and market. All the marketing practices and strategic decision making should be managed through adequate planning and business activities for better control over operations management. 

Information technology: With the change in business environment, it is identified that BA is accepting the advancement in its E-commerce system. It is using websites, management information systems, customers relationship management systems etc. For attaining the stability and development of all the management functions, the information technology and internet services can be accessed for effective use of CRM, MIS and E-commerce system. For the improvement in existing system, information technology can resolve connectivity issues of all the stakeholders (Gupta, 2006). The number of business operations can be managed through ease of internet resources like social media, web based technologies, application software etc. The customers and employees are the key stakeholders in BA which are responsible for operations and service system. The satisfaction level of customers is increasing potential of BA in achieving new product development and increasing brand equity. The proposed changes are connectivity of CRM, MIS, associate business partners for effective controlled E-business system.


Human capital resourcing: The staffing management is a crucial aspects in management of business operations and functions. For achievement of designed goals and objectives in BA, it is necessary to access staffing assessment of business. All the staff members are required to be assessed individually for performance evaluation along with training and development needs. It is necessary to adapt all the changes and developments from operations management (Northcraft and, 2011). For the time being, it is required to change various business operations according to needs of Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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employees so that the issues, disputes and conflicts can be managed for better future. Each team in BA is referenced to a functional department which is not satisfied on some concern of employment.

Employees are raising issues related to transfers,

compensation policies, leaves, working flexibility, allowances etc. which can be resolve through strategic planning of human resource. The staffing policies need to be changed as per demands of objective of BA and employee welfare. Through effective analysis of employment needs, proper plan can be developed including disputes and conflicts management (Henneberg,

Naude and Mouzas, 2010). So on whole this

discussion is planned for identifying strategic changes in above mentioned business aspects for improvements in BA.

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Task 5: The proposed change agenda for BA It is understood that planning and development is essential for implementing and controlling organizational changes in BA. There is a requirement of creating and implementing a change management plan through which all discussed changes can be implemented in BA. For Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Top Notch Android Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

implementing proposed changes in BA, it is required to process changes according planned time and standard of quality. The timescale management can be accomplished through effective planning and controlling over business systems. This will include suitable time management for processing each activity in desired time and implementing with full concentration of quality parameters. It is identified that BA is required to implement changes in organizational structure, operations management, business strategic planning, information technology advancement and staffing management. Each activity or say changes should be completed within the assigned time period. It is mentioned that with proper planning and implementation of all the business activities in change management, BA can achieve overall control in its operational management. It can be managed through proper scheduling and implemented through various tools and technology of change management. There are some model like Lewin's, Mckinsey and kotter's 8 step change management models for achieving proposed changed in BA. It should be planned and implemented through following suitable change management model which is suitable to business model of BA. Through the research and development in this report, proposed plan can help in betterment of product quality and serviceability to customers and target market. It is recommended to focus target market according to the requirements identified in above discussion. The proposed changes should be planned according to need and research assessment of existing operational system (Blyton and Turnbull, 2004). There is requirement to module all the major change management objectives first and then proceed for implementing as per scheduled plan. Through assessment of BA operations and service management, it is proposed to practice the change management while considering staffing requirements and availability of current staff for making changes. In this plan, the availability of resources should be assessed proactively so that all business operations can be streamlined accordingly. For accessing proposed changes in BA, following steps should be processes as per kotter's 8 step change management model. This organizational change management process will take one year to be accomplished and completed according to standard parameters. 

For attainment of change management in BA, it is required to create urgency of change management implementation. It is a very first step which should be processed according Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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to need assessment of proposed changes in existing business. To identify and implement the requirements of changes should be processed with the acceptance of top management along with operational management (Dijkman, Rosa, and Reijers, 2012). There should be minimum of 15 days time period for taking all the authentications and rights for processing proposed changes. 

For accessing the business control over change management, it is required to process adequate changes with support of all available resources like man, material, money, machines and methodologies. So involvement of all the resource is scheduled as key phase which should be completed in 1 month with help of project team members and strategic decision makers.

To design an long term change management objective is necessary for effective attainment of plan objectives. It is concluded that a vision or mission statement for project can be helpful for commanding project team for efficient management of changes and improvements. The short term objectives should be planned and designed according to the requirements of vision and mission (Gupta, 2006). Only top management of BA will be included in designing the change management vision which will take 15 days time.

To process the vision or change objectives in BA, an effective communication system is required so that all the stakeholder can be informed for acceptance and implication of changes in existing system (Northcraft and, 2011). It will be responsibility of information technology department that they can make better communicate system. It will take staff of IT team and time duration of one month for creating communicate all stakeholder.

In implementation of proposed changes, it is essential to assess and reduce the challenges of change management project. It is recommended to take 2 month time for proper testing and critical evaluation of outcomes after implementation of changes in BA. It will required operational management staff which will monitor and test the

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obstacles in implementation and control of project (Resistance to Change in an Organization's Structure & Culture, 2015). 

It is required to set the short term goals and objectives which can support in addressing success with change management in BA. It will include one month time to proper evaluate the change management system for better outcomes with help of quality control department and strategic decision making team.


On the basis of short term changes in BA, it is suggested to build on long term changes in existing system. For all the proposed changes, there should be implementation in time duration of 6 months which will take support from all the project team and other stakeholder of BA (Privacy policy of BA, 2015).


Finally, all proposed changes should be commercialize for stakeholders as well as global market of BA. These changes should have effective control through monitoring and managing issues. All the project members will be responsible for successful implementation of organizational change plan of BA.

CONCLUSION This report is concluding the significant output for implementing changes according to the weaknesses in BA's operational system. There should be effective monitoring and controlling which can mechanize and effective business system. Some issues are identified related to staffing, marketing strategies and operational management in BA which can be cured through effective planning and development of proposed plan in BA. It is observed that through attainment of all mentioned business objectives in BA, it can increase the effectiveness of business strategies along with human resource management.

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Resistance to Change in an Organization's Structure & Culture. 2015. [Online]. Available at :<>. [Accessed on 5th May 2015].

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