Sample Report On Operation Management in Business By Global Assignment Help

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Sample Report On

Operation Management in Business

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .....................................................................................................................................3 Task 1 nature & importance of operations management .................................................................3 1.1 Defining the operational management and importance of operation management ...............4 1.2 Analysis of operations function within WH Smith ................................................................5 1.3 Evaluation of process model for effective operation management ........................................6 Task 2 Operations management and strategic planning ..................................................................8 2.1 Importance of Three Es (Economy, Efficiency and Effectiveness) in two organizations .....8 2.2 Assessing the impact of tension between cost minimization and quality maximization .......9 Task 3 Production Process ............................................................................................................12 3.1 Assessing how linear programming adds value to a production process of organization ...12 3.2 Evaluating critical path analysis and network planning ......................................................13 3.3 Justifying the need for operational planning and control in a production process ..............15 Task 4 .............................................................................................................................................15 4.1 Produce a set of clearly defined operational outcomes for WH Smith ................................15 4.2 Produce a network plan for the scheme of activities ...........................................................17 4.3 Justifying how quality management techniques are applied to improve operations in WH Smith ..........................................................................................................................................20 CONCLUSION ..............................................................................................................................21

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Illustration Index Illustration 1: Three E's .................................................................................................................10 Illustration 2: Five performance objectives ...................................................................................13 Illustration 3: List of activities ......................................................................................................20 Illustration 4: Gantt Chart ..............................................................................................................22 Illustration 5: Critical path ............................................................................................................23

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INTRODUCTION Operation management is the most important section of business management. In this process, management of business formulates various strategies for the assessment and optimum allocation of different kinds of resources and functions to get the desired outcomes (Wheelen, 2008). This term is being used by the organization to work with full potential and efficiency to deliver quality services as well as best products to customers. Operation management can be considered as a system that arranges different kinds of resources along with the employees in production process in order to meet the desired operational outcomes (Tsay, 2014). It also assists the manager in development of various plans regarding cost reduction and for having increase in the production quality. This process is also playing a significant impact on the quality management practices. This report presents various aspects of operations management with reference to Ocado and WH Smith. This research evaluates the importance of operations management in two different organizations. It also evaluates the production process as well as three E's. This report also determines tension between cost maximization and quality minimization with reference to various operations of two different firms. In the next section, it studies the importance of linear programming in order to enhance the efficiency of production process. Further, this report describes the network plan for activities of Arcadia Group that is related to test launching of new picture frame.

TASK 1: NATURE & IMPORTANCE OF OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Ocado is the world's largest online and the only grocery retailer, reaching more than 82 % of all British households (and within one year 100% of British households will be covered with opening the third Customer Fulfillment Centre in Andover , selling over 200,000 orders a week or 1.2M items a day (Ocado, 2015).

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WH Smith (Smiths News PLC.) is the biggest newspaper, book, magazine retailer and news agent in a United Kingdom. In an organization like Smiths News PLC using of operations management is needed in every fabric of the company’s “everyday production� Smiths News PLC uses operations management to make sure that the efficiency is the always it around 100% of the production and delivery (About WHSmith's, 2015).

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Kindly Contact us at: 1.1 Defining the operational management and importance of operation management Operation management can be defined as a administration of business that aims to improve the capability and outcomes of organization along with maintaining the effectiveness and efficiency in work (Yang, Hong and Modi, 2011). In addition to that, the performance of firm is greatly influenced by various operational activities that assist the manager in order to develop the process of converting raw material into finished goods. The major importance of operation management in Ocado and WH Smith are explained under this statement:

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Planning of business operations: Operation management is playing an important role within Ocado and WH Smith to develop an effective plan for managing resources, funds and human power to get the desired outcome (Toni, 2012). In context of Ocada online firm, the department of operation management makes effort for the formulation of various strategies according to conditions and market trends as well as needs of consumers. With the help of prior planning and management of resources, business entity can improve the quality of product and generate more revenues by meeting needs of consumers with an effective way (Subramanian and Ramanathan, 2012). Further, WH Smith can manage its distribution network with an effective manner and production of goods in order to reduce the production cost and for increasing profitability.


Monitoring and control: Operation management also supervises various activities and functions that are performed by the employees and departments to ensure quality of goods (Tsay, 2014). In this context, Ability to producing professional managers with high capabilities is really important in the organizations especially in strategic work areas especially operation managers who actually leading the all operation management within the organization. It is very important in a profit based business operations that the organization need to be controlled in a system of operations (Anh and Matsui, 2011). They are dealing with all the improvement of business, operation, controlling the workforce, leading them, relocate them within the organization where they can be more able to fulfill the company's needs. So, various types of performance management tools are implemented within organization in order to achieve various aspects as well as monitoring of various activities of both organizations.


Production and distribution of goods: With the help of operation management, management of both companies can assess requirement of human and physical resources for management of business operations such as timely distribution of goods to consumers within Ocado and ensuring about quality of goods and services as per requirement of Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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consumers (Todnem By, 2005). With the help of proper planning, business entity can reduce wastage of resources and improve satisfaction level of consumers.

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Example: In an organization, like Smiths News PLC using of operations management uses operations management in order to make sure that the efficiency of firm is always around 100% of the production and delivery (Stevenson and Sum, 2009). Efficiency in WH Smith is concerned with the way in which resources like employees and inputs could be the most effective way to maximize the production and deliver the highest quality of customer service as well. In the business with these activities we can make sure that we can try to reach the main the most important objective for the company and these are: to make profit and maximize shareholders value (Balocco, Mogre and Toletti, 2009). The company tries to invest only for the most profitable areas and to save money on those projects which actually it is not the main profit source for the organization, so they try to do this with the minimum resources to achieve as much Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help provides best Dissertation Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

as they can output. Measuring of efficiency in Smiths News PLC can show the way to be productive and profitable as a company. 1.2 Analysis of operations function within WH Smith In order to achieve business objectives and goals, the management of WH Smith manages various operations as per requirements of organization. Some most important functions are explained under this statement: 

Ensure safety in production process: The safety of personnel should be given maximum priority (Sousa and Voss, 2008). The efforts of employees play the most important role behind the success of an organization. So, for ensuring their safety in order to safeguard their right, it is also needed to be ensured that with the business operation nobody else is affected.

Meeting deadlines: WH Smith has earned reputation in own field throughout a decade. The customers want a good service from them (Bryde, 2003). To serve the customers efficiently and to retain their loyalty, WH Smith has followed systematic process and schedule of activities in order to deliver goods and services within predetermined time period. It is one of the most important sections of business operations of company.

Management of cost: The key to success of WH Smith is its cost effectiveness. It helps to save money by not investing less profitable areas and creates opportunities to invest them in more resourceful projects (Schniederjans, Cao and Triche, 2013). By applying various strategies related cost management, organization could reduce overall expenditures of company and increases profitability of firm.

Quality management: Quality of service is another factor behind the success of WH Smith. In order to retain the image and customer loyalty, WH Smith has made no compromise with the quality and as long as this practice continues the company will get going (De Toni, 2012). In order to achieve this, firm has adopted total quality

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management approach. In this, managers evaluate each activity of production as well as distribution process. 

Ethical production: Any unlawful act by the company may cost incredible loss. This may make the firm financially weak and its goodwill will be ruined as well (Rao, 2010). That is the reason for which WH Smith should operate within the law.

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1.3 Evaluation of process model for effective operation management For effective management and scheduling of operational activities, the management of WH Smith can use the transformation process model in order manage the operations for manufacturing and delivery of news papers and magazines etc. with an effective manner (Understanding operations management, 2013). The management of WH Smith Company can use this model for improving of the quality of operational activities as well as advancement of distribution network. The key activities of transformation model are explained below:

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Input: It is first section of transformation model. In this, operation managers of WH Smith evaluate needs of funds, raw material and human power to develop the process and manufacturing the quality products (Russell and Taylor-Iii, 2008). In this section, business entity arranges training and allocates different resources in order to start the production process.

Environment: According to transformation model, Smiths News PLC requires positive and highly productive environment for management of various production and distribution operations (Främling and, 2006). In this part of process model, organization considers economy factors, technology, competitor and supplier force for managing distinct operational activities that are related to transformation of raw material into final products and services within predetermined time period. It also assists the management in quality of various services by application of latest technologies and new production process.

Transformation system: In this section, company transforms all kinds of raw material and resources into final goods such as newspaper and magazines (McFarlane, 2014). Management also evaluates the efficiency of current production process.

Monitoring and control: This element of transformation model will help the management of WH Smith in order to make balance in parallel operations to meet the demand with quality (Gaimon, 2015). A great deal of focus is on efficiency and effectiveness of processes. Therefore, operations management often includes substantial measurement and analysis of internal processes. In addition, strategic planning is a management tool that helps an organization to focus on its energy, to ensure that members of the organization are working toward the same goals, to assess and adjust the organization's direction in response to a changing environment (Mahadevan, 2010).

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Output: By following the model, organization can get the desired outcome according to plan (Rao, 2010). Organization and its operations department formulate various plans according to conditions and market trends to improve the design and sales of firm.


Distribution: As a newspaper and magazine producer, distribution process of WH Smith is also playing significant role in order to meet the expectations of consumers. In this, company manages its logistics and storage of goods (Greasley, 2007). Company also develops long term relations with retailers and other agents. It directly affects the sales of company.

TASK 2: OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT AND STRATEGIC PLANNING 2.1 Importance of Three Es (Economy, Efficiency and Effectiveness) in two organizations Economy, Efficiency and Effectiveness can be considered as the most important concepts of operations management (Loch, 2007). It influences all activities of operation management practices. These points are explained below:

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Illustration 1: Three E's (Source: Pursuing Excellence in Business, 2014) 

Economy: Economy means doing some things with lots of saving as much as an organization can and cutting on expenditure of company by applying various strategies and management practices (Gunasekaran and Ngai, 2012). With different measurements, Smith News PLC could cut the costs which actually are not necessary. They gave up couple of not productive projects and like this they could save a huge amount of money. These provide the economy to Smith PLC. In similar, the management of Ocado can manage its expenditures and cost of services by removing unwanted activities in the process of online selling (Kannan and Tan, 2005). By identifying new suppliers and low

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cost logistic service providers, Ocado can enhance its economy in the form of profits and revenues. 

Efficiency: Efficiency it actually mean that Smith News PLC is managing the company and production smoothly and without any major issues. This is an important aspect of operations management that include carrying out the process of manufacturing in such manner that apart from minimum cost highest and maximum standard of quality of finished products can be attained (Leseure, 2010). Quality management of this organization, Smith News PLC achieving constant growth in a company. They always had to make a serious decision and because of this attitude the business reached the highest level. In similar way, Ocado should have to increase satisfaction level of consumers by delivering different products to consumer within predetermined time period (Hayes, 2006). By facilitating some unique services such as online order tacking etc., Ocado can improve efficiency of company. In this process, company has to adopt latest technologies and process that could improve efficiency of firm.


Effectiveness: Every business organization makes efforts to reach and managing the things on highest standards doing things as good as an organization can. In this process, management always need to make sure that company can meet the criteria of fulfilling the customer's wants and needs including the customer service and delivery as well (Kleindorfer, Singhal and Wassenhove, 2005). In Smith News PLC, the effectiveness means that they were expand from normal everyday magazine, newspaper selling to the online market as well and hand it over from the competitors. With the companies proactive attitude, they started attracting more customers and with various promotions, they could keep them as well (Laws, 2013). In the context of Ocado, management has to develop various service quality standards related delivery time as well as after sales services. All these factors create a great impact on the effectiveness of services and satisfaction of buyers. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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2.2 Assessing the impact of tension between cost minimization and quality maximization The tension between cost minimization and quality greatly influences management operations of each business entity. Every organization makes efforts for developing proper balance between quality of goods and cost of company (Yang, Hong and Modi, 2011). It also influences satisfaction level of consumers. So, assessment of impact of tension between cost minimization and quality maximization within WH Smith and Ocado is explained under these statements:

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Kindly Contact us at: In WH Smith The management of WH Smith also faces tension between cost and quality. The cost minimizing it is the key element of the business. If business entity reduces quality of raw material that directly influences quality of output products such as books, newspapers and magazines (Lee, 2005). In order to reduce cost without affecting quality, the managers of Smith News PLC had to cut down the few projects and this can be considered as an easier way to cut some cost with planning that, because minimizing cost without planning could very harmful and Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help provides best Dissertation Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

risky for the company. This action helped to Smith News PLC (Kliem, 2007). to save a huge amount of money. With different promotions, it helped to make and earn more revenues. This helped the Smith News PLC in terms of improvement of the quality. In Ocado Ocado is dealing in online business and selling activities. So, the business entity has to manage various technical elements in order to facilitate best online shopping services. It affects the cost of organization on direct basis as well as quality of process rendering services (Anh and Matsui, 2011). Online business activities are greatly dependent on advance computing software, attractive website and logistic services. In this aspect, company can manage quality of products without affecting overall expenditure by identifying new low cost suppliers from new market and by reducing cost of transportation. Furthermore, Ocado can provide place for advertisements to other companies at online website of company (Lamming and Zheng, 2000). All these elements will reduce expenditure of firm along with increase revenue from other sources. 2.3 Evaluating significance of five performance objectives: cost; dependability; flexibility; quality and speed The performance objectives determine a roadmap of operations in order to manage several operations of company to achieve business goals. Five important performance objectives are explained under these statements:

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Illustration 2: Five performance objectives (Source: key performance objectives, 2014) 

Speed: This approach is showing efficiency of business entity in the form of distribution of goods and services to consumers. Speed also considers as efficiency of plant and firm for delivering goods and services within predetermined time period (Laws, 2013). To achieve this objective, management should have to reduce the waiting period. Smiths News PLC has opened a significant amount of new stores, distribution centers, warehouses to make sure that they can reach even more customers and stay as the unique market leading company in the UK. They started providing the wide range of new products like e-books and give access to the customer for buying those in a store but at

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the same time in their website as well (Wheelen, 2008). These helped to WH Smiths to create new online based shopping customers for them. 

Dependability: This system determines the dependability on operations in which organization can deliver product and services to consumer within predetermined schedule (Balocco, Mogre and Toletti, 2009). For this, Smith Newspaper PLC can implement new technologies in order to manage the various operations of business.

Cost: In this aspect, the Operation manager of business entity evaluates changes in cost of production by using latest technology and production process that will enhances production quantity (Toni, 2012). The strategy of reduction the cost in WH Smith was leading to the companies to reach the economic power or strength. Saving the cost of running business and eliminates the less profit oriented projects saving money for our organization and making the chance and change the investment along with spending money only just for those projects which actually more profit oriented (Stevenson and Sum, 2009).

Quality: It determines the features and uniqueness of services that will enhance the consumer demand as well as satisfaction level of consumers. In this process, WH Smith updates its operations according to current market trends such as online market (Russell and Taylor-Iii, 2008). This is because, online market is taking over the usual magazine, book and newspaper selling. This is really important to be successful and staying as a market leading company. Organization has to recognize the high demand of internet users who are actually shopping more often than is used to be and WH Smith gives the online shopping opportunity on their website (Todnem By, 2005). All these factors improve the quality of services.

Flexibility: In this, operation manager evaluates the ability of product line to adjust with the alteration in technology and production process which is based on the needs of consumer. The management of WH Smith also evaluates process of rendering services to Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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consumers (Kleindorfer, Singhal and Wassenhove, L. N., 2005). By adopting new strategies, involvement of employees can be increased at all the levels. BY taking different proactive decisions, management has shown efficiency. All these factors influence flexibility of firm in order to manage new things.

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TASK 3: PRODUCTION PROCESS 3.1 Assessing how linear programming adds value to a production process of organization Linear Programming describes graphical and mathematical procedures that seek the optimum allocation of scarce or limited resources to competing products or activities (De Toni, 2012). It is one of the most powerful decision making techniques and is often used in order to determine an optimum production mix, media selection and so on. They all require definition, and for a numerical solution, mathematical formulation (Främling and et. al. 2006). Linear Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help provides best Dissertation Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

programming is a system of mathematical processes which can make help in a decision making for the managers. This is the most useful tool in an industrial engineering and at the same time in management science as well. Linear programming is important in decisions, an Operation Managers decision making and it helps the company in minimizing the costs and maximizing the profits and like this the management of WH Smith can calculate exactly the sales, prices and they can see how to maximize the profit in the company and how to progress (Kleindorfer, Singhal and Wassenhove, 2005). On the basis of minimization concept, WH Smith can develop strategies to reduce operating cost and production expenditures. With reference to maximization concept, business can improve production quantity and efficiency of business entity. So, company can increase sales through various promotional strategies (Kliem, 2007). This approach also creates a foundation for business planning, scheduling and designing of production strategies that minimize cost of production. 3.2 Evaluating critical path analysis and network planning Critical path analysis and network planning are playing important role in the development a schedule of activities to manage various activities of production process. It influences the speed of operations as well as usage of resources. Critical path analysis This performing action is one of the key effectual plans of attack in order to power diverse aspects of business enterprise and negotiate production cognitive process. With the assistance of this method, managing director can measure skilfulness of several manufacture arrangements and determines the barriers that can affect the working (Mahadevan, 2010). The critical path action assists administrators in order to find out most cost-efficient production procedure that will save presentation cost and time period. It also provides assistance to managers in order to ascertain the actions that will boost flexibility of manufacture procedure as well as cut down wastage of valued resources (Russell and Taylor-Iii, 2008). Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help provides best Dissertation Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

In other words, it can be said that critical path analysis is action that will play a crucial role in project of WH Smith from start to end. In any project of organization, there can be definite quantity of critical path (Bryde, 2003). It counts upon flow rate that is used in labour of magazine production. This tool that is employed will be based on the mathematical computations which are used for programming of projection actions like distribution and production of magazines. It is the beginning of vital path performing action which is used for the direction of plant care projections. This technique will also facilitate the organization in any improvement where there are reciprocally dependent actions (Schniederjans, Cao and Triche, 2013). Critical path analysis is an instrument that spots on the command of magazines production actions which are going to be interpreted and also cut down the overall time taken for magazine's production and distribution. This will supply some benefits to WH Smith such as it renders visual proposition of all actions undertaken in projection. It is also accommodating in following the actions for amended accomplishment and effectualness (Wheelen, 2008). This will also furnish the data about entire time taken in the achievement of project and actions. Network Planning While on the other hand, network planning is the procedure of scheming and networkrealization accessible in surrounding. It will assist in forecasting of new merchandises and services with having a involvement of cost and method details. Network planning performing includes preparation with concept of business concern planning, long term and average term network design, short term network preparation, IT asset origin, commercial activity and care (Sousa and Voss, 2008). Network planning will find out road map for WH Smith management in order to accomplish the various kinds of actions in an effectual mode. In this procedure, production manager of WH Smith will breakdown whole manufacture the procedure into smaller divisions and negotiate resources according to the necessity of small commercial activity. To make the activity easy and effectual, various small actions will be assigned to various team and persons like distribution, content, packing, production, etc in order to accomplish management Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help provides best Dissertation Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

subjective (Kannan and Tan, 2005). With the assist of cost-efficient network design, social group can employ different forms of resourcefulness with a befitting manner.

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3.3 Justifying the need for operational planning and control in a production process WH Smith has designed a successful operational system. But, management should have to develop a proper monitoring system in order to evaluate the performance of operational activities monthly, weekly, daily or even hourly. For this, a fully operational planning and control mechanism is required (Gaimon, 2015). The control of operational means schedule, planning quantity of materials that can be used a input material for production process such as capital. This system assists in monitoring of the transformation process and the output produce with an effective manner.

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Operational planning and control are really important for WH Smith for future monitoring of business (Balocco, Mogre and Toletti, 2009). But even with the best possible forecasting and the most finely tuned operations system, demand cannot always be met with the existing system capacity in a given time period. New trends in the market and product development, competitors could be influenced with the forecasts and all additional problems in distribution centers, warehouses and in the operations system could lead to reduce the capacity (Hayes, 2006). If company wants to meet all the expectations than it requires to make short term monitoring if it wants to meet the demand. In addition to that, this system can be used for evaluating of efficiency of each activity in production process. So, WH Smith can easily access unwanted activities as well as wastage of resources within manufacturing process. By removing unwanted operations, business entity can reduce wastage of resources such as men, machine and material (Gunasekaran and Ngai, 2012). With the help of these tools, organization can develop quality standards for several goods and services. On the basis of these norms, top management can evaluate quality of outputs. These elements directly influence satisfaction level of buyers as well as revenue of company.

TASK 4 4.1 Produce a set of clearly defined operational outcomes for WH Smith An efficient operations management system provides a road map in order to manage various activities and practices within production and distribution process of WH Smith (Lee, 2005). It facilitates various operational outcomes to company. Some most important operational outcomes are explained below: 

Increase coordination among various activities: This concept assists the managers in order to reschedule the activities of production process as per needs of consumers. It also influences production department for enhancement coordination with logistics and distribution channels. It also reduces the waiting period among different management operations (Sousa and Voss, 2008). By removing waiting period among different Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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activities of production department, WH Smith can deliver distinct products and services within predetermined schedule to consumers. 

Optimum utilization of resources: In the process of operations management, every business organization develops various plans and procedures for optimum utilization of resources (Yang, Hong and Modi, 2011). In this, managers of operations department make efforts in order to identify the unwanted activities that lead to wastage of raw material, labor and machines duration. With the help of efficient operational planning, WH Smith can remove unwanted activities and procedures without affecting overall efficiency of production process (McFarlane, 2014). This concept also gives an opportunity for the reduction of cost of goods and services.

Increase in production quantity: In the context operation management, the production managers of WH Smith also develop various plans for increasing production quantity. In this aspect, business entity arranges activities and training for skills development of employees (Russell and Taylor-Iii, 2008). This training improves individual skills and efficiency of workers to manage production operations. Furthermore, company implements new technologies in production process to increase efficiency of production process. All these factors influence overall production of firm.

Attracting more number of customers: When the competitors were tried to make a massive business expansion, at the same time, WH Smith opened a significant number of new outlets (Tsay, 2014). This “marketing trick” was one of the key elements of Smiths News PLC success.

Making the products easily available: The constantly increasing number of outlets, warehouses, stores, shops the products of Smiths News PLC made easy for their customers to reach their products easier than it was and this leads to a massive increase in sales (Gaimon, 2015). In this process, operational management plays a significant role for the development of schedule regarding transportation and manufacturing of goods to Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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different outlets (Greasley, 2007). In this aspect, operation assists the management of Smiths News PLC in order to develop coordination among various management activities to achieve business objectives in form of improvement in sales and profit. 4.2 Produce a network plan for the scheme of activities On the basis of schedule activities mentioned in scenario, the management of Arcadia Group can manage test launch its new type of picture frame called ‘Marion’ by following below mentioned critical path and Ganth chart.



Preceding Activities

Duration (days)


Decide test market area




Agree marketing strategy




Agree production specification




Decide brand name




Prepare advertising plan




Agree advertising package




Design packaging




Production of test batch




Package and distribute

G, H



Monitor media support



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Illustration 3: List of activities

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Illustration 4: Gantt Chart

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Illustration 5: Critical path 4.3 Justifying how quality management techniques are applied to improve operations in WH Smith The management of WH Smith can apply different types of quality management approaches in order improve operations in WH Smith. There are some most important techniques of quality management explained below: Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help provides best Dissertation Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.


By developing quality standards: WH Smith is the biggest book retailing organization in the UK. Company need to define of the quality of these products (Kannan and Tan, 2005). Firstly, organization needs to setup the standards of the product, then manager can compare the standards and if we need later we can assess of the quality of all products. In case, if some products do not reach to the benchmark then we need to take further actions. This is the way in which the quality of products could be maintained.


Total quality management: It is a very effective approach in order to manage several operations of business (De Toni, 2012). It can be considered as a continuous process of reducing or eliminating errors in manufacturing, distribution, streamlining supply chain management and in improving the customer experience along with ensuring that employees are up-to-speed with their training. The primary objective of total quality management is to hold all parties that are involved in the production process as accountable for the overall quality of final products or services in WH Smith (Schniederjans, Cao and Triche, 2013). With the help of this concept, the management of WH Smith can control each activity of production process in order to achieve the quality objectives in goods and services. It also improves an overall efficiency of firm.

CONCLUSION The above study concludes that every business entity has to manage several operations of production process with an effective manner to enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of management practices of the company. This report understands that efficiency, effectiveness and economy provides information to company about the productivity of different management practices that plays a very important role in the operational planning. It concludes that critical path analysis and network planning are playing a significant role in scheduling of different production activities that will increase the production quantity and reduce the wastage of valuable


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