Sample Report on Importance of Museum, Heritage and Cultural Tourism

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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ...........................................................................................................................3 CRITICAL EVALUATION OF THE IMPORTANCE AND VALUE OF HERITAGE, MUSEUMS AND CULTURE IN 21ST CENTURY EUROPE AND ANALYSIS OF THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ROLE PLAYED BY CULTURAL TOURISM ...................................3 Historical Development of Museum and Cultural Tourism/Heritage Sector ..............................3 Provisions of Museums/Heritage .................................................................................................4 Museum and Heritage Roles, Responsibilities and Management Issues .....................................5 Cultural Tourism Industry............................................................................................................6 Role of Heritage in Contemporary Society..................................................................................7 Museums, Education and Interpretation ......................................................................................8 Museum and Heritage Development ...........................................................................................8 World Heritage Sites and Impact of Tourism ..............................................................................9 CONCLUSION ..............................................................................................................................10 REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................11

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INTRODUCTION Tourism can be defined as activities of people that are travelling and staying to the places other than their home. The activity might be done for leisure or business purposes. Tourism industry is very dynamic and competitive in nature because customer's needs and preferences get changed frequently and constantly (Bickle, and Harrill, 2010). The main focus of this business is customer's satisfaction, safety and enjoyment. Cultural tourism industry in 21st century has got a great value as many people are getting attracted towards the cultural heritage and museum in UK and Europe for enhancing the knowledge and experience of diverse culture. In this report, focus has been made on the critical evaluation of importance of heritage and museums and the vital role of cultural tourism.

CRITICAL EVALUATION OF THE IMPORTANCE AND VALUE OF HERITAGE, MUSEUMS AND CULTURE IN 21ST CENTURY EUROPE AND ANALYSIS OF THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE ROLE PLAYED BY CULTURAL TOURISM Historical Development of Museum and Cultural Tourism/Heritage Sector From last 50 years, great emphasis has been placed on exhibition’s interpretations. Thus, museum started growing during this period with an incredible range of themes and subjects covered. Similarly, the cultural tourism was developed over a long period of time (Garcia, 2007). In early years, museums were made in the house of rich people where families and institutions used to showcase wealthy collections of arts. Only those people who are considered to be respectable can visit to see those museums. Then gradually the concept of museum started changing and the first public museum was established by the Britishers in 1759. It was accessible by the upper and middle class only and it was difficult to gain entrance. Britishers were concerned that large crowd could possibly damage the artefacts. The potential visitors had to apply for the visit and when the application was approved then only small group was allowed to Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help is one stop place for Tourism Assignment Help, all the document are written by experts.

enter into the museum (George, 2010). In early years, people were not much interested about the museum and other heritage sites because of less awareness about these sites. People who had money can get the access of entering inside museum. After that, many museums started establishing and researchers and archaeologists were motivated to find the artefacts and this enabled every country to start maintaining the museum and other historical places in order to attract the tourists from other countries. In this 21st century, people are aware about the heritage sites and museum and interest of people towards these sites are increasing year after year (Knudsen and Waade, 2010).

Sample Report on Museum, Heritage and Cultural Tourism

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Kindly Contact us at: Cultural tourism has a long history. It is the subset of tourism which is concerned with the country's or region's culture. After the development of museum and heritage sites, the cultural tourism has evolved. Earlier, people used to visit for leisure and fun but gradually, awareness about the cultural heritage and museum enhances their knowledge and experience and educate them regarding the past. Thus, people started doing tours for visiting the heritage sites. This Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help is one stop place for Tourism Assignment Help, all the document are written by experts.

provided an opportunity to the tourism sector to make available the cultural tourism to people who wish to visit to have the knowledge of diverse cultures. The World Tourism Organisation has concluded that it accounted for 37% of global tourism (Kratz and Merritt, 2011). Provisions of Museums/Heritage The government has regulated several laws and regulations on museums and heritage in order to maintain the decorum at such places so that people can reap out the benefits of these sites. People who actually travel for enhancing their knowledge and experience to protect their interest towards these sites, government of UK has given several regulations of museums and heritage. The provisions are as follows: 1. Visitors: Entry for students, researchers and general public is free so that they can get benefits out of museums and heritage places. For certain exhibitions, charges are applied in order to spend it on the maintenance of artefacts (Cole, 2004). The provision regarding security screening of visitors was set in order to eliminate the threats of terrorist attack. 2. Conduct in the Museum: Visitors should not diminish the value of museum and heritage and do not damage the museum’s object and historical monuments. 3. Use of Reserve Collection: Visitors can study the museum collection but with due care and before using such facilities, the name should get registered. 4. Artists and Photographers: As many photographers click the pictures and sell it in the market so for this reason, government has banned the use of cameras inside the museum. The artist should take care about the protection of collections (Kupisz and Działek, 2013). 5. Public Notice: There should be a notice board outside the museum or heritage with mentioning the regulations and provisions of visiting museum and heritage sites as well as ethical aspects should also be displayed so that visitors would behave accordingly and discipline should be maintained else the disciplinary actions will be taken. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help is one stop place for Tourism Assignment Help, all the document are written by experts.

6. Compliance: If the regulations of museum are not followed then legal actions might be taken against visitors. In addition to the regulations, several acts should be followed so that cultural tourism can be made as a great success. The provisions are regulated by the central and local government of UK and Europe in order to maintain discipline at such places. Despite of that, some independent and private sectors overtake the maintenance responsibilities and apply the provisions in order to attract the cultural tourism and protect the interest of cultural tourists. Museum and Heritage Roles, Responsibilities and Management Issues Museums are the non-profit making and permanent institution. The twin roles of museum are to preserve and to make accessible the remains of the past. The main function of museum is to research, outreach and collection management. The role of heritage is to redress especially in those situations where histories have been silenced. Heritage is not homogeneous; its role is to encourage people or visitors to accept diversity as the wealth of a nation (Latham, 2012). In museum and at heritage places, two types of management issues arise. One is legal issues while managing the museum and heritage places which impact the museum, staff and board and they need to be aware about such issues. Boards and staff should evaluate the legal implications on a regular basis (Mckercher and Du, 2002). They should craft the policies which ensure the compliance with laws and they can seek advice from legal counsellors as well. Legal issues arise on a daily basis in museum. For this purpose, museum and heritage must follow the state, federal and international laws to avoid the impact of these issues. Issues which impact the museums and heritage are non-profit business, contracts, tax, property, intellectual property, insurance, employment and art law and also the other laws. Another issue in the management of museum and heritage is of ethics. There was an unseen social responsiveness and cultural sensitivity in the workers of museum and heritage (DĂźmcke and Gnedovsky, 2013). It is because the exhibition of sensitive material and other cultural things should be done with due care and great respect for the feelings of religious, ethnic and other groups. For this purpose, management Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help is one stop place for Tourism Assignment Help, all the document are written by experts.

has to educate the personnel of museum about the ethics of museum and heritage sites so that the sentiments of past religion and culture should not get hurt (Marshall and Villiers, 2015). Decisions about the inclusion and exclusion, valuable and invaluable as well as languages all lead to ethical style and thus, it shapes the perception of public who are visiting to museum and cultural heritage in UK and Europe.

Sample Report on Museum, Heritage and Cultural Tourism

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Kindly Contact us at: Cultural Tourism Industry The concept of cultural tourism is difficult to define because many scholars have given with number of definitions. Thus, it can be defined as the leisure travel which is being attracted by the cultural factor or factors of a particular area (Mitsche and, 2013). This tourism can be termed as cultural tourism. Cultural tourism generally includes tourism in urban areas such as historic or large cities and their museum, monuments, etc. This tourism also includes travelling in rural areas and viewing their tradition, their values, culture, rituals and lifestyles. This form of tourism is becoming very popular in the world because these tourists spend more than standard Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help is one stop place for Tourism Assignment Help, all the document are written by experts.

tourists. In the recent report of OECD, it has been found that cultural tourism plays a vital role in the regional development of different regions of the world. Thus, it can also be defined as the movement of people to cultural attractions with the intention of getting heritage experience. Tourists are attracted towards cultural tourism because they want to gain the heritage experience. By visiting such places, they get more information about diverse cultures. Cultural tourism industry attracts people on the basis of open air museums such as The National Museum of Denmark, Denmark. These are the museums which showcase the rural architecture, landscapes, people and their tradition. Tourism industry provides the facilities to visit industrial heritage, stately homes, historic buildings, the work of English heritage and many more (Pietro and, 2015). Cultural tourism industry is flourishing due to increasing interest of people towards the cultural and heritage tour. The major contribution to this industry is from cultural museum because it has been the subject of a number of studies. The recent information was gathered by the Heritage Lottery Fund, 2009 and Oxford Economics. This research shows that the UK heritage-based tourism industry is bigger than any other economy. Out of top 10 UK attraction points, 8 being the museums which was visited by the cultural tourism and thus, benefited the cultural tourism industry. The research also concluded that cultural tourism industry has a turnover of 12.4 billion GBP a year out of which 7.3 billion GBP is based on the museum sector and remaining 5.1 billion GBP being natural heritage. Thus, it can be concluded that 7.4 billion GBP per year is contributed by the cultural tourism sector in the UK economy in terms of GDP. It claims that the bigger contribution in UK economy is by heritage sector than any other sector. 60% of the cultural tourists are UK residents (Hull, 2011). Role of Heritage in Contemporary Society In this modern society, Heritage is playing a major role for the development of nation. Key to balance archaeology along with the economic development is like balancing heritage values with the needs and concerns of contemporary society. This allows heritage values to Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help is one stop place for Tourism Assignment Help, all the document are written by experts.

compete with other things in a modern world while at the same time, it is allowing different ways of viewing the past (Roders and Oers, 2011). For this purpose, it is required to apply economical, legal, ethical, management and scientific perspectives to meet the cultural heritage concerns. This should be done in a manner which is accountable, sustainable and includes the ethical responsibility for interacting and working with the people who have a stake in the resource under consideration in an effort to help advanced local economic conditions while at the same time not compromising the quality of life for future generations. Cultural value is not only the basis for understanding, protecting and managing collective cultural heritage but it also assists in the economic development. Cultural heritage resources can be viewed in terms of cultural capital or assets in the context of a market driven economy. Although, defining heritage in such terms is often difficult for those in the heritage sector to understand. It in fact provides a basis for the implementation of economic principles which are measurable and applicable to the cultural heritage. Thus, it is providing a basis for long-term planning, management, protection and economic development. Defining these values of heritage is the key to understand the role of heritage in contemporary society and its application and it is contrast to the economic development (Carbonell, 2012). Cultural heritage has a major contribution in the sustainable growth by merging with modernity and tradition. Through a creative combination of inheritance of the past with innovative and modern ideas, they aimed at shaping the future. Heritage can be seen as a resource which does not have a sole reason of preserving historic memory. But if used creatively, it can also bring various social and economic benefits to many stakeholders. It raises the portrait of places by making them more competitive in the contemporary world and it also serves as a source of inspiration for the contemporary arts and creative industries. Museums, Education and Interpretation Museums have a great educational impact as the most widely used framework for assessing and improving the education and learning impacts of museum. People who visit Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help is one stop place for Tourism Assignment Help, all the document are written by experts.

museum are those who want to enhance their education. The visitors may be archaeologists, researchers and people who have keen interest in the cultural artifacts. After visiting such places, tourists get the knowledge and understanding about something, learning facts or information, making sense of something, deep understanding, making links and relationships between things, etc. They can develop skills such as knowing the way to do something, being able to innovate, intellectual skills get developed, social and communication skills and physical skills. After enhancing knowledge in museums, visitors get the interpretation about museum, battlefield and historic sites (Forrest, 2012). Through this, people gain the theoretical knowledge about the field of interpretation and education. The museum laid down several standards which clearly state their overall goals of education and it also demonstrates that their activities are aligned with them. It also presents accurate and appropriate content for each of their audience. Museum and Heritage Development The development of museum and heritage can be done by marketing, fund raising, sponsorship and merchandising (Leslie and Sigala, 2005). Marketing of museum and heritage can be done by following the process that is identifying the needs and wants of visitors and then delivering the benefits which will satisfy the visitors in gaining experience. Marketing also aids in maximizing the performance of museum. Even though it is a very complex activity with requiring extensive creativity, planning, organization and problem solving but marketing of museum and heritage will help in the development. As it is known that museum and heritage sites are nonprofit organization but for doing maintenance and pay off personnel and for the development of these cultural heritage, fund is required (Dallen, 2011). To increase the funds for museum, management do not ask for donations instead they organize the special events and creative methods for raising the funds for the museum. Form this fund; they do the maintenance and development of museum and heritage.

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By offering sponsorship opportunities to companies during special events and programs for exhibiting the museum elements and other cultural event at heritage sites, development can be done. Because company pays money for sponsoring their brand and museum and cultural event, they can do their development as well (Timothy, 2011). Guggenheim museum at New York provides opportunities to the corporate for sponsorship and their sponsorship enables to develop the museum and present some of the finest cultural, educational and public programs in the world.

Sample Report on Museum, Heritage and Cultural Tourism

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Merchandising and retailing of museum arts and other heritage icons have enabled the development of these places by creating awareness about these sites so that many cultural tourists can visit these places and enhance their experience and knowledge about the diverse

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culture. If there will be more cultural tour then development of museum and heritage will be done with a fast pace (Cultural Heritage, 2015). World Heritage Sites and Impact of Tourism World Heritage Sites are the places such as city, building, mountains, rivers, monuments, etc. which is listed by UNESCO. These sites are of special culture or physical significance. In UK and Europe, the World Heritage Sites are Blaenavon Industrial Landscape, Blenheim Palace, City of Bath, Maritime Greenwich, Tower of London, Bronze Age Burial Site of Sammallahdenmäki, Berlin Modernist Housing Estates, Convent of St Gall in Switzerland, Old City of Berne, etc. These sites have a great impact on the tourism industry which may be positive or negative (Smith, 2009). It is because of the reason that most of the World Heritage Sites are major cultural tourism attraction points. Those people who have interest in culture, heritage and nature are motivated to visit to these sites. For visiting these sites, visitors face the issues like transportation, accommodation, other service provision, etc. These issues have given opportunities to tourism industry to flourish. Tourism sector have made them available with these facilities so that people can have the hassle free visit. Government and tourism organization do the management of these sites in order to attract more people and this brings employment and income to this industry. Along with the positive impact, there are some negative impacts on tourism industry. Development impact such as during construction phase can be severe (Smith and Robinson, 2006). Pollution generated by the hotels, pollution done by vehicles and tourist drop litters on these sites. Government might penalize on hotels and transportation for doing the pollution. Due to this, negative impact will be created on the minds of tourists. Hence, this affects the profitability of industry. The pollution created by tourist and tourism industry has an adverse effect on the environment due to which trees are disappearing and water bodies are getting polluted (Timothy and Boys, 2003). Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help is one stop place for Tourism Assignment Help, all the document are written by experts.

Tourism industry is spending a lot to protect the environment and the World Heritage Sites in order to offset the negative impacts of tourism sector. For this purpose, tourism industry is educating tourists not to litter and the hotel staff for not throwing wastage in water and on the roads etc.

CONCLUSION After preparing the project report on Museum and Cultural Heritage, conclusion can be made that the importance and value of cultural heritage and museum has been increasing in the UK and Europe in 21st century because of the enhancement of experience and education regarding the artifacts by culture loving tourists. UNO and other organizations are contributing more for increasing the importance of such sites. In this modern society, heritage is playing a vital role. Along with the greater importance, these sites are generating profits for the cultural tourism industry. Thus, for visiting these sites, transportation is required and for that purpose, cultural tourism is playing a major role for making the tourists avail these facilities.

Sample Report on Museum, Heritage and Cultural Tourism

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