Sample Report on Personal and Professional Development By Global Assignment Help

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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 1 PORTFOLIO 2 TO




PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................ 4 LO 1.1 .................................................................................................................................... 4 LO 2.1 .................................................................................................................................... 5 CV ............................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. LO 2.2 .................................................................................................................................... 6 LO 2.3 .................................................................................................................................... 6 LO 2.4, 3.1, 3.2 ...................................................................................................................... 7 LO 3.3 .................................................................................................................................... 8 LO 3.4 .................................................................................................................................... 9 LO 4.1, 4.2 ............................................................................................................................. 9 LO 4.3 .................................................................................................................................. 10 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................ 11 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 12

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INTRODUCTION Personal and professional development states that acquiring all the skills and knowledge for developing the personal as well as professional career and helps in achieving the overall goals and targets (Davies, 2008). Professional development means understanding each other and learning from the environment of workplace. In this report the study covers the approaches of self managed learning. Lifelong development in personal as well as professional development has been evaluated. Moreover, own development needs have been identified and discusses the activities required to meet them. It also includes a personal and professional development plan made to identify the individual needs. The development plan drawn earlier is now updated based of evaluation and feedback. Along with this the report tries to analyse solutions to the work based problems and evaluation of the effective time management strategies. Lifelong learning refers to learning by individual for the lifelong to develop his own skill and knowledge in both personal as well as professional context. It is an ongoing and self motivated way in which personal and professional development occurs. Lifelong learning of an individual starts along with his birth (Freese and Samaras, 2009). It means when a child is born his parents try to give him knowledge and learning of culture, values and beliefs. It is given to him by the elders to possess a unique and individual character and identity. This all helps it in developing and growing himself and understand the situation from various learning’s of life. Individual should never stop learning. He should try to learn from his previous experiences and knowledge of how to accomplish the targets and achieve results. A person has to try to develop in personal as well as professional life through continuous hard work and motivation which leads to achieve success (Houghton and, 2002). Continuous or throughout lifelong learning for individual will lead them to such a position which will make them unique from others. Lifelong learning means to learn from experience and knowledge and constantly increasing it to develop the individuals which help them increasing their values and beliefs. Every person should move on the right track to achieve correct results in an appropriate manner. The suitable methods which has to be used by person for learning and development includes coaching, mentoring, training, expert advice and technical assistance. Family of individual here plays a crucial role in the personal and professional learning and developing. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help provides best Assignment Writing Service to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

Individual should feel ashamed or low while learning from others (Griffith and et. al., 2012). Different learning methods can be coaching it means that through coaching given to people they can learn and develop themselves in various contexts. It helps individuals to grow and work hard to achieve targets.

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Mentoring is another method which helps people leading towards excellence by continuous focus on the targets and goals. It helps individual to develop the skills amd knowledge throughout their life (Cox and, 2007). Expert advice means giving advice to people to increase their knowledge and learning which helps them to grow. Training given to people will add to their skills and learning and improve them to constantly achieve success. Through proper training and development individual is able to maintain and grow themselves in the personal and professional context. There should be positive motivation given by the family members and subordinates to motivate the individual for the longer time to accomplish targets. Lifelong learning can help individual to develop personally as well as

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professionally to recognise where they are lacking and the possible ways to improve their performance to achieve results. Individual has to possess learning attitude to learn and develop them in the personal as well as professional development. Communication skills have to be improves to help person by sharing their knowledge and experience. People should identify their skills and knowledge to better learn and develop them in lifelong learning to encourage and grow in both personal and professional development (Haines, 2002). According to me individual should identify their own learning methods which help them in growing and developing themselves. They can identify the methods through continuous learning and developing their skills and ability. From various methods coaching and mentoring methods can help the individual to grow and develop. These methods are suitable for them to learn and grow in personal and professional development. Other methods can also help them in developing their skills and knowledge to have a lifelong learning which helps them in learning throughout their life and help developing them. According to me lifelong learning can be encouraged in personal and professional context which can help in developing the skills and knowledge and better and efficient performance to work effectively. I can encourage lifelong learning and can learn and develop the skills throughout life through various methods which were recommended for development for individual. Encouraging lifelong learning in personal as well as professional context can help in developing and growing to learn various skills and suitable learning solutions. In my life lifelong learning benefits me in various ways through that I learned and developed to remain focused to achieve overall goals and objectives in personal as well as professional perspective. As lifelong learning helps in developing learning and encouraging people to motivate themselves and also learn various other skills and knowledge. Self managed learning means learning in a way in which individual helps in manages their own learning. In this skill and knowledge of individual has to be self motivated to take decisions (Fitzroy and Herbert, 2000). Self managed learning to the individual states that they are alone responsible for their own self learning. They have to manage their own self learning and try to increase or develop it to achieve more success. Individual have the right to identify their own learning needs and requirements and they are responsible for changing themselves over a period of time according to demand. It means that identifying own learning needs Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help provides best Assignment Writing Service to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

helps or benefits the individual to grow and develop themselves. Individual have the right and they are responsible for evaluating their own learning and assessing their learning and identify their skills and potential. They have the equal potential to manage their self learning and are responsible for negotiating their rights to meet the learning needs and also to meet the available resources. Self managed learning benefits to the organisation to identify the skills of their employees and helps them by giving proper training and development programmes which makes them effective learner. SML helps the organisation in incurring fewer costs on trainers and instructors and motivating people to learn and develop them by reading journals, books and articles (Johnson and Taylor, 2001). Organisation can be benefited by employing skilful people and deployment of unskilled employees to incur less on salaries. Organisation helps the individuals by giving them proper resources to help them in grow and develop their self managed learning. Individual has to be responsible towards their working for the organisation in easily achieving the objectives and goals (Bertocci, 2007). Organisation should support the individuals to grow and develop them and fulfil all their needs to make them satisfy and help in self managed learning.

PORTFOLIO 2 TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOE OWN PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT LO 1.1 Different approaches to self managed learning which can help the individual to self manage themselves and learn. The suitable methods of self managed learning are: ďƒ˜ Conferences and Meetings- Attending conferences and meeting helps in self managed learning through sharing different ideas and thoughts which helps in self learning (Gwynne, 2006). It can be very useful for me in order to get updated and develop my skill and knowledge. ďƒ˜ Workshops- It helps managing in self learning and motivating individual to participate in that. This approach can be suitable to me by attending such workshops can be useful for me in working effectively and remain focused.

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 Classroom Lectures- Through this individual can easily attain self managed learning (Hao, 2000). By this approach I can get lot of knowledge and information which can help me in achieving goals and objectives. The suitable methods according to me which can be helpful in achieving self managed learning is attending classroom lectures which can be effective for me in focusing on the targets and efficiently achieve the goals.

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Kindly Contact us at: LO 2.1 The own current skills which are required to meet the organisational goals and objectives. According to me every individual needs to possess such skills and competencies which help in achieving professional standards and organisational objectives. If I would be employed in British Airways I would seek different skills to achieve organisational objectives.  Time management skills- To achieve this skill I should be efficient in achieving organisational goal and objectives on particular time before deadline.  Communication skills- This skill should necessary possess by me because effective communication will help me in achieving professional standards.  Leadership skills- I must have leadership quality in me to prove my capabilities in leading the team or organisation towards success. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help provides best Assignment Writing Service to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

LO 2.2 Identifying the personal and professional development needs to meet the organisational goals and objectives (Gwynne, 2006). Here. The organisation plays a crucial role in fulfilling the needs of the employees. Motivation skills should be developed in me to help in developing myself and improves team work by motivating others. Communication skills play an effective role in me to develop my professional standards. Through developing this I will be effectively sharing knowledge with each other. Technical assistance skills require accomplishing in me to develop my professional needs. Presentation skill and effective selling should be effectively possessed in me to help in better presentation and growing sales of company and achieving targets. I need to have enough knowledge of all the products to meet the customer needs. These all particular needs require suitable activities and resources to meet the personal and professional development needs. These all skills need to be effectively developed by me to have efficiency in achieving goals and aims. Skills



Technical skills

Knowledge sharing


Motivation skills

Smart objectives

Positive attitude

Selling skills

Effective communication





LO 2.3 The development opportunities need to be identified to fulfil present as well as future needs. As per me the set targets can be effectively achieved by developing the opportunities to achieve them. The set objectives can be achieved by analysing SMART objectives which are required to meet them. Continuously working on areas where development is required helps me in achieving the targets and objectives easily. It improves my communication skills which helps me in motivating me to share knowledge and experience with each other. I need to work harder on my communication and selling skills to improve my presentation effective. It can be meet through attending conferences and meetings and effectively listen to it.

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It will help me in increasing my knowledge and experience to sharpen my skills. The current and future need has to be identified to learn from them which will help in success. Learning from superiors or subordinates can help in increasing knowledge to develop myself. I need to develop such skills to achieve mu current as well as future needs and achieve organisational goals. LO 2.4, 3.1, 3.2 Various skills required to draw a personal development plan to achieve the goal. This plan helps the individual to achieve the targets effectively and efficiently. Skills required

Activities to be undertaken 

Communication skills



and Can be developed within 6 months.


Interpersonal skills

Time frame required

Meeting various people.

Regular learning and Can be developed within 2-3 months.

developing. 





workshops. Personality development skills


in Can be improved in 2 months.

different activities. 

Learning from others.

Various activities required to execute the personal development plan. It can be different learning approaches which can help in developing the individual skills that are required to undertake the activities and time period available to meet them. This personal development plan is drawn to know my personal goals and objectives and the ways to achieve them. Communication skills require undertaking such activities like attending seminars and conferences and also achieve by meeting various people. This activity can be achieved in short period of six months. Personality development skills and interpersonal skills needed by me to make mu personal development plan. Similar can be achieved through participating in various activities to develop and grow and also learning from others experience and knowledge. It can easily Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help provides best Assignment Writing Service to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

developed in two months time frame. Interpersonal skills require regular attending meeting and workshops and self learning and developing. It can be developed in the minimum time period of three months. LO 3.3 My own learning as against the set aims and objectives to achieve personal goals as determined. It means that every person has different set of learning styles and achieves that differently. Own learning should be different from others which helps in effectively achieving targets. If I evaluate my own learning style different from others it will help me in increasing my performance and developing myself to make effective strategies and implement it and achieve results.

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It will be beneficial for me to learn from my mistakes and need to have more experience from developing myself. I have to learn to manage my time to achieve the goals and work effectively. It will help me in effectively achieving the aims and objectives. The aims and objectives mentioned in the personal and professional development which helps me in critically evaluating myself against my own learning. My own learning is positive attitude towards achieving the objectives. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help provides best Assignment Writing Service to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

LO 3.4 The personal development plan needs to be updated by me to know the aims and objectives to be achieved successfully (Manning, 2010). To update the plan it needs to be matched with the current development plan. Through proper evaluation and feedback it needs the new development plan needs to be updated so to have appropriate results. Through this development plan personality can be developed of me and which helps in increasing overall performance. In the new updated plan all weak point should be properly evaluated to critically examine the performance. According to this I should know all the weak points so that it should be evaluated and helps me in overcoming all this so that the performance can be matched effectively. Feedback is very important to help in judging the performance so that it helps in improving the overall performance and achieve objectives. Skills required

Activities to be undertaken 

Leadership skills



Resources required 

sessions. 




opportunities. have


confidence. Different skills required

Need to improve the

overall performance. 

Helps in learning new




Possess knowledge






properly measured. good




development require to

experience. 



things. Learning


achieve success. requires

in achieving success.



knowledge and skill.

LO 4.1, 4.2 The work based problems should be identified and properly solution should be given for it. It arises mainly due to poor working conditions in the organisation or lack of coordination (Marc, 2010). Work based problems are like no proper coordination between teams working the British Airways and it should be properly solved to effectively achieve the Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help provides best Assignment Writing Service to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

targets. The problem should be rectified and appropriate solution need to be identified to achieve the targets and goals effectively. But for this actual problem needs to be identified and for that effective solution must be given. For improving the coordination between the teams there should be proper communication between all the employees. All employees should work as a team to achieve the group efforts (Simons, 2010). It will lead to better functioning of the team and will improve the coordination and organisation will achieve success. After giving all the effective solutions the results needs to be evaluated and will reach to proper solution of the work based problems. It means that lack of coordination between the teams has to be effectively solved and proper communication should be reached at various levels. Coordination between team or group of people working in the British Airways found to be a problem and to avoid this different levels like tactical, strategic and operational (Koeberlé, 2005). They have to carry proper communication to them at various levels. At tactical level this problem needs to be solve by applying proper tactics or plans. To avoid these problem different strategies need to be applied by the managers at strategic level. LO 4.3 The time management strategies should be effectively made to achieve the objectives (Robson and John., 2008). There are different time management strategies like: 

Preplanning: It means that for completing the task on time preplanning is very important (Hiang and Ooi, 2002). It can help me in deciding and making the plans so that targets and goals are effectively achieved.

Scheduling the time: It explains that time needs to be divided properly to work effectively (Berke Kossler and Wakefield, 2001). The task should be divided appropriately between the time and get the work effectively done.

Get the work delegating: According to this the work can be divided to others or can be delegating to others to get effective work done.

According to me the best suitable time management strategy is preplanning of time because it helps in achieving the objectives effectively. Preplanning is the best suited strategy because it will help in dividing the work and completes the work effectively. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help provides best Assignment Writing Service to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

CONCLUSION Personal and professional development helps in developing or improving the personality or changing it to grow and develop it to achieve targets. In this report different approaches has been discussed of self managed learning and the benefits of self managed learning to both the individual as well as to the organisation. The various skills required to achieve organisational goal and objectives have been discussed. Moreover, to identify the oen personal and professional needs and for that what activities are required. Personal development plan has been made to achieve the goals. Also, the solution is given to the suggested work based problems.

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REFERENCES Books and Journals Berke, D., Kossler, E. M. and Wakefield, M., 2001. Developing Leadership Talent. John Wiley & Sons. Bertocci, I. D., 2007. Leadership in Organizations: There is a Difference Between Leaders and Managers. University Press of America. Cox, D. B. and, 2007. A study of managerial derailment characteristics and personality preferences. Journal of Management Development. 26(9). pp.857 – 873. Davies, S., 2008. Development through self managed learning. Development and Learning in Organizations. 22(3), pp.160 – 185. Fitzroy, P. and Herbert, M. J., 2000. Strategic Management: Creating Value in a Turbulent World. John Wiley & Sons. Freese, R. A. and Samaras, P. A., 2009. Self-study of Teaching Practices: Primer. Peter Lang. Griffith, R., and et. al., 2012. Consumer Shopping Behavior: How Much Do Consumers Save?. The Journal of Economic Perspectives. 23(2). Pp.99-120. Gwynne, R. N., 2006. Value Chains and the Geographies of Wine Production and Consumption. The Geographical Journal. 174(2) pp. 97-108. Haines, S., 2002. The Systems Thinking Approach to Strategic Planning and Management. CRC Press. Hao, M., 2000. Constellation of competitive advantage: components and dynamics. Management Decision. 37(4). pp.347 – 358. Hiang, K. L. and Ooi, L. T., 2002. Current issues in strategic corporate real estate asset analysis and management. Journal of Corporate Real Estate. 2(3). pp.245 – 259. Houghton, D. J. and, 2002. The relationship between self-leadership and personality: A comparison of hierarchical factor structures. Journal of Managerial Psychology. 19(4). pp.427 – 441. Johnson, M. and Taylor, R., 2001. Professional development. Library Review. 52(7). pp.220 – 226. Koeberlé, P., 2005. Promoting discourse analysis as a linguistic perspective to further explore strategic management issues: An illustrative case study. Journal of Strategy and Management. 5(4). pp.393 – 404. Simons, L., 2010. Effective time management startegies. SAGE. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Global Assignment Help provides best Assignment Writing Service to student of colleges and university at an affordable price.

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