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A Sample Report On People Management and Performance in Organizations

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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1 CHANGE MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................................... 1 CHANGE MANAGEMENT AND INNOVATION ...................................................................... 2 BMW Aligns Innovation with Change ........................................................................................... 4 Elements of employing Right People at Right Place at BMW ....................................................... 5 Significant of Employing Innovative Workforce at new BMW Location ...................................... 7 SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................... 8 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................... 9 REFRENCES ................................................................................................................................ 10

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TABLES OF FIGURE Figure 1: Change Management Process .......................................................................................... 2

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INTRODUCTION People management and maintaining their performance is one of the essential elements for an organization. In order to achieve desired outcome, it is very important to manage the human resource in an effective and efficient manner. BMW, a leading company in automobile sector has been operating in several parts of the world. For innovation and implementing modification in their business operations, several aspects will be focused such as change management, alignment of innovation with alteration and along with that, change perspectives for the employees while indulging modification into the business operations.

CHANGE MANAGEMENT Modification is a learning process for everyone and change management is the process of attaining smooth implementation of alters by forecasting and initiating it systematically (Purcell and et. al, 2008). In other words, prescriptive change is predictable and most of the times, a clear process of changing the operations of organization according to the set goals and objectives. Furthermore, it is a process of management that assists in transforming individuals, teams and companies to a desired future position. Organizational alteration is a structured approach by the top level management of a corporation in order to ensure smooth and successful implementation of modifications for achieving the desired outcomes (Andrew and Poole, 2004). Change management process includes sequence of steps or activities that a change management team or manager should indulge in order to apply change management effectively and efficiently (Bordum, 2010). This process includes three simple steps which are termed as the phases of transformation management.

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Preparin for change

Managing cahnge

Reinforcing change

•Define change anagement strategy •Prepare change management team •Develop Sponsership model •Develop change managment plans •Take action and implement plans •Collect and analyze feedback •Diagnose gaps and manage resistance •Implement corrective actions and celebrate success

Figure 1: Change Management Process These are the following steps that a manager must undertake while applying changes in the business operations in order to achieve desired outcome. Firstly, preparing for alteration is one of the most important elements for a team leader or manager while applying modifications (Cooke, Parrilli and Curbelo, 2012). Defining change management strategies so that employees can understand the modifications that are going to occur and their impacts. Along with that, top level management should prepare a team of change management that will focus on how the modifications are being applied in the business operations of the firm. The main aim of the team is to make clear understanding about the modification needs, to the workforce so that they can manage their tasks accordingly. Secondly, after applying adjustments, it is very important to manage alteration in order to achieve the goals effectively and efficiently. For that, change management plan needs to be identified and implemented on the workforce. According to the needs and wants of employees, plan is made and implemented so that personal as well as overall functioning can be enhanced. Thirdly, after implementing the alteration it is important for the manager to collect the feedback from employees because modifications applied on them can affect them negatively as well as positively (Cameron and Green, 2009). According to the feedback and review, manager needs to take corrective measures and assist the employees to work in an effective and efficient manner.

CHANGE MANAGEMENT AND INNOVATION In context of organization, bringing innovation is necessary in order to sustain in such a competitive market. Innovation means changes. It is very important for the stakeholders of the Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Change Management Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price

organization to bring change in the operations of business so that needs and wants of market can be satisfied (Saka, 2003). In order to bring innovation, alteration needs should be implemented at each level of the company like BMW.

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Firstly, in order to perform any function, the main aim of BMW is to have a strategy behind it so that they can implement the strategy in an efficient manner and attain desired outcome. In order to bring innovation in the products, firm needs to bring transformation in the strategy formation and the research and development department (Carnall, 2007). Being a highly demanded company in reference to their products, BMW has to bring change in their research and development department. Market needs and wants are the first priority for the firm and according to that they bring innovation in their products. With the help of change management, board of directors can define the strategy according to the innovation and for that they can even prepare a team of change management that can lead the front line managers or the engineers of the company. Secondly, middle level management’s major task is to incorporate the changes made by their superiors and according to that focus on acquiring the resources (Ragsdell, 2000). The main aim of front line managers is to undertake those resources which will assist them to bring Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Change Management Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price

modification in their products and services effectively and efficiently. In order to manage the workforce, middle level managers have to understand the needs and wants of management and make executive engineers learn about variations so that product can be manufactured effectively and efficiently. Thirdly, in order to implement the innovation change at subordinate level, front line managers needs to provide training sessions and workshops to the employees so that they can learn about the changes to be made and along with that, the new resources acquired can be handled with care (Pateli and Giaglis, 2005).

BMW Aligns Innovation with Change Innovation is all about change. BMW always successfully innovates because they can manage their adjustments effectively and efficiently. Changes come from various sources, but when it is related to innovation, the main sources are incremental and disruptive innovation (Bordum, 2010). Incremental innovation refers to the series of small enhancements made in existing product line of the company in order to maintain or improve the competitive position in the market. On the other hand, disruptive innovation refers to process of alteration that assists in creating a new market and new customer base for the offered products and services. As BMW always focuses on bringing innovation in their product and services, firm needs to align itself according to the disruptive change innovation to attain desired outcome. In order to align innovation with transformation, BMW focuses on managing change in the whole ecosystem of the company. 

Changes for employees - Employees or the executive engineers are the major strength for BMW in order to manufacture products like cars and bikes. For attaining desired outcomes, top level management of BMW always focuses on giving technical knowledge to its subordinates by providing training sessions and workshops in order to enhance their skills and ability according to the goals and objectives of the company (Agbim Oriarewo and Omattah, 2013).

Changes in suppliers – Every organization has to manage its suppliers for achieving the minimal cost for acquiring raw materials. BMW should align with its suppliers’ process to source its components at higher volume and in shorter time so that needs and wants of Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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customers can be fulfilled (Appelbaum and, 2012). In context to innovation, management has to indulge with new suppliers so that they can handle the new volume and market requirements effectively and efficiently. 

Changes in operations – Bringing innovation in products and services is almost replacing the current methods of performing business operations to newly framed ones. BMW needs to recruit skilled engineers who can bring innovative ideas in the firm about manufacturing cars and bikes.

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Changes in managers - Change management team of BMW can play a crucial role at this point of time because they will be the ones who will be carrying out the thought process of top level management and assisting the front line managers or engineers to plan their work or tasks accordingly.

Elements of employing Right People at Right Place at BMW BMW being a giant in automobile sector recruits people with skills and ability to perform technical tasks effectively and efficiently. Major Key elements that help BMW to employ right people at right job are: 


Training and development process Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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Recruitment is the process of attracting, selecting and appointing suitable candidates to one or more jobs within the organization (Narasimha, 2000). There are several sources of recruitment through which BMW identifies and evaluates the skillful personnel to perform their tasks and duties. The recruitment process of BMW is undertaken by recruitment specialists so that firm can acquire suitable candidate for their specific job. There is a process that BMW undertakes while recruiting people in order to handle the change which is as follows: 

Job analysis: This is the first step which includes analyzing the job and identifying the skills, knowledge and ability required for the job. By acquiring information from this process, firm can produce a document termed as job description that will assist the recruitment specialist to identify the right people for the job.

Sourcing: It is the process of undertaking one or more strategies in order to attract or identify the candidates to fill job vacancies (Thomason, 1991). Sourcing for BMW can be internal and external advertizing, using appropriate media, such as local or national newspaper and social media which is very fruitful for the companies these days.

Screening and selection: In selection process, firm can identify and evaluate the candidates that are suitable for performing the tasks and duties effectively and efficiently. In this period, the firm analyzes the right people for the right job so that BMW’s operations can be performed effectively and efficiently and goals and objectives can be attained. The above stated process of recruitment is implied to acquire new people for performing

the task and duties. Due to this process, change can be easily accepted by the employees because for that, they are given training and workshop sessions so that they can indulge with change and perform tasks effectively and efficiently. Training and development is the suitable strategy for the existing employees in order to deal with the change in organization (Perrin, 2010). Top level management of BMW always focuses on providing training sessions and workshops to its technical department so that they can enhance their performance according to the increasing needs and wants of market. Through training and development process, existing employees of the company are able to enhance their ability and skills so that they can indulge with the changes made by the top level management.

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Every time alteration is made, BMW cannot recruit new people so the company has to improve the overall performance of their existing employees in order to attain desired goals and objectives. The training process is essential to improve the performance of the engineers which helps them to develop their personal and professional skills and abilities (Susman, Jansen and Michael, 2006). The main aim of providing training sessions and workshops to the engineers and technicians is that they can enhance and develop different styles of accomplishing the task and indulge with changes required by the firm and most importantly market.

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Significance of Employing Innovative Workforce at new BMW Location In order to establish a new business setup, it is essential for BMW to indulge new innovative people into their operations and most probably the people who belong to that new location. Because, it will assist the firm to efficiently understand the needs and wants of the market and satisfy them effectively. There are various significances of employing innovative workforce in new business location for BMW which are as follows: 

Competitive edge – Automobile sector is highly competitive in the market. There are several competitors of BMW that are making valiant efforts in order to attain sustainable growth and competitive edge in the targeted market. Employing innovative and new people at new business location will assist BMW to attain competitive edge in the market. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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Innovative employees at managerial level will proficiently understand the needs and wants of market and along with that enhance the creativity in the subordinates (Saka, 2003). This step will enhance the business operations of the firm and assist them to attain competitive advantage in the market. Achieving competitive advantage in the new market segment by employing innovative workforce will help BMW to create brand image for its new products and services and barriers to entry of other automobile companies. It will create monopoly of the firm’s products, provide cost advantage and bring innovation in products and technical services. 

Brand equity – BMW in its established market is known for its brand name products. In order to have brand equity, BMW has employed innovative workforce, this will allow them to manufacture cars and bikes with latest technology. Creating unique brand name is important for BMW to enhance their products’ quality by covering latest technological aspects. Research and development department would play a major role in assisting the firm to achieve desired technological aspects.

To enhance innovativeness in products and services – It is also one of the major aspects to have sustainability in the new market. Employing people with skills and ability to innovate will assist BMW to produce innovative products. Though the requirements of the market are different, being in automobile sector companies do offer products with several changes according to their resources (Cameron and Green, 2009). BMW always encourages mechanics and engineers to think differently so that they can bring some innovation in the products and services. Not only the top level management is responsible for enhancing the innovation, mechanics and engineers who work at substations can also share the thought and idea of bringing innovation in products. It can be achieved only through employing innovative people in the business operations.

SUMMARY Change management is very essential for the company like BMW. Nowadays, operating in automobile sector and attaining sustainable future position has become very difficult for the companies. In order to attain competitive edge, it is very essential for BMW to innovate their products and services. In context to that, modifications need to be made in the functioning of Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Change Management Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price

business operations. By change management, BMW can easily implement the alteration for innovation. Along with that, there are several ways in which change management supports innovation for the firm. BMW focuses on implementing modifications separately on each level of the organization because adopting this strategy assists them to understand the impacts of modifications and frame the strategies to overcome them. BMW follows simple methods of aligning their alteration with innovation because innovation is all about bringing changer around you. BMW always successfully innovates because they manage their alteration effectively and efficiently. There are two significant elements for BMW: to employ right people at right place i.e. recruitment and their training and development. Through recruitment, they select new and innovative candidates for their functioning. On the other hand, training and development assists the existing employees to enhance their skills and ability according to the innovation and market trends.

CONCLUSION From the above research report it can be concluded that change management plays a vital role in bringing innovation effectively and efficiently. BMW focuses on placing right people at right place or job so that they can perform their tasks and duties effectively and efficiently. Furthermore, report highlights the ways through which BMW aligns innovation with change. In the last part, significance of employing innovative people at new business workplace of BMW is discussed. It can be stated that the firm is performing this process excellently because it is helping them to achieve competitive edge, brand equity and improving the level of business operations.

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REFRENCES Journal and Books Agbim, C. K., Oriarewo, O. G. and Omattah, E. A., 2013. An Exploratory Study of the Relationship between Innovation and Change Management. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications. 3(6). Pp. 1-7. Andrew, H. and Poole, S. M., 2004. Handbook of Organizational Change and Innovation. Oxford University Press. Appelbaum, H. S., and, 2012. Back to the future: revisiting Kotter's 1996 change model. Journal of Management Development. 31(8). pp.764 – 782. Bordum, A., 2010. "The strategic balance in a change management perspective". Society and Business Review. 5(3). pp. 245 – 258. Cameron, E. and Green, M., 2009. Making Sense of Change Management. Kogan Page. Carnall, C., 2007. Managing Change in Organizations. 5th Ed. Prentice Hall. Cooke, P., Parrilli, D. M. and Curbelo, L. J., 2012. Innovation, Global Change and Territorial Resilience. Edward Elgar Publishing. Narasimha, S., 2000. "Organizational knowledge, human resource management, and sustained competitive advantage: toward a framework". Competitiveness Review. 10(1) pp. 123 – 135. Pateli, G. A. and Giaglis, M. G., 2005. "Technology innovation-induced business model change: a contingency approach". Journal of Organizational Change Management. 18(2) pp. 167 – 183. Purcell, J. and et. al., 2008. People Management and Performance. Routledge. Ragsdell, G., 2000. "Engineering a paradigm shift?: An holistic approach to organisational change management". Journal of Organizational Change Management. 13(2) pp. 104 – 120. Saka, A., 2003. "Internal change agents’ view of the management of change problem". Journal of Organizational Change Management. 16(5) pp. 480 – 496. Thomason, F. G., 1991. "The Management of Personnel". Personnel Review. 20(2). pp. 3 – 10. Online Perrin, C., 2010. Carving Yin from Yang: The Curious Split between Change and Innovation. [Online]. Available through: < f>. [Accessed on 30th July 2014]. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help Provides Best Change Management Assignment Help to student of colleges and university at an affordable price

Susman, G., Jansen, K. and Michael, J., 2006. Innovation and Change Management in Small and Medium-Sized Manufacturing Companies. [PDF]. Available through: <>. [Accessed on 30th July 2014].

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