Sample Report on Marketing by Global Assignment Help

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Sample Report On Marketing

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Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................4 TASK 1 ...........................................................................................................................................4 TASK 2 ...........................................................................................................................................7 TASK 3 ..........................................................................................................................................10 CONCLUSION ..............................................................................................................................12 REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................13

Index of Tables Table 1: SWOT Analysis .................................................................................................................7 Table 2: TOWS matrix.....................................................................................................................8

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INTRODUCTION Marketing is a broad concept of finding customer's needs and wants and producing products according to that. The report is considering launching of new food product into market (Kotler, 2008). Firstly, it is covering the concept of market research and finding the impacts of macro environment factors on the firm. This report is about developing the new food products in cluttered marketplace .In this regard, organic whole grain health bread has been used as the new product for offering it in today's food market (Mai and, 2015). This offering of the company “Marks and Spencer” is based on market demands of customers. New offering is the result of market research and market analysis by organization for launching their new product.

TASK 1 Macro-environmental analysis: Macro environmental analysis by “Marks and Spencer” depends upon PESTLE analysis done by the firm (Gbadamosi, Bathgate and Nwankwo, 2013). Their outcomes give a broad view for the development of new products. The process of analysis depends upon information from market. The sources of data can be divided into two broad classifications (Jocumsen, 2002). Primary and secondary marketing research techniques depend upon the kinds of source availability for the collection of information. Qualitative and quantitative data is based upon the types of information and data that is required for the firm.

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Macro and micro analysis of company can be done on the basis of qualitative and quantitative analysis. These data are collected by using secondary resources in market. The data which is collected in quantitative form and in numerical digits, it can be used significantly for the analysis of process.

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Primary source of information is based on the concept of collecting fresh data directly from the population. It is including some functions such as conducting surveys, interview from targeted customers, focus group interview and doing experiments comes under the category of market research by primary source of information (Kandampully, Zhang and Bilgihan, 2015). This is also concerned with the observation of customer's behaviour towards the product. Secondary data is related with the collection of that information which is already being researched by another company or a person (Heckman and, 2015). When this data is used for the market research then it is known as secondary source of information. Primary research

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can be done by the company which is related specifically with the needs and wants of targeted market.

(Source: Market share of grocery stores in Great Britain for the 12 weeks, 2015)

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(Source: Food, 2015). The environmental audit of company makes it able to launch the products which are based on needs and demands of their customers (Rashid and Ghose, 2015). This research can be done on the basis of certain methods such as micro and macro analysis. Micro analysis is the process of internal audit of company for finding internal strength, weaknesses and opportunities for firm (Martins, Rindova and Greenbaum, 2015). Macro environmental analysis is used for analysing the external factors and their impacts on the organization. Global analysis is the process of examining available opportunities' in international market places of another nation. PESTLE Analysis of “Marks and Spencer�: It is external environmental analysis of the organization (McDonald, 2011). It is one of the best frameworks which are used for macro environmental scanning of business entity. Political and Legal factors: It is related with the rule of government of UK for setting tax limits for the company and for making labour policies for workers. It is also related with the environmental regulations and investment norms for the business (Solomon, 2012). UK Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Marketing Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

government has applied several policies in the retail market of nation. The mentioned company is also taking many steps for fulfilling the demands of government like cutting salt contents, eliminating fat content and recycling process (Tao and Ferguson, 2015). It is also working for the animal welfare in country. With these factors, the new product is considered to be hygienic as well as healthy that influence people to purchase them. It eventually leads to increase in sales of new bread.

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Economic factors: Economic factors are including taxes, import duties and tariffs on the retail market. Increasing interest rates by the government is affecting market growth of the firm (Lim, 2014). The company is reducing their market rate due to unstable economy. This will automatically influence the business growth and expansion of company. Economic factors are affecting the supply and demands of commodities as well as services (Stokes and Lomax, 2008). The mentioned company is continuously getting influenced by recession in nation. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Marketing Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

Social factors: It is concerned with the language, customs and culture of nation. It has the direct impact on consumer's behaviour for buying any product (Turban and, 2015). The customs and culture of company are affecting the buying habits of consumers (Weiss, 2006). Change in taste, health precautionary practices and changing personal needs are affecting the retail company in most significant manner. So, these are the key elements which may be influencing the functioning of firm. Technological factors: The technological factors which are affecting the functioning of firm are technology and automation (Swiss, 2013). Research and development is continuously giving more convenient method for giving flexibility to retailer market (Gbadamosi, Bathgate and Nwankwo, 2013). The organization is focusing on sustainability and e-commerce techniques for the firm (Turban and, 2015). These are the important factors that are continuously affecting various practices of firm because technological advancement is the continuous process for increasing effectiveness. Legal factors: Legal policies are affecting functioning of business. The organization has adopted laws that are related to consumer safety and health for producing the goods and services according to it (Jocumsen, 2002). As a result, they have to undergo various restrictions in preparation of their product and services hence legal factors are affecting the retail market in a significant manner. Environmental factors: The environmental regulations by legal authorities are affecting the business of concerning firms. Retail stores are affected by the environmental laws and policies of government in order to perform environmental friendly business practices (Mai and, 2015). As a result of that, above mentioned organization is producing products which are appropriate for the climate change and waste reduction. Key issues facing by the company: Key issues related with the offering of products are the development stage and demand of customer estimation. The company is having responsibilities for estimation of critical needs and demands of customers (Gbadamosi, Bathgate and Nwankwo, Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Marketing Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

2013). The product should be according to needs and demands of targeted market. The other issues are concerned with the market size of targeted customers. Market size estimation will help in the future planning for the production capacity by firm (Oh, 2015). Making differentiated products from their customers will help in making distinct image in the market. This will help is gaining the competitive advantage for firm (Heckman and, 2015). Import issue in front of management team is finding the strength of company in comparison with competitors. These are the key issues that are being by firm at the time of development of new product.

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TASK 2 Development of company's marketing strategy: The development of marketing strategy and planning for development of new product is started with estimating company's strengths and weaknesses in market (Kotler, 2008). This analysis of the management team is based on SWOT analysis of company for finding the impact of micro environmental factors on firm Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Marketing Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

(Kandampully, Zhang and Bilgihan, 2015). Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats are the key elements on which decision for launching any product and marketing strategies are based. SWOT Analysis of “Marks and Spencer�: Table 1: SWOT Analysis Strengths


1). It is the powerful retail brand in UK.

1). Company has to establish the market in

2). The company is providing their product’s entire new venture which is competitive and quality according to the value for money to they are running their business in many other their customers.

products, hence they may face difficulty to

3). Company is having their own brand label focus over bread which is a new product. and brand image in customer's mind which is 2). Being under competitive industry, they lack an advantage for the launch of new product the innovative concept that could influence (Kotler, 2008).


4). It is having more than a thousand stores all over






distribution channel for new product. 5). It is having a thousand of employees from different part of various nations to promote the new product. Opportunities


1). Company is having their own website 1). Threat of local retailers in different nations. where they can launch bread product as the 2). Government policies are the threat for new food item in their retail chain.


2). It can be introduced in new market

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segments which increases the market share of bread as well as M & S. 3). There are many future opportunities in Asian countries for the successful launch of bread. This is micro environmental analysis of the mentioned company for finding strengths and opportunities of the firm into market (Kandampully, Zhang and Bilgihan, 2015). This information is useful for the new product development and for designing marketing strategies by firm. Base on the data analysis, company has decided to offer multi grain bread with low fat and low cholesterol in market. This offering of firm is related to the needs and demands of customers. The segmentation, targeting and positioning statements are used for analysing the environment and for dividing selected products in the market. 

Segmentation: It is the process of dividing selected products on the basis of demographic and psycho-graphic segment (Martins, Rindova and Greenbaum, 2015). Demographic segment is related with the analysis of products on the basis of age group, occasion and benefits of their products. The company is offering multi grain bread into market for the people of different age groups. This bread is suitable for kids, health conscious adults and old age people for low cholesterol and fat. It is covering all age groups as their target segment of the market. Psycho graphic segments are for the health conscious people of market.

Targeting: The offering product of “Marks and Spencer” is multi grain bread that is covering all age group people. It does not requires income sensitive targeting for offering the product as the bread will be made available to people at moderate rate (Martins, Rindova and Greenbaum, 2015). Company will target every group of people for selling

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their products as it is the item for daily consumption. This is the strategy that is followed by the firm for offering their products. 

Positioning: The organization is putting their offerings in the category of healthy products. This is suitable for the health conscious people for providing them the best quality products that are having low amount of fat and cholesterol (McDonald, 2011).

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Long term strategic plan: The long term strategic plan is used for planning strategies for marketing of product for long time. Multi grain bread is the new product launched in European market (Solomon, 2012). This will make the company to develop more new products which should have low fat and cholesterol for people. This will work for long term to maintain the quality of bread product in the firm. This is long termed plan for the company to produce products for the health conscious people. Table 2: TOWS matrix Strengths


1). Reputed company image in 1). Losing market share in Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Marketing Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.


some nations.

2). High brand quality and 2). Fear of misuse. value for the money. 3). Efficient production. 4). Own label of company. Opportunities 1).



worldwide market.

1). Producing high quality 1).

2). Internationalization in retail 2).

2). Launching new product for Producing

customer's new segments.

oriented products. 1). Providing higher values 1). Declination in customer

Threats 1).


the products (Heckman and et. al., relationship. 2015).






in and quality products to the loyalty can be analyzed and customers. 2).


trying to satisfy them. customer

oriented products. TOWS matrix can be defined as the variant of classic business tool which is called as SWOT analysis. In this all the opportunities, strengths, weaknesses and threats are listed on the outer part of matrix and then they are compared with each other(Kandampully, Zhang and Bilgihan, 2015). The factors that influence purchasing power of buyers are economic level of customers, their taste of preferences and value for money return to customers. In the current scenario, most of the people are becoming diet conscious. Their needs and demands are changing with time (Rashid and Ghose, 2015). This will create the demand of diet conscious food products. This offering should be the same product which they are using in their daily scheduled life.

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From the analysis of external and internal factors of company, the product development team has decided for offering low cholesterol products. With the existing brand image, they will be able to secure greater market share. Providing higher value product will provide opportunities for the success of new product which can be treated as the strength as well. This product is basically fulfilling the needs and demands for diet conscious people. This analysis is based on the micro and macro-environmental analysis of firm.

TASK 3 The marketing mix for multi grain bread by Marks and Spencer Company depends upon various aspects of marketing segment (Kandampully, Zhang and Bilgihan, 2015). If marketing mix is decided for multi grain bread then it would be like: 

Product: The benefits for adopting new product that is multi grain bread are low fat and low cholesterol breakfast for every age person. This bread product is having vitamin A and D which is good for bones and eyes. The other benefits of replacing local breads with multi grain bread are nine hour energy (Jocumsen, 2002). It is having high amount of protein and vitamins which is good for skin. Product is having various flavours which suit with the taste buds of customers. These are benefits of using multi grain product. It is good for the health of people and many diet conscious individuals are adopting it.


Price: The two strategies that are available for the decision of company regarding price are price penetration and price skimming. Price penetration is the methodology in which price of product is set higher than competitors (Kandampully, Zhang and Bilgihan, 2015). Price penetration is the strategy in which price of bread is settled low for the first time then it is increased in the future. For multi grain bread, price should be decided that is based on price penetration strategy. Price of the product should be dependent on the quantity of bread.


Place: The places that can be used for selling product are retail stores of company itself. Other places for distribution are bakeries, super stores, departmental stores and marts Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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(Oh, 2015). These are the places where customer visits frequently for getting new products. Firstly, the company is focusing on retailer shops and local bakeries for selling their products in market as they are the sources which deliver final products to customers.

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Promotion: The Company chooses various marketing mediums for promoting products to their customers (Stokes and Lomax, 2008). They are targeting diet conscious women, kids and old age people by adding flavour and low cholesterol bread (Gbadamosi, Bathgate and Nwankwo, 2013). The medium of advertisement which can be used are Television, radio, newspaper and magazines for advertising their products. The major benefits of replacing local bread habits with multi grain breads are stronger

bones and delighted of flavour. This will help in planning marketing mix of multi grain bread product by “Marks and Spencer�. The extended marketing mix for these products is:

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People: The people who are using this product and add new healthy food habit are customers. Individuals of varying age and culture may adopt this product (Lim, 2014). The product is basically targeted towards health conscious people, women and old age individuals.


Process: The process is just similar to the other procedure of local breads. The major difference is in raw materials of bread (Solomon, 2012). The company has to contact different suppliers for gaining raw material of these products.


Physical evidence: These are the number of customers who are trying to adopt product on the basis of experiences of other customers. The marketing concept for multi grain diet bread is related with Business to business

selling as well as business to consumer selling (Weiss, 2006). The company can sell their products to local bakeries for their business and obviously, they are selling for the customers in their retail stores. The organization is planning for adopting maximum profit from market. The sale of products depends on the supply and demand of that in market. It is also related with the types of market in which company is selling their products. The market can have perfect competition structure, monopoly, oligopoly and monopolistic competition (Swiss, 2013). The perfect competition is the market situation in which there are many numbers of competitors which are existed. The price of product depends upon the market price of competitors' product (Turban and, 2015). Monopoly market is concerned with the market which is having no competitors and product is completely new for the customers (Lim, 2014). The decision regarding price of product will be in hand of the firm. Oligopoly market condition is related with the market in which some competitors are existed. Monopolistic market condition is a type of system which is the integration of monopoly and perfect competition (Stokes and Lomax, 2008). The multi grain diet bread comes under the category of oligopoly. The price of product can be decided by taking

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into consideration the price of competitor's product. This is the method for taking decisions regarding price of product.

CONCLUSION The report is related with basic marketing concepts that are applicable for the development of new product. The file is oriented towards new offering of Marks and Spencer Company in European market, that is, multi grain bread product. Here, company is planning for the development of new product for targeted market. It is covering the micro and macro environmental analysis of firm. This analysis of the firm is used for finding the factors which are influencing the marketing strategies that are adopted by the organization. The report is orientated towards role and functioning of marketing in company's context. This is also emphasising on the critical evaluation of marketing research data and methods for promoting the product. It is having the plan for launching new product into market which is based on proper information and data. This report is concluded as the integration of marketing practices, data and information availability as well as outcomes in the form of marketing mix plan.

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