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Project Management

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Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 4 TASK 1- UNDERSTAND PROJECT MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES (LO1) ........................ 4 (a)1.1 Main principles of the project management process .................... 4 (b) 1.2 Success/failure criteria for ACME Project ........................... 5 (C) 1.3. Explaining concept of time, cost and quality with the help of suitable examples ........................................................... 5 (d) 1.4. Explaining ways of terminating Acme Project by including key elements and post-project appraisal ........................................ 6 TASK 2 - BE ABLE TO MANAGE A PROJECT’S HUMAN RESOURCES (LO2) ................. 7 (a) 2.1 Roles and responsibilities of each of the participants .............. 7 (b)2.1 Draw and explain a suitable organisational structure for the ACME Project ..................................................................... 9 (c) 2.3 Identify the skills and qualities of leader for the ACME Project .... 9 (d) 2.4 Specifying the human resource requirements for the ACME Project .... 10 (e) 2.2 Work break down structure of ACME Project .......................... 10 TASK 3 - BE ABLE TO APPLY PROJECT PROCESSES AND PROCEDURES (LO3) ............. 11 (a)3.1 Draw up network diagram, determine critical path for the project and final duration of the project .............................................. 11 (b)3.1/3.2 Effect of the delay and the action taken by project manager .... 12 (c) 3.1 Role of Gantt Chart and Resource Histogram in order to improve the management of ACME Project ................................................ 12 (c) 3.2 Crash activities during ACME project in order to complete the project more quickly ............................................................... 13 (d) 3.2 Analysis of Cost and Time performance for AMCE project during its project life ............................................................... 13 (e) 3.4 Ways to manage any changes which are likely to be required during the life of ACME project ....................................................... 14 (f) 3.1 Ways of Project Closer ............................................ 15 (g) 3.3/3.4 Evaluation of completed ACME project .......................... 16 CONCLUSION ................................................................... 17 References ................................................................... 18

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INTRODUCTION Project management is a combination of diversified skills, techniques, knowledge and tools which are needed to meet the requirements of a project plan. In other words, it can be said that it includes a careful planning and well organized efforts to complete a project in a successful manner. There are different phases which help in managing and implementing the project plan in a right manner (Kerzner, 2013). The following research is related to project management and to understand its role in business operation, ACME Products PLC case study has taken into consideration. Company wants to construct a new building for manufacturing of plastic tableware which are used for outdoor dining and picnics. Along with this, organization also wants to arrange a production setup in new facility which will be integrated with other existing factories across the world in near future (Meredith and Mantel, 2011). Objectives covered under the following study are related to understand project management principles, managing human resources, analysing skills and qualities required in project manager as well as identifying success and failure criteria for ACME Project.

TASK 1- UNDERSTAND PROJECT MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES (LO1) (a)1.1 Main principles of the project management process There are seven principles of project management process that can be directly link to project life cycle of ACME Project which are as follows. Success: It is hard to measure the success of a project without considering any criteria. It is require to develop some key benchmark that can help in defining the success of project plan. For ACME Project, the success benchmarking for the following project has scope, quality and relevance Kshama, 2012. Commitment: The project manager and its team members should show commitment towards the project. In the case of ACME Project, the project manager and its supportive staff must be committed for achieve goal, scope, quality, time and cost of project plan. Tetrad-Trafe off: This principle state that scope, quality, cots and time must be at balanced state. For ACEM Project, top achieve the objectives, it has required that scope, quality, cots and time has to be at balance stage to accomplish success of project. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Best JavaScript Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help, all documents are 100% unique and error free.

Primary Communication channels: As per this principle, the project manager of ACME Project should develop a single communication channels so that the require informatics about the project can be easily communicate with team members as well as client (Hamel, 2008).

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Culture Environment: For achieve the success of project, the management style should be match with type of project plan. Similarly, project manager of ACME Project should develop a suitable culture environment which can support his management style Process: For any type of project, the process, policies and procedures must be clearly define and in documentation format. It should also explain the roles and responsibilities of project manager and its supportive team members. For ACME Project, a document should be prepare which include method, policies and procedures as well as roles and responsibilities of project manager and team members (Cicmil and, 2006). The develop guidelines will work as guide throughout the lifespan for whole project. Life cycle: It includes the four phase of a project which ensure a clear path and determine important milestones in the project (Meredith Belbin, 2011). This principle will help ACME Project to create a clear picture on starting and finishing duration of project plan.

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(C) 1.3. Explaining concept of time, cost and quality with the help of suitable examples Time plays an important role to manage project operations in the firm. For example, management of ACME can clearly define its objectives in order to design and process their activities. This thing can help to design building for manufacturing of plastic items (Atkinson, Crawford and Ward, 2006). As per the case, cleared objectives contribute effectively to decide time frame for the completion of infrastructure development of building by dividing objectives into specific time frame. This thing also helps ACME to manage quality and cost of its project. Cost aids company to find out estimated expenditure on any type of project. For example: this concept can help management of ACME to identify approximate spending on the infrastructure development of building by analysing the cost of raw materials like cement, wood and labour for constructing building. Further, it monitors quality of materials and proper time frame to analyse appropriate estimated cost because inflation rate, recession and demand of raw material also affect its cost (Megginson, 2006). Proper estimated cost can also give specific idea to manage monetary funds for the infrastructure development of building for the plastic production. Quality also contributes an effective role to improve the efficiency and performance of ACME project. For example: this concept can give better reliability to measure quality of materials by comparing standard performance with the actual performance. It can help firm to improve quality of project by providing proper guidance to make building (Aubry, Hobbs and Thuillier, 2007). Good quality can also aid ACME to complete the project within given time frame and estimated cost. (d) 1.4. Explaining ways of terminating Acme Project by including key elements and post-project appraisal There are many ways like extinction, addition, integration as well as starvation for terminating project in the firm. 

Extinction- ACME has achieved its desired goals. On the other side, it can be stopped because it is unsuccessful to execute the objectives of firm.


Addition- If, a project of ACME has achieved its success then it will be end through formal way. Employees worked for project, property and resources will be transferred to new project from the terminated project (Hobbs, Aubry and Thuillier, 2008). Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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Integration- In this part, if, project leads to major success then project outcomes are integrated to the activities of clients. In addition to this, used resources of ACME will be released and it will be given to parent organization. It is the common process to terminate a project.

Starvation- When management of ACME determines that project is unsuccessful or obsolete then firm terminates project (Thiry and Deguire, 2007). Organization will take all the resources from that project. Firm will not invest any money on this project.

Key elements for assess 

ACME organization will consider to reduce technical reasons during project execution.

Firm will measure that project cost should not higher than the profit.

Management of ACME will also want customer support to fulfil its demand.

Firm will analyse project completion schedule in order to complete it in an appropriate time frame ( Huemann, Keegan and Turner, 2007).

Reducing uncontrollable problems which will lead forcefully termination of the project of ACME.

Key Elements involved in post project appraisal There are many key elements which can be covered during post-project appraisal in the organization. Overall Project evaluation 

Did project fulfil all the goals and objectives which were decided by firm?

Was the stakeholder complaints and feedback considered in a positive manner?

Was project accomplished within a particular time frame and cost? (Crawford, 2005)

Quality of Deliverables 

ACME will analyse that stakeholder satisfaction on the quality will be appropriate or not.

Organization will measure that all the deliverable quality are actual as per the document in order to complete requirements (Pohl, 2010).

Key Accomplishment 

Meeting on the project strength like team work, efficient ways of instrument utilization and other positive accomplishments. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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Future Consideration 

Discussion of future activities which will be considered regarding the project (Larson and Gray, 2011)

Discussion of any project maintenance process which will need to manage in a proper way. In addition to this, management of ACME can also emphasize on sharing the experience of

individuals, opportunities for the improvement and best practices for managing the future projects.

TASK 2 - BE ABLE TO MANAGE A PROJECT’S HUMAN RESOURCES (LO2) (a) 2.1 Roles and responsibilities of each of the participants There are many personnel involved in ACME Project which are as follows. Table 1: Roles and responsibilities of different ACME project team members Project Role

Responsibilities 

Managing and directing the project team members of ACME project

Project Manager Person





conjunction with the Project Sponsor. He assures that project is given to client in an agreed time. He also manages monetary funds to achieve proper quality standard in the project.

Recruiting project employees and consultants.

Managing relations with team members for the better coordination to continue project work.

Complete project planning and control (Barry, 2015).

Measure project progress and performance.

Determining team training needs of team members of ACME project.

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 Give

Project Team Members



 Work with co-associates to assure that project

project at all the stages. Every individual is responsible to manage


process of ACME project

Staff members play an important role to give effective efforts in ACME


has completed its needs or not.  Measurement of present and future processes

specific work in the firm.

regarding ACME project (Javidan and,, 2006).  Analysing information needs of the project

Project Sponsor The person who select others members to deliver the project. They can be a senior member of staff in a specific area. Result of project also affect the

Work as a supporter in ACME project

Project sponsor is accountable for the outcomes of planned project.

project. He supervises that project is





development of ACME project (De Reyck and

project Spencer. He is responsible from the initiation to completion of the

Take, 2005). 

Analysing the availability of essential resources for staff members.

actively reviewed or not. Project Board It is a group of management grade

Finalization of strategies, execution plan and project scope of ACME project

employees who are responsible for and

Sort out the project issues.

performance of ACME project. They

Prioritization of project goals and objectives of




also react on any strategic problems.

ACME project (Elo and Kyngäs, 2008).

(b)2.1 Draw and explain a suitable organisational structure for the ACME Project As per case study, Management of ACME can use hierarchical organisation structure for ACME project. This structure is appropriate for firm because authority of person can be defined in a systematic way which helps to improve the its efficiency in the project work. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Best JavaScript Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help, all documents are 100% unique and error free.

As per the above diagram, Project Board is top authority which prioritize and design all strategies for handling the ACME project. They helps in executing plan which contribute role for development of the building. Project Sponsor is also liable to analyse that project are implemented in a proper manner. He also guides the project manager and team members in order to complete construction of building (Cicmil and, 2006.). In addition to this, project manager also manages project operations and identify its progress and performance. It reports to project sponsor and Board regarding activities of ACME project. Team members helps the firm to complete their assigned responsibilities in a systematic manner in the project.

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(c) 2.3 Identify the skills and qualities of leader for the ACME Project Leader or manager should have appropriate skill and qualities to lead ACME project which are as follows. 

Communication skills- It is essential for leader to interact with the team members in the firm. This skill also help manager to share the goals and objectives of project with employees in order complete them in specific time frame in the firm.


Coordinating skills- This quality also contribute effective role for leader of ACME to share work load with team members to complete in a systematic manner. This skill also helps the firm to increase its efficiency and performance in the market (Kerzner, 2013). Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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Problem solving skills- This ability also aids the leader to solve problem of team members of ACME project. This skill help the ACME to reduce the risk regarding work and it provides appropriate direction to finish the job.

(d) 2.4 Specifying the human resource requirements for the ACME Project ACME Organisation needs many human resources like project manager, team members, quality analyst, architect and human resource manager to complete project in optimistic manner. Work of Project manager is to manage project operations in appropriate way. He analyses the current status of project and report to the top authorities in the ACME (Meredith and Mantel, 2011). Further, team members of firm gives their efforts on the specific work to manage project operations which are assigned by project manager of ACME. Work of quality analyst is to check proper quality standards of raw material, woods and other material which are used in construction of Building. In addition to this, architect of ACME is helps to make layout and design building as per client requirement (Hamel, 2008). He also monitors on construction work in order to check that work is being completed in appropriate manner or not. Further, human resource manager of ACME allocate required human and other resources which are necessary for construction of building. (e) 2.2 Work break down structure of ACME Project

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Illustration 1: Work break down structure of ACME Project

TASK 3 - BE ABLE TO APPLY PROJECT PROCESSES AND PROCEDURES (LO3) (a)3.1 Draw up network diagram, determine critical path for the project and final duration of the project

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Illustration 2: Network diagram of ACME Project

Critical task: Task which are not affecting by any kind of delay S, A, B, D, F, H, K, L. Critical path: Path that connects all critical task → Path SABDFHKL Project duration: Sum of all the duration of the critical tasks: S+A+B+D+F+H+K+L = 72 weeks (b)3.1/3.2 Effect of the delay and the action taken by project manager As per the given scenario, the construction of the production machinery will take longer than planned by eight weeks. In this situation, its project manager responsibilities to inform about this consequences of delay. The answer of project manager should be the construction of production machinery will start after 23 weeks due to some reason (Cicmil and, 2006). But this activity is not coming under critical path and not affect entire project. So this work can be delay by more eight weeks without any issue. On the other hand, delay in supplying of raw materials is by 6 weeks because of flood. The impact of this delay on entire project is the whole work will delay and take it more time to complete it. But after developing network diagram, it has been found that delay in supply of raw material and construction of the production machinery are not coming under critical path (Meredith Belbin, 2011). Therefore, it will not affect the entire project plan. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Best JavaScript Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help, all documents are 100% unique and error free.

(c) 3.1 Role of Gantt Chart and Resource Histogram in order to improve the management of ACME Project

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Gantt Chart: It is a most common technique of project management to define the activities of a project with respect to time. The left side of chart is consisting list of tasks and on top side, a time scale is giving (Nishadha, 2012). In Gantt Chart, each and every activity of a project plan has defined by a bar, the length of bar has showed start and end time as well as duration. In the case of ACME Project, the project manager can use this tool to improve management of project plan in right manner. For example, all the activities of ACME project plan has drawn on Gantt Chart over the time scale. With the help of this, project manager can track movement of every task and compare it with the estimated durationv (Forsberg, Mooz and Cotterman, 2005). If there is any delay created in any activity then other tasks can be manage according to it. Resource Histogram: It is used by project manager to give visual presentation of utilization of different resources in a chart form with the time scale. It is a bar chart which is used for showing the particular amounts of time that a specific resource is scheduled to be worked for predetermine time period. For example, in ACME Project, the four major human resources have used: project manager, project sponsor, team members and project board (Pohl, 2010). The above figure shows that every member of this project has scheduled to be worked for specific time duration. With the Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Best JavaScript Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help, all documents are 100% unique and error free.

help of this, it can be easy to determine that whether the human resources are over utilized, under utilized or effectively utilized. Therefore, by using Gantt Chart and Resource Histogram, it can be easy to improve management of ACME project. (c) 3.2 Crash activities during ACME project in order to complete the project more quickly

Illustration 3: Network diagram of ACME Project

With help of above network diagram of ACME project plan, it can be easily analysed that the activities which are not coming under the critical path will not affect the whole project. The tasks G, C, E, I and J are not coming under critical path and they can be cancel out. For this, the slack time of these activities has required to reduced and bring it out at zero. By doing this, the project will be finished more quickly as compare to the given time duration (d) 3.2 Analysis of Cost and Time performance for AMCE project during its project life For analysing cost and time performance of ACME project during its project life, some methods are as follows. Cost Performance Index (CPI): It helps in analyse the efficiency of the cost used by a project. It is measuring the value of completed work by comparing with actual cost which has spent on project. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Best JavaScript Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help, all documents are 100% unique and error free.

In the case of ACME project, suppose the project has to completed within 12 months and estimated cost for this is $100000. After six month, $ 60000 has been spent. In the review, it has found that only 50% of the work has been done. From the calculation of CPI, it has determined that value of CPI is 0.67 which is less than one (Atkinson, Crawford and Ward, 2006). It has denote that ACME project is over budget. Therefore, with the help of CPI, cost performance of project can be measure. Time Performance: To measure the performance of ACME project during its entire project life, the project manager can compare it actual time duration with the estimated time span. For example, at time of preparing the requirement statement, the estimated time of this activity is 8 week. After the implementation of plan, it has found that the following task has taken 6 weeks. From the comparison of actual and estimated time, it has found that preparing requirement statement has completed before 2 weeks from scheduled duration. It has defined time performance of project (Megginson, 2006). Therefore, CPI and Time Performance method helps in analyse cost and time performance for ACME project during its project life. (e) 3.4 Ways to manage any changes which are likely to be required during the life of ACME project In ACME project, it is require to manage the changes during project life cycle. In this context, Project Change Control Method is more appropriate which is as follows. 

First step is monitoring of entire ACME project work and notice the issues which are occurring during implementation of plan. Along with this, the impacts of problems on project plan has also analysed.


Second stage is enlisting the changes by creating the change request and send it to Change Control Board (CCB) which has prepared by project manager (Aubry, Hobbs and Thuillier, 2007).

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Illustration 4: Project change control procedures for the existing plan (Source: Manage changes in your project, 2012) 

CCB panel has evaluated the change requests and take the decisions to approve or reject the modifications in ACME Project. It is a integrated change control phase. If the request approved then it will send it to further action otherwise no modifications will be done in project.

Next stage is direct and manage execution of changes where the project manager has start to analyse the changes and given instructions to team members about new modifications in existing ACME project plan (Hobbs, Aubry and Thuillier, 2008).

Last step is implementation of changes in which project manager has implemented new modifications and that will contain extra cost as well as it will increase budget of ACME project. Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us:

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(f) 3.1 Ways of Project Closer There are three ways of project closer which will be used by project manager of ACME project at different time that are as follows. Addition: When ACME project will complete and consider as a formal part of ACME Product PLC, that time project manager will close the project. It will done after completing entire project and handover it to the client. For closing out the project, the project manager will transfer project team members, equipment’s, property and other resources to new building of ACME Product PLC (Thiry and Deguire, 2007).

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Integration: When ACME Project will view as integral part of ACME Product PLC then project manager will use integration project closer method. Under this, the resources which has been used during the project, they will be release and distribute in main ACME Product PLC company. Starvation: When the project manager think that the risk factors has increased with time and it will affect entire project very negative manner then he will take decision to close out ACME Project. In this process, first plan will terminate by decrease budget and release all the resources. After this, ACME Product PLC will stop more investment of project plan in future ( Huemann, Keegan and Turner, 2007). Once the project manager of ACME Project has completed its own work the ACME Product PLC can open its new building and start the production of plastic tableware. Company will integrate Toll Free No. +44 203 3555 345 Mail Us: Best JavaScript Assignment Help by experts of Global Assignment Help, all documents are 100% unique and error free.

it new facility with existing plant around the world to manage the production process and other business activities. (g) 3.3/3.4 Evaluation of completed ACME project The evaluation of completed project is needed to determine the loopholes and check whether the work is able to deliver the expected outcomes or not in right way. In the case of ACME Project, the project manager will require to evaluate the completed project (Crawford, 2005). For this, the various Key Performance Indicators will be develop such as outcomes, utilization of resources, time and cost performance etc. For example, by comparing the estimated budget and actual spending over the ACME Project, the evaluation of accomplished project will be done. If project plan will finish within a estimated budget and able to deliver expected outcomes then it cost performance will count as a success criteria otherwise in failure benchmarking (Larson and Gray, 2011). Therefore, by such types of ways, project manager will evaluate the completed project and take decision according to it. On the other hand, there are some methods that will use by project manager to evaluate completed ACME project which are as follows. Budgeted cost for work scheduled: Under this method, project manager will compare estimated budget with spending at each and every step of project plan. Over or under budget spent will help in measuring the performance of ACME Project. Budgeted cost for work performed: It is a budgeted cost of work which has actually completed in carrying out a scheduled task during a give time duration. For ACME Project, the actual time taken to complete each activity of plan will compare with estimated time duration by including spending of budget (Cicmil and, 2006). The outcome of comparison will help in measuring performance of ACME project.

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CONCLUSION From the above research, it has been concluded that there have some criteria for ACME Project which has defined success and failure of aspects of project. Time, cost and quality has some objectives which has used to design project management systems and process for proposed project. Project manager, project board, project sponsor and project team members have different duties and responsibilities while workout on ACME Project. Gantt chart and Resources Histogram has used by project manager to improve management of proposed project plan. It has important to evaluate the complete project to measure the performance of ACME Project.

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REFERENCES Books and Journals Kerzner, H.R., 2013. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons. Meredith, J.R. and Mantel Jr, S.J., 2011. Project management: a managerial approach. John Wiley & Sons. Hamel, G., 2008. The future of management. Human Resource Management International Digest, 16(6). Cicmil, S. and, 2006. Rethinking project management: researching the actuality of projects. International Journal of Project Management. 24(8). pp.675-686. Meredith Belbin, R., 2011. Management teams: Why they succeed or fail.Human Resource Management International Digest. Forsberg, K., Mooz, H. and Cotterman, H., 2005. Visualizing project management: models and frameworks for mastering complex systems. John Wiley & Sons. Pohl, K., 2010. Requirements engineering: fundamentals, principles, and techniques. Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated. Atkinson, R., Crawford, L. and Ward, S., 2006. Fundamental uncertainties in projects and the scope of project management. International journal of project management. 24(8). pp.687-698. Megginson, D., 2006. Mentoring in action: A practical guide. Human Resource Management International Digest. Huemann, M., Keegan, A. and Turner, J.R., 2007. Human resource management in the projectoriented company: A review. International Journal of Project Management. 25(3). pp.315-323. Cicmil, S. and, 2006. Rethinking project management: researching the actuality of projects. International Journal of Project Management. 24(8). pp.675-686. Online Barry, T., 2015. TOP 10 QUALITIES OF A PROJECT MANAGER. [Online]. Available through:<>. [Accessed on: 28th January, 2016 ]. Kshama,








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