A Report on Operations Management Process and Strategies

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Table of Contents INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................3 TASK 1 .....................................................................................................................3 Operation management theories ........................................................................3 TASK 2 .....................................................................................................................6 Solutions to the managing operations of the Mayfield hospital ..........................6 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .................................................................7

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INTRODUCTION Operation management is the major factor which affects the organisation growth. Operations are the activities carried out in conversion of the raw material into the desired product of the company and activities which supports the production of goods and services. Operation management regulates the activities like supply chain management, inventory management, managing human resource, managing the production and quality of the goods and services etc. all these activities are the part of operation management which are continuously reformed according to the need of customers and the business objectives. The mayfiled hospital is the organisation which focuses on the different operations incurred in the enterprise ensuring the quality services to the client. The mayfield deals in the hospitality and the health care sector and has its own catering , portering, and cleaning system to provide quality services to the clients (Weick and Sutcliffe, 2011). Operation management follows different type of approaches to manage supply chain and other operations like Just in time approach, lean approach, top-down approach, bottom up approach. The organisation should establish well defined operations in company in order to development of the business.

TASK 1 Operation management theories Operation management is followed by the different theory in practice. The various theory like scientific theory, bureaucratic theory, administrative theory, human Global Assignment Help is the most leading assignment help service provider in UK. Visit our website to get topics and ideas for writing assignment and also get free samples.

relation theory. Operation management in the organisation like Mayfield is very much necessary. There are many classic and modern approaches which are followed by the organisation managing operations like JIT, six sigma approach, lean tile, market led approach etc (Toi and Takahashi, Hitachi Koki Co., Ltd., 2014). Scientific theory of management given by the Taylor is the division of system in sub units for proper distribution of task to individual and to the team to carry out the operations smoothly. Scientific approach basically focuses on the autocratic leadership style and the division of task to the sub ordinates by the higher management. This approach enables manager to provide training and development to the employee for performing assigned task efficiently. Administrative theory of management by the Fayol Taylor defines the 14 principle that helps in the operation of the enterprise. The administrative theory regulates the employee by planning, Organising, commanding, coordinating, controlling at different levels of the operations. Max Weber theory is also known as bureaucratic theory of management. It develops the organisation by an structured system of open system in managing performance and defined performance standards. This theory focuses on the structure chain of command with clarity of job roles and the authority distributed in the hierarchy, and hiring with the specific qualification required according the operations goals. The different modern approaches of the operation are helpful in maintaining standards and ensuring the delivery of the quality services to the patients and customers. The different modern approach followed by the companies is like Six sigma, just in time approach, operation led, continuous improvement methods etc. are practised (Logenthiran, et.al., 2012). Global Assignment Help is the most leading assignment help service provider in UK. Visit our website to get topics and ideas for writing assignment and also get free samples.

The six sigma approach deals with the zero defect policy by the company. The hospitals like Mayfiled can implement six sigma approach to maintain quality services in the enterprise. Just in time approach is followed by many companies to ensuring the efficient inventory management only when it is required that results in the availability of fresh material especially in the food and health sector of services (Yoo and Lim, Lg Electronics Inc., 2012). The organisation also develop continuous improvement methods and the operation led approach to implementation of the good operational strategies. `

Top down approach defines the task incurred in the operations according ton

the mission

and vision statement of the company. For ex. The Mayfield hospital is

offering the client quality services in managing with the cost of operations. This can be achieved by the development of the task of operation in such a manner that cuts down the over all cost of the operation. Like hiring of efficient staff according the needs of job specification helps in developing efficient work force and enhancing the quality (Lo, et.al., 2014). Bottom up approach defines the selection of the task according to the past experience and strategies developed earlier in the organisation. Mayfiled can follow this approach in managing their employee efficiency and the training programs required by the members of organisation earlier by the assessment of needs of training and development. Market led approach focuses ion the customer needs and satisfaction basically by an particular product and the services of the enterprise. Market led develop the operation according to the market behaviour and the response of customers. Mayfield hospital employee is not doing good with quality of food, cleanliness in rooms results in the dissatisfaction of customer. So, the mayfield hospital should implement market Global Assignment Help is the most leading assignment help service provider in UK. Visit our website to get topics and ideas for writing assignment and also get free samples.

led approach in order to carry out business operations accurately according to the client needs. Operation lead approach emphasis on the development of the product for the customer according to the organisation capability and the services in which company has achieved excellence. The mayfield hospital is excellent in providing quality services to the clients which can be the main reason of carrying out operations and the task according to the Resource based view (RBV) and the excellence of services. Just In Time (JIT) approach is the operation carry out for ensuring the raw material and inventory required only when it is required in the operations. As the mayfield is dealing with the patients and client health it is necessary that the products provided by the authority of the hospital should be fresh and with fulfilment of quality standards. So the Just In Time approach can be helpful in managing the inventory requirements in the hospital (Kumar, 2010). Continuous improvement process is abbreviated as CIP. This system ensures the quality check at levels of the operation. This method is the continuous ongoing process of activities carried out to manage quality standards at all levels of operation whether it is at raw material, human resource or the delivery of services and product level to the clients. Mayfield performance is decreasing continuously because the operations of the business are not maintained and not achieving the quality standards in the services. CIP implementation can be helpful to develop quality performance of the hospital. The operations of the Mayfield hospital is facing large dissatisfaction and lower performance due to some issue in the quality standards, motivation in the workforce and the managing style of leaders etc. All these factor is having large impact on the image of the enterprise and the performance of the organisation (Gharajedaghi, 2011). Global Assignment Help is the most leading assignment help service provider in UK. Visit our website to get topics and ideas for writing assignment and also get free samples.

The problems related to the job design and the human resource of the mayfield hospital can be resolved with the help of enhancing motivation to carry out operations effectively and implementation of training and development programs within the organisation. The recruitment and the selection strategies of the organisation should be lined up with the job requirement and the job specification defined for particular task in job design. This will enhance the efficiency of the organisation and the workforce also. proach emphasis ion the reducing the wastes incurred in the manufacturing unit by the overloads and the wrong calculation of the demand and supply. This approach is followed in mayfield to reduce the wastage of raw material and the employee capability involved in the production unit. The different approaches are implemented by the Mayfiled hospital can help in recovering the business growth and the maintaining of quality in the operations and the services of the hospitals. The human resource operations are not well maintained by the Mayfield organisation leads (Faems, Janssens and Van Looy, 2010). Their is no distribution of power in the organisation structure leads to demotivated workforce and the work culture is influenced to the large extent.

TASK 2 Solutions to the managing operations of the Mayfield hospital The operations of the Mayfield hospital is facing large dissatisfaction and lower performance due to some issue in the quality standards, motivation in the workforce and the managing style of leaders etc. All these factor is having large impact on the image of the enterprise and the performance of the organisation. The problems related to the job design and the human resource of the mayfield hospital can be resolved with the help of enhancing motivation to carry out operations Global Assignment Help is the most leading assignment help service provider in UK. Visit our website to get topics and ideas for writing assignment and also get free samples.

effectively and implementation of training and development programs within the organisation. The recruitment and the selection strategies of the organisation should be lined up with the job requirement and the job specification defined for particular task in job design. This will enhance the efficiency of the organisation and the workforce also. The manager of mayfield should implement proper strategies of compensation and benefit operations in the company. The well defined compensation system linked with the individual performance motivates person to do work efficiently to earn more incentives (Cho, et.al., 2011). The mayfield is not able to mange their operations involved in the supply chain management. Supply chain management system of the company include the inventory management used in the operations of hospital and the delivery of raw material and finished goods. The supply chain management can be maintained by the implementation of the six sigma approach and the Just In Time approach. The Just in time approach helps in managing the operations related to the availability of stock within the medical stores of the mayfield and other material required by the workforce. Implementation software based on Just In Time approach in the mayfield operations helps in the availability of resources like vegetables and fruits required by the hospital is fresh and proper stock is available according to the requirement. The pro[per management of operation in supply chain management insures the delivery of quality services to the clients. The mayfield is dealing with the patients and the human health of the business should ensure the quality services to the client. The operation manager is not able to mange the activities of the organisation leads to dissatisfaction in the clients and also in the workforce. For ensuring the quality standards in the mayfield hospital the operation manage4r can implement continuous improvement method. In this process Global Assignment Help is the most leading assignment help service provider in UK. Visit our website to get topics and ideas for writing assignment and also get free samples.

company have to keep check on the quality of the operations at all level to maintaining the quality standard (Chen, et.al., 2013). The mayfield hospital is facing issues in the managing the operations of the hospital. The operation manger is following the autocratic leadership style that influence the motivational level of employee and the organization culture of the organisation. The manager should implement different strategies to motivate the workforce. Training and development programme should be organised for the development of the employee and the enhancing the performance of the employee . The recruitment and selection team of the mayfield hospital should follow the job description and job profile required properly for hiring of right people for right position in the business. The employees of mayfiield hospital is facing issues in the availability of proper resources and the raw material to finish their tasks efficiently. The kitchen of hospital is deficit of the fresh vegetables and the fruits which results in decreased quality of foods to the client. Their is no proper selection of menu dishes which results in dissatisfaction of patients in the hospital because of no availability of desired dishes. The mayfield hospital is having 100 rooms which have to cleaned and maintained regularly (Bridges and Bridges, 2017). But due to less workforce available and high rate of staff turnover there is increased workload for then existing employees leading to dissatisfaction of employees. So, the manager should define the job design properly and the job specification and the job clarity to the team and to the individual employee.

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CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The mayfield hospital should focus on the motivation of the employee and the distribution of the employee rate to the team work can enhance the working efficiency of the hospital. The company employee should be befitted with monetary and non monetary terms by building motivation in the workforce to carry out task efficiently. The organisation should follow training programs an hiring do workforce according to the job design to reduce the cost of staff turnover and the part time job hirings.

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REFFERENCES Books and Journal ⚫ Bridges, W. and Bridges, S., 2017. Managing transitions: Making the most of change. Da Capo Press. ⚫ Chen, et.al., 2013. Managing operation requests using different resources. U.S. Patent 8,443,371. ⚫ Cho, et.al., 2011. Method for managing traffic encryption key in wireless portable internet system and protocol configuration method thereof, and operation method of traffic encryption key state machine in subscriber station. U.S. Patent 7,907,733. ⚫ Faems, D., Janssens, M. and Van Looy, B., 2010. Managing the Co‐operation– Competition Dilemma in R&D Alliances: A Multiple Case Study in the Advanced Materials Industry. Creativity and Innovation Management. 19(1). pp.3-22. ⚫ Gharajedaghi, J., 2011. Systems thinking: Managing chaos and complexity: A platform for designing business architecture. Elsevier. ⚫ Kumar, M.J., 2010. Managing the president's message: The White House communications operation. JHU Press. ⚫ Lo, et.al., 2014. Managing wear leveling and garbage collection operations in a solid-state memory using linked lists. U.S. Patent 8,713,066. ⚫ Logenthiran, et.al., 2012. Multiagent system for real-time operation of a microgrid in real-time digital simulator. IEEE Transactions on smart grid. 3(2). pp.925-933. ⚫ Toi, H. and Takahashi, H., Hitachi Koki Co., Ltd., 2014. Centrifuge and system for managing operation data of centrifuge. U.S. Patent Application 14/465,373. Global Assignment Help is the most leading assignment help service provider in UK. Visit our website to get topics and ideas for writing assignment and also get free samples.

⚍ Weick, K.E. and Sutcliffe, K.M., 2011. Managing the unexpected: Resilient performance in an age of uncertainty (Vol. 8). John Wiley & Sons.

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